María Luisa Marina Alegre
María Luisa Marina Alegre
Cargo Académico: Vocal del Consejo Asesor de la Universidad de Alcalá
Categoría: Catedrático/a de Universidad
Departamento: Química Analítica,Quím.Física e Ing.Quím
Correo electrónico:
Grado en Criminalística: Ciencias y Tecnologías Forenses
Grado en Química
Máster Universitario en Ciencias y Tecnologías Analíticas y Bioanalíticas
Máster Universitario en Química Para la Sostenibilidad y Energía
Grupos de Investigación
Coordina: Técnicas de (Micro)Separación - (Micro) Separation Techniques
Líneas de investigación del Grupo
Técnicas de (Micro)Separación - (Micro) Separation Techniques
- Análisis quiral.
- Desarrollo de metodologías analíticas para el control y la mejora de la calidad y la seguridad alimentarias.
- Metabolómica: búsqueda de biomarcadores en sistemas biológicos.
- Nuevas estrategias analíticas sostenibles para la preparación y análisis de muestras de interés alimentario, farmacéutico y medioambiental.
- Proteómica.
- Revalorización de subproductos y residuos de la industria agroalimentaria para la obtención de extractos/moléculas con actividad biológica.
Proyectos de Investigación
Título: Estrategias quirales y metabolómicas no dirigidas innovadoras basadas en técnicas micro-separativas
Referencia: PID2019-104913GB-I00
Investigador Principal: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles;
Fecha Inicio: 01/06/2020
Fecha Fin: 31/05/2023
Cuantia económica: 96800
Título: Desarrollo de nuevas metodologías para el análisis y evaluación de la actividad/toxicidad de los enantiómeros de compuestos quirales de interés farmacológico y medioambiental por técnicas (micro)-separativas
Investigador Principal: GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles;
Fecha Inicio: 23/12/2019
Fecha Fin: 22/12/2020
Entidad financiadora: Universidad de Alcalá
Cuantia económica: 10500
Investigador Principal: CASTRO PUYANA, María;
Otros Investigadores: GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra;
Fecha Inicio: 20/12/2018
Fecha Fin: 19/03/2020
Entidad financiadora: UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALA
Cuantia económica: 4400
Título: Desarrollo de nuevos alimentos funcionales basados en la incorporación de péptidos bioactivos extraídos a partir de subproductos de la industria agroalimentaria: valorización de huesos de frutas y aceitunas (PEPTIFUNCIONAL)
Investigador Principal: GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción;
Otros Investigadores: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; PÉREZ MIGUEZ, Raquel;
Fecha Inicio: 01/07/2015
Fecha Fin: 31/03/2018
Cuantia económica: 217800
Título: Desarrollo de una estrategia metabolómica no dirigida por Electroforesis Capilar acoplada a Espectrometría de Masas para la caracterización de alimentos de alto consumo
Referencia: CCG2015/EXP-032
Investigador Principal: CASTRO PUYANA, María;
Otros Investigadores: AGUILAR VILAS, María Victorina; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ORTEGA ORTIZ-APODACA, Fidel; PÉREZ MIGUEZ, Raquel; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MORALES NAVAS, Francisco José;
Fecha Inicio: 15/12/2015
Fecha Fin: 14/03/2017
Entidad financiadora: Universidad de Alcalá
Cuantia económica: 3300
Título: Estrategias avanzadas para la mejora y el control de la calidad y la seguridad de los alimentos (AVANSECAL-CM)
Referencia: S2013/ABI-3028
Investigador Principal: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa;
Fecha Inicio: 01/10/2014
Fecha Fin: 30/09/2018
Entidad financiadora: COMUNIDAD DE MADRID
Cuantia económica: 140000
Título: Metodologías avanzadas para el análisis quiral mediante técnicas microseparativas. Búsqueda de biomarcadores en sistemas enantioselectivos
Referencia: CTQ2013-48740-P
Investigador Principal: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa;
Fecha Inicio: 01/01/2014
Fecha Fin: 31/12/2016
Cuantia económica: 90750
Título: Metodologías analíticas avanzadas por espectrometría de masas acoplada o no a técnicas separativas en fase líquida (LC/CE) para la determinación de pequeñas y grandes moléculas en el control de la calidad de los alimentos .
Referencia: CCG10-UAH/AGR-5950
Investigador Principal: CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis;
Otros Investigadores: GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; NOZAL MARTÍNEZ, Leonor; PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna;
Fecha Inicio: 01/01/2011
Fecha Fin: 31/12/2011
Entidad financiadora: COMUNIDAD DE MADRID
Cuantia económica: 10000
Título: Metodologías analíticas avanzadas por espectrometría de masas acoplada o no a técnicas separativas en fase líquida (LC/CE) para la determinación de pequeñas y grandes moléculas en el control de la calidad de los alimentos .
Referencia: CCG10-UAH/AGR-5950
Investigador Principal: CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis;
Otros Investigadores: GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; NOZAL MARTÍNEZ, Leonor; PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna;
Fecha Inicio: 01/01/2011
Fecha Fin: 31/12/2011
Entidad financiadora: UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALA
Cuantia económica: 10000
Título: Metodologías analíticas innovadoras para el control de la calidad y la seguridad de los alimentos (ANALISYC-II)
Referencia: S-2009/AGR-1464
Investigador Principal: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GONZÁLEZ CARLOS , Mª. José;
Otros Investigadores: SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Virginia; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; GUIJARRO DÍEZ, Miguel; PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; ESTEVE GIL, Clara; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; SAZ DÍAZ, José María;
Fecha Inicio: 01/01/2010
Fecha Fin: 31/05/2014
Entidad financiadora: COMUNIDAD DE MADRID
Cuantia económica: 966248.75
Título: Nuevas estrategias analíticas para la determinación de enantiómeros y péptidos bioactivos por micro/nano técnicas de separación.
Referencia: CTQ2009-09022/BQU
Investigador Principal: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa;
Fecha Inicio: 01/01/2010
Fecha Fin: 30/09/2012
Cuantia económica: 113740
Título: Estudio de la autenticidad de aceites vegetales mediante la determinación de proteinas y aminoácidos por técnicas electroforéticas
Referencia: CCG08-UAH/AGR-3678
Investigador Principal: GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen;
Otros Investigadores: CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina;
Fecha Inicio: 01/01/2009
Fecha Fin: 31/12/2009
Entidad financiadora: COMUNIDAD DE MADRID
Cuantia económica: 12451
Título: Estudio de la autenticidad de aceites vegetales mediante la determinación de proteinas y aminoácidos por técnicas electroforéticas
Referencia: CCG08-UAH/AGR-3678
Investigador Principal: GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen;
Otros Investigadores: CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina;
Fecha Inicio: 01/01/2009
Fecha Fin: 31/12/2009
Entidad financiadora: UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALA
Cuantia económica: 12451
Título: Nuevas aproximaciones analíticas aplicadas al estudio de marcadores alternativos que permitan la caracterización y diferenciación varietal de soja transgénica y no transgénica.
Referencia: CCG07-UAH/AMB-1831
Investigador Principal: GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción;
Otros Investigadores: GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena;
Fecha Inicio: 01/01/2008
Fecha Fin: 31/12/2008
Entidad financiadora: COMUNIDAD DE MADRID
Cuantia económica: 14500
Título: Nuevas aproximaciones analíticas aplicadas al estudio de marcadores alternativos que permitan la caracterización y diferenciación varietal de soja transgénica y no transgénica.
Referencia: CCG07-UAH/AMB-1831
Investigador Principal: GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción;
Otros Investigadores: GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena;
Fecha Inicio: 01/01/2008
Fecha Fin: 31/12/2008
Entidad financiadora: UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALA
Cuantia económica: 14500
Investigador Principal: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa;
Otros Investigadores:
Fecha Inicio: 01/01/2004
Fecha Fin: 31/12/2008
Entidad financiadora: AVIZOR SA
Cuantia económica: 8800.69
Título: Organización de la XXIX Reunión Científica del Grupo de Cromatografía y Técnicas Afines. (CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL)
Referencia: PGC2000-2286-E
Investigador Principal: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa;
Otros Investigadores: GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; TORRE ROLDÁN, María Mercedes; JIMÉNEZ YEPES, Olga; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; NOX_INFORMADO , Díez Masa José Carlos; GALCERÁN HUGUET, María Teresa; CORTÉS FERNÁNDEZ , Miguel Ángel; FRUTOS GÓMEZ, María Mercedes de; COMELLAS RIERA , Lluis; GUARDINO SOLÁ , Xavier;
Fecha Inicio: 13/12/2000
Fecha Fin: 13/03/2001
Cuantia económica: 750000
Título: Optimización de las posibilidades de la electroforesis capilar en la determinación de las constantes de asociación soluto-micela
Referencia: 005/95
Investigador Principal: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa;
Otros Investigadores: TORRE ROLDÁN, María Mercedes; JIMÉNEZ YEPES, Olga;
Fecha Inicio: 30/01/1995
Fecha Fin: 31/12/1995
Entidad financiadora: UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALA
Cuantia económica: 4026.78
Título: Control de la selectividad en cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia en fase micelar utilizando disolventes orgánicos como modificadores en fase móvil.
Referencia: PS90-0026
Investigador Principal: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa;
Otros Investigadores: GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad; GONZÁLEZ MARTÍN, María Cristina; SAZ DÍAZ, José María;
Fecha Inicio: 26/09/1991
Fecha Fin: 26/09/1994
Cuantia económica: 3500000
Referencia: C102/91
Investigador Principal: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa;
Otros Investigadores: VERA LÓPEZ, M. Soledad;
Fecha Inicio: 01/04/1991
Fecha Fin: 01/04/1994
Entidad financiadora: Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid
Cuantia económica: 13884
Título: Estudio de los sistemas micelares y su empleo como fase móvil en la determnación de la actividad farmacológica de compuestos orgánicos.
Referencia: 90/B10
Investigador Principal: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa;
Otros Investigadores: GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad; SAZ DÍAZ, José María;
Fecha Inicio: 20/06/1990
Fecha Fin: 20/06/1991
Entidad financiadora: UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALA
Cuantia económica: 490000
Referencia: 004/88
Investigador Principal: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa;
Otros Investigadores: VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad;
Fecha Inicio: 06/06/1988
Fecha Fin: 06/06/1989
Entidad financiadora: UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALA
Cuantia económica: 3966.67
"Determinación de trigonellina en semillas de girasol y soja y sus respectivos aceites mediante Electroforesis Capilar. Propuesta de este aminoácido como marcador novedoso para detectar la adulteración de aceites de oliva con aceites de semilla (girasol y soja)".
Patente de Invención.
Fecha de solicitud: 2012.
Nº de solicitud: P21000098.
Fecha de Concesión: 10/04/2012.
"Líquidos iónicos quirales basados en ésteres de L-carnitina y su uso como selectores quirales en sistemas duales para la separación de enantiómeros por Electroforesis Capilar.".
Patente de Invención.
Fecha de solicitud: 14/10/2019.
Nº de solicitud: P201930903.
Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas.
Fecha de Concesión: 10/11/2021.
Nº de Registro: ES2819307B2.
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción.
"Procedimiento para la obtención de un extracto peptídico con capacidad antihipertensiva a partir de semillas de aceituna".
Patente de Invención.
Fecha de solicitud: 17/06/2013.
Nº de solicitud: P201330898.
Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas.
Fecha de Concesión: 24/03/2015.
Nº de Registro: ES2489440.
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción.
"Procedimiento para la obtención de un extracto peptídico con capacidad antioxidante a partir de semillas de aceituna".
Patente de Invención.
Fecha de solicitud: 18/02/2013.
Nº de solicitud: P201330210.
Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas.
Fecha de Concesión: 24/03/2015.
Nº de Registro: ES2487115.
MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco J. de la.
"Uso de dendrímeros carbosilanos aniónicos para la separación de proteinas".
Fecha de solicitud: 01/02/2012.
Nº de solicitud: P201230148.
Fecha de Concesión: 21/01/2014.
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis.
"Procedimiento para la detección de adulteraciones en aceites de oliva con aceites de semilla (soja y girasol) basado en la determinación de trigonellina por Electroforesis Capilar".
Patente de Invención.
Fecha de solicitud: 28/01/2010.
Nº de solicitud: P2010000098.
Fecha de Concesión: 10/04/2012.
Nº de Registro: ES2363585.
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis.
"Procedimiento para la identificación y cuantificación de los enantiómeros del aminoácido no proteico carnitina en alimentos por Electroforesis Capilar acoplada a Espectrometría de Masas".
Patente de Invención.
Fecha de solicitud: 26/11/2007.
Nº de solicitud: P200703122.
Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas.
Fecha de Concesión: 13/07/2010.
Nº de Registro: ES2326453B1.
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis.
"Procedimientos analíticos por electroforesis capilar quiral para la separación rápida de los enantiómeros del aminoácido no proteico ornitina y su determinación en alimentos".
Patente de Invención.
Fecha de solicitud: 22/10/2007.
Nº de solicitud: P200702771.
Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas.
Fecha de Concesión: 15/02/2010.
Nº de Registro: ES2320718B1.
"Procedimiento para la separación y la cuantificación de los enantiómeros del protector solar 3-(4-metilbencilideno)-alcanfor por electroforesis capilar".
Patente de Invención.
Fecha de solicitud: 28/01/2005.
Nº de solicitud: P200500154.
Fecha de Concesión: 01/07/2007.
Nº de Registro: ES 2257962.
"Procedimiento de determinacion de proteínas de soja en productos cárnicos de cerdo tratados con calor por cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia de perfusión en fase inversa".
Patente de Invención.
Fecha de solicitud: 12/05/2004.
Nº de solicitud: P200401143.
Fecha de Concesión: 16/12/2006.
Nº de Registro: ES2246698.
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción.
TORRE ROLDÁN, María Mercedes.
Procedimiento de detección ultrarrápida de proteínas de leche de vaca en productos de soja, por cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia
Patente de Invención.
Fecha de solicitud: 01/06/2000.
Nº de solicitud: P9800009.
Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas.
Fecha de Concesión: 14/11/2000.
Nº de Registro: ES2144356.
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción.
TORRE ROLDÁN, María Mercedes.
Patente de Invención.
Fecha de solicitud: 01/05/1999.
Nº de solicitud: P009902799.
Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas.
Fecha de Concesión: 04/08/2003.
Nº de Registro: ES2167191.
Resultados de Investigación
CASTRO PUYANA, María; HERRERO , Miguel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; (ed.) ."Capillary Electrophoresis in Food Analysis". . 2022. Colección: Food Science: Current and Future Developments. ISBN: 978-981-5036-16-9.
CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; (ed.) ."Libro de resúmenes de la I Reunión Científica del Grupo Especializado de Ciencia y Tecnologías (Bio)Analíticas (GCTbA) de la Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ) celebrado en Granada en junio de 2022. ". . 2022.
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; (ed.) ."Estrategias avanzadas para la mejora de la calidad, la seguridad y la funcionalidad de los alimentos". . 2021. ISBN: 978-84-18254-33-8.
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GOMARA , Belen; (ed.) ."Advances in the determination of xenobiotics in foods". . 2019. ISBN: 9789811421587.
CASTRO PUYANA, María; BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; ABAD GIL, Lucía; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Capillary electrophoresis in Food Analysis". Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry: Applications, Theory and Instrumentation (ISBN: 9780470027318 ). . 2024. p. 2 - 27 .
CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Amino acid analysis by capillary electromigration methods". Capillary Electrophoresis in Food Analysis (ISBN: 978-981-5036-16-9 ). "(Estados Unidos)". 2022. p. 147 - 173 .
PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARTÍN ORTIZ, Andrea; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Application of capillary electrophoresis to the determination of polyphenols in foods". Capillary Electrophoresis in Food Analysis (ISBN: 978-981-5036-16-9 ). . 2022. p. 221 - 251 .
SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Applications of capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry to chiral analysis.". Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry: Methods and Protocols. (ISBN: 978-1-0716-2492-0 ). "(Estados Unidos)". 2022. , vol 2531. p. 211 - 225 .
BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Chiral capillary electrophoresis in food analysis". Capillary Electrophoresis in Food Analysis (ISBN: 978-981-5036-16-9 ). "(Estados Unidos)". 2022. p. 291 - 320 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; "Advanced Analytical Tools to Reveal Food-Health Associations". Comprehensive Foodomics (ISBN: 978-0-12-816395-5 ). 3+" ed.". "(Países Bajos)". 2021. , vol 3. p. 542 - 557 .
CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Aminoácidos, vitaminas y fibra". Estrategias avanzadas para la mejora de la calidad, la seguridad y la funcionalidad de los alimentos. (ISBN: 978-84-18254-33-8 ). . 2021. p. 87 - 106 .
SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; CASADO NAVAS, Natalia; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Autentificación de alimentos". Estrategias avanzadas para la mejora de la calidad, la seguridad y la funcionalidad de los alimentos. (ISBN: 978-84-18254-33-8 ). . 2021. p. 187 - 207 .
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Huesos de frutas y aceituna: fuentes "low cost" de sustancias bioactivas". Estrategias avanzadas para la mejora de la calidad, la seguridad y la funcionalidad de los alimentos. (ISBN: 978-84-18254-33-8 ). . 2021. p. 127 - 144 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; MADRID , Yolanda; DE LEÓN , María Eugenia; GÓMEZ , Esther; SANZ , Maria Luz; RUIZ , Ana Isabel; ROSALES , Noelia; SORIA , Ana Cristina; MENA , Adal; LUQUE , Inmaculada; RIVAS , Sergio; "Nuevos ingredientes bioactivos a partir de subproductos de frutas". III Seminario de sensibilización por un sistema alimentario sostenible para una alimentación saludable "frutas y verduras, todo por ganar y nada que perder". (ISBN: 978-84-09-34467-3 ). . 2021. p. 129 .
PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Polifenoles, terpenos y ácidos grasos insaturados". Estrategias avanzadas para la mejora de la calidad, la seguridad y la funcionalidad de los alimentos. (ISBN: 978-84-18254-33-8 ). . 2021. p. 61 - 85 .
PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Pressurized hot water extraction of bioactives.". Green processes in Foodomics. Pressurized Hot Water Extraction of Bioactives (ISBN: 978-0-12-816395-5 ). "(Países Bajos)". 2021. , vol 2. p. 771 - 785 .
GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; "Proteínas y péptidos bioactivos". Estrategias avanzadas para la mejora de la calidad, la seguridad y la funcionalidad de los alimentos. (ISBN: 978-84-18254-33-8 ). . 2021. p. 41 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; "Applications of capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry to chiral analysis.". Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry: Methods and Protocols. 2020. .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; "Advances in the chiral analysis of drugs by Capillary Electrophoresis". Capillary Electrophoresis in the Early Twenty-first Century: New Trends and Relevant Applications. 2019. .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; "Apricot". Valorization of fruit processing by-products.. 2019. .
SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Capillary Electrophoresis: Chiral Separations". Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, 3rd edition. Section: Separation Science. 2019. .
CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Chiral Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry". Chiral Separations-Methods and Protocols (Series Methods in Molecular Biology) 3rd edition. 2019. .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; "Chiral analysis of non-protein amino acids by Capillary Electrophoresis.". Amino Acid Analysis Handbook. 2019. .
PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Pressure hot water extraction of bioactive". Green Foodomics. Comprehensive Foodomics. 2019. .
PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Pressure hot water processing of food and natural products". Green Food Processing Techniques (ISBN: 978-0-12-815353-6 ). . 2019. p. 193 - 220 .
PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Pressure hot water processing of food and natural products". Green Food Processing Techniques (ISBN: 978-0-12-815353-6 ). . 2019. p. 193 - 220 .
SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Neuroscience applications of capillary electromigration separation methods". Capillary Electromigration Separation Methods (ISBN: 978-0-12-809375-7 ). . 2018. p. 481 - 510 .
PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Polyphenols analysis and related challenges". Polyphenols: Properties, Recovery, Applications (ISBN: 9780128135723 ). . 2018. .
SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; "Potential of CE-MS por chiral metabolic profiling". Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry approaches for metabolomics. (ISBN: 978-1-78801-104-4 ). . 2018. p. 184 - 208 .
PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Advances in the determination of bioactive peptides in foods". Frontiers in Bioactive Compounds. Vol. 2: At the crossroads between nutrition and pharmacology. Chapter 2 (ISBN: 978-1-68108-430-5 ). . 2016. p. 27 - 60 .
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Capillary Electrophoresis: Antibiotics". Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering. Encyclopedia of Separation Science. Chapter 12665 (ISBN: 978-0-12-409547-2 ). . 2016. p. 1 - 67 .
CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Derivatization in Capillary Electrophoresis". Capillary Electrophoresis. From small to macromolecules. Methods and Protocols (Series Methods in Molecular Biology)2nd Edition. Chapter 3 (ISBN: 978-1-4939-6401-7 ). . 2016. p. 1 - 67 .
SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; "Chiral separations by Capillary Electrophoresis". Analytical Separation Sciences (ISBN: 978-3-527-33374-5 ). "(Alemania)". 2015. , vol 2. p. 731 - 774 .
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; "Determination of Betaines in Vegetable Oils by Capillary Electrophoresis-Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry". Betaine Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects. (ISBN: 978-1-84973-886-6 ). "(Reino Unido)". 2015. p. 117 - 135 .
VÁSQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Romy Ángela; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Food adulteration". Handbook of Food Analysis. 3rd Edition. Chapter 13. 2015. .
CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Organic analysis in environmental samples by capillary electrophoresis". Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry (ISBN: 9780470027318 ). . 2015. p. 1 - 27 .
PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; ESTEVE GIL, Clara; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; "Peptides". Handbook of Food Analysis. 3rd Edition. Chapter 17. 2015. .
PÉREZ MIGUEZ, Raquel; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Recent applications of chiral capillary electrophoresis in food analysis". Advances in Food Analysis Research (ISBN: 978-1-63483-783-5 ). . 2015. p. 89 - 119 .
DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Chiral Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass spectrometry". Chiral Separations. Methods and Protocols (Series Methods in Molecular Biology). Series Editor John V. Walker. Chapter 26 (ISBN: 978-1-62703-262-9 ). 2ª Edición+" ed.". "(Estados Unidos)". 2013. , vol 970. .
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ESTEVE GIL, Clara; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "HPLC of food proteins". Food Analysis by HPLC. 2012. p. 97 - 137 .
SAZ DÍAZ, José María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Applications of monolithic phases in fundamental studies of vegetable proteins and food analysis and technology. Chapter 20. ". Monolithic Chromatography and its Moderns Applications. ISBN: 978-1-906799-03-8. (ISBN: 978-1-906799-03-8 ). "(Estados Unidos)". 2010. .
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Detection of adulterations: addition of foreign proteins. Part 1. Meats, processed meats and poultry. Chapter 6.". Safety analysis of foods of animal origin. ISBN: 978-1-439848-17-3. (ISBN: 978-1-4398-4817-3 ). "(Estados Unidos)". 2010. p. 155 - 185 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; "Characterization of soybean cultivars: rapid HPLC profiling based on protein markers.". Soybean and Wheat Crops: Growth, Fertilization, and Yield. S. Davies and G. Evans, Eds. Chapter 4. (ISBN: 978-60741-173-4 ). "(Estados Unidos)". 2009. p. 65 - 83 .
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Detection of adulterations: addition of foreign proteins. Part 4. Safety. Chapter 26.". Handbook of processed meats and poultry analysis. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4531-4. (ISBN: 978-1-4200-4531-4 ). "(Estados Unidos)". 2009. p. 571 - 600 .
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Detection of adulterations: addition of foreign proteins. Part 5. Safety. Chapter 38.". Handbook of muscle foods analysis. ISBN: 978-1-4200-4529-1. (ISBN: 978-1-4200-4529-1 ). "(Estados Unidos)". 2009. p. 741 - 766 .
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Capillary Electrophoresis in Food Analysis". Handbook of Food Analysis Instruments. Chapter 18. (ISBN: 1420045660 ). "(Estados Unidos)". 2008. p. 403 - 421 .
JIMÉNEZ YEPES, Olga; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Optimization of the separation conditions in Electrokinetic Chromatography: Experimental designs, modeling and validation". Electrokinetic Chromatography. Theory, Instrumentation & Applications. 2006. p. 95 - 113 .
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Chiral analysis by capillary electrophoresis". Analysis and Detection in Capilary electrophoresis, Comprehensive Analytica chemistry (CAC) Series (ISBN: 0-444-51718-9 ). "(Países Bajos)". 2005. p. 617 - 701 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; RIOS , A.; VALCARCEL , M.; "Fundamentals of capillary electrophoresis". Analysis and Detection in Capilary electrophoresis, Comprehensive Analytica chemistry (CAC) Series (ISBN: 0-444-51718-9 ). "(Países Bajos)". 2005. , vol XLV. p. 1 - 30 .
GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; RIOS , Ángel; VALCÁRCEL , Miguel; "Separation modes in capillary electrophoresis.". Analysis and Detection by Capillary Electrophoresis. (ISBN: 0-444-51718-9 ). Primera+" ed.". "(Países Bajos)". 2005. , vol XLV. p. 31 - 134 .
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "UV-Vis absorbance detection in capillary electrophoresis". Analysis and Detection in CE (ISBN: 0-444-51718-9 ). "(Países Bajos)". 2005. , vol XLV. p. 225 - 304 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; "Micellar liquid chromatography". Encyclopedia of Separation Science (ISBN: 0-12-226770-2 ). "(Reino Unido)". 2000. , vol II. p. 726 - 737 .
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "Organic analysis in environmental samples by capillary electrophoresis". Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry: Instrumentation and Applications (ISBN: 0471976709 ). . 2000. p. 3002 - 3035 .
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; TORRE ROLDÁN, María Mercedes; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; "High Performance liquid chromatography for the characterization and quantitation of soybean proteins". Recent Research Developments in Pure & Applied Analytical Chemistry (ISBN: 81-86846-17-4 ). "(India)". 1999. , vol 2. p. 1 - 60 .
LOURDES , Ramos; TORRE ROLDÁN, María Mercedes; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; MARIA JOSÉ , González; "Polychlorinated biphenyl levels in dairy-like soybean derivatives from Spain". Organohalogen compounds, human exposure, epidemiology, risk assessment and management (ISBN: 91-89192-07-9 ). "(Suecia)". 1998. , vol 38. p. 159 - 162 .
FERNÁNDEZ LUCENA , F.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; RODRÍGUEZ FERNÁNDEZ, Adela Rosa; "Determitacionof metal ions as complexes in micellar media by UV-Vis spectrophotometry and fluorimetry". vibrational Spectra and Structure (ISBN: 0-444-89027-0 ). "(Países Bajos)". 1991. , vol 19. p. 113 - 149 .
GUZMÁN LORITE, Miriam; ROSU , Frédéric; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; GABELICA , Valérie; ."miRNA and DNA Analysis by Negative Ion Electron Transfer Dissociation and Infrared Multiple-Photon Dissociation Mass Spectrometry". (ISSN: 0003-2670). Analytica Chimica Acta. 2024 , vol 1299 , num 342431 .
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; RUANO-CULEBRAS , Paloma; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."Rapid indirect separation of glutamine enantiomers by micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Analysis of dietary supplements". (ISSN: 1615-9306). Journal of Separation Science. 2024 , vol 47 , p. e2300921 -
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Rapid enantiomeric separation of indacaterol by electrokinetic chromatography". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2024 , vol 1717 , p. 464696 -
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; SALGADO SERRANO, Antonio; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Study on the interactions between RS-licarbazepine and carboxyethylated cyclodextrins by Electrokinetic Chromatography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance". (ISSN: 0026-265X). Microchemical Journal. 2024 , vol 196 , p. 109621 -
GARCÍA CANSINO, Laura; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; ."Chiral analysis of pesticides and emerging contaminants by capillary electrophoresis. Application to toxicity evaluation". (ISSN: 2305-6304). Toxics. 2024 , vol 12
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."Development of cyclodextrin-electrokinetic chromatography-based strategies for the separation of ketorolac enantiomers". (ISSN: 0026-265X). Microchemical Journal. 2024 , vol 206
BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; FERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ , Ana B.; LUCIO CAZAÑA, Francisco Javier de; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Quantification of relevant metabolites in apoptotic bodies from HK-2 cells by targeted metabolomics based on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry". (ISSN: 0003-2670). Analytica Chimica Acta. 2024 , vol 1329
HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Simultaneous and sequential combination of techniques for the sustainable and extensive extraction of proteins and polyphenols from malt rootlets". Advances in Sample Preparation. 2024 , vol 12
GUZMÁN LORITE, Miriam; LIÑÁN ATERO, Rafael; MUÑOZ MORENO, Laura; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CARMENA SIERRA, María José; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Study of the microRNA fraction in food waste and other biomasses. Assessment of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity". (ISSN: 1756-4646). Journal of Functional Foods. 2024 , vol 119
SÁNCHEZ ELVIRA, Andrea; HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Sustainable extraction of proteins from lime peels using ultrasound, deep eutectic solvents, and pressurized liquids, as a source of bioactive peptides". (ISSN: 0308-8146). Food Chemistry. 2024 , vol 458
BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; CASTRO PUYANA, María; SÁNCHEZ-LÓPEZ , Elena; FERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ , Ana B.; LUCIO CAZAÑA, Francisco Javier de; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."UHPLC-MS-based untargeted metabolomic strategy to reveal the metabolic differences between cisplatin first- and second-generation apoptotic bodies from HK-2 cells". (ISSN: 0026-265X). Microchemical Journal. 2024 , vol 200
GARCÍA APARICIO, María del Prado; CASTRO RUBIO, Florentina; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Unlocking peach juice byproduct potential in food waste biorefineries: Phenolic compounds profile, antioxidant capacity and fermentable sugars". (ISSN: 0960-8524). Bioresource Technology. 2024 , vol 396
CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry-based approaches for food analysis and food metabolomics". (ISSN: 2214-7993). Current Opinion in Food Science. 2023 , vol 54 , p. 101088 -
HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; OLIVARES GALVÁN, Saúl; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Approaching the extraction of proteins from brewing wastes using deep eutectic solvents". LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2023 , vol 189 , p. 115470 -
BERENGUER , Cristina V.; GARCÍA CANSINO, Laura; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CÂMARA , José S.; PEREIRA , Jorge A. M.; ."Exploring the Potential of Microextraction in the Survey of Food Fruits and Vegetable Safety". (ISSN: 2076-3417). Applied Sciences-Basel. 2023 , vol 13 , p. 7117 -
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; DAL BOSCO , Chiara; GENTILI , Alessandra; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; D'ORAZIO , Giovanni; FANALI , Salvatore; ."Enantiomeric analysis of drugs in water samples by using liquid-liquid microextraction and nano-liquid chromatography.". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2023 , vol 44 , p. 1177 - 1186
GARCÍA CANSINO, Laura; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CÂMARA , José S.; PEREIRA , Jorge A. M.; ."Simultaneous microextraction of pesticides from wastewater using optimized muSPEed and muQuEChERS techniques for food contamination analysis". Heliyon. 2023 , vol 9 , p. e16742 -
BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; CASTRO PUYANA, María; FERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ, Ana Belén; LUCIO CAZAÑA, Francisco Javier de; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Exploring the Metabolic Differences between Cisplatin- and UV Light-Induced Apoptotic Bodies in HK-2 Cells by an Untargeted Metabolomics Approach". (ISSN: 1422-0067). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023 , vol 24 , num 8 , p. 1 - 13 .
GUZMÁN LORITE, Miriam; MUÑOZ MORENO, Laura; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CARMENA SIERRA, María José; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Extraction, detection and determination of dietary microRNA: A review". (ISSN: 0924-2244). Trends in Food Science and Technology. 2023 , vol 135 , p. 215 - 233
PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Pressurized hot water extraction of bioactives". (ISSN: 0165-9936). TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 2023 , vol 166 , p. 117201 -
GUZMÁN LORITE, Miriam; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Successive extraction using natural deep eutectic solvents and pressurized liquids for a greener and holistic recovery of proteins from pomegranate seeds". (ISSN: 0963-9969). Food Research International. 2022 , vol 161 , num 111862 , p. 1 - 13 .
GARCÍA CANSINO, Laura; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Modelling the simultaneous chiral separation of a group of chiral drugs by electrokinetic chromatography using mixtures of cyclodextrins". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2022 , vol 1681 , num 463444 , p. 1 - 12 .
AMARIEI , Georgiana; JIMÉNEZ JIMÉNEZ, Sara; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; ."First eco-toxicological evidence of ivabradine effect on the marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri: A chiral view". (ISSN: 00489697). The Science of The Total Environment. 2022 , vol 838 , num 4 (156617) , p. 1 - 7 .
OLIVARES GALVÁN, Saúl; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Extraction of valuable compounds from brewing residues: malt rootlets, spent hops, and spent yeast.". (ISSN: 0924-2244). Trends in Food Science and Technology. 2022 , vol 127 , p. 181 - 197
DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; ."In vitro assessment of the bioavailability of bioactive non-extractable polyphenols obtained by pressurized liquid extraction combined with enzymatic-assisted extraction from sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) pomace". (ISSN: 0308-8146). Food Chemistry. 2022 , vol 385; 132688 .
DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; RAMÓN , Daniel; MARTORELL , Patricia; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Composition of Nonextractable Polyphenols from Sweet CherryPomace Determined by DART-Orbitrap-HRMS and TheirIn VitroandIn VivoPotential Antioxidant, Antiaging, and NeuroprotectiveActivities". (ISSN: 0021-8561). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2022 , vol 70 , num 26 , p. 7993 - 8009 .
HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; BOUSSETTA , Nadia; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; VOROBIEV , Eugene; ."High voltage electrical discharges followed by deep eutectic solvents extraction for the valorization of pomegranate seeds (Punica Granatum L.)". (ISSN: 1466-8564). Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. 2022 , vol 79 , num 103055 .
GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; JIMÉNEZ JIMÉNEZ, Sara; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Stereoselective separation of dimethenamid by cyclodextrin electrokinetic chromatography using deep eutectic solvents". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2022 , vol 1673; 463114 , p. 1 - 9
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; FERNÁNDEZ BACHILLER, María Isabel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."Synthesis and characterization of carnitine-based ionic liquids and their evaluation as additives in cyclodextrin-electrokinetic chromatography for the chiral separation of thiol amino acids". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2022 , vol 1670; 462955 , p. 1 - 10 .
GUZMÁN LORITE, Miriam; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Pressurized liquids vs. high intensity focused ultrasounds for the extraction of proteins from a pomegranate seed waste". (ISSN: 1466-8564). Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. 2022 , vol 22;102958 , p. 1 - 15
DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; ."Rapid fingerprinting of extractable and non-extractable polyphenols from tropical fruit peels using direct analysis in real time coupled to orbitrap-mass spectrometry". (ISSN: 0308-8146). Food Chemistry. 2022 , vol 371; 131191 , p. 1 - 10
GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; CASTRO PUYANA, María; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Ecotoxicity evaluation of tetramethrin and analysis in agrochemical formulations using chiral electrokinetic chromatography". (ISSN: ISSN: 0048-9697). Science of the Total Environment . 2021 , vol 800 , num 149496 , p. 1 - 10 .
PRADOS NIETO, Isabel María; SÁNCHEZ-NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ, Javier; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Magnetic nanoparticles coated with carboxylate-terminated carbosilane dendrons as a reusable and green approach to extract/purify proteins". (ISSN: 1618-2642). Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2021 , vol 414 , num 4 , p. 1677 - 1689 .
TANG , Lei; DENG , F.; LUO , X.; PANG , X.; ZANG , L.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; JIANG , Z.; ."Glycosyl imprinted mesoporous microspheres for the determination of glycopeptide antibiotics using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry". (ISSN: 0021-967). Journal of Chromatography A.. 2021 , vol 1659; 462630 , p. 1 - 8
GARCÍA CANSINO, Laura; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; ."Effects of ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents on the enantiomeric separation of clopidogrel by cyclodextrin electrokinetic chromatography. Quantitative analysis in farmaceutical formulations using tetrabutylammonium L-aspartic acid combined with carboxymethyl-gamma-cyclodextrin". Microchem. J.. 2021 , vol 171 , num 106815 , p. 1 - 10 .
JIMÉNEZ , Sara; AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Stereoselective separation of sulfoxaflor by electrokinetic chromatography and applications to stability and ecotoxicological studies". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2021 , vol 1654 , num 462450 , p. 1 - 9 .
DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; ."Pressurized liquid extraction combined with enzymatic-assisted extraction to obtain bioactive non-extractable polyphenols from sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) pomace". (ISSN: 2072-6643). Nutrients. 2021 , vol 13; 3242 , p. 1 - 13
GARCÍA CANSINO, Laura; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Simultaneous enantiomeric separation of carfentrazone-ethyl herbicide and its hydrolysis metabolite carfentrazone by cyclodextrin electrokinetic chromatography. Analysis of agrochemical products and a degradation study". (ISSN: 1420-3049). Molecules. 2021 , vol 26 , num 5350 , p. 1 - 13 .
BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; TAN , Lei; BENITO MARTÍNEZ, Selma; JIANG , Zhengjin; CASTRO PUYANA, María; LUCIO CAZAÑA, Francisco Javier de; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Exploratory Metabolomic Analysis Based on Reversed¿Phase Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry to Study an In Vitro Model of Hypoxia-Induced Metabolic Alterations in HK¿2 Cells". (ISSN: 1422-0067). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021 , vol 22 , num 14 , p. 7399 - .
BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; TAN , Lei; BENITO MARTÍNEZ, Selma; JIANG , Zhengjin; CASTRO PUYANA, María; LUCIO CAZAÑA, Francisco Javier de; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Exploratory metabolomic analysis based on reversed-phase liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to study an in vitro model of hypoxia-induced metabolic alterations in HK-2 cells". (ISSN: 1422-0067). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021 , vol 22; 7399 , num 14 , p. 1 - 17
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; SAHELICES GARRIDO-LESTACHE, Cristina; ."A Sustainable Approach for Extracting Non-Extractable Phenolic Compounds from Mangosteen Peel Using Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction and Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents". (ISSN: 2076-3417). Applied Sciences-Basel. 2021 , vol 11; 5625 , p. 1 - 18 .
DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."High-performance thin-layer chromatography and direct analysis in real time-high resolution mass spectrometry of non-extractable polyphenols from tropical fruit peels". (ISSN: 0963-9969). Food Research International. 2021 , vol 147; 110455 , p. 1 - 12 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; VALDÉS TABERNERO, Alberto; LUCIO CAZAÑA, Francisco Javier de; CASTRO PUYANA, María; GARCÍA PASTOR, Coral; FIEHN , Oliver; ."Comprehensive metabolomic study of the response of HK-2 cells to hyperglycemic hypoxic diabetic-like milieu". (ISSN: 2045-2322). Scientific Reports. 2021 , vol 11; 5058 , num 1 , p. 5058 - .
DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; ."Enzyme-assisted extraction of bioactive non-extractable polyphenols from sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) pomace". (ISSN: 0308-8146). Food Chemistry. 2021 , vol 339; 128086 , p. 1 - 11
GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."Use of single and dual systems of cyclodextrin or cyclodextrin/L-carnitine derived ionic liquid for the enantiomeric determination of cysteine by electrokinetic chromatography. A comparative study"". Microchem. J.. 2021 , vol 169; 106596
JIMÉNEZ JIMÉNEZ, Sara; AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantiomeric separation of panthenol by Capillary Electrophoresis. Analysis of commercial formulations and toxicity evaluation on non-target organisms". (ISSN: 0021-967). Journal of Chromatography A.. 2021 , vol 1639 , num 461919 , p. 1 - 9 .
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; CASADO NAVAS, Natalia; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Use of choline chloride-D-sorbitol deep eutectic solvent as additive in cyclodextrin-electrokinetic chromatography for the enantiomeric separation of lacosamide". (ISSN: 0026-265X). Microchemical Journal. 2021 , vol 160 , num 105669 , p. 1 - 7 .
HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; SÁNCHEZ MILLA, María; SÁNCHEZ-NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ, Javier; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Immobilization of thermolysin enzyme on dendronized silica supports. Evaluation of its feasibility on multiple protein hydrolysis cycles". (ISSN: 0141-8130). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020 , vol 165 , p. 2338 - 2348 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; CASADO NAVAS, Natalia; VALIMAÑA TRAVERSO, Jesús Manuel; ."Enantiomeric determination of drugs in pharmaceutical formulations and biological samples by Electrokinetic Chromatography". (ISSN: 1040-8347). Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry. 2020 , vol 50 , num 6 , p. 554 - 584 .
VALDÉS TABERNERO, Alberto; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Isolation of proteins from spent coffee grounds. Polyphenol removal and peptide identification in the protein hydrolysates by RP-HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF". (ISSN: 0963-9969). Food Research International. 2020 , vol 137 , num 109368 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; ."Enantiomeric separation of homocysteine and cysteine by electrokinetic chromatography using mixtures of gamma-cyclodextrin and carnitine-based ionic liquids". (ISSN: 0026-265X). Microchemical Journal. 2020 , vol 157 , num 105070 , p. 1 - 8 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; VÁSQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Romy Ángela; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Recovery and determination of cholesterol-lowering compounds from Olea europaea seeds employing pressurized liquid extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry". (ISSN: 0026-265X). Microchemical Journal. 2020 , vol 156 , num 104812 .
VALDÉS TABERNERO, Alberto; GARCÍA PASTOR, Coral; CASTRO PUYANA, María; LUCIO CAZAÑA, Francisco Javier de; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Time-series proteomic study of the response of HK-2 cells to hyperglycemic, hypoxic diabetic-like milieu". (ISSN: 1932-6203). PLoS ONE. 2020 , vol 15 , num 6 , p. e0235118 - .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; ."Enantiomeric determination of econazole and sulconazole by electrokinetic chromatography using hydroxypropyl-b-cyclodextrin combined with ionic liquids based on L-lysine and Ly-glutamic acid". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2020 , vol 1621 , num 461085 , p. 1 - 8 .
