What is Erasmus+?
Erasmus+ programme (2014-2020) provides wide opportunities for cross-border cooperation both for students and staff. In addition to the Erasmus+ mobility schemes, the programme offers diverse opportunities supporting:
- Professional development of academic and administrative staff;
- Focussed research to identify challenges and propose concrete solutions (in any area and on any topic related to Higher Education);
- EU-wide pilots and implementation of innovative solutions/tools/methodologies etc.;
- Innovative approaches to strengthen University-Business cooperation;
- Targeted networking and best practice sharing among EU universities;
- Building contacts with Higher Education institutions outside the EU;
- Fostering social inclusion and addressing specific topics, for instance, refugee integration;
- Policy debate on EU topics.
Who can benefit from it?
The Erasmus+ programme is open for all and everyone who is interested in international projects and mobilities can find relevant opportunities.
Erasmus+ for university staff members:
- Staff mobilities for teaching and/or training
- Involvement in projects (Strategic Partnerships, Knowledge Alliances, Capacity Building etc.) as a coordinator or a partner
Erasmus + for students:
- Exchange studies and internships abroad
- Participation in Erasmus+ project activities, if and when relevant, for instance, EU wide student surveys, research, intensive programmes, conferences and other type of international events.