Admission and Registration of International Students

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Admission and Registration of International Students

Admission to Degree courses

International Students can apply for admission to degree courses if they meet any of the following requirements:

International students who have completed higher secondary education in another country can take degree courses at the UAH if they pass the Spanish University Entrance Examination with the minimum grade required for access to the degree course they wish to take. See University Access Tests for more information.

Students from countries with which Spain has a recognition agreement to that end can have direct access to the Spanish university system if they pass the courses and examinations which enable access to university studies in their country with the required grade. Please see  Direct Admission to the Spanish University System for more information.

Students with the officially approved foreign high school diploma, without the Spanish university entrance examination or without credentials can access the University of Alcalá to take degree courses with vacancies after the second phase of the admission process has been completed.  For more information, please consult the admission procedure for foreign students with the approved high school diploma without the Spanish university entrance examination or without credentials.

Students holding a foreign university qualification can apply for official recognition thereof, which will give access to the Spanish university system.  Please see  official recognition of University Studies Abroad.

Students who have started university studies abroad can apply for admission to degree courses at the UAH if they have successfully taken at least 30 ECTS credits that can be validated for subjects in the programme for which they are requesting admission.

To begin the application process for admission to degree courses at the University of Alcalá, please send an e-mail to  with the following documents:

  1. A duly completed admission application form.
  2. A scanned photocopy of official documents proving that the student meets the requirements to access degree courses by any of the routes mentioned.
  3. A scanned photocopy of the personal details pages of the valid passport.

The University of Alcalá will respond by e-mail, confirming receipt of these documents and whether the application has been provisionally accepted. If so, you will be informed of the steps to be taken from that point.

Admission to Postgraduate courses

Erasmus Programme

To take part in an academic stay at the University of Alcalá (UAH), exchange programme students must follow the steps outlined below:



The university of origin must provide the University of Alcalá (UAH) with a list of their nominated students with each student’s e-mail address, the degree which they wish to study, and a copy of their passport. This must be sent to either of the following email addresses: or

For students who wish to carry out first semester or first whole year, this must be sent between the 1st of March and 30th of April. For students who wish to carry out their second semester, this must be sent between the 15th of September and by the 15th of October.


The university of Alcalá will send the student an e-mail indicating if they have been accepted. Student admission does not guarantee that they will be able to enrol in every subject they select, as some modules have limited spaces available.


KNOWLEDGE OF SPANISH: In general, to study at UAH, every student must have knowledge of the language in which they are going to be taught, which must be at equivalent to level B1 (Common European Framework of References for Languages). However, to enrol in modules in Hispanic Studies, students must have equivalent to level B2 Spanish, and to enrol in modules in English Studies, Modern Languages, and Translation, students must have a level B2 English.


When the student has been accepted they must fill out, print and send a scanned copy of the online  form ‘Solicitud de Admisión y Program de Estudis’ (admission and study programme form) to or to For students who wish to carry out their first semester or whole year, this must be done between the 1st of May and 30th of June. For students who wish to carry out their second semester, this must be done between the 15th of October and 15th of November.


This form can be found (as can all other documents that need to be filled out to formalise the admission and enrolment of non-Erasmus students) in the International Portal section of the website. internacional/nuestros estudios/admision matricula/impresos intercambio


Students who wish to apply for a student tutor from the University of Alcalá must complete the form entitled ‘Solicitud de Estudiante Tutor’ (Student tutor application form), which can be found here, This must be sent to Student tutors accompany and help foreign students throughout the first weeks of their stay in Alcalá to manage any formalities.


Students can reserve accommodation before their arrival in one of the University Residencies, stay with families, in flats, hotels or hostels in the cities of Alcalá and Guadalajara. Information of accommodation can be found here:

Htpp:// internacional/vida universitaria/alojamiento



Upon arrival, the student must go to the Vice-chancellor of International Relations, located in the Rectory of International Relations building in the University of Alcalá (Plaza San Diego s/n- Alcalá de Henares), where students must hand in their own administrative documentation.

In this office, they will gain assistance for the following:

  • Management of username and password for the I.T. system to access the University of Alcalá webpage (My Portal section) and access the subjects which they are enrolled in.
  • If the student needs to certify their arrival at the University of Alcalá, they must hand in their Certificate of Arrival or Certificate of Assistance according to the guide provided by their university of origin. This document must be signed and stamped in the VRRII or by the corresponding ORI at the centre of studies.
  • Management of the University Intelligence Card (TUI)
  • Management of their Transport Card (optional)
  • Students must hand in their European Health Card or proof of medical insurance.
  • Information about accommodation
  • internacional/vida universitaria/alojamiento


The UAH will proceed to register the student in the subjects which they are assigned to in their Admission Application and Learning Agreement. However, the UAH does not guarantee that the student will be registered in every subject that they apply for, because there are limited places. If some subjects applied for are closed, they will be registered in the reserve subjects. If the student hasn’t chosen reserve subjects or there are no places available in the subjects they wish to take, the UAH will only register the student in subjects which have places available for applicants. If the student wishes to add, remove, or substitute a subject, they must notify the Office of International Relations (ORI) from the Centre corresponding to their chosen studies, during the first week at the start of the course.


To modify initial registration, students must hand in the Modification of Study Agreement form and gain authorization and a signature from the coordinator of the university of origin. This signature is acceptable as a scanned copy. This form must then be handed in to ORI.

If a student wishes to change the group to which they are assigned but not the subject in which they are registered, they must gain authorization from the Centre in which they will study.


Students can apply for a tutor-student who can help them carry out basic tasks upon their arrival at UAH. This programme is organised by the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) at the University of Alcalá. For more information, visit the website To participate in this programme, students should apply as soon as they arrive at UAH.



If students need a certificate to accredit their period of stay at the University of Alcalá, they must apply for this at ORI in the Centre in which they are studying. The start date will be the date indicated on the arrival certificate (which the student must provide), and the end date will be the date indicated on the certificate.


ORI at the centre in which the student is taking their studies will send the Certificate of Study to the university of origin, which will contain the qualifications that the student obtained while in Alcalá. If they wish to receive this grade certificate in English, they must notify ORI before the 15th of February if they are only going to be in Alcalá for the first semester, and before the 15th of June if they will stay for the whole academic year.


When the student has taken courses at UAH only during the first semester, the academic certificate will be sent before the 15th of March. When the student has taken courses in the second semester or the whole academic year, the certificate will be sent before the 31st of July.


The maximum stay for visiting students is an academic year. If the student has applied for admission for a shorter period but wishes to extend this for a full academic year, they must fill out, print, and sign the form corresponding to the Stay Extension, which can be found in the international portal of the UAH website. They must hand this into the ORI of the relevant faculty.


If the student wishes to extend their stay to study at UAH for academic period different to what they had initially planned, they must restart the process for admission for the travel programme.


Under circumstances which the international coordinators of both institutions agree are valid, a stay extension for a period longer than the academic year could be awarded to the student, if said student is undertaking a double degree at the university of origin and the University of Alcalá.


If the student wishes to resign from their stay at the University of Alcalá, they must fill out, print, and sign the Stay Resignation form, which can be found in the international portal of the UAH website. This must be sent to: or

Exchange Students (except for the Erasmus Programme)

Visiting Students

To take part in an academic stay at the University of Alcalá (UAH), Free Mover students must follow the steps outlined below:
Visiting students who wish to stay at the University of Alcalá, must send an email indicating which course they wish to study and a copy of their passport. This must be sent to or For students who wish to carry out first semester or full year, this must be sent between the 1st of March and 30th of April. For students who wish to carry out their second semester, this must be sent between the 15th of September and by the 15th of October.

Between the 1st of March and 30th of April, students must send their academic record, CV, Solicitud de Admision (admission application form) to or This form must show the student’s personal information and basic education level, and a preliminary list of the courses they wish to take. A more definitive list of the courses they wish to take must be sent after, through the following document: ‘Programa de Estudios’ (programme of studies).

Students must hand in all the necessary documents to formalise their admission and enrolment via the International Portal on the UAH website: internacional/nuestros estudios/admision matricula/impresos vistantes

The university of Alcalá will send the student an e-mail indicating if they have been accepted. Student admission does not guarantee that they will be able to enrol in every subject they select, as some modules have limited spaces available.

KNOWLEDGE OF SPANISH: In general, to study at UAH, every student must have knowledge of the language in which they are going to be taught, which must be at equivalent to level B1 (Common European Framework of References for Languages). However, to enrol in modules in Hispanic Studies, students must have equivalent to level C1 Spanish, and to enrol in modules in English Studies, Modern Languages, and Translation, students must have a level C1 English.

When the student has been accepted they must fill out, print and send a scanned copy of the online form ‘Solicitud de Admisión y Program de Estudis’ (admission and study programme form) to or to For students who wish to carry out their first semester or whole year, this must be done between the 1st of May and 30th of June. For students who wish to carry out their second semester, this must be done between the 15th of October and 15th of November.

This form can be found (as can all other documents that need to be filled out to formalise the admission and enrolment of non-Erasmus students) in the International Portal section of the website. internacional/nuestros estudios/admision matricula/impresos visitantes

All completed documentation must be sent through the post to UAH. This envelope must contain:

a) ‘Solicitud de Admisión y Program de Estudis’ (admission and study programme form), signed and stamped.
b) Photocopy of European Health Card or private medical insurance for sickness and accident cover for their period of stay with an entity which operates in Spain. All international students who come to study at UAH must have medical insurance which covers the whole period of their stay. UAH has negotiated some advantages with various insurance companies whose process and packages can be found on the website indicated below. UAH is not responsible for any relevant issues which may occur during international students’ stay. More information can be found here: internacional/internacionalizacion/seguro medico
The university of Alcala will send the student e-mail confirmation once they have received these documents.