PRADOS NIETO, Isabel María; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Evaluation of the relationship between the peptide profile and the lipid-lowering properties of olive seeds hydrolysates as a tool for tunning hypocholesterolemic functionality". (ISSN: 2042-6496). Food & Fuction. 2020 , vol 11 , num 6 , p. 4973 - 4981 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ORELLANA MURIANA, José María; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; PRADOS NIETO, Isabel María; ."Identification of Peptides Potentially Responsible for In Vivo Hypolipidemic Activity of a Hydrolysate from Olive Seeds". (ISSN: 0021-8561). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2020 , vol 68 , num 14 , p. 4237 - 4244 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; ."Sustainable extraction of proteins and bioactive substances from pomegranate peel (Punica granatum L.) using pressurized liquids and deep eutectic solvents". (ISSN: 1466-8564). Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. 2020 , vol 60 , num 102314 , p. 1 - 11 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PÉREZ MIGUEZ, Raquel; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."Untargeted HILIC-MS-based metabolomics approach to evaluate coffee roasting process: contributing to an integrated metabolomics multiplatform". (ISSN: 1420-3049). Molecules. 2020 , vol 25 , num 4 , p. 887 - .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; SÁNCHEZ-NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ, Javier; ."Feasibility of cationic carbosilane dendrimers for sustainable protein sample preparation". (ISSN: 0927-7765). Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2020 , vol 186 , num 110746 , p. 1 - 8 .
BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; CASTRO PUYANA, María; BENITO MARTÍNEZ, Selma; LUCIO CAZAÑA, Francisco Javier de; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."A Non-Targeted Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry Strategy to Study Metabolic Differences in an In Vitro Model of High-Glucose Induced Changes in Human Proximal Tubular HK-2 Cells". (ISSN: 1420-3049). Molecules. 2020 , vol 25 , num 3 , p. 512 - .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; TAN , Lei; JIANG , Zhengjin; LI , yongxan; PAN , Xinhong; ."Boronate affinity glycosyl molecularly imprinted polymer microspheres for the determination of teicoplanin using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2020
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; JIANG , Zhengjin; DENG , Fenfang; WANG , Qiqing; ."Determination of L-norvaline and L-tryptophan in dietary supplements by nano-LC using an O-[2-(methacryloyloxy)-ethylcarbamoyl]-10,11-dihydroquinidine-silica hybrid monolithic column". (ISSN: 2095-1779). Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. 2020 , vol 10 , p. 70 - 77
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; JIANG , Zhengjin; TAN , Lei; LI , yongxan; DENG , Fenfang; PAN , Xinhong; YU , Hong; ."Highly sensitive determination of amanita toxins in biological samples using ß-cyclodextrin collaborated molecularly imprinted polymers coupled with ultra-high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry ". (ISSN: 0021-967). Journal of Chromatography A.. 2020 , vol 1630
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; CASADO NAVAS, Natalia; ."Modeling-based optimization of the simultaneous enantiomeric separation of multicomponent mixtures of phenoxy acid herbicides using dual cyclodextrin systems by Capillary Electrophoresis". (ISSN: 0021-967). Journal of Chromatography A.. 2020 , vol 1610 , num 460552 , p. 1 - 7 .
CASADO NAVAS, Natalia; SALGADO SERRANO, Antonio; CASTRO PUYANA, María; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantiomeric separation of ivabradine by cyclodextrin-electrokinetic chromatography. Effect of amino acid chiral ionic liquids". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2019 , vol 1608 , num 460407 .
DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Revalorization of Passiflora species peels as a sustainable source of antioxidant phenolic compounds". (ISSN: 0048-9697). Science of the Total Environment. 2019 , vol 696 , p. 134030 - .
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Amino acid chiral ionic liquids combined with hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin for drug enantioseparation by capillary electrophoresis". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2019 , vol 1607 , num 460375 .
ESPADAS , Jorge Luis; CASTANO , Enrique; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; RODRÍGUEZ , Luis Carlos; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; ."Phenolic compounds increase their concentration in Carica papaya leaves under drought stress". (ISSN: 0137-5881). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2019 , vol 41 , num 11-180 , p. 1 - 17 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ORELLANA MURIANA, José María; VÁSQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Romy Ángela; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Isolation and characterization of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory peptides from peach seed hydrolysates: in vivo assessment of antihypertensive activity". (ISSN: 0021-8561). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2019 , vol 67 , num 37 , p. 10313 - 10320 .
VÁSQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Romy Ángela; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; TURNER , Charlotta; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."A sustainable approach for the extraction of cholesterol-lowering compounds from an olive by-product based on CO2-expanded ethyl acetate". (ISSN: 1618-2642). Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2019 , vol 411 , num 22 , p. 5885 - 5896
PÉREZ MIGUEZ, Raquel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."High resolution liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for the separation and identification of peptides in coffee silverskin protein hydrolysates". (ISSN: 0026-265X). Microchemical Journal. 2019 , vol 149 , num 103951 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; SALGADO SERRANO, Antonio; ."Nuclear magnetic resonance to study the interacions acting in the enantiomeric separation of homocysteine by capillary electrophoresis with a dual system of gamma-cyclodextrin and (R)-N,N,N-trimethyl-2-aminobutanol-bis(trifluoromethanesulfon)imidate ". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2019 , vol 40 , num 15 , p. 1913 - 1920 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; VALIMAÑA TRAVERSO, Jesús Manuel; AMAREI , G.; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, Angeles; ."Stability and toxicity studies for duloxetine and econazole on Spirodela polyrhiza using chiral capillary electrophoresis". (ISSN: 0304-3894). Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2019 , vol 374 , p. 203 - 210 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; CASTRO PUYANA, María; BENITO , S.; LUCIO-CAZAÑA , F.J.; ."An untargeted metabolomic strategy based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to study high glucose-induced changes in HK-2 cells". (ISSN: 0021-967). Journal of Chromatography A.. 2019 , vol 1596 , p. 124 - 133 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, Angeles; VALIMAÑA TRAVERSO, Jesus; ."Enantiomer stability and combined toxicity of duloxetine and econazole on Daphnia magna using real concentrations determined by capillary electrophoresis". (ISSN: 0048-9697). Science of the Total Environment. 2019 , vol 670 , p. 770 - 778 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; XU , D.; JIANG , Z.; ."Preparation of an O-[2-(methacryloyloxy)-ethylcarbamoyl]-10,11-dihydroquinidine-silica hybrid monolithic column for the enantioseparation of amino acids by nano-liquid chromatography". (ISSN: 0021-967). Journal of Chromatography A.. 2019 , vol 1593 , p. 63 - 72 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; PÉREZ MIGUEZ, Raquel; SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; ."Advances in the determination of non-protein amino acids in foods and biological samples by capillary electrophoresis". (ISSN: 1040-8347). Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry. 2019 , vol 49 , num 5 , p. 459 - 475 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; BRUYNEEL , B.; SOMSEN , G. W.; DOMÍNGUEZ-VEGA , E.; PÉREZ MIGUEZ, Raquel; ."Fast chiral discrimination of DL-amino acids by trapped ion mobility spectrometry after derivatization with (+)-1-(9-fluorenyl)ethyl chloroformate". (ISSN: 0003-2700). Analytical Chemistry. 2019 , vol 91 , num 5 , p. 3277 - 3285 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; LAGEVEEN-KAMMEIJER , G.; RAMAUTAR , R.; PETERS , D.; MAYBORODA , O.; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."Sheathless CE-MS based metabolic profiling of kidney tissue section samples from a mouse model of Polycystic Kidney Disease". (ISSN: 2045-2322). Scientific Reports. 2019 , vol 9 , num 806 , p. 1 - 9 .
PÉREZ MIGUEZ, Raquel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."A micellar electrokinetic chromatography approach using diastereomeric derivatization and a volatile surfactant for the enantioselective separation of selenomethionine.". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2019 , vol 40 , p. 1951 - 1958
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; ."Extraction and identification by high resolution mass spectrometry of bioactive substances in different extracts obtained from pomegranate peel". (ISSN: 0021-967). Journal of Chromatography A.. 2019
PÉREZ MIGUEZ, Raquel; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."A non-targeted metabolomic approach based on reversed-phase liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to evaluate coffee roasting process". (ISSN: 1618-2642). Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2018 , vol 410 , num 30 , p. 7859 - 7870 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SILVA , Mariana; MORANTE ZARCERO, Sonia; PÉREZ QUINTANILLA, Damián; SIERRA , Isabel; ."Environmental chiral analysis of beta-blockers: evaluation of different n-alkyl-modified SBA-15 mesoporous silicas as sorbents in solid-phase extraction". (ISSN: 1448-2517). Environmental Chemistry. 2018 , vol 15 , num 6 , p. 362 - 371 .
VALIMAÑA TRAVERSO, Jesús Manuel; MORANTE ZARCERO, Sonia; PÉREZ QUINTANILLA, Damián; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; SIERRA ALONSO, Isabel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Cationic amine-bridge periodic mesoporous organosilica materials for off-line solid-phase extraction of phenoxy acid herbicides from water samples prior to their simultaneous enantiomeric determination by capillary electrophoresis". (ISSN: 0021-9673). Journal of Chromatography. 2018 , vol 1566 , p. 146 - 157 .
PRADOS NIETO, Isabel María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Isolation and identification by high resolution liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry of novel peptides with multifunctional lipid-lowering capacity". (ISSN: 0963-9969). Food Research International. 2018 , vol 111 , p. 77 - 86 .
XU , Dongsheng; SHAO , Huikai; LUO , Rongying; WANG , Qiqin; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; FANALI , Salvatore; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; JIANG , Zhengjin; ."A facile and efficient single-step approach for the fabrication of vancomycin functionalized polymer-based monolith as chiral stationary phase for nano-liquid chromatography". (ISSN: 0021-9673). Journal of Chromatography. 2018 , vol 1557 , p. 43 - 50 .
HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Multiple protective effect of peptides released from Olea Europaea and Prunus Persica seeds against oxidative damage and cancer cell proliferation". (ISSN: 0963-9969). Food Research International. 2018 , vol 106 , p. 458 - 467 .
GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Capillary liquid-chromatography-ion trap-mass spectrometry methodology for the simultaneous quantification of four angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibitory peptides in Prunus seed hydrolysates". (ISSN: 0021-967). Journal of Chromatography A.. 2018 , vol 1540 , p. 47 - 54 .
GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."Effect of the combined use of gamma-cyclodextrin and a chiral ionic liquid on the enantiomeric separation of homocysteine by capillary electrophoresis". (ISSN: 0021-9673). Journal of Chromatography. 2018 , vol 1568 , p. 222 - 228 .
VALIMAÑA TRAVERSO, Jesús Manuel; MORANTE ZARCERO, Sonia; PÉREZ QUINTANILLA, Damián; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; SIERRA , Isabel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Periodic mesoporous organosilica materials as sorbents for solid-phase extraction of drugs prior to simultaneous enantiomeric separation by capillary electrophoresis". (ISSN: 0021-9673). Journal of Chromatography. 2018 , vol 1566 , p. 135 - 145
MEJRI , Lobna; VÁSQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Romy Ángela; HASSOUNA , M.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Identification of peptides with antioxidant and antihypertensive capacities by RP-HPLC-Q-TOF-MS in dry fermented camel sausages inoculated with different starter cultures and ripening times". (ISSN: 0963-9969). Food Research International. 2017 , vol 100 , p. 708 - 716 .
GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MENÉNDEZ LÓPEZ, Nuria; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."A capillary micellar electrokinetic chromatography method for the stereoselective quantitation of bioallethrin in biotic and abiotic samples". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2017 , vol 1510 , p. 108 - 116 .
SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; MARCOS , Alberto; AMBROSIO , Emilio; MAYBORODA , Oleg A.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."Investigation on the combined effect of cocaine and ethanol administration through a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry metabolomics approach". (ISSN: 0731-7085). Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2017 , vol 140 , p. 313 - 321 .
SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Design of strategies to study the metabolic profile of highly polar compounds in plasma by reversed-phase liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2017 , vol 1490 , p. 156 - 165 .
SILVA , Mariana; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PÉREZ-QUINTANILLA , Damián; MORANTE-ZARCERO , Sonia; SIERRA , Isabel; ATURKI , Zeineb; FANALI , Salvatore; ."Ordered mesoporous silica functionalized with beta-cyclodextrin derivative for stereoisomer separation of flavanones and flavanone glycosides by nano-liquid chromatography and capillary electrochromatography". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2017 , vol 1490 , p. 166 - 176 .
GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; MALY , Marek; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; GÓMEZ RAMÍREZ, Rafael; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Factors affecting interactions between sulphonate-terminated dendrimers and proteins: A three case study". (ISSN: 0927-7765). Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2017 , vol 149 , p. 196 - 205 .
GUIJARRO DÍEZ, Miguel; CASTRO PUYANA, María; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Detection of saffron adulteration with gardenia extracts through the determination of geniposide by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry". (ISSN: 0889-1575). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 2017 , vol 55 , p. 30 - 37 .
SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; MARCOS , Alberto; AMBROSIO , Emilio; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."Enantioseparation of the constituents involved in the phenylalanine-tyrosine metabolic pathway by capillary electrophoresis tandem mass spectrometry". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2016 , vol 1467 , p. 372 - 382 .
GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; GIORGIO RIGHETTI , Pier; FASOLI , Elisa; ."Identification of plum and peach seed proteins by nLC-MS/MS via combinatorial peptide ligand libraries". (ISSN: 1874-3919). JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS. 2016 , vol 148 , p. 105 - 112 .
WANG , Q; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; HAN , H.; WU , H.; ZHU , P.; CROMMEN , J.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; JIANG , Z.; ."Separation of N-derivatized di- and tri-peptide stereoisomers by micro-liquid chromatography using a quinidine-based monolithic column. Analysis of L-carnosine in dietary supplements". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2016 , vol 1428 , p. 176 - 184 .
DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Analysis of antibiotics by Capillary Electrophoresis and their use as chiral selectors: an update". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2016 , vol 37 , p. 189 - 211
PÉREZ MÍGUEZ, Raquel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."Capillary Electrophoresis determination of non protein amino acids as quality markers in foods". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2016 , vol 1428 , p. 97 - 114
PRIOR , Amir; SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; SASTRE-TORAÑO , Javier; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; DE JONG , Gerhardus J.; SOMSEN , Govert W.; ."Enantioselective analysis of proteinogenic amino acids in cerebrospinal fluid by capillary electrophoresis‐mass spectrometry". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2016 , vol 37 , p. 2410 - 2419
VÁSQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Romy Ángela; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Identification by hydrophilic interaction and reversed-phase liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry of peptides with antioxidant activity in food residues". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2016 , vol 1428 , num 8 , p. 185 - 192
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; ."Improving the sensitivity in chiral capillary electrophoresis". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2016 , vol 37 , p. 19 - 34
GAÑÁN , Judith; MORANTE , Sonia; PÉREZ , Damian; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SIERRA , Isabel; ."One-pot synthesized functionalized mesoporous silica as a reversed-phase sorbent for solid-phase extraction of endocrine disrupting compounds in milks". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2016 , vol 1428 , p. 176 - 184
ZHANG , Q.; GIL TORO, Veronica; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; JIANG , Z.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Evaluation of the potential of a quinidine-based monolithic column on the enantiomeric separation of herbicides by nano-liquid chromatography.". (ISSN: 0026-265X). Microchemical Journal. 2015 , vol 123 , p. 15 - 21 .
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ENDERMANN , J; GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."HPLC-Q-TOF-MS identification of antioxidant and antihypertensive peptides recovered from cherry (Prunus Cerasus L.) subproducts". (ISSN: 0021-8561). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2015 , vol 63 , num 5 , p. 1514 - 1520 .
RIGUETTI , P. G.; ESTEVE GIL, Clara; D'AMATO , A; FASOLI , E; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."A sarabande of tropical fruit proteomics: avocado, banana and mango". (ISSN: 1615-9853). Proteomics. 2015 , vol 15 , p. 1639 - 1645
VÁSQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Romy Ángela; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Extraction and characterization by hydrophilic interaction and reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole-time-of flight-mass spectrometry of ACE-inhibitory peptides produced by enzymatic digestion of a peach byproduct". (ISSN: 1756-4646). Journal of Functional Foods. 2015 , vol 18 , p. 137 - 146
GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Fractionation and identification of antioxidant and angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibitory peptides obtained from plum (Prunus domestica L.) stones". (ISSN: 1756-4646). Journal of Functional Foods. 2015 , vol 19 , p. 376 - 384
GUIJARRO DÍEZ, Miguel; NOZAL MARTÍNEZ, Leonor; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."Metabolomic fingerprinting of saffron by LC/MS: novel authenticity markers". (ISSN: 1618-2642). Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2015 , vol 407 , p. 7197 - 7213
VÁSQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Romy Ángela; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Revalorización y aprovechamiento de subproductos de la industria agroalimentaria: obtención de péptides bioactivos". (ISSN: 1132-1369). Cromatografia y Tecnicas Afines. 2015 , vol 36 , p. 3 - 21
ALANÓN , M. E.; PÉREZ-COELLO , M. S.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Wine science in the metabolomic era: wineomics research". (ISSN: 0165-993). TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 2015 , vol 74 , p. 1 - 20
GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Plum (Prunus Domestica L.) by-product as a new and cheap source of bioactive peptides: extraction method and peptides characterization". (ISSN: 1756-4646). Journal of Functional Foods. 2014 , vol 11 , p. 428 - 437 .
SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."Development of chiral methodologies by Capillary Electrophoresis with ultraviolet and Mass Spectrometry detection for duloxetine analysis in pharmaceutical formulations". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2014 , vol 1363 , p. 356 - 362 .
WANG , Qiqin; FENG , J; HAN , H; ZHU , P; WU , H.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CROMMEN , J; JIANG , Z; ."Enantioseparation of N-¿derivatized amino acids by micro-¿liquid chromatography using carbamoylated quinidine functionalized monolithic stationary phase". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2014 , vol 1363 , p. 207 - 215 .
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio L.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; MARCOS , Alberto; AMBROSIO , Emilio; ."A chiral CE-ESI-MS2 methodology to monitor the phenylalanine-tyrosine metabolic pathway in biological samples". (ISSN: 1618-2642). Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2014
MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; ESTEVE GIL, Clara; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Proteins in olive fruit and oil". (ISSN: 1040-8398). Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2014 , vol 54 , num 5 , p. 611 - 624
MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; VERARDO , Vito; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CABONI , Maria Fiorenza; ."Analysis of glycerophospho- and sphingolipids by capillary electrophoresis". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2014 , vol 35 , p. 779 - 792
DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Characterization and study of transgenic cultivars by capillary and microchip electrophoresis". (ISSN: 1422-0067). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2014 , vol 15 , p. 23851 - 23877
PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Development of a capillary high-performance liquid chromatography-ion trap-mass spectrometry method for the determination of VLIVP antihypertensive peptide in soybean crops". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2014 , vol 1338 , p. 85 - 91
PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Identification of angiotensin-I converting enzyme inhibitory peptides in commercial soybean based infant formulas using HPLC-Q-TOF-MS". (ISSN: 0308-8146). Food Chemistry. 2014 , vol 157 , p. 62 - 69
SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; SALGADO SERRANO, Antonio; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Investigation on the enantioseparation of duloxetine by Capillary Electrophoresis, NMR and Mass Spectrometry". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2014 , vol 35 , p. 2842 - 2847
PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Isolation and identification of antioxidant peptides from commercial soybean-based infant formulas". (ISSN: 0308-8146). Food Chemistry. 2014 , vol 448 , p. 147 - 154
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; GUIJARRO DÍEZ, Miguel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."New approaches in sensitive chiral CE". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2014 , vol 35 , p. 12 - 27
GUIJARRO DÍEZ, Miguel; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Off-line two dimensional Isoelectrofocusing-LC/MS(TOF) for the determination of the bioactive peptide lunasin". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2014 , vol 1371 , p. 117 - 124
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."Potential of vancomycin for the enantiomeric resolution of FMOC-amino acids by capillary electrophoresis coupled to ion-trap mass spectrometry". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2014 , vol 35 , p. 1244 - 1250
DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Virginia; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Recent advances in CE analysis of antibiotics and their use as chiral selectors". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2014 , vol 35 , p. 28 - 49
PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Virginia; GONZÁLEZ , Maria José; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Separation of phthalates by cyclodextrin modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Quantitation in perfumes.". (ISSN: 0003-2670). Analytica Chimica Acta. 2013 , vol 782 , p. 67 - 74 .
