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This campus is located in the centre of the city of Alcalá de Henares. In its restored buildings dating back to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are the Faculties of Arts and Humanities; Law; Economics, Business and Tourism and the School of Architecture, as well as the University President's Office, the Learning and Research Resource Centre (CRAI), the Postgraduate School and the Doctoral School.

The Historic Campus also contains various research centres and institutes, such as Alcalingua, the Spanish teaching centre for foreigners, the International Financial Training Centre, the Centre for Cervantes Studies, the Education Sciences Institute (ICE), the University Police Sciences Research Institute (IUICP), the Benjamin Franklin North American Studies University Research Institute, the Institute of Business Management and Organisation (IDOE) and the Institute of Latin American Studies (IELAT).


Its modern buildings on a former military airfield are symbolic of experimental and technological innovation. It is the home of the Faculties of Medicine and Health Sciences; Pharmacy; Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Sciences, and the School of Engineering. The Príncipe de Asturias University Hospital and various research centres are also located on this campus; as are the Royal Botanical Gardens, sports facilities, university residences and the University's information technology services.


Located in the city centre, and home to the Faculty of Education, the Multidepartmental Building and the Modular Building where courses in Tourism, Business Administration and Management, Building Science and Technology, Nursing and Audiovisual Communication are taught. This campus is also home to the University Hospital and the Science and Technology Park.


Guadalajara, a province full of contrasting landscapes and natural beauty, offers a diverse range of beautiful areas, spread throughout its four regions: La Alcarria, La Campiña, La Serranía and El Señorío de Molina. Siguenza is in the La Serrania region. Its origins date back to the Iberian city of Segontia, which after the Roman conquest was Latinised to Segontina, and it became the most important and famous city in the province.After the Muslim invasion, Sigüenza became a major settlement thanks to its strategic location. Its fabulous architectural heritage was declared a historic-artistic site in 1965. The Cathedral, the Diocesan Museum, the Plaza Mayor, the Castle, the churches (San Vicente, Santa María , Nuestra Señora de los Huertos and Santiago) and the Casa del Doncel are all worth a visit.

The University of Alcalá, through its management company CRUSA, has two establishments: