Sara Infante Pineda
Sara Infante Pineda
Categories: Profesor/a Ayudante Doctor/a
Department: Philology, Communication and Documentation
Grado en Comunicación Audiovisual
- Content Management and Audiovisual Programming
- Learning to Give the News in Radio and Television
- Presentation and Locution Techniques
Máster Universitario en Gestión Cultural y de Industrias Creativas
Research groups
Participates in: Imágenes, Palabras e Ideas - Images, Words and Ideas.
Research Lines of the Group
Imágenes, Palabras e Ideas - Images, Words and Ideas.
- Activismo y cambio social.
- Alfabetizaciones multimodales.
- Fandom.
- Infancias y adolescencia digital.
- Los videojuegos como herramientas culturales.
- Narrativas transmedia.
Research Projects
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There are no data in this section
Book chapters
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There are no data in this section
Electronic Articles
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There are no data in this section
There are no data in this section