SAIZ GALINDO, Jorge; MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Peanut alergens: An overview". (ISSN: 1040-8398). Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2013 , vol 53 , num 7 , p. 722 - 737
ESTEVE GIL, Clara; D'AMATO , Alfonsina; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; RIGHETTI , Pier Giorgio; ."Analytical approaches for the characterization and identification of olive (Olea europaea) oil proteins". (ISSN: 0021-8561). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2013 , vol 61 , p. 10384 - 10391
MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Determination and characterization of phospholipids in olive fruit and oil by NACE-ESI-MS". (ISSN: 0021-8561). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2013 , vol 61 , p. 1823 - 1832
PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Development of an HPLC-ESI-Q-ToF-MS methodology for the determination of three highly antihypertensive peptides in maize crops". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2013 , vol 1285 , p. 69 - 77
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; SIERRAS SERRA, Nuria; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."Enantiomeric analysis of free L- and D-amino acids in hydrolyzed protein fertilizers by capillary electrophoresis tandem mass spectrometry". (ISSN: 0021-8561). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2013 , vol 61 , p. 5022 - 5033
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ESTEVE GIL, Clara; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; D'AMATO , Alfonsina; RIGHETTI , Pier Giorgio; ."In-depth proteomic analysis of banana (Musa spp.) fruit with combinatorial ligand libraries". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2013 , vol 34 , p. 207 - 214
GUIJARRO DÍEZ, Miguel; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."LC-ESI-TOF MS Method for the evaluation of the Immunostimulating Activity of Soybeans Via the Determination of the Functional Peptide Soymetide ". (ISSN: 0021-8561). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2013 , vol 61 , p. 3611 - 3618
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; ESTEVE GIL, Clara; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Vegetable foods: a cheap source of proteins and peptides with antihypertensive, antioxidant, and other less occurrence bioactivities". (ISSN: 0039-9140). Talanta. 2013 , vol 106 , p. 328 - 349
MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; DEL RÍO -, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; ."Separation of olive proteins by capillary gel electrophoresis". (ISSN: 0039-9140). Talanta. 2012 , vol 97 , p. 420 - 424
MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; RASINES MORENO, Beatriz; GÓMEZ RAMÍREZ, Rafael; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Characterization of carboxylate-terminated carbosilane dendrimers and their evaluation as nanoadditives in capillary electrophoresis for vegetable protein profiling". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2012 , vol 1234 , p. 16 - 21
ESTEVE GIL, Clara; D'AMATO , Alfonsina; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; RIGHETTI , Pier Giorgio; ."Identification of olive (Olea europaea) seed and pulp proteins by nLC-MS/MS via combinatorial peptide ligand libraries". (ISSN: 1874-3919). JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS. 2012 , num 75 , p. 2396 - 2403
ESTEVE GIL, Clara; MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Analysis of olive allergens". (ISSN: 0039-9140). Talanta. 2012 , num 72 , p. 1 - 14
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; NOZAL MARTÍNEZ, Leonor; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."Determination of non-protein amino acids and betaines in vegetable oils by flow-injection triple quadropole tandem mass spectrometry: a screening method for the detection of adulterations of olive oils. ". (ISSN: 0021-8561). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2012 , vol 60 , p. 896 - 903
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; ."Development of a reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography analytical methodology for the determination of antihypertensive peptides in maize crops". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2012 , vol 1234 , p. 64 - 71
PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Virginia; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; CHANKVETADZE , Bezhan; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Evaluation of new cellulose-based chiral stationary phases Sepapak-2 and Sepapak-4 for the enantiomeric separation of pesticides by nano-LC and CEC. ". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2012 , vol 1234 , p. 22 - 31
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ESTEVE GIL, Clara; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; D'AMATO , Alfonsina; RIGHETTI , Pier Giorgio; ."Identification of avocado (Persea americana) pulp proteins by nanoLC-MS/MS via combinatorial peptide ligand libraries". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2012 , vol 33 , p. 2799 - 2805
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GUIJARRO DÍEZ, Miguel; PANIAGUA , Gema; FERNÁNDEZ , Pilar; ."Molecularly imprinted SPE and MEKC with in-capillary sample preconcentration for the determination of digoxin in human urine". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2012 , vol 33 , p. 1582 - 1588
PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Virginia; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Recent advances in the analysis of antibiotics by CE and CEC ". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2012 , vol 33 , p. 127 - 146
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."Recent approaches in sensitive enantioseparations by CE". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2012 , vol 33 , p. 228 - 242
LOMSADZE , K.; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; CHANKVETADZE , Lali; SALGADO , Antonio; SCRIBA , Gerhard K.E.; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CHANKVETADZE , Bezhan; ."Separation of enantiomers of norephedrine by CE using CDs as chiral selectors: comparative CE and NMR studies ". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2012 , vol 33 , p. 1637 - 1647
ESTEVE GIL, Clara; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Identification of Olive (Olea europaea) Pulp Proteins byMatrixAssisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry and Nano-Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry". (ISSN: 0021-8561). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2011 , num 59 , p. 12093 -
LATOSZEK , Anna; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; GÓMEZ RAMÍREZ, Rafael; RASINES MORENO, Beatriz; CIFUENTES , alejandro; POBOZY , Ewa; TROJANOWICZ , Marek; ."Modification of resolution in capillary electrophoresis for protein profiling in identification of genetic modification in foods". (ISSN: 0011-1643). Croatica Chemica Acta. 2011 , vol 84 , num 3 , p. 375 - 382
ESTEVE GIL, Clara; DEL RÍO -, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Development of an ultra-high performance liquid chromatography analytical methodology for the profiling of olive (Olea auropaea L.) pulp proteins ". (ISSN: 0003-2670). Analytica Chimica Acta. 2011 , num 690 , p. 129 - 134
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."A capillary electrophoresis-tandem mass spectrometry methodology for the determination of non-protein amino acids in vegetable oils as novel markers for the detection of adulterations in olive oils.". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2011 , vol 1218 , p. 4944 - 4951
PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Virginia; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Chiral Separation of Agricultural Fungicides ". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2011 , vol 1218 , p. 6561 - 6582
PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Virginia; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Chiral separation of metalaxyl and benalaxyl fungicides by electrokinetic chromatography and determination of enantiomeric impurities. ". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2011 , vol 1218 , p. 4877 - 4885
ESTEVE GIL, Clara; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; DEL RÍO, Carmen; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."First Ultraperformance Liquid Chromatography Based Strategy for Profiling Intact Proteins in Complex Matrices: Application to the Evaluation of the Performance of Olive (Olea europaea L.) Stone Proteins for Cultivar Fingerprinting". (ISSN: 0021-8561). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2010 , vol 14 , p. 8176 - 8182
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; CASTRO PUYANA, María; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Determination of L- and D-carnitine in dietary food supplements using capillary electrophoresis-tandem mass spectrometry". (ISSN: 0308-8146). Food Chemistry. 2010 , vol 120 , num 3 , p. 921 - 928
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."Recent approaches for enhancing sensitivity in enantioseparations by capillary electrophoresis". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2010 , vol 31 , num 1 , p. 28 - 43
SIMO RUIZ, Carolina; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; DINELLI , G.; CIFUENTES NEGRETE, Alberto; ."CE-TOF MS analysis of complex protein hydrolyzates from genetically modified soybeans. A tool for Foodomics ". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2010 , vol 31 , p. 1175 - 1183
PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Virginia; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Characteristics and enantiomeric analysis of chiral pyrethroids ". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2010 , vol 1217 , p. 968 - 989
MARTÍNEZ GIRÓN, Ana Belen; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; GONZÁLEZ , Maria José; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantiomeric separation of chiral polycyclic musks by capillary electrophoresis. Application to the analysis of cosmetic samples ". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2010 , vol 1217 , p. 1157 - 1165
PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Virginia; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantiomeric separation of cis-bifenthrin by CD-MEKC. Quantitative analysis in a commercial insecticide formulation. ". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2010 , vol 31 , p. 1533 - 1539
DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."First approach based on direct ultrasonic assisted enzymatic digestion and capillary-HPLC for the peptide mapping of soybean proteins ". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2010 , vol 1217 , p. 6443 - 6448
RODRÍGUEZ NOGALES, José Manuel; CIFUENTES , alejandro; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Improved methodology for the characterization of transgenic Bt-11 maize cultivars using RP-HPLC profiles of albumin, globulin, prolamin, and glutelin protein fractions and chemometric analysis ". (ISSN: 03088146). Food Chemistry. 2010 , vol 120 , p. 1229 - 1237
ANTA -, Lucía; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Simultaneous and rapid determination of the anticarcinogenic proteins Bowman-Birk inhibitor and lectin in soybean crops by perfusion RP-HPLC ". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2010 , vol 1217 , p. 7138 - 7143
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; GARCIA , Beatriz; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; GÓMEZ , Aranzazu; CIFUENTES , alejandro; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Rapid characterisation of (glyphosate tolerant) transgenic and non-transgenic soybeans using chromatographic protein profiles ". (ISSN: 0308-8146). Food Chemistry. 2009 , vol 113 , p. 1212 - 1217
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; GARCÍA CAÑAS, Virginia; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry profiling of transgenic and non-transgenic maize for cultivar characterization ". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2009 , num 1216 , p. 7222 - 7228
RODRÍGUEZ NOGALES, Jose Manuel; DEL ALAMO -, M.; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; CIFUENTES -, Alejandro; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Ultrarapid quantitation of maize proteins by perfusion and monolithic reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography ". (ISSN: 0021-8561). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2009 , vol 57 , p. 3014 - 4021
SAZ DÍAZ, José María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Application of micro- and nano-HPLC to the determination and characterization of bioactive and biomarker peptides ". (ISSN: 1615-9306). Journal of Separation Science. 2008 , vol 31 , num 3 , p. 446 - 458
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MORANTE ZARCERO, Sonia; DEL HIERRO , Isabel; SIERRA , Isabel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantiomeric separation of glycidyl tosylate by CE. Application to the study of catalytic asymmetric epoxidation of allyl alcohol". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2008 , vol 29 , p. 4575 - 4582
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; RODRÍGUEZ NOGALES, Jose Manuel; CIFUENTES -, Alejandro; ."Estimation of the percentage of transgenic Bt maize in maize flour mixtures using perfusion and monolithic reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and chemometric tools". (ISSN: 03088146). Food Chemistry. 2008 , vol 11 , p. 483 - 489
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MORANTE ZARCERO, Sonia; DEL HIERRO , Isabel; SIERRA , Isabel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Study of the efficiency of new phenoxo-ether titanium (IV) complexes as catalysts in asymmetric epoxidation processes. Comparison of HPLC and CE chiral methodologies". (ISSN: 0026-265X). Microchemical Journal. 2008 , vol 90 , p. 136 - 141
ERNY , G.L.; LEÓN , C.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CIFUENTES , A.; ."Time of flight versus ion trap MS coupled to CE to analyse intact proteins". J. Sep. Sci. (EE.UU.). 2008 , vol 31 , p. 1810 - 1818
SAZ DÍAZ, José María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."High performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis in the analysis of soybean proteins and peptides in foodstuffs ". (ISSN: 1615-9306). Journal of Separation Science. 2007 , vol 30 , num 4 , p. 431 - 451
ERNY , G.L.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CIFUENTES , A.; ."Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry of zein proteins from conventional and transgenic maize". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2007 , vol 28 , p. 4192 - 4201
RODRÍGUEZ-NOGALES , J.M.; CIFUENTES , A.; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Characterization of protein fractions from Bt-transgenic and non-transgenic maize varieties using perfusion and mololithic RP-HPLC. Maize differentiation by multivariate analysis ". (ISSN: 0021-8561). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2007 , vol 55 , p. 3835 - 3842
CASTRO , F.; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; RODRIGUEZ , R.; RODRÍGUEZ , J.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Determination of soybean proteins in commercial heat-processed meat products prepared with chicken, beef or complex mixtures of meats from different species ". (ISSN: 03088146). Food Chemistry. 2007 , vol 100 , p. 468 - 476
CASTRO-RUBIO , A.; CASTRO-RUBIO , F.; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Determination of soybean proteins in soybean wheat and soybean-rice commercial products by perfusion reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography ". (ISSN: 03088146). Food Chemistry. 2007 , vol 100 , p. 948 - 955
HERAS , J.M.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Development of a perfusion ion-exchange chromatography method for the separation of soybean proteins and its apllication to cultivar characterization ". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2007 , vol 1153 , p. 97 - 103
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Nuevo método para la determinación de proteínas de soja en productos cárnicos mediante cromatografía líquida ". Eurocarne. 2007 , vol 161 , p. 77 - 84
CASTRO-RUBIO , F.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; ."Perfusion reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of intact soybean proteins for the characterization of soybean cultivars". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2007 , vol 1170 , p. 34 - 43
ERNY , G.L.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CIFUENTES , A.; ."Reproducible and efficient separation of aggregatable zein proteins by capillary zone electrophoresis using a volatile background electrolyte". (ISSN: 0173-0835). Electrophoresis. 2007 , vol 28 , p. 2988 - 2997
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; HERAS , J.M.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Simple and rapid characterizationof soybean cultivars by perfusion reversed-phase HPLC: Application to the estimation of the 11S and 7S globulin contents ". J. Sep. Sci. (EE.UU.). 2007 , vol 30 , p. 475 - 482
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; THOROGATE , R.; SMITH , N.W.; ."A 150 mum i.d. packed column for the separation of soybean proteins by gradient elution mu-HPLC. Simultaneous separation of soybean proteins from cereal and milk proteins". J. Sep. Sci. (EE.UU.). 2006 , vol 29 , p. 979 - 985
RODRÍGUEZ-NOGALES , J.M.; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Analysis of European and North American maize inbred and hubrid lines by monolithic and perfusion reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and multivariate analysis ". (ISSN: 0021-8561). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2006 , vol 54 , p. 8702 - 8709
RODRÍGUEZ-NOGALES , J.M.; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Development of a perfusion RP-HPLC method for the characterization of maize products using multivariate analysis ". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2006 , vol 1104 , p. 91 - 99
RODRÍGUEZ-NOGALES , J.M.; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."High-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis for the analysis of maize proteins ". J. Sep. Sci. (EE.UU.). 2006 , vol 29 , p. 197 - 210
LEITNER , A.; CASTRO-RUBIO , F.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; LINDNER , W.; ."Identification of marker proteins for the adulteration of meat products with soybean proteins by muldidimensional liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry". (ISSN: 1535-3893). Journal of Proteome Research. 2006 , vol 5 , p. 2424 - 2430
RODRÍGUEZ-NOGALES , J.M.; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Monolithic supports for the characterization of commercial maize products through their chromatographic profile. application of experimental design and classification techniques ". (ISSN: 0021-8561). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2006 , vol 54 , p. 1173 - 1179
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Rapid detection of additions of soybean proteins in different kinds of cheeses and other dairy products by reversed-phase perfusion chromatography ". Food Additives & Contaminants (EE.UU.). 2006 , vol 23 , p. 339 - 347
CASTRO-RUBIO , A.; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Rapid separation of soybean and cereal (wheat, corn, and rice) proteins in complex mixtures. Application to the selective determination of the soybean protein content in commercial cereal-based products containing soybean ". (ISSN: 0003-2670). Analytica Chimica Acta. 2006 , vol 558 , p. 28 - 34
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; JIMÉNEZ YEPES, Olga; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad; ."Study of the separation selectivity of a group of benzene and naphthalene derivatives in micellar liquid chromatography.". (ISSN: 0026-265X). Microchemical Journal. 1996 , vol 53 , p. 215 - 224
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; PASTOR , Manuel; VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad; ."A statistical study of the correlation between k' or log k' and log Pow for a group of benzene and naphthalene derivatives in micellar liquid chromatography using a C-18 column.". (ISSN: 0009-5893). Chromatographia. 1995 , vol 40 , num 3/4 , p. 185 - 192
SAN ANDRÉS LLEDÓ, María Paz; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad; ."Spectrophotometric Determination of Copper(II), Nickel(II) and Cobalt(II) as Complexes with Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate in the Anionic Micellar Media of Dodecylsulfate Salts". (ISSN: 0003-2662). Analyst. 1995 , num 120 , p. 255 - 259
SAN ANDRÉS LLEDÓ, María Paz; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad; ."Spectrophotometric determination of Copper (II), Nickel (II) and Cobalt (II) as complexes with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate in cationic micellar medium of hexadecyltrimethylammonium salts.". (ISSN: 0039-9140). Talanta. 1994 , vol 41 , num 2 , p. 179 - 185
SAZ DÍAZ, José María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad; ."Cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia en medio micelar: determinación de las constantes de asociación soluto-micela de un grupo de dihidropiridinas". (ISSN: 0371-5728). Tecnicas de Laboratorio. 1993 , vol 185 , p. 631 - 631
GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad; BOMBÍN CASTREJÓN, María Mercedes; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Optimización de la selectividad de separación de un grupo de derivados de benceno y naftaleno en HPLC micelar utilizando una columna C-18 y alcoholes como modificadores en fase móvil.". (ISSN: 0371-5728). Tecnicas de Laboratorio. 1993 , vol XV , p. 23 - 23
GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad; BOMBÍN CASTREJÓN, María Mercedes; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Optimization of the separation selectivity of a group of benzene and naphthalene derivatives in micellar high-performance liquid chromatography using C-18 column and alcohols as modifiers in the mobile phase.". (ISSN: 0021-9673). Journal of Chromatography. 1993 , vol 646 , p. 297 - 305
GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, Angeles; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Aplicación de la cromatografía liquida de alta eficacia en fase micelar a la determinación de las constantes de asociación soluto-micela.". (ISSN: 1132-1369). Cromatografia y Tecnicas Afines. 1991 , vol 12 , num 2 , p. 69 - 72
GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Determination of the micelle-solute association constants of some benzene and naphthalene derivatives by micellar high-performance liquid chromatography with butanol and sodu¡ium chloride additives to mobile phase. ". (ISSN: 0009-5893). Chromatographia. 1991 , vol 32 , p. 148 - 154
GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, Angeles; VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Determination of the micelle-solute association constants of some benzene and naphthalene derivatives by micellar high-performance liquid chromatography with butanol and soldium chloride additives to mobile phase.". (ISSN: 0009-5893). Chromatographia. 1991 , vol 32 , num 3/4 , p. 148 - 154 .
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; RODRÍGUEZ FERNÁNDEZ, Adela Rosa; SAN ANDRÉS LLEDÓ, María Paz; POITRENAUD , Claude; ."Ion exchange in concentrated media. Correlations for variation of selectivity coefficients with medium". (ISSN: 0923-1137). Reactive Polymers. 1991 , vol 16 , p. 271 - 286
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad; RODRÍGUEZ FERNÁNDEZ, Adela R.; ."Determination of the Micelle - Solute Association Constants of Some Benzene and Naphthalene Derivatives by High Performance Liquid Chromatography". (ISSN: 0009-5893). Chromatographia. 1989 , vol 28 , num 7/8 , p. 379 - 384
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SÁNCHEZ ELVIRA, Andrea; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Sustainable extraction of proteins from citrus peels as a source of bioactive peptides". Congreso. Internacional. "29th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid-Phase Separation Techniques (ITP2023)". "(Italia)". (2023 - ).
BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; FERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ , Ana B.; LUCIO CAZAÑA, Francisco Javier de; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Targeted Metabolomics Approach Based on Liquid Chromatography-QOrbitrap-Mass Spectrometry to Quantify Relevant Metabolites in HK-2 Cells". Congreso. Internacional. "29th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid-Phase Separation Techniques (ITP2023)". "(Italia)". (2023 - ).
PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Development of green strategies for the extraction-encapsulation of antioxidant carotenoids from persimmon peels". Congreso. Internacional. "25th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech-2023)". Santa Cruz de Tenerife (2023 - ).
RINCÓN MONTÓN, David; HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; GÓMEZ RAMÍREZ, Rafael; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; SÁNCHEZ-NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ, Javier; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Extraction of proteins with dendronized magnetic nanoparticles". Congreso. Internacional. "25th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech-2023)". Santa Cruz de Tenerife (2023 - ).
HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Simultaneous and sequential combination of orthogonal techniques for the sustainable and comprehensive extraction of proteins and polyphenols from malt rootlets". Congreso. Internacional. "25th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech-2023)". Santa Cruz de Tenerife (2023 - ).
TEJEDOR , Roberto; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Synergistic combination of green technologies for antioxidant phenolic compound extraction from orange by-products". Congreso. Internacional. "25th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech-2023)". Santa Cruz de Tenerife (2023 - ).
PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."A green strategy to improve the recovery of flavanones from orange byproducts based on the combination of ultrasound-assisted extraction and natural deep eutectic solvents". Congreso. Internacional. "2nd Greenering International Conference". Valladolid (2023 - ).
PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."New strategy based on hydrophobic natural deep eutectic solvents and cyclodextrins for carotenoid extraction-encapsulation from persimmon peels". Congreso. Internacional. "2nd Greenering International Conference". Valladolid (2023 - ).
SÁNCHEZ ELVIRA, Andrea; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Ultrasound-assisted extraction and pressurized liquid extraction as green technologies to obtain bioactive peptides from citrus peels". Congreso. Nacional. "XXII Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA2023)". Palma de Mallorca (2023 - ).
TEJEDOR , Roberto; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Combination of green technologies for the extraction of antioxidant phenolic compounds from orange by-products". Congreso. Nacional. Zaragoza (2023 - ).
PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Extraction of lipophylic antioxidant carotenoids from persimmon peel using green solvents". Congreso. Nacional. "XXXIX Reunión Bienal de Química". Zaragoza (2023 - ).
BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; SÁNCHEZ-LÓPEZ , Elena; CASTRO PUYANA, María; FERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ , Ana B.; LUCIO CAZAÑA, Francisco Javier de; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Identification of altered metabolites between 1st and 2nd generation cisplatin-induced apoptotic bodies in HK-2 cells using a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry untargeted metabolomic approach". Congreso. Nacional. "XXXIX Reunión Bienal de Química". Zaragoza (2023 - ).
PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Natural deep eutectic solvents as a green tool for the extraction of flavanones from orange by-products". Congreso. Nacional. "II Reunión Científica del Grupo de Ciencia y Tecnologías (Bio)Analíticas de la RSEQ (GCTbA-2023).". Zaragoza (2023 - ).
GÓMEZ , P.; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Ultrasound-assisted extraction and cyclodextrin encapsulation of phytosterols from cherimoya seeds". Congreso. Nacional. "II Reunión Científica del Grupo de Ciencia y Tecnologías (Bio)Analíticas de la RSEQ (GCTbA-2023)". Zaragoza (2023 - ).
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."SINGLE AND DUAL SYSTEMS OF CYCLODEXTRINS/AMINO ACID-BASED IONIC LIQUIDS FOR THE ENANTIOMERIC SEPARATION OF KETOROLAC BY ELECTROKINETIC CHROMATOGRAPHY". Congreso. Nacional. "XXII Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA 2023)". Palma de Mallorca (16/10/2023 - 18/10/2023).
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."Chiral capillary electrophoresis: from single systems of cyclodextrins totheir combinations with chiral ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents". Congreso. Internacional. "29th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid-Phase Separation Techniques (ITP 2023)". "(Italia)". (13/09/2023 - 17/09/2023).
LIÑÁN ATERO, Rafael; GUZMÁN LORITE, Miriam; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Comparison of microwave-assisted extraction and subcritical water extraction to obtain anti-aging extracts from a brewer's waste". Congreso. Internacional. "25th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech2023)". Santa Cruz de Tenerife (18/07/2023 - 21/07/2023).
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; DAL BOSCO , Chiara; GENTILI , Alessandra; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; D'ORAZIO , Giovanni; FANALI , Salvatore; ."NANO-LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY AFTER DISPERSIVE LIQUID-LIQUIDMICROEXTRACTION FOR THE SIMULTANEOUS CHIRAL ANALYSIS OF DRUGS IN WATER SAMPLES". Reunión. Nacional. "II Reunión Científica del Grupo Especializado en Ciencia y Tecnologías (Bio)Analíticas de la RSEQ". Zaragoza (27/06/2023 - 28/06/2023).
GARCÍA CANSINO, Laura; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CAMARA , Jose Sousa; PEREIRA , Jorge; ."A Sustainable and Innovative Analytical Approach Based on µSPEed/UHPLC-PDA for the Determination of Pesticides in Food and Environmental Samples". Internacional. "33rd International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC-2022).". (18/09/2022 - 22/09/2022).
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Chiral analysis of indacaterol in enantiomerically pure pharmaceutical formulation by cyclodextrin electrokinetic chromatography". Internacional. "33rd International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC-2022).". (18/09/2022 - 22/09/2022).
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; SALGADO SERRANO, Antonio; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantiomeric Separation of Licarbazepine by Electrokinetic Chromatography with Carboxyethylated derivatized Cyclodextrins. Study of the Enantiomer-Selector Interactions by NMR". Internacional. "33rd International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC-2022).". (18/09/2022 - 22/09/2022).
GARCÍA CANSINO, Laura; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; ."Modeling the Enantiomeric Separation of a Mixture of Drugs by Cyclodextrin Electrokinetic Chromatography". Internacional. "33rd International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC-2022).". (18/09/2022 - 22/09/2022).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PRADOS NIETO, Isabel María; BARRIOS GUMIEL, Andrea; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Green approach to extract/purify proteins using magnetic nanoparticles coated with carboxylate-terminated dendrimers". Internacional. "X International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NyNA-2022).". Ciudad Real (05/09/2022 - 08/09/2022).
HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; BOUSSETTA , Nadia; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; VOROBIEV , Eugene; ."Enhancing the extraction of proteins using High Voltage Electrical Discharges (HVED) in combination with Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES)".". Internacional. "36th European Peptide Symposium (36th EPS) and 12th International Peptide Symposium (12th IPS).". Sitges (28/08/2022 - 02/09/2022).
GUZMÁN LORITE, Miriam; MUÑOZ MORENO, Laura; CARMENA SIERRA, María José; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."In vitro antitumor activity of pomegranate seed proteins and peptide-rich extracts". Internacional. "36th European Peptide Symposium (36th EPS) and 12th International Peptide Symposium (12th IPS).". Sitges (28/08/2022 - 02/09/2022).
GUZMÁN LORITE, Miriam; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Recovery of peptides from pomegranate seeds by successive extraction using pressurized liquids and deep eutectic solvents". Internacional. "36th European Peptide Symposium (36th EPS) and 12th International Peptide Symposium (12th IPS).". Sitges (28/08/2022 - 02/09/2022).
HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; SÁNCHEZ MILLA, María; SÁNCHEZ-NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ, Javier; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Immobilization of proteolytic enzymes on dendronized silica supports to release peptides". Internacional. "36th European Peptide Symposium (36th EPS) and 12th International Peptide Symposium (12th IPS).". (28/08/2022 - 02/09/2022).
BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; XUE , Jingchuan; HOANG , Linh; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SIUZDAK , Gary; GIERA , Martin; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; ."Quantification of DL-2-Hydroxyglutarate in Clinical Samples by an Enhanced in-Source Fragmentation UPLC-TOF Strategy". Nacional. "XXIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (SEQA-2022).". Oviedo (12/07/2022 - 15/07/2022).
BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; CASTRO PUYANA, María; FERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ, Ana Belén; LUCIO CAZAÑA, Francisco Javier de; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."An untargeted LC-MS metabolomics approach to investigate the metabolic alterations between cisplatin and UV light-induced apoptotic bodies from HK-2 cells". Nacional. "I Reunión Científica del Grupo Especializado en Ciencia y Tecnologías (Bio)Analíticas (GCTbA) de la RSEQ (GCTbA-2022).". Granada (29/06/2022 - 02/07/2022).
PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Pressurized liquid extraction and enzymatic-assisted extraction, the combination of two green methodologies to release non extractable polyphenols from cherry pomace: in vitro assessment of their bioavailability". Nacional. "I Reunión Científica del Grupo Especializado en Ciencia y Tecnologías (Bio)Analíticas (GCTbA) de la RSEQ (GCTbA-2022).". Granada (29/06/2022 - 02/07/2022).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; JIMÉNEZ JIMÉNEZ, Sara; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; ."Stereoselective separation of dimethenamid by cyclodextrin electrokinetic chromatography using deep eutectic solvents". Nacional. "I Reunión Científica del Grupo Especializado en Ciencia y Tecnologías (Bio)Analíticas (GCTbA) de la RSEQ (GCTbA-2022).". Granada (29/06/2022 - 02/07/2022).
GARCÍA CANSINO, Laura; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantioseparation of ibrutinib by electrokinetic chromatography using single and dual systems based on a cyclodextrin or its combination with an ionic liquid". Nacional. "XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ-2022).". Granada (28/06/2022 - 02/07/2022).
HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; BOUSSETTA , Nadia; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; VOROBIEV , eugene; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."High voltage electrical discharges (hved) in combination with deep eutectic solvents (des) for the extraction of proteins and phenolic compounds from pomegranate seeds". Nacional. "XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ-2022).". Granada (28/06/2022 - 02/07/2022).
GARCÍA APARICIO, María del Prado; CASTRO RUBIO, Florentina; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Potential of tomato pomace as a source of proteins and polyphenols. Bioactive profile by UHPLC-Orbitrap-MS/MS". Nacional. "XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ-2022).". Granada (28/06/2022 - 02/07/2022).
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Rapid enantiomeric separation of indacaterol by electrokinetic chromatography using short-end injection". Nacional. "XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ-2022).". Granada (28/06/2022 - 02/07/2022).
BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; XUE , Jingchuan; HOANG , Linh; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SIUZDAK , Gary; GIERA , Martin; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; ."Simplified clinical DL-2-hydroxyglutarate analyses via enhanced in-source fragmentation mass spectrometry analysis". Nacional. "XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ-2022).". Granada (28/06/2022 - 02/07/2022).
GUZMÁN LORITE, Miriam; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Successive extraction using deep eutectic solvents and pressurized liquids for the recovery of proteins. Identification of bioactive compounds by MS/MS". Nacional. "XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ-2022).". Granada (28/06/2022 - 02/07/2022).
BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; CASTRO PUYANA, María; FERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ, Ana Belén; LUCIO CAZAÑA, Francisco Javier de; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Exploring the metabolic differences between cisplatin- and UV light-induced apoptotic bodies in HK-2 cells". Internacional. "18th Annual Conference of the Metabolomics (Metabolomics-2022)". Valencia (19/06/2022 - 23/06/2022).
GUZMÁN LORITE, Miriam; ROSU , Frédéric; GABELICA , Valérie; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Fragmentación e identificación de micro-RNA por Espectrometría de Masas de Resonancia de Ión Ciclotrón con Transformada de Fourier (ICR-FT)". Nacional. "I Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas ". Miraflores de la Sierra (24/03/2022 - 25/03/2022).
DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; VIDAL , Daniel Ramón; MARTORELL , Patricia; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."In-vivo evaluation of antioxidant, antiaging, and neuroprotective activities of non-extractable polyphenols from sweet cherry pomace based on caenorhabditis elegans animal model". Internacional. "14th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications 2021". Bonn "(Alemania)". (22/09/2021 - 24/09/2021).
BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; TAN , Lei; BENITO MARTÍNEZ, Selma; JIANG , Zhengjin; CASTRO PUYANA, María; LUCIO CAZAÑA, Francisco Javier de; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Study of an in-vitro model of hypoxia induced metabolic alterations in HK-2 cells using a non-targeted metabolomics strategy based on liquid-chromatography mass spectrometry". Internacional. "37th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis (e-MSB 2021), Royal Society of Chemistry". Boston (MA) "(Estados Unidos)". (12/07/2021 - 15/07/2021).
GARCÍA CANSINO, Laura; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."An Electrokinetic Chromatography methodology using a dual system based on the combination of carboxymethyl-gamma-cyclodextrin and tetrabutylammonium L-aspartic acid ionic liquid for the enantiomeric determination of clopidogrel in pharmaceutical formulations ". Internacional. "37th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis (e-MSB 2021), Royal Society of Chemistry.". (12/07/2021 - 15/07/2021).
GARCÍA CANSINO, Laura; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; ."Simultaneous enantiomeric separation of carfentrazone ethyl herbicide and its hydrolysis metabolite carfentrazone by Cyclodextrin Electrokinetic Chromatography". Internacional. "37th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis (e-MSB 2021), Royal Society of Chemistry". (12/07/2021 - 15/07/2021).
GARCÍA APARICIO, María del Prado; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Biotechnology approaches for food waste valorisation (GOT ENERGY) MSCA COFUND (2016)". Europeo. "MSCA European Green Deal Cluster event (online), Research Executive Agency.". (06/07/2021 - 07/07/2021).
DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; SAHELICES GARRIDO-LESTACHE, Cristina; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; ."Green extraction approach of non-extractable phenolic compounds from mangosteen peel by ultrasound assisted extraction and natural deep eutectic solvents". Internacional. "XXIII International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech XXIII).". Alacant/Alicante (30/06/2021 - 02/07/2021).
DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Combining pressurized liquid extraction and enzymatic assisted extraction to obtain bioactive non-extractable polyphenols from sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) pomace". Internacional. "XXIII International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech XXIII).". Alicante (30/06/2021 - 02/07/2021).
GUZMÁN LORITE, Miriam; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Development of methodologies to obtain bioactive peptides from pomegranate seeds using high intensity focused ultrasounds and pressurized liquids". Internacional. "XXIII International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech XXIII)". Alacant/Alicante (29/06/2021 - 02/07/2021).
GARCÍA APARICIO, María del Prado; MARTÍN ORTIZ, Andrea; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Extraction of bioactive compounds from food processing by-products in a biorefinery context". Internacional. "XXIII International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech XXIII)". Alacant/Alicante (29/06/2021 - 02/07/2021).
HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; BOUSSETTA , Nadia; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; VOROBIEV , Eugène; ."Extraction of proteins and phenolic compounds using high voltage electrical discharges (HVED) in combination wiwth deep eutectic solvents (DES)". Internacional. "XXIII International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech XXIII)". Alacant/Alicante (29/06/2021 - 02/07/2021).
GUZMÁN LORITE, Miriam; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Suitability of natural deep eutectic solvents in combination with high intensity focused ultrasounds for the sustainable extraction of proteins". Internacional. "XXIII International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech XXIII)". Alacant/Alicante (29/06/2021 - 02/07/2021).
LOMBARDO CRISTINA, Víctor; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Sustainable extraction of proteins, peptides, and phenolic compounds with multifunctional protective effect against oxidation from an apricot residue". Internacional. "XXIII International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech XXIII)". Alacant/Alicante (29/06/2021 - 02/07/2021).
DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; ."Revalorización de pieles de frutas". Nacional. "Divulga NextGen". Madrid (26/05/2021 - 28/05/2021).
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; FERNÁNDEZ BACHILLER, María Isabel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."Synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of L-carnitine-based ionic liquids as additives in cyclodextrin-electrokinetic chromatography for the enantiomeric separation of amino acids". Internacional. "6th Iberoamerican Meeting on Ionic Liquids". Santiago de Chile "(Chile)". (24/05/2021 - 26/05/2021).
GARCÍA CANSINO, Laura; JIMÉNEZ , Sara; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Influence of deep eutectic solvents and ionic liquids on the enantiomeric separation of clopidogrel by Cyclodextrin-Electrokinetic Chromatography". Internacional. "6th Iberoamerican Meeting on Ionic Liquids (IMIL2021).". Santiago de Chile "(Chile)". (24/05/2021 - 28/05/2021).
PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; SAHELICES GARRIDO-LESTACHE, Cristina; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Assessing the biorefinery potential of tomato pomace: chemical characterization, bioactive profile and enzyme digestibility". Internacional. "X Food Technology International Symposium and Food Brockerage Event". Murcia (17/05/2021 - 21/05/2021).
DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enzyme-assisted extraction of high-value bioactive polyphenols from fruit by-products". Internacional. "X Food Technology International Symposium and Food Brockerage Event". Murcia (17/05/2021 - 21/05/2021).
PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; SAHELICES GARRIDO-LESTACHE, Cristina; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Extraction of antioxidant non-extractable polyphenols from mangosteen peel using green solvents". Internacional. "X Food Technology International Symposium and Food Brockerage Event.". Murcia (17/05/2021 - 21/05/2021).
GARCÍA APARICIO, María del Prado; MARTÍN ORTIZ, Andrea; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Valorization of peach byproduct in a biorefinery context: Bioactive profile, antioxidant capacity and enzyme digestibility". Internacional. "43rd Symposium on Biomaterials, Fuels and Chemicals (SBFC)". Tenesse "(Estados Unidos)". (26/04/2021 - 28/04/2021).
DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; ."Bioactive non-extractable polyphenosl: response surface methodology to optimize their enzyme-assisted extraction from cherry pomace". Congreso. Internacional. "9th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis". Praga "(República Checa)". (05/11/2019 - 08/11/2019).
GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."Development of a non-targeted LC-MS metabolomics approach for the search of biomarkers of cocoa powder adulteration". Congreso. Internacional. "9th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis ". Praga "(República Checa)". (05/11/2019 - 08/11/2019).
GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."Enantiomeric determination of cysteine by capillary electrophoresis using gamma-cyclodextrin as chiral selector or its combination with ionic liquids". Congreso. Internacional. "9th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis ". Praga "(República Checa)". (05/11/2019 - 08/11/2019).
HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Pressurized liquid extraction and deep eutectic solvents, two green methodologies to extract bioactive compounds from pomegranate peel (punica granatum L)". Congreso. Internacional. "9th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis". Praga "(República Checa)". (05/11/2019 - 08/11/2019).
VALDÉS TABERNERO, Alberto; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."Isolation of proteins from spent coffee ground. Identification of peptides in the protein hydrolysates by RP-HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF". Congreso. Europeo. "1st Iberian Meeting in Separation Sciences & Mass Spectrometry: XIX Conference of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techiques (SECyTA), IX Conference of the Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry (SEEM), VI Conference of the Mass Spectrometry Group of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry (SPQ)". SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (08/10/2019 - 11/10/2019).
VALDÉS TABERNERO, Alberto; GARCÍA PASTOR, Coral; LUCIO CAZAÑA, Francisco Javier de; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."Time-series proteomic study of diabetic nephropathy in human proxiaml tubular HK-2 cells by UHPLC-ORBITRAP MS/MS". Congreso. Europeo. "1st Iberian Meeting in Separation Sciences & Mass Spectrometry: XIX Conference of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techiques (SECyTA), IX Conference of the Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry (SEEM), VI Conference of the Mass Spectrometry Group of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry (SPQ)". SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (08/10/2019 - 11/10/2019).
GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."A LC-MS metabolomics-based strategy for the search of potential markers of cocoa poweder adulteration". Congreso. Europeo. "1st Iberian Meeting in Separation Sciences & Mass Spectrometry: XIX Conference of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techiques (SECyTA), IX Conference of the Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry (SEEM), VI Conference of the Mass Spectrometry Group of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry (SPQ)". Santiago de Compostela (08/10/2019 - 11/10/2019).
JIMÉNEZ JIMÉNEZ, Sara; GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; CASTRO PUYANA, María; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Stereoselective separation of a group of agrochemicals by electrokinetic chromatography". Congreso. Europeo. "1st Iberian Meeting in Separation Sciences & Mass Spectrometry: XIX Conference of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techiques (SECyTA), IX Conference of the Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry (SEEM), VI Conference of the Mass Spectrometry Group of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry (SPQ)". Santiago de Compostela (08/10/2019 - 11/10/2019).
PRADOS NIETO, Isabel María; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Application of multivariate analysis to identify peptides responsible for the hypocholesterolemic capacity of protein hydrolysates released from olive seeds". Nacional. "1st Iberian Meeting in Separation Sciences & Mass Spectrometry: XIX Conference of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techiques (SECyTA), IX Conference of the Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry (SEEM), VI Conference of the Mass Spectrometry Group of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry (SPQ)". SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (08/10/2019 - 11/10/2019).
PRADOS NIETO, Isabel María; ORELLANA MURIANA, José María; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Identification of peptides in the olive seed responsible for in vitro and in vivo hypolipidemic capacity". Nacional. "1st Iberian Meeting in Separation Sciences & Mass Spectrometry: XIX Conference of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techiques (SECyTA), IX Conference of the Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry (SEEM), VI Conference of the Mass Spectrometry Group of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry (SPQ)". SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (08/10/2019 - 11/10/2019).
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; SÁNCHEZ MILLA, María; SÁNCHEZ-NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ, Javier; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Immobilization of proteolytic enzymes on silica supports functionalized with carbosilane and pamam dendrimers and evaluation of their potential in succesive hydrolysis". Nacional. "1st Iberian Meeting in Separation Sciences & Mass Spectrometry: XIX Conference of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techiques (SECyTA), IX Conference of the Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry (SEEM), VI Conference of the Mass Spectrometry Group of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry (SPQ)". SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (08/10/2019 - 11/10/2019).
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; SÁNCHEZ-NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ, Javier; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Potential of cationic carbosilane dendrimers for sustainable protein sample preparation". Nacional. "1st Iberian Meeting in Separation Sciences & Mass Spectrometry: XIX Conference of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techiques (SECyTA), IX Conference of the Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry (SEEM), VI Conference of the Mass Spectrometry Group of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry (SPQ)". SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (08/10/2019 - 11/10/2019).
GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Sustainable extraction and characterization of bioactive peptides and polyphenols from brewer 's spent grain: evaluation of synergic effects". Nacional. "1st Iberian Meeting in Separation Sciences & Mass Spectrometry: XIX Conference of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techiques (SECyTA), IX Conference of the Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry (SEEM), VI Conference of the Mass Spectrometry Group of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry (SPQ)". SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (08/10/2019 - 11/10/2019).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; CASADO NAVAS, Natalia; SALGADO SERRANO, Antonio; ."Enantiomeric separation of ivabradine by electrokinetic chromatography using cyclodextrins as chiral selectors. Effect of amino acid chiral ionic liquids". Congreso. Internacional. "6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins ". Santiago de Compostela (02/10/2019 - 04/10/2019).
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Hydroxypropyl-beta-CD combined with amino acid chiral ionic liquids for drug separation by electrokinetic chromatography". Congreso. Internacional. "6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins ". Santiago de Compostela (02/10/2019 - 04/10/2019).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; SALGADO SERRANO, Antonio; GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; GAGO BADENAS, Federico; ."NMR and molecular modeling studies on the interactions taking place in Capillary Electrophoresis between homocysteine enantiomers and gamma-cyclodextrin in the presence or absence of the chiral ionic liquid EtCholNTf2". Congreso. Internacional. "6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins 2019". Santiago de Compostela (02/10/2019 - 04/10/2019).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; JIMÉNEZ JIMÉNEZ, Sara; ."Separation of prothioconazole enantiomers by cyclodextrin electrokinetic chromatography". Congreso. Internacional. "6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins ". Santiago de Compostela (02/10/2019 - 04/10/2019).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; CASTRO PUYANA, María; GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; ."Stereoselective separation of tetramethrin by cyclodextrin micellar electrokinetic chromatography". Congreso. Internacional. "6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins". Santiago de Compostela (02/10/2019 - 04/10/2019).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASADO NAVAS, Natalia; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; JIANG , Zhengjin; ."A chiral analytical methodology for colchicine determination using nano-liquid chromatography and an amylose-based stationary phase". Congreso. Internacional. "25th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical, and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology ". Alcala de Henares (29/09/2019 - 02/10/2019).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PÉREZ MIGUEZ, Raquel; CASTRO PUYANA, María; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; TAN , Lei; PAN , Xinhong; LI , yongxan; ."Assessing chirality and conformation by gas-phase electrophoresis". Congreso. Internacional. "25th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical, and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology ". Alcala de Henares (29/09/2019 - 02/10/2019).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; CASADO NAVAS, Natalia; SALGADO SERRANO, Antonio; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; ."Chiral capillary electrophoresis for the separation of ivabradine enantiomers. Quantitative analysis in pharmaceutical formulations". Congreso. Internacional. "25th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical, and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology". Alcala de Henares (29/09/2019 - 02/10/2019).
