Rubén Vázquez Medina
Rubén Vázquez Medina
Research groups
Participates in: Grupo de Física del Clima - Climate Physics Group
Research Lines of the Group
Grupo de Física del Clima - Climate Physics Group
- Algoritmos bio-inspirados aplicados al análisis medioambiental y climático
- Clima y energías renovables
- Modelado climático regional
- Variabilidad climática de gran escala
- Estudio y modelización del oleaje.
- Teledetección en bandas radar de fenómenos oceánicos.
Research Projects
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Book chapters
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VÁZQUEZ MEDINA, Rubén; ."Assessment of the Canary current upwelling system in a regionally coupled climate model". (ISSN: 0930-7575). Climate Dynamics.
VÁZQUEZ MEDINA, Rubén; ."Climate Evaluation of a High-Resolution Regional Model over the Canary Current Upwelling System". Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
VÁZQUEZ MEDINA, Rubén; ."Surface and Intermediate Water Changes Triggering the Future Collapse of Deep Water Formation in the North Western Mediterranean". Geophysical Research Letters.
CABOS NARVAEZ, William David; VÁZQUEZ MEDINA, Rubén; DE LA VARA , Alba; SEIN , Dmitry; KOSEKI , Shunya; ."Impact of model"s resolution on the sea surface temperature climate change signal in the Southeastern Tropical Atlantic". (ISSN: 0930-7575). Climate Dynamics. 2024
, Koseki, Shunya; VÁZQUEZ MEDINA, Rubén; CABOS NARVAEZ, William David; GUTIÉRREZ , Claudia; SEIN , Dmitry; BACHÈLERY , Marie-Lou; ." Dakar Niño under global warming investigated by a high-resolution regionally coupled model ". (ISSN: 2190-4979). Earth System Dynamics. 2024
VÁZQUEZ MEDINA, Rubén; ."Benefits of the coupling in the downscaling the South American climate". (ISSN: 0169-8095). Atmospheric Research. 2024
VÁZQUEZ MEDINA, Rubén; PARRAS-BERROCAL , Iván; CABOS NARVAEZ, William David; SEIN , Dmitry; MAÑANES , Rafael; BOLADO-PENAGOS , Marina; IZQUIERDO , Alfredo; ."Climate change in the Canary/Iberia upwelling region: the role of ocean stratification and wind ". (ISSN: 1748-9326). ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS. 2024
VÁZQUEZ MEDINA, Rubén; ."Complementarity of offshore energy resources on the Spanish coasts: Wind, wave, and photovoltaic energy". (ISSN: 0960-1481). Renewable Energy. 2024
VÁZQUEZ MEDINA, Rubén; ."The climate change signal in the Mediterranean Sea in a regionally coupled atmosphere¿ocean model". (ISSN: 1812-0792). Ocean Science. 2020
Electronic Articles
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