Students who wish to apply for a student tutor from the University of Alcalá must complete the form entitled ‘Solicitud de Estudiante Tutor’ (Student tutor application form). This must be sent to Student tutors accompany and help foreign students throughout the first weeks of their stay in Alcalá to manage any formalities.

Students can reserve accommodation before their arrival in one of the University Residencies, stay with families, in flats, hotels or hostels in the cities of Alcalá and Guadalajara. Information of accommodation can be found here:
Htpp:// internacional/vida universitaria/alojamiento


Immediately upon arrival at UAH and before classes start, the student must go to the Vice-chancellor of International Relations, located in the Rectory of International Relations building in the University of Alcalá (Plaza San Diego s/n- Alcalá de Henares), to carry out the following processes:
a) Collection of their username and password for the I.T. system to access the University of Alcalá webpage (My Portal section) and access the subjects which they are enrolled in.
b) To certify their arrival at the University of Alcalá, (if they need to do so). To do this, students must hand in their Certificate of Arrival or Certificate of Assistance according to the guide provided by their university of origin. This document must be signed and stamped by the VRRII (Vice-chancellor of International Relations) or by the corresponding ORI at the relevant faculty.
c) Management of the University Intelligence Card (TUI)
d) Management of their Transport Card (optional)
e) Students must hand in their European Health Card or proof of medical insurance.

Once we have received the documents by post and before the academic course starts, the UAH will proceed to register the student in the subjects which they are assigned to in their Admission Application and Learning Agreement. However, the UAH does not guarantee that the student will be registered in every subject that they apply for, because there are limited places. If some subjects applied for are closed, they will be registered in the reserve subjects. If the student hasn’t chosen reserve subjects or there are no places available in the subjects they wish to take, the UAH will only register the student in subjects which have places available for applicants.

After students’ arrival at the University of Alcala and during the registration process (see point 5 of the section below), the student will receive the credentials to access the I.T. system to access the subjects which they are enrolled in.

If the student wishes to add, remove, or substitute a subject, they must notify the Office of International Relations (ORI) from the Centre corresponding to their chosen studies, during the first week at the start of the course. To modify initial registration, students must hand in the Modification of Study Agreement form and gain authorization and a signature from the coordinator of the university of origin. This signature is acceptable as a scanned copy. This form must then be handed in to ORI.

If a student wishes to change the group to which they are assigned but not the subject in which they are registered, they must gain authorization from the Centre in which they will study.

After classes have started, the visiting student will receive a bill for their enrolment fee which they must pay to the bank entity indicated on their confirmation of acceptance form.

The university of Aclalá offers, through the centre for Spanish for foreign students, Alcalingua, an intensive course which will be taken before classes start. Students who wish to participate in this course must arrive at the University a sufficient time before classes start, to register and carry out language level tests on the date highlighted.

For more information about registration, prices, times, and other Spanish courses which take place during the academic year, visit

Students can apply for a student tutor who can help them carry out basic tasks upon their arrival at the UAH. This programme is organised by the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) at the University of Alcalá. For more information, visit the website To participate in this programme, students should apply as soon as they arrive at UAH.

If the student needs a Certificate accrediting their stay at the University of Alcala, they must go to the ORI (office of international relations) of the Centre corresponding to their chosen studies, where they will have their certificate signed and stamped. The start date will be indicated on their Arrival Certificate that the student submitted upon arrival at the UAH. The end date will be the date when the Certificate of Stay is signed.

The ORI of the relevant faculty will send the university of origin the student’s Certificate of Studies with their qualifications. If the student wishes to receive the certificate of studies in English, they must notify ORI. For students who only are staying for the first semester at UAH this must be done before the 15th of February. For students who are staying for the full academic year this must be done before the 15th of June.

If the student has taken courses in the UAH only during the first semester, their academic certificate will be sent before the 15th of March. If the student has taken courses during the second semester of full academic year, their certificate will be sent before the 31st of July.

The maximum stay for visiting students is an academic year. If the student has applied for admission for a shorter period but wishes to extend this to a full academic year, they must fill out, print and sign the form corresponding to the Stay Extension, which can be found in the international portal of the UAH website. They must hand this into the ORI of the Centre corresponding to their chosen studies.

Under circumstances which the international coordinators of both institutions agree are valid, a stay extension for a period longer than the academic year could be awarded to the student, if said student is undertaking a double degree at the university of origin and the University of Alcalá.

If the student wishes to resign from their stay at the University of Alcalá, they must fill out, print, and sign the Stay Resignation form, which can be found in the international portal of the UAH website. This must be sent to: or

Questions related to this process can be sent to or