CASTRO PUYANA, María; GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Chiral ionic liquids as synergistic selectors for enantiomeric separations by capillary electrophoresis". Congreso. Internacional. "25th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical, and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology". Alcala de Henares (29/09/2019 - 02/10/2019).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; CASTRO PUYANA, María; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; ."Development of a capillary electrophoresis methodology for the stereoselective separation of tetramethrin". Congreso. Internacional. "25th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical, and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology ". Alcala de Henares (29/09/2019 - 02/10/2019).
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantiomeric determination of econazole and sulconazole in pharmaceutical formulations by capillary electrophoresis uing hydroxypropyl-beta-CD combined with chiral ionic liquids". Congreso. Internacional. "25th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical, and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology ". Alcala de Henares (29/09/2019 - 02/10/2019).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; JIMÉNEZ JIMÉNEZ, Sara; ."Enantiomeric determination of the agrochemical prothioconazol by chiral capillary electrophoresis". Congreso. Internacional. "25th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical, and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology ". Alcala de Henares (29/09/2019 - 02/10/2019).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; TAN , Lei; JIANG , Zhengjin; LI , yongxan; ."Enantioseparation of amino acids using an O-[2-(methacryloyloxy)-ethylcarbamoyl]-10,11-dihydroquinidine-silica hybrid monolithic column by nano-LC. Determination of norvaline and tryptophan in food supplements". Congreso. Internacional. "25th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical, and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology ". Alcala de Henares (29/09/2019 - 02/10/2019).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASADO NAVAS, Natalia; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; ."Modeling the enantiomeric separation of phenoxy acid herbicides by capillary electrophoresis using a dual cyclodextrin system". Congreso. Internacional. "25th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical, and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology". Alcala de Henares (29/09/2019 - 02/10/2019).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; SALGADO SERRANO, Antonio; ."Chiral ionic liquids combined with cyclodextrins for the enantiomeric separation of homocysteine by capillary electrophoresis. Study of the analyte-selectors interactions by nuclear magnetic resonance". Congreso. Internacional. "4th International Conference on Ionic Liquids in Separation and Purification Technologies". Sitges (08/09/2019 - 11/09/2019).
SALIDO FORTUNA, Sandra; GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; CASTRO PUYANA, María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Evaluation of amino acid chiral ionic liquids/hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin dual systems for drug enantioseparation by capillary electrophoresis". Congreso. Internacional. "4th International Conference on Ionic Liquids in Separation and Purification Technologies". Sitges (08/09/2019 - 11/09/2019).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; SÁNCHEZ-NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ, Javier; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; ."Sustainable protein sample preparation based on the use of cationic carbosilane dendrimers". Congreso. Internacional. "IX Symposium Internacional sobre Tecnologías Alimentarias". Murcia (14/05/2019 - 15/05/2019).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; SÁNCHEZ MILLA, María; SÁNCHEZ-NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ, Javier; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; ."Thermolysin immobilization on silica supports functionalized with dendrimers and reusability of the immobilized enzyme in protein digestion". Congreso. Internacional. "IX Symposium Internacional sobre Tecnologías Alimentarias". Murcia (14/05/2019 - 15/05/2019).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; ."A capillary-LC-IT-MS/MS methodology for the quantitation of four ACE-inhibitory peptides in prunus seed hydrolysates". Congreso. Internacional. "XVIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA-2018). ". Granada (02/10/2018 - 04/10/2018).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; CASTRO PUYANA, María; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; PÉREZ MIGUEZ, Raquel; ."A multiplatform metabolic approach to search chemical markers related to the coffee roasting process". Congreso. Internacional. "XVIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA-2018). ". Granada (02/10/2018 - 04/10/2018).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; DOMÍNGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Gloria; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; ."Antioxidant phenolic profile characterization of peel from different passiflora species by HPLC-DAD-QTOF/MS". Congreso. Internacional. "XVIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA-2018). ". Granada (02/10/2018 - 04/10/2018).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; VÁSQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Romy Ángela; HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; ."Carbosilane dendrimers and dendrons in protein sample preparation". Congreso. Internacional. "XVIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA-2018). ". Granada (02/10/2018 - 04/10/2018).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; VALIMAÑA TRAVERSO, Jesús Manuel; MORANTE-ZARCERO , S.; PÉREZ-QUINTANILLA , D.; SIERRA , I.; ."Cationic amine-bridget periodic mesoporous organosilica materials for off-line solid-phase extraction of phenoxy acid herbicides from water samples prior to their simultaneous enantiomeric determination by capillary electrophoresis". Congreso. Internacional. "XVIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA-2018). ". Granada (02/10/2018 - 04/10/2018).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; ."Combined use of gamma-cyclodextrin and chiral ionic liquids for the enantiomeric separation of homocysteine by capillary electrophoresis". Congreso. Internacional. "XVIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA-2018). ". Granada (02/10/2018 - 04/10/2018).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PRADOS NIETO, Isabel María; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; DOMÍNGUEZ-VEJA , E.; WUHRER , M.; ."Evaluation of new proteolytic enzymes to produce hypocholesterolemic peptides from olive seed proteins". Congreso. Internacional. "XVIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA-2018). ". Granada (02/10/2018 - 04/10/2018).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; HERNÁNDEZ CORROTO, Ester; ."Identification of bioactive peptides and polyphenols in highly bioactive extracts obtained from pomegranate (PUNICA GRANATUM L.) peel by RP-HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF". Congreso. Internacional. "XVIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA-2018). ". Granada (02/10/2018 - 04/10/2018).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; XU , D.; WANG , Q; JIANG , Z.; ."Preparation of an O-[2-(methacryloyloxy)-ethylcarbamoyl]-10,11-dihydroquinidine (MQD)-silica hybrid monolithic for the enantioseparation of amino acids by nano-LC". Congreso. Internacional. "XVIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA-2018). ". Granada (02/10/2018 - 04/10/2018).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; VALIMAÑA TRAVERSO, Jesús Manuel; MORANTE-ZARCERO , S.; PÉREZ-QUINTANILLA , D.; SIERRA , I.; ."Simultaneous enantiomeric determination of drugs in water samples by capillary electrophoresis after solid-phase extraction with periodic mesoporous organosolica materials". Congreso. Internacional. "XVIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA-2018). ". Granada (02/10/2018 - 04/10/2018).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; BENITO , S.; LUCIO-CAZAÑA , F.J.; ."Study of diabetic nephropathy in HK-2 cells using a metabolomic platform based on liquid-chromatography-mass spectrometry". Congreso. Internacional. "XVIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA-2018). ". Granada (02/10/2018 - 04/10/2018).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; PÉREZ MIGUEZ, Raquel; ."Study of peptide composition in coffee silverskin protein hydrolysates submitted to different roasting processes by LC-ESI-QTOF-MS". Congreso. Internacional. "XVIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA-2018). ". Granada (02/10/2018 - 04/10/2018).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; VÁSQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Romy Ángela; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MUÑOZ-MORENO , L.; CARMENA , M.J.; ."De novo identification of peptides with antitumor and hypotensive activity from an olive by-product by RPLC- and HILIC-ESI-QTOF (MS/MS)". Internacional. "32nd International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC-2018). ". Cannes-Mandelieu "(Francia)". (23/09/2018 - 27/09/2018).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; VÁSQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Romy Ángela; PLAZA DEL MORAL, Merichel; TURNER , C.; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."New approach for the selective extraction of hypocholesterolemic compounds from olive stone by-producs by sustainable extraction techniques". Internacional. "32nd International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC-2018). ". Cannes-Mandelieu "(Francia)". (23/09/2018 - 27/09/2018).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; XU , D.; SHAO , H.; LUO , R.; WANG , Q; FANALI , S.; JIANG , Z.; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; ."A facile and efficient single-step approach for the fabrication of vancomycin functionalized polymer-based monolith as chiral stationary phase for nano-liquid chromatography". Congreso. Internacional. "11th International Symposium on Drug Analysis y 29th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (DA-PBA 2018).". Lovaina "(Bélgica)". (09/09/2018 - 12/09/2018).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; BERNARDO BERMEJO, Samuel; BENITO , S.; LUCIO-CAZAÑA , F.J.; ."Study of an in vitro model of diabetic nephropathy using Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry based non-targeted metabolomics". Congreso. Internacional. "11th International Symposium on Drug Analysis y 29th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (DA-PBA 2018).". Lovaina "(Bélgica)". (09/09/2018 - 12/09/2018).
PÉREZ MIGUEZ, Raquel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."Enantioselective determination of selenomethionine by MEKC with UV and MS detection using a diastereomeric derivatization with (+)-FLEC and a volatile surfactant". Congreso. Internacional. "International Conference on Environmental & Food Monitoring (ISEAC-40)". SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (19/06/2018 - 22/06/2018).
VALIMAÑA TRAVERSO, Jesús Manuel; MORANTE ZARCERO, Sonia; PÉREZ QUINTANILLA, Damián; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; SIERRA , Isabel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."New cationic amine-bridget periodic mesoporous organosilica materials for solid-phase extraction of phenoxy acid herbicides from water samples". Congreso. Internacional. "International Conference on Environmental & Food Monitoring (ISEAC-40)". Santiago de Compostela (19/06/2018 - 22/06/2018).
VALIMAÑA TRAVERSO, Jesús Manuel; MORANTE ZARCERO, Sonia; PÉREZ QUINTANILLA, Damián; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; SIERRA , Isabel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Simultaneous enantiomeric determination of drugs in water samples by capillary electrophoresis after solid-phase extraction with periodic mesoporous organosilica materials". Congreso. Internacional. "International Conference on Environmental & Food Monitoring (ISEAC-40)". Santiago de Compostela (19/06/2018 - 22/06/2018).
PÉREZ MIGUEZ, Raquel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."Enantiomeric determination of citrulline in food supplements by EKC". Congreso. Europeo. "31st International Symposium on Chromatography". Cork "(Irlanda)". (28/08/2016 - 01/09/2016).
PÉREZ MIGUEZ, Raquel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CASTRO PUYANA, María; ."Enantiomeric separation of non-protein amino acids by EKC". Congreso. Europeo. "31st International Symposium on Chromatography". Cork "(Irlanda)". (28/08/2016 - 01/09/2016).
GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; FASOLI , E.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; RIGHETTI , P. G.; ."Identification of plum and peach seeds proteins by nLC-MS/MS via combinatorial peptide ligand libraries". Congreso. Nacional. "VII Reunión Nacional Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas, SEEM2015 y XV Reunión Científica Sociedad Española de Cromatografía y Técnicas Afnies, SECyTA2015. XV Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA2015) and VII National Meeting of the Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry (SEEM2015)". Castellon de la Plana (27/10/2015 - 30/10/2015).
VÁSQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Romy Ángela; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Purification and identification of natural angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory peptides from peach and olive seed byproducts". Congreso. Nacional. "VII Reunión Nacional Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas, SEEM2015 y XV Reunión Científica Sociedad Española de Cromatografía y Técnicas Afnies, SECyTA2015.". Castellon de la Plana (27/10/2015 - 30/10/2015).
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; VÁSQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Romy Ángela; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Valorization of fruit and olive processing byproducts". Congreso. Nacional. "VII Reunión Nacional Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas, SEEM2015 y XV Reunión Científica Sociedad Española de Cromatografía y Técnicas Afnies, SECyTA2015. XV Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA2015) and VII National Meeting of the Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry (SEEM2015)". Castellon de la Plana (27/10/2015 - 30/10/2015).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; MADRID , Y.; FERNÁNDEZ , P.; MORALES , F. J.; SIERRA , I.; VAQUERO LÓPEZ, Juan José; GONZÁLEZ , M. J.; ."Advanced strategies for the improvement and control of the quality and safety of foods". Congreso. Europeo. "EuroFoodChem XVIII". Madrid (13/10/2015 - 16/10/2015).
GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; MALY , M.; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Novel approach for protein sample preparation based on interaction of carbosilane dendrimers and proteins". Congreso. Europeo. "EuroFoodChem XVIII". Madrid (13/10/2015 - 16/10/2015).
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; DIZ , J.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Revalorization of a food processing byproduct to obtain peptides with in vitro hypocholesterolemic capacity". Congreso. Europeo. "EuroFoodChem XVIII". Madrid (13/10/2015 - 16/10/2015).
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; VÁSQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Romy Ángela; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; , R. Gómez; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Exploring the interactions between proteins and carbosilane dendrimers: an interesting tool for protein sample preparation". Congreso. Internacional. "1th Caparica Conference on Sample Treatment". Caparica "(Portugal)". (2014 - ).
SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."A chiral CE-ESI-MS2 methodology for the determination of the optical purity of S-duloxetine in pharmaceuticals". Congreso. Nacional. "14as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental (JAI 2014)". Barcelona (01/10/2014 - 03/10/2014).
GUIJARRO DÍEZ, Miguel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."A metabolomic approach based on LC-MS for the discovery of novel markers in saffron adulteration". Congreso. Nacional. "14as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental (JAI 2014)". Barcelona (01/10/2014 - 03/10/2014).
SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; MARCOS , Alberto; AMBROSIO , Emilio; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."Chiral determination of the constituents involved in the Phenylalanine-Tyrosine metabolic pathway by CE-ESI-MS2". Congreso. Nacional. "14as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental (JAI 2014)". Barcelona (01/10/2014 - 03/10/2014).
WANG , Qiqin; HAN , Hai; WU , Huihui; ZHU , Peijie; CROMMEN , Jacques; JIANG , Zhengjin; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantioseparation of N-derivatized amino acids by nano-LC with carbamoylated quinidine monolithic stationary phase". Congreso. Nacional. "14as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental (JAI 2014)". Barcelona (01/10/2014 - 03/10/2014).
GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Extraction and identification by HILIC- and RP-HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS of bioactive peptides in plum seeds". Congreso. Nacional. "14as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental (JAI 2014) 14th Instrumental Analysis Conference". Barcelona (01/10/2014 - 03/10/2014).
VÁSQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Romy Ángela; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Peach kernels as an undervalued and underused source of functional peptides". Congreso. Nacional. "14as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental (JAI 2014)". Barcelona (01/10/2014 - 03/10/2014).
SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; MARCOS , Alberto; AMBROSIO , Emilio; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."A chiral CE-ESI-MS2 methodology to monitor the Phe-Tyr metabolic pathway ". Congreso. Internacional. "30th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC2014)". Salzburgo "(Austria)". (14/09/2014 - 18/09/2014).
GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Comprehensive identification of bioactive peptides from food extracts by fused core HILIC- and RP-HPLC-ESI-Q-ToF-MS/MS". Congreso. Internacional. "30th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC2014)". Salzburgo "(Austria)". (14/09/2014 - 18/09/2014).
GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Exploring the interactions between model proteins and carbosilane dendrimers". Congreso. Internacional. "30th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC2014)". Salzburgo "(Austria)". (14/09/2014 - 18/09/2014).
SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."Sensitive determination of duloxetine enantiomeric impurity in pharmaceutical formulations by CE-ESI-MS2". Congreso. Internacional. "30th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC2014)". Salzburgo "(Austria)". (14/09/2014 - 18/09/2014).
PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Identification and bioavailability of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory peptides in commercial soybean based infant formulas using tandem Mass Spectrometry". Nacional. "XIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Puerto de la Cruz (08/10/2013 - 11/10/2013).
PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Capillary High Performance Liquid Chromatography Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry methodology for the determination of antihypertensive peptide in soybean ". Congreso. Internacional. "XVII Euroanalysis". Varsovia "(Polonia)". (25/08/2013 - 29/08/2013).
PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Commercial soybean based infant formulas as a source of peptides with diverse bioactivity ". Congreso. Internacional. "XVII Euroanalysis". Varsovia "(Polonia)". (25/08/2013 - 29/08/2013).
ESTEVE GIL, Clara; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS analysis of olive seed protein hydrolysates with antioxidant and antihypertensive activities ". Congreso. Internacional. "XVII Euroanalysis". Varsovia "(Polonia)". (25/08/2013 - 29/08/2013).
SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ, Elena; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Investigation of the enantioseparation of duloxetine by Capillary Electrophoresis and NMR, development of a chiral method and application to the analysis of pharmaceutical formulations ". Congreso. Internacional. "XVII Euroanalysis". Varsovia "(Polonia)". (25/08/2013 - 29/08/2013).
GUIJARRO DÍEZ, Miguel; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."A Liquid Chromatography-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry method for the determination of the bioactive peptide lunasin". Congreso. Nacional. "XVIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica". Ubeda (16/06/2013 - 18/06/2013).
ESTEVE GIL, Clara; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Estudio del proteoma de la aceituna y del aceite de oliva". Congreso. Nacional. "XVIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica". Ubeda (16/06/2013 - 19/06/2013).
D'AMATO , A.; ESTEVE , C.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; RIGUETTI , P. G.; ."Mass spectrometry analysis of extra-virgin olive oil". Congreso. Internacional. "International Symposium, Exhibit & Workshop on Electro- and Liquid-Phase Separation techniques, ITP 2012". "(Estados Unidos)". (30/09/2012 - 03/10/2012).
PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; MADDALO , G.; GARCÍA , M.C.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ALTELAAR , F.M.; SCHOLTEN , A.; HECK , A.J.R.; ."Quantification of PKA, PKG, and CAMKII isoforms in rat tissues by single reaction monitoring (SRM) assay using nano-LC-QqQ-MS". Internacional. "29th International Symposium on Chromatography, ISC2012". Torun "(Polonia)". (09/09/2012 - 13/09/2012).
PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Virginia; GONZÁLEZ , Maria José; GARCÍA , M.A.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Separation of phthalates by cyclodextrin modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography for their determination in perfumes". Internacional. "29th International Symposium on Chromatography, ISC2012". Torun "(Polonia)". (09/09/2012 - 13/09/2012).
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ESTEVE GIL, Clara; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; D'AMATO , Alfonsina; RIGHETTI , Pier Giorgio; ."Mass spectrometry analysis of fruits". Internacional. "VII ITALIAN PROTEOMICS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONGRESS". Viterbo "(Italia)". (12/06/2012 - 15/06/2012).
MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; VERARDO , Vito; GOMEZ-CARAVACA , Ana Mª; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CABONI , Maria Fiorenza; ."Determination of phospholipids in oat samples by HPLC-ELSD and HPLC-ESI-MS". Congreso. Internacional. "36th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography (ISCC)". Riva dil Garda "(Italia)". (27/05/2012 - 01/06/2012).
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; ."Determination of antihypertensive peptides in maize crops by HPLC-Q-TOF-MS ". Congreso. Internacional. "13as JORNADAS DE ANÁLISIS INSTRUMENTAL". Barcelona (14/11/2011 - 16/11/2011).
MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; RASINES MORENO, Beatriz; GÓMEZ RAMÍREZ, Rafael; MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Separation of soybean and olive seeds proteins using carboxilate-terminated carbosilane dendrimers as nanoadditives in capillary electrophoresis". Nacional. "13º Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental. Barcelona". Barcelona (14/11/2011 - 16/11/2011).
PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Virginia; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; CHANKVETADZE , Bezhan; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Evaluation of new chiral cellulose-based stationary phases Sepapak-2 and Sepapak-4 for the enantiomeric separation of pesticides by nano-LC and CEC. ". Jornada. Nacional. "13as JORNADAS DE ANÁLISIS INSTRUMENTAL (JAI)". Barcelona (13/11/2011 - 16/11/2011).
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GUIJARRO DÍEZ, Miguel; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Fast determination of the bioactive peptide soymetide in soybeans by LC-ESI-QTOF". Jornada. Nacional. "13as JORNADAS DE ANÁLISIS INSTRUMENTAL (JAI)". Barcelona (13/11/2011 - 16/11/2011).
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; SALGADO , Antonio; CHANKVETADZE , Bezhan; LOMSADZE , K.; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Application of NMR spectroscopy in rationalizing the reversal of enantiomer migration order of norephedrine in CE experiments". Congreso. Internacional. "18th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid Phase-separation techniques (ITP 2011)". Tbilisi "(Georgia)". (28/08/2011 - 31/08/2011).
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Determination of non protein amino acids in foods by CE and CEC as novel quality markers". Congreso. Internacional. "ITP 2011 - 18th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid Phase-separation Techniques". Tbilisi "(Georgia)". (28/08/2011 - 31/08/2011).
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; ."Development of a new analytical methodology to evaluate the presence of antihypertensive peptides in maize crops by RP-HPLC". Congreso. Internacional. "18th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid- Phase Separation Techniques". Tbilisi "(Georgia)". (28/08/2011 - 31/08/2011).
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; CHANKVETADZE , Bezhan; LOMSADZE , K.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantiomeric separation of FMOC-amino acids by nano-LC and CEC using cellulose tris(3-chloro-4-methylphenylcarbamate) as chiral stationary phase". Congreso. Internacional. "18th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid Phase-separation techniques (ITP 2011)". Tbilisi "(Georgia)". (28/08/2011 - 31/08/2011).
PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Virginia; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; CHANKVETADZE , Bezhan; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantiomeric separation of pesticides by nano-LC and CEC using chiral cellulose-based stationary phases Sepapak-2 and Sepapak-4. ". Congreso. Internacional. "18th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid Phase-Separation Techniques (ITP 2011)". Tbilisi "(Georgia)". (28/08/2011 - 31/08/2011).
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio L.; GUIJARRO DÍEZ, Miguel; PANIAGUA , Gema; FERNÁNDEZ , Pilar; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Molecularly imprinted solid phase extraction coupled to MEKC for the determination of digoxin in clinical samples". Congreso. Internacional. Tbilisi "(Georgia)". (28/08/2011 - 31/08/2011).
SALGADO , A.; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; LOMSADZE , K.; CHANKVETADZE , L.; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CHANKVETADZE , B.; ."Application of NMR spectroscopy in rationalizing the reversal of enantiomer migration order of norephedrine in CE experiments". Simposio. Internacional. "18th International symposium on electro-and Liquid-Phase Separation Techniques ITP2011". Tbilisi "(Georgia)". (28/08/2011 - 31/08/2011).
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ESTEVE GIL, Clara; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; DEL RÍO -, Carmen; MORENO GORDALIZA, Estefanía; CAÑAS MONTALVO, Benito; ." IDENTIFICATION OF OLIVE PULP-PROTEINS BY NANO-LC-MS/MS ". Conferencia. Internacional. "2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FOOD-OMICS". CESENA "(Italia)". (22/06/2011 - 24/06/2011).
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; DEL RÍO -, Carmen; MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; ."Separation of olive proteins by capillary gel electrophoresis. Charcaterization by determining their molecular masses and application to olive classification". Conferencia. Internacional. "2nd International Conference on Food-omics". Cesena "(Italia)". (22/06/2011 - 24/06/2011).
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ESTEVE GIL, Clara; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; DEL RÍO -, Carmen; ."Development of UHPLC methodologies for profiling olive stone and pulp proteins. Application to cultivar fingerprinting". Internacional. "2nd International Conference on Food-omics". Cesena "(Italia)". (22/06/2011 - 24/06/2011).
ESTEVE GIL, Clara; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."DESARROLLO DE METODOLOGÍAS ANALÍTICAS PARA EL ESTUDIO DEL CONTENIDO PROTEICO DE ACEITUNA Y ACEITE DE OLIVA CON FINES A LA CARACTERIZACIÓN VARIETAL ". Jornada. Local. "III Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Universidad de Alcalá". Alcala de Henares (01/12/2010 - 03/12/2010).
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."A CE-ITMS2 methodology for the determination of non-protein amino acids in vegetable oils as novel markers for the detection of adulterations in olive oils. ". Congreso. Internacional. "ISC 2010 - 28th International Symposium on Chromatography ". Valencia (12/09/2010 - 16/09/2010).
MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; ."A combination of a simple extraction method and capillary electrophoresis approach for the separation of olive proteins". Congreso. Internacional. "28 International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC 2010)". Valencia (12/09/2010 - 16/09/2010).
PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Virginia; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Chiral separation of metalaxyl and benalaxyl fungicides by CD-EKC for their simultaneous determination and quantitation with folpet in commercial formulations. Determination of enantiomeric impurities. ". Congreso. Internacional. "28th International Symposium on Chromaotgraphy (ISC10)". Valencia (12/09/2010 - 16/09/2010).
DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; KOTKOWSKA , Olga; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."DETERMINATION OF SOYMETIDE IN DIFFERENT SOYBEAN DERIVED FOODS BY CAPILLARY-HPLC ". Congreso. Internacional. "ISC 2010 28th International Symposium on Chromatography". Valencia (12/09/2010 - 16/09/2010).
ESTEVE GIL, Clara; DEL RÍO, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."DEVELOPMENT OF A CLEAN-UP PROCEDURE TO EXTRACT PROTEINS FROM THE OLIVE PULP. APPLICATION OF OLIVE PULP PROTEINS AS GENETIC FINGERPRINTERS IN THE OLIVE CROP". Congreso. Internacional. "28th International Symposium on Chromatography". Valencia (12/09/2010 - 16/09/2010).
ANTA -, Lucía; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ."Determination of anticarcinogenic proteins in soybean". Congreso. Internacional. "28th International Symposium on Chromatography". Valencia (12/09/2010 - 16/09/2010).
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Determination of trigonelline in seeds and vegetable oils by capillary electrophoresis as a novel marker for the detection of adulterations in olive oils. ". Congreso. Internacional. "ISC 2010 - 28th International Symposium on Chromatography ". Valencia (12/09/2010 - 16/09/2010).
DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."HIGH INTENSITY ULTRASONIC ASSISTED ENZYMATIC DIGESTION AND CAPILLARY-HPLC FOR THE PEPTIDE MAPPING OF SOYBEAN PROTEINS ". Congreso. Internacional. "ISC 2010 28th International Symposium on Chromatography". Valencia (12/09/2010 - 16/09/2010).
GUIJARRO DÍEZ, Miguel; PANIAGUA , Gema; FERNÁNDEZ , Pilar; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Molecularly Imprinted Solid Phase Extraction Coupled to MEKC for Determination of Digoxin in Clinical Samples ". Congreso. Internacional. "ISC 2010 28th International Symposium on Chromatography ". Valencia (12/09/2010 - 16/09/2010).
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; NOZAL MARTÍNEZ, Leonor; CASTRO RUBIO, Florentina; NOVELLA ROBISCO, José Luis; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Rapid methodology for the detection of olive oil adulterations with seed oils using electrospray ionization triple quadrupole mass spectrometry". Congreso. Internacional. "ISC 2010 - 28th International Symposium on Chromatography ". Valencia (12/09/2010 - 16/09/2010).
DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SALGADO , Antonio; SCRIBA , Gerhard K.E.; CHANKVETADZE , Bezhan; ."STUDY OF THE INTERACTION OF EPHEDRINE ENANTIOMERS WITH NATIVE CYCLODEXTRINS BY CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS AND NMR ". Congreso. Internacional. "ISC 2010 28th International Symposium on Chromatography". Valencia (12/09/2010 - 16/09/2010).
PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Virginia; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Separation of cis-bifenthrin enantiomers by cyclodextrin modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Quantitative analysis in a commercial insecticide formulation ". Simposio. Internacional. "28th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC10).". Valencia (12/09/2010 - 16/09/2010).
DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; SIMO RUIZ, Carolina; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; CIFUENTES , alejandro; ."CE-TOF MS ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX PROTEIN HYDROLYZATES FROM CONVENTIONAL AND GENETICALLY MODIFIED SOYBEAN ". Congreso. Internacional. "15th Simposio Latinoamericano en Aplicaciones de la Electroforesis Capilar y Tecnología del Microchip en Biotecnología, Biomedicina, Biofarmacia e Industria". Sevilla (02/10/2009 - 10/10/2009).
GARCÍA , M.C.; GARCÍA CAÑAS, Virginia; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."RP-HPLC-ESI-MS profiling of transgenic and non-transgenic maize cultivars". Congreso. Nacional. "XV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica". Donostia-San Sebastian (19/07/2009 - 21/07/2009).
CHANKVETADZE , Bezhan; LOMSADZE , K.; MARTÍNEZ GIRÓN, Ana Belen; CASTRO PUYANA, María; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SALGADO , Antonio; ."About the role of affinities and mobilities in enantioseparation using capillary electrophoresis". Congreso. Internacional. "21st International Symposium on Chirality ". Breckenridge, Colorado "(Estados Unidos)". (12/07/2009 - 15/07/2009).
DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; SIMO RUIZ, Carolina; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; CIFUENTES , alejandro; ."Desarrollo de un nuevo procedimiento CE-ESI-MS para la caracterización de hidrolizados de proteínas. Aplicación al estudio de soja modificada genéticamente. ". Congreso. Internacional. "V Congreso Virtual Iberoamericano sobre Gestión de Calidad en el Laboratorio". (01/02/2009 - 01/06/2009).
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."A new chiral methodology for the determination of L- and D-carnitine in functional foods by CE-MS2. ". Congreso. Nacional. "12as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental (JAI)". Barcelona (21/10/2008 - 23/10/2008).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SÁNCHEZ-HERNÁNDEZ , L.; CREGO , A. L; ."Sensitive determination by CE-MS2 of D-carnitine as enantiomeric impurity of levo-carnitine in pharmaceutical formulations.". Internacional. Münster "(Alemania)". (09/2008 - ).
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Sensitive determination by CE-MS2 of D-carnitine as enantiomeric impurity of Levo-carnitine in pharmaceutical formulations. ". Congreso. Internacional. "ISC 2008 - 27th International Symposium on Chromatography". Münster "(Alemania)". (21/09/2008 - 25/09/2008).
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Fast enantiomeric determination of ornithine in foods by electrokinetic chromatography with uv and mass spectrometry detection". Congreso. Internacional. "ISC 2008 - 27th International Symposium on Chromatography". Münster "(Alemania)". (21/09/2008 - 25/09/2008).
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."A CE-MS2 methodology for the determination of the enantiomeric purity of the non protein amino acid ornithine in fermented foods. ". Congreso. Nacional. "XXI Reunión Nacional de Espectroscopía y V Congreso Ibérico de Espectroscopía". Murcia (09/09/2008 - 11/09/2008).
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Determination of L- and D-carnitine in pharmaceutical formulations by CE-MS2 ". Congreso. Nacional. "XXI Reunión Nacional de Espectroscopía y V Congreso Ibérico de Espectroscopía". Murcia (09/09/2008 - 11/09/2008).
RODRÍGUEZ NOGALES, José Manuel; CIFUENTES GALLEGO, Alejandro; GARCÍA , M.C.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Characterization of protein fractions from transgenic and non-transgenic maize varieties using perfusion and monolithic RP-HPLC. Maize differentiation by chemometric analysis.". Congreso. Nacional. "VII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Granada (17/10/2007 - 19/10/2007).
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; DEL HIERRO , Isabel; SIERRA , Isabel; MORANTE ZARCERO, Sonia; FAJARDO , M.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Chiral CE applied to the determination of the enantiomeric excess of glycidyl tosylate enantiomers obtained by asymmetric epoxidation". Congreso. Nacional. "VII Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Cromatografía y Técnicas Afines". Granada (17/10/2007 - 19/10/2007).
HERAS , J.M.; GARCÍA , M.C.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Development of a perfusion ion-exchange chromatography method for the separation of soybean proteins and its application to cultivar characterization.". Congreso. Nacional. "VII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Granada (17/10/2007 - 19/10/2007).
GARCÍA , M.C.; HERAS , J.M.; DIAZ DE APODACA , E.; VILLARÁN , M.C.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Perfusion reversed-phase HPLC applied to the estimation of 7S and 11S soybean globulins". Congreso. Nacional. "VII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Granada (17/10/2007 - 19/10/2007).
CASTRO RUBIO, Florentina; GARCÍA , M.C.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Perfusion RP-HPLC-ESI-IT-MS analysis of intact soybean proteins for the characterization of soybean cultivars.". Congreso. Nacional. "XIV Reunión Nacional de la Sociedad Español de Química Analítical". Pollença (01/10/2007 - 03/10/2007).
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARTÍNEZ GIRÓN, Ana Belen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantiomeric separation of ornithine by EKC using a previous derivatization step with AQC. Separation of ornithine from complex mixtures of protein aminoacids". Congreso. Internacional. "EuroAnalysis XIV". Amberes "(Bélgica)". (09/2007 - 09/2007).
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; MARTÍNEZ GIRÓN, Ana Belen; ."Development of an analytical methodology for the determination of the optical purity of a new basic drug by EKC". Congreso. Internacional. "EuroAnalysis XIV". Antwerp "(Bélgica)". (09/09/2007 - 14/09/2007).
MATA DE LA MATA, Francisco Javier de la; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GÓMEZ RAMÍREZ, Rafael; RASINES MORENO, Beatriz; ."New cationic dendrimers as effective nanoadditives for capillary electrophoretic separation of maize proteins". Congreso. Nacional. "XXXI Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química". Toledo (09/09/2007 - 14/09/2007).
RODRÍGUEZ NOGALES, José Manuel; GARCÍA , M.C.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Development of an analytical methodology for the rapid separation of maize proteins in commercial maize products by RP-HPLC with a monolithic stationary phase. Application of experimental design and classification techniques.". Congreso. Nacional. "VI Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Vigo (08/11/2006 - 10/11/2006).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; GARCÍA , M.C.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Differentiation of real soybean from other similar legumes by capillary electrophoresis.". Congreso. Nacional. "VI Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Vigo (08/11/2006 - 10/11/2006).
LEITNER , A.; CASTRO RUBIO, Florentina; GARCÍA , M.C.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; LEIDNER , W.; ."Identification of soybean proteins in meat products by multidimensional liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.". Congreso. Internacional. "3rd International Symposium of the Austrian Proteomics Platform". Seefeld "(Austria)". (16/01/2006 - 19/01/2006).
GOMARA , B.; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Development of an electrokinetic chromatography method for the enantioselective separation of the sun-screen agent 3-(4-methylbenzylidene)-camphor in cosmetic formulations.". Congreso. Nacional. "11as Jornada de Análisis Instrumental". Barcelona (15/11/2005 - 17/11/2005).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; ALVAREZ-LLAMAS , G.; PUERTA , A.; BLANCO MARTE, Edward Rafael; SANZ-MEDEL , A.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantiomeric separation of organophosphorous pesticides by capillary electrophoresis. Application to the determination of malathion in water samples after preconcentration by off-line solid-phase extraction". Internacional. "10th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical, and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology (LACE 2004)". Toledo (11/2004 - ).
RODRIGUEZ DE PABLOS , R.; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Separation of etodolac ennatiomers by capillary electrophoresis. Validation and application of the chiral method to the analysis of pharmaceutical commercial formulations". Internacional. "10th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical, and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology (LACE 2004)". Toledo (11/2004 - ).
DELGADO , S.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; TORRE ROLDÁN, María Mercedes; ."Multivariate data analysis: a tool for characterization of soya drinks with fruits analyzed by perfusion RP-HPLC". Congreso. Internacional. "IV Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Madrid (05/10/2004 - 07/10/2004).
MORANTE ZARCERO, Sonia; PEREZ , Y.; DEL HIERRO , I.; SIERRA , I.; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; FAJARDO GONZÁLEZ, Mariano; ."Comparison of capillary electrophoresis and liquid chromatography for the determination of the enantiomeric excess of phenylglycidol enantiomers obtained in asymmetric epoxidation processes". Internacional. "IV Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques". (05/10/2004 - ).
MORANTE ZARCERO, Sonia; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; SIERRA , I.; DEL HIERRO , I.; FAJARDO GONZÁLEZ, Mariano; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Determination by capillary electrophoresis of phenylglycidol enantiomers obtained from cinnamyl alcohol by asymmetric epoxidation using new titanium (IV) alkoxide compounds as catalysts". Internacional. "10th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical, and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology (LACE 2004)". (05/10/2004 - ).
CASTRO RUBIO, Florentina; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; RODRÍGUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Manuel Ramón; RODRÍGUEZ NOGALES, José Manuel; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Determination of soybean proteins in heat-processed meat products prepared with turkey meat or mixtures pork-turkey meat that could also contain milk proteins ". Internacional. "IV Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques". (05/10/2004 - ).
CASTRO RUBIO, Asunción; CASTRO RUBIO, Florentina; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Rapid separation of soybean proteins from other vegetable proteins in binary mixtures by perfusion-reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography". Internacional. "IV Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques". (05/10/2004 - ).
CRIADO , M.; CASTRO RUBIO, F.; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Perfusion reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography applied to the detection of additions of soybean proteins in cured meat products". Internacional. "Euroanalysis XIII". Salamanca (09/2004 - ).
CASTRO RUBIO, A.; CASTRO RUBIO, F.; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Development of a perfusion reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography method for the simultaneous separation of wheat and soybean proteins. Application to the determination of soybean proteins in bakery products.". Internacional. "Euroanalysis XIII". "(España)". (05/09/2004 - ).
CASTRO RUBIO, F.; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; RODRIGUEZ , R.; RODRÍGUEZ , J.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Simple and inexpensive method for the reliable determination of additions of soybean proteins in heat-processed meat products: an alternative to the aoac method". Internacional. "Euroanalysis XIII". "(España)". (05/09/2004 - ).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ÁLVAREZ LLAMAS, G.; BLANCO , E.; SANZ MEDEL, A.; ."Separation of the enantiomers of chiral organophosphorous pesticides by electrokinetic chromatography". Internacional. "VIII International Symposium on Analytical Methodology in the Environmental Field. XIII Meeting of the Spanish Society of Analytical Chemistry". Coruña, A (10/2003 - ).
LABORDA RODRÍGUEZ, Fernando; SIERRA , I.; VALERA , J.L.; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Biodegradation of polychlorinated biphenyl compounds (PCBs) by a soil bacteria". Internacional. "12th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium". Praga "(República Checa)". (07/2002 - ).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."An overview on the application of capillary electrophoresis to the chiral separation of polychlorinated biphenyls". Nacional. "I Reunión nacional sobre dioxinas, furanos y compuestos orgánicos persistentes relacionados". Madrid (10/2001 - ).
KUIJT , J.; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; STROOMBERG , G.J.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ARIESE , F.; BRINKMAN , U.A. Th.; GOOIJER , C.; ."Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection (266nm) in Capillary Electrophoresis. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Metabolites in Biota". Internacional. "25th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques". Maastricht "(Países Bajos)". (06/2001 - ).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Rapid Chiral separation of basic drugs by capillary electrophoresis". Internacional. "25th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques". Maastricht "(Países Bajos)". (06/2001 - ).
DOMÍNGUEZ , M.; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Optimisation of a high-performance liquid chromatograohic method for the determination of soybean proteins in chopped meats ". Internacional. "25th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Relates Techniques (HPLC 2001)". "(Países Bajos)". (17/06/2001 - ).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Chiral separation of basic drugs and determination of their apparent binding constants for enantiomers with permethylated B-cyclodextrin by electrokinetic chromatography". Internacional. "XXX Scientific Meeting of the Group of Chromatography and Related Techniques and I Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Valencia (04/2001 - ).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Fast enantiomeric separation of terbutaline and its quantitation in a pharmaceutical preparation by capillary electrophoresis". Internacional. "XXX Scientific Meeting of the Group of Chromatography and Related Techniques and I Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Valencia (04/2001 - ).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Separation of tetracycline derivatives by capillary zone electrophoresis. Application to the quantitation of doxycycline and minocycline in pharmaceutical preparations". Internacional. "XXX Scientific Meeting of the Group of Chomatography and Related Techniques". Valencia (04/2001 - ).
DOMÍNGUEZ , M.; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."A validated reversed-phase high performance liquid chromtographic method for the determination of soybean proteins in frankfurter-type sausages". Internacional. "XXX Scientific Meeting of the Group of Chromatography and Related Techniques and I Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Valencia (18/04/2001 - ).
ESPEJA , E.; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Quantitation of soybean proteins in cow, goat, and ewe milks by perfusion reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography". Internacional. "20th International Symposium on the Separation and Analysis of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides (ISPPP 2000)". "(Eslovenia)". (05/11/2000 - ).
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; ESPEJA , E.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Ultrarapid detection of soybean proteins in cheeses from different species by perfusion reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography". Internacional. "20th International Symposium on the Separation and Analysis of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides (ISPPP 2000)". "(Eslovenia)". (05/11/2000 - ).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; ."Application de L'electrophoresis capillaire a la quantification des proteines du soja dans des produits de soja commerciaux pour l'alimentation humaine et a la detection des lactoproteines bovines dans les analogues de produits laitiers a base de soja". Internacional. "Congrès Annuel de la Société Française d'Électrophorèse". Tours "(Francia)". (25/10/2000 - ).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; CREGO , A. L; ."Chiral separation of polychlorinated biphenyls in spiked soil samples by electrokinetic chromatography with cyclodextrins". Internacional. Lisboa "(Portugal)". (09/2000 - ).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Rapid separation of tetracycline derivatives and their main degradation products by capillary zone electrophoresis". Internacional. "European Conference on Analytical Chemistry. Euroanalysis XI". "(Portugal)". (03/09/2000 - ).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantiomeric separation of a group of chiral dihydropyridines by electrokinetic chromatography". Congreso. Internacional. "XXIX Scientific Meeting of the Group of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Alcala de Henares (07/2000 - ).
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; GÓMEZ , J.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; LAVANDERA , J.L.; ."An off-line solid-phase extraction method enabling metabolism studies of antifungals in human liver microsomes incubations by capillary electrophoresis. ". Nacional. "XXIX Scientific Meeting of the Group of Chromatography and Related Techniques ". Alcala de Henares (12/07/2000 - ).
KUIJT , J.; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; STROOMBERG , G.J.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ARIESE , F.; BRINKMAN , U.A.Th.; GOOIJER , C.; ."Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites using cyclodextrin-modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography with conventional fluorescence and 266 nm laser-induced fluorescence detection". Nacional. "XXIX Scientific Meeting of the Group of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Alcala de Henares (12/07/2000 - ).
SIERRA , I.; VALERA ZAPATA, José Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; LABORDA RODRÍGUEZ, Fernando; ."Assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls biodegradation in soil by capillary gas chromatography". Nacional. "XXIX Scientific Meeting of the Group of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Alcala de Henares (12/07/2000 - ).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Comparative study of the enantioselectivity obtained for neutral racemates by electrokinetic chromatography using cationic or anionic charged cyclodextrins". Nacional. "XXIX Scientific Meeting of the Group of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Alcala de Henares (12/07/2000 - ).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARTÍN BIOSCA, Y.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Determination of apparent binding constants for enantiomers of chiral phenoxy acid herbicides with (2-hydroxy)propyl-cyclodextrin by electrokinetic chromatography". Nacional. "XXIX Scientific Meeting of the Group of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Alcala de Henares (12/07/2000 - ).
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; LAVANDERA , J.L.; ."Development of a capillary electrophoresis method for the analysis of antifungals ". Nacional. "XXIX Scientific Meeting of the Group of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Alcala de Henares (12/07/2000 - ).
VALERA ZAPATA, José Luis; SIERRA , I.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; LABORDA RODRÍGUEZ, Fernando; ."Gas chromatography determination of the polychlorinated biphenyls degradative ability of an implanted bacterial strain". Nacional. "XXIX Scientific Meeting of the Group of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Alcala de Henares (12/07/2000 - ).
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; GÓMEZ , J.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; LAVANDERA , J.L.; ."High-speed analysis by capillary electrophoresis with diode array detection of terbinafine and its main phase-I metabolites after incubation in rat hepatic S9 fraction". Nacional. "XXIX Scientific Meeting of the Group of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Alcala de Henares (12/07/2000 - ).
MARTÍN BIOSCA, Y.; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Optimization of the enantiomeric separation of fungicides uniconazole and diniconazole by electrokinetic chromatography". Nacional. "XXIX Scientific Meeting of the Group of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Alcala de Henares (12/07/2000 - ).
MARTÍN BIOSCA, Y.; ESCUDERT GILABERT, L.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SAGRADO , S.; VILLANUEVA CAMAÑAS, R.M.; MEDINA HERNÁNDEZ, M.J.; ."Quantitative retention-toxicity relationship studies of phenoxy acid herbicides in biopartitioning micellar chromatography and micellar electrokinetic chromatography". Nacional. "XXIX Scientific Meeting of the Group of Chromatography and Related Techniques". Alcala de Henares (12/07/2000 - ).
MARTÍN BIOSCA, Y.; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantiomeric separation of chiral phenoxy acid herbicides by electrokinetic chromatography". Internacional. "VI International Symposium on Analyatical Methodology in the Environmental Field". Madrid (10/04/2000 - ).
MARTÍN BIOSCA, Y.; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Fast enantiomeric separation of uniconazole and diniconazole by electrokinetic chromatography using an anionic cyclodextrin as pseudostationary phase. Application to the determination of analyte-selectrore binding constants for enantiomers". Internacional. "VI International Symposium on Analytical Methodology in the Environmental Field". Madrid (10/04/2000 - ).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; MARTÍN BIOSCA, Y.; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Rapid enantiomeric separation of polychlorinated biphenyls by electrokinetic chromatography using mixtures of neutral and charged cyclodextrin derivatives". Internacional. "VI International Symposium on Analytical Methodology in the Environmentla Field". Madrid (10/04/2000 - ).
SIERRA , I.; VALERA , J.L.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; LABORDA RODRÍGUEZ, Fernando; ."Evaluation of PCBs degradation by an implanted bacterial strain in liquid medium by capillary gas chromatography". Internacional. "Ivth International Symposium on the Interface between Analytical Chemistry and Microbiology". "(Francia)". (01/01/2000 - ).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; JIMÉNEZ YEPES, Olga; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Optimization of resolution in the separation of a group of N-phenylpyrazoles by micellar electrokinetic chromatography". Nacional. "9ª Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental (JAI)". Barcelona (10/11/1999 - ).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; TORRE ROLDÁN, María Mercedes; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Characterization and quantiation of soybean proteins in commercial soybean products by capillary electrophoresis". Congreso. Internacional. "23rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques. HPLC`99". Granada (30/05/1999 - 04/06/1999).
GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; TORRE ROLDÁN, María Mercedes; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Simultaneous separation of soybean and bovine whey proteins in soybean dairy-like products by capillary electrophoresis". Congreso. Internacional. "23rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques. HPLC'99". Granada (30/05/1999 - 04/06/1999).
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARTÍNEZ PONS, José Antonio; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Capillary electrochromatography: influence of the mobile phase composition on the electroosmotic velocity, retention, and column efficiency in open tubular reversed-phase electrochromatographic separations". Internacional. "23rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques. HPLC`99". "(España)". (30/05/1999 - ).
JIMÉNEZ YEPES, Olga; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Comparison of physico-chemical and empirical models describing the retention of a group of N-phenylpyrazols in micellar liquid chromatography using mobile phases modified by alcohols". Internacional. "23rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques. HPLC`99". "(España)". (30/05/1999 - ).
CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; MARTÍNEZ PONS, José Antonio; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Evaluation of the influence of injection volume and applied voltage on column efficiency in open tubular capillary electrochromatography". Internacional. "23rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separacions and Related Techniques. HPLC`99". "(España)". (30/05/1999 - ).
JIMÉNEZ YEPES, Olga; GARCÍA RUIZ, Carmen; BENITO , I.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Physico-chemical modelling of organic compounds in micellar electrokinetic chromatography". Internacional. "23rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques. HPLC`99". "(España)". (30/05/1999 - ).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; PÉREZ , M.; ALARIO , J.; VAZQUEZ , A.; VILLEN , J.; ."On-line LC-GC coupling by using the TOTAD (Through Oven Transfer Adsorption Desorption) interface. Application to pesticide analysis". Internacional. "22nd International Symposium on Chromatography". "(Italia)". (13/09/1998 - ).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; JIMÉNEZ YEPES, Olga; HERNÁNDEZ , L.; GONZÁLEZ , M.J.; ."Evaluating the fate of PCBs in the southeast regional park of madid, Spain". Internacional. "18th Symposium on halogenated environmental organic pollutants". "(Suecia)". (17/08/1998 - ).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GONZÁLEZ MARTÍN, María Cristina; TORRE ROLDÁN, María Mercedes; ."Optimization and validation of a perfusion chromatographic method for quantitative analysis of soybean proteins in soybean infant formulas and milks". Congreso. Internacional. "Deauville Conference 98, 6th SAS, Symposium of Analytical Sciences ". Valencia (22/06/1998 - 24/06/1998).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Micellar electrokinetic chromatography: principles and applications". Internacional. "6th SAS - Symposium on Analytical Sciences". "(España)". (22/06/1998 - ).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; BENITO BARREDA, Inés; JIMÉNEZ YEPES, Olga; ."Development of a physicochemical model to explain the retention of orgnic solutes in micellar electrokinetic chromatography as a function of surfactant and alcohol concentrations in the separation buffer". Internacional. "6th SAS, Symposium on Analytical Sciences". (22/06/1998 - ).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; DELGADO , S.; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; TORRE ROLDÁN, María Mercedes; ."Influencia de la composición de la fase móvil (naturaleza y concentración del modificador orgánico y del agente desnaturalizante) sobre la separación de proteínas de soja por cromatografía de perfusión en fase inversa. Aplicación al análisis cuantitativo". Internacional. "XXVII Reunión Científica del Grupo de Cromatografía y Técnicas Afines.Reunion Internacional". (08/06/1998 - ).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; PÉREZ GUITIÁN, Francisco Javier; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; ."Separación de bifenilos policlorados por cromatografía electrocinética micelar utilizando micelas catiónicas de bromuro de hexadeciltrimetilamonio". Internacional. "Actas de la 26ª Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química". Cadiz (1997 - ).
BENITO BARREDA, Inés; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; NOX_INFORMADO , Díez Masa José Carlos; ."Análisis of bovine whey proteins by capillary electrophoresis and on-column derivatization with laser induced fluorescence detection". Internacional. "8th symposium on handling of environmental and biological samples in chromatography and 26th scientific meeting of the group of chromatography and related techniques of the spanish royal society of chemistry". (26/10/1997 - ).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; BENITO BARREDA, Inés; NOX_INFORMADO , Díez Masa José Carlos; ."Determination of the binding constant of 2,6-(p-toluidinonaphthalene)-sulfonate with -acid glycoprotein by laser induced fluorescence affinity capillary electrophoresis (LIF-ACE)". Internacional. "8th Symposium on handling of environmental and biological samples in chromatography and 26th scientific meeting of the group of chromatography and related techniques of the spanish royal society of chemistry". (26/10/1997 - ).
FERNANDEZ , M.; HERNANDEZ , L.M.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SASTRE , A.; MARTINEZ , S.; GONZALEZ , M.J.; ."Environmental impact of organochlorine pollutants in the southeast regional park of madrid community". Internacional. "8th symposium on handling of environmental and biological samples in chromatography and 26th scientific meeting of the group of chromatography and related techniques of the spanish royal society of chemistry". (26/10/1997 - ).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; JIMÉNEZ YEPES, Olga; ."Prediction of the retention of a group of pyrazole derivatives in micellar liquid chromatography with hybrid eluents by means of artificial neural networks and empirical equations". Internacional. "8th Symposium on handling of environmental and biological samples in chromatography and 26th scientific meeting of the group of chromatography and related techniques of the spanish royal society of chemistry". (26/10/1997 - ).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis; PÉREZ GUITIÁN, Francisco Javier; ."Separation of polychlorinated biphenyls by micellar electrokinetic chromatography using a cationic surfactant". Internacional. "8th symposium on handling of environmental and biological samples in chromatography and 26th scientific meeting of the group of chromatography and related techniques of the spanish royal society of chemistry". (26/10/1997 - ).
BENITO , I.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; DÍEZ-MASA , J.C.; GONZÁLEZ , M.J.; ."Separation of Chiral Polychlorinated biphenyls by Cyclodextrin Modified Micellar electrokinetic Chromatography". Simposio. Internacional. "16th Symposium on Chlorinated dioxins and Related Compounds, DIOXIN'96". Amsterdam "(Países Bajos)". (1996 - ).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; TORRE ROLDÁN, María Mercedes; CARRIER , M.; ."Estudio de la capacidad de retención de iones metálicos de la soja y sus constituyentes". Congreso. Internacional. "8as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental: JAI. 25 Reunión Anual del Grupo de Cromatografía y Técnicas Afines". Barcelona (22/10/1996 - 25/10/1996).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; BENITO BARREDA, Inés; GONZÁLEZ , M.J.; NOX_INFORMADO , Díez Masa José Carlos; ."Separación de bifenilos policlorados quirales por cromatografía electrocinética micelar utilizando mezclas de B- y y-ciclodextrinas en la disolución electrolítica". Internacional. "8ª Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental". Barcelona (22/10/1996 - ).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; BENITO BARREDA, Inés; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; JEMÉNEZ , J.; GONZÁLEZ , M.J.; NOX_INFORMADO , Díez Masa José Carlos; ."Separación de congéneres de bifenilos policlorados utilizando cromatografía electrocinética micelar". Internacional. "8ª Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental". Barcelona (22/10/1996 - ).
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; TORRE ROLDÁN, María Mercedes; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Separación rápida de globulinas de la soja por cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia en fase inversa ". Internacional. Barcelona (22/10/1996 - ).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; TORRE ROLDÁN, María Mercedes; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; ."Separación simultánea de proteínas de soja y proteínas del suero de leche animal por cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia en fase inversa. Aplicación al análisis cuantitativo en productos lácteos derivados de la soja". Internacional. Barcelona (22/10/1996 - ).
JIMENEZ , B.; PATTERSON , D.G.; LIU , Z.; GONZÁLEZ , M.J.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Separation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using mixed cyclodextrin modified MEKC". Internacional. (22/10/1996 - ).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; JIMÉNEZ YEPES, Olga; BENITO BARREDA, Inés; ."Neural networks as a tool for modelling the retention behaviour of dihydropyridines in Micellar Liquid Chromatography". Internacional. "VI International Conference of Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry, CAC 96". "(España)". (25/06/1996 - ).
JIMÉNEZ YEPES, Olga; PATTERSON , D.G.; LIU , Z.; GONZÁLEZ , M.J.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Separation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using mixed cyclodextrin modified Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography ". Internacional. "Sixth SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry". "(Italia)". (19/05/1996 - ).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; NOX_INFORMADO , Díez Masa José Carlos; BENITO BARREDA, Inés; GONZÁLEZ , M.J:; ."Separation of chiral polychlorinated biphenyls by cyclodextrin modified Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography". Internacional. "IV International Symposium on Analytical Methodology in the Environmental Field". Amsterdam "(Países Bajos)". (27/03/1996 - ).
GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, Angeles; RAMOS GONZÁLEZ, Andrés; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Estudio del mecanismo de retención e implicaciones sobre la selectividad de separación de un grupo de derivados de benceno e hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos en cromatografía líquida micelar utilizando una columna de octilsilice ". Internacional. "XXIII Reunión Internación del Grupo de Cromatografía y Técnicas Afines". Peñiscola (01/10/1995 - ).
JIMÉNEZ YEPES, Olga; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; BENITO BARREDA, Inés; ."Modelización de la retención de un grupo de dihidropiridinas en cromatografía líquida micelar con fases móviles modificadas con alcoholes ". Internacional. "7ª Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental". "(España)". (03/04/1995 - ).
MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; BENITO BARREDA, Inés; NOX_INFORMADO , Díez Masa José Carlos; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; ."Estudio de la correlación entre la retención de un grupo de dihidropiridinas en cromatografía líquida micelar y el logaritmo del coeficiente de reparto octanol-agua". Nacional. "XXIII Reunión Internacional del Grupo de Cromatografía y Técnicas Afines". Peñiscola (19/10/1994 - ).
ESTEBAN , F.J.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; POITRENAUD , C.; ."Estudio de la influencia de la naturaleza del co-ión en el equilibrio de intercambio iónico nitrato-cloruro en disoluciones concentradas". Congreso. Nacional. "25 Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química". Vitoria-Gasteiz (25/09/1994 - ).
CANFRANC MUELA, Enrique; ESTEBAN , F.J.; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; POITRENAUD , C.; ."Variación de los parámetros del modelo de Högfeldt para el intercambio iónico nitrato-cloruro en función de la actividad de agua de la disolución y del grado de entrecruzamiento de la resina". Congreso. Nacional. "XXV Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química". Vitoria-Gasteiz (25/09/1994 - ).
SAZ DÍAZ, José María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Mecanismo de retención de un grupo de dihidropiridinas en cromatografía líquida micelar e implicaciones sobre la selectividad". Nacional. "25 Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química". Vitoria-Gasteiz (25/09/1994 - ).
VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; BOMBÍN CASTREJÓN, María Mercedes; SAZ DÍAZ, José María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Cromatografía líquida micelar: optimización de la selectividad de separación y determinación de las constantes de asociación soluto-micela en columnas C-18 y ciano ". Congreso. Nacional. "6as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental ". Barcelona (20/10/1993 - 22/10/1993).
SAZ DÍAZ, José María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad; ."Determinación de las constantes de asociación de un grupo de dihidropiridinas con hexadeciltrimetilamonio por HPLC en medio micelar en presencia de butanol". Congreso. Nacional. "24 Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química". Malaga (1992 - 1992).
CANFRANC MUELA, Enrique; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; POITRENAUD , C.; ."Variación del coeficiente de selectividad nitrato-cloruro en medio sodio en función de la actividad del agua de la disolución en medios en los que predomina uno de los iones que se intercambian.". Nacional. "XXIV Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química". Malaga (1992 - ).
SAZ DÍAZ, José María; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; VERA LÓPEZ, María Soledad; ."Separación de un grupo de dihidropiridinas por cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia en fase micelar ". Congreso. Nacional. "XX Reunión Científica del Grupo de Cromatografía y Técnicas Afines". Donostia-San Sebastian (1991 - 1991).
VÁSQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Romy Ángela; "Valorización de huesos de fruta y aceituna basada en la obtención de sustancias bioactivas: péptidos, compuestos fenólicos y fitoesteroles". Director: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción, . UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALA. Fecha de lectura: 2019. SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE (Máxima calificación).
DENG , Fenfang; "New monolithic chiral stationary phases for enantioseparation using nano-LC: Preparation and applications". Director: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, JIANG , Zhengjin, . UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALA. Fecha de lectura: 2019. SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE (Máxima calificación).
PÉREZ MIGUEZ, Raquel; "Innovative chiral and omics analytical strategies by micro-separative techniques and ion mobility spectrometry". Director: CASTRO PUYANA, María, MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, . Departamento de Química Analítica, Q. Física e Ing. Química. Fecha de lectura: 10/05/2019. SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE (máxima calificación).
VALIMAÑA TRAVERSO, Jesús Manuel; "Determinación enantiomérica de fármacos y agroquímicos por Cromatografía Electrocinética. Síntesis de nuevas organosílices mesoporosas para su preconcentración por Extracción en Fase Sólida". Director: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles, . Grupo de Investigación MICROSEP - Técnicas de (Micro)Separación. Fecha de lectura: 29/03/2019. SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE (máxima calificación).
GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, Estefanía; "Obtención y caracterización de péptidos bioactivos a partir de fuentes sostenibles. Extracción de proteínas basada en la utilización de dendrímeros y nanotubos de carbono dendronizados.". Director: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción, . UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALA. Fecha de lectura: 2018. SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE (máxima calificación).
GUIJARRO DÍEZ, Miguel; "Nuevas estrategias analíticas para la determinación de moléculas con actividad biológica y para el estudio metabolómico de muestras complejas". Director: CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis, MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, . Universidad de Alcalá. Fecha de lectura: 17/07/2015. Sobresaliente Cum Laude por Unanimidad.
PUCHALSKA , Patrycja Anna; "Analytical strategies for the characterization, identification and quantification of peptides and proteins of interest in the prevention and understanding of hypertension". Director: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción, . UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALA. Fecha de lectura: 2014. .
PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Virginia; "Separación enantiomérica y/o determinación de compuestos de interés medioambiental por metodologías analíticas electroforéticas y cromatográficas innovadoras". Director: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles, . Universidad de Alcalá. Fecha de lectura: 14/06/2013. APTO CUM LAUDE.
ESTEVE GIL, Clara; "Separación y caracterización de las proteínas de la aceituna y del aceite de oliva. Identificación mediante técnicas proteómicas y diferenciación varietal del olivo en base a perfiles proteicos". Director: GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción, MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, . Mención Europea . Departamento de Química Analítica, Q. Física e Ing. Química. Fecha de lectura: 01/03/2013. SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE.
MONTEALEGRE DONDARZA, Cristina; "Nuevas estrategias por ténicas (micro)-separativas para la caracterización de alimentos vegetales". Director: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, . Mención Europea . Universidad de Alcalá. Fecha de lectura: 2012. APTO (máxima calificación según nueva normativa).
SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Laura; "Desarrollo de metodologías analíticas para la determinación de aminoácidos y betaínas por Electroforesis Capilar y Espectrometría de Masas. Nuevos marcadores de calidad en alimentos". Director: CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis, MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, . Mención Europea . Universidad de Alcalá. Fecha de lectura: 22/07/2011. .
DOMÍNGUEZ VEGA, Elena; "Estrategias analiticas innovadoras utilizando técnicas electroforéticas y cromatográficas capilares para la determinación de aminoácdios y péptidos en alimentos". Director: CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis, MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, . Mención Europea . Universidad de Alcalá. Fecha de lectura: 15/07/2011. .
MARTÍNEZ GIRÓN, Ana Belen; "Determinación de Estereoisómeros por Electroforesis Capilar. Nuevas Metodologías Analíticas". Director: CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis, MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, . Mención Europea . Universidad de Alcalá. Fecha de lectura: 16/07/2010. .
CASTRO RUBIO, Florentina; "Desarrollo y validación de metodologías analíticas para la detrminación de proteínas de soja en productos cárnicos por cromatografía líquida de perfusión ". Director: GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción, MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, . Mención Europea . Departamento de Química Analítica, Q. Física e Ing. Química. Fecha de lectura: 07/2008. sobresaliente cum laude.
CASTRO PUYANA, María; "Nuevas contribuciones de la Cromatografía Electrocinética con detección UV y de Espectrometría de Masas en el campo de las separaciones quirales". Director: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, CREGO NAVAZO, Antonio Luis, . Mención Europea . Universidad de Alcalá. Fecha de lectura: 14/12/2007. Sobresaliente Cum Laude por Unanimidad.
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; "Caracterización de la Soja y Derivados. Determinación de Proteínas de Soja en Productos Comerciales por Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Eficacia en Fase Inversa con Fases Estacionarias Poliméricas Convencionales y de Perfusión". Director: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, TORRE ROLDÁN, María Mercedes, . Universidad de Alcalá. Fecha de lectura: 1999. Sobresaliente Cum Laude.
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, María Concepción; "Caracterización de la soja y derivados. Determinación de proteínas de soja en productos comerciales por Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Eficacia en Fase Inversa con fases estacionarias poliméricas convencionales y de perfusión". Director: MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa, TORRE ROLDÁN, Mercedes, . UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALA. Fecha de lectura: 20/05/1999. Sobresaliente cum laude.