Pablo Muñoz Martínez
Pablo Muñoz Martínez
Telephone: 91885 6825
Office: N243
Doble Grado: Ingeniería Informática y Admon y Dirección de Empresas
Grado en Física e Instrumentación Espacial
Grado en Ingeniería de Computadores
Grado en Ingeniería Informática
Grado en Matemáticas y Computación
Research groups
Participates in: Meteorología espacial - Space Weather
Research Lines of the Group
Meteorología espacial - Space Weather
- Heliofísica
- Interacción Sol-Tierra
- Meteorología espacial
Research Projects
Title: Comunicaciones interactivas e inteligentes en grandes edificios II
Reference: PEII09-0266-6640
Principal Researcher: RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores;
Other Researchers: MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo;
Start date: 20/04/2009
End date: 31/03/2011
Economic Amount:
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Book chapters
MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; "On Heading Change Measurement: Improvements for Any-Angle Path-Planning". Novel Applications of Intelligent Systems (ISBN: 978-3-319-14193-0 ). . 2016. , vol 586. p. 83 - 104 .
MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; BELLUTA , Paolo; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."Proposing new path-planning metrics for operating rovers on Mars". Nature Scientific Reports. 2023 , vol 13 , num 22256
VAQUERIZO HERNÁNDEZ, Daniel; MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; FERNÁNDEZ BARRERO, David; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."Continuous energy consumption measure approach using a DMA double-buffering technique". (ISSN: 1687-1472). Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2021 , vol 2021 , num 172 , p. 1 - 26
ROPERO PASTOR, Fernando; VAQUERIZO HERNÁNDEZ, Daniel; MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; FERNÁNDEZ BARRERO, David; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."LARES: An AI-based teleassitance system for emergency home monitoring". (ISSN: 1389-0417). Cognitive Systems Research. 2019 , vol 56 , p. 213 - 222
ROPERO PASTOR, Fernando; MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."ARIES: An Autonomous Controller for Multirobot Cooperation". (ISSN: 0885-8985). IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. 2019 , vol 34 , num 3 , p. 40 - 55
MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; CASTAÑO MARTÍN, Bonifacio Esteban; ."3Dana: a path planning algorithm for surface robotics". (ISSN: 0952-1976). Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2017 , vol 60 , p. 175 - 192
MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; CASTAÑO MARTÍN, Bonifacio Esteban; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."Simulation of The Hexapod Robot Ptinto Walking on Irregular Surfaces". (ISSN: 1726-4529). International Journal of Simulation Modelling. 2015 , vol 14 , num 1
MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; FERNÁNDEZ BARRERO, David; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."Statistic Methods for Path-Planning Algorithms Comparison". (ISSN: 0933-1875). Künstliche Intelligenz. 2013
RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, M. Dolores; CASTAÑO MARTÍN, Bonifacio Esteban; CARBAJO MARTÍN, Melquiades; MORENO BLÁZQUEZ, Ángel; FERNÁNDEZ BARRERO, David; MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; ."Multi-Agent Intelligent Planning Architecture for People Location and Orientation using RFID". (ISSN: 0196-9722). Cybernetics and Systems. 2011 , vol 1 , num 42 , p. 16 - 32
Electronic Articles
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MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; ORLANDINI , Andrea; CESTA , amedeo; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."First Steps on an On-Ground Autonomy Test Environment". Conferencia. Internacional. "IEEE International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology (SMC-IT) ". Laurel "(Estados Unidos)". (24/09/2014 - 26/09/2014).
MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; CESTA , amedeo; ORLANDINI , Andrea; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ." Toward a Test Environment for Autonomous Controllers ". Workshop. Internacional. "5th Italian Workshop on Planning and Scheduling (IPS13)". Turin "(Italia)". (04/12/2013 - 06/12/2013).
MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."Model-Based Architecture on the ESA 3DROV simulator". Conferencia. Internacional. "Application Showcase, 23rd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling". Roma "(Italia)". (10/06/2013 - 14/06/2013).
MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."Deliberative Systems for Autonomous Robotics: A Brief Comparison Between Action-oriented and Timelines-based Approach". Workshop. Internacional. "Workshop in Planning and Robotics (PlanRob), 23rd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling". Roma "(Italia)". (10/06/2013 - 14/06/2013).
MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."Cooperative Systems in Mission Planning ". Simposio. Internacional. "12th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation (ASTRA 2013)". Noordwijk "(Países Bajos)". (15/05/2013 - 17/05/2013).
MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; FERNÁNDEZ BARRERO