The demand for computer engineers with experience in design and implementation of microprocessor- and microcontroller-based systems has increased considerably in later years. These devices have extended to be used in all kind of machines in daily life, at home, at work, and on public transport.
The main area of influence of the University of Alcalá is known as the “Henares Corridor”, on the road from Madrid to Guadalajara, and contains business, infrastructures and population concentrated into a dynamic economic space, with small businesses predominating, but also includes large companies and important public institutions in the fields of aerospace and mobile industries, among others.
The social and economic development of this area means that jobs are continuously available in various sectors, where graduates in computer engineering can perform professional roles related to the training they have acquired, with a high level of demand from a number of private companies, such as Indra, and public institutions, such as I.N.T.A.
The Computer Engineering study programme has been designed according to the recommendations of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), enabling students to perform the following tasks:
Management, planning and supervision of multidisciplinary teams.
Technical and economic management of research and development projects in companies, organisations and technological centres.
Development of specific processors and embedded systems.
Design, management and administration of computer networks.
Design and implementation of software for computer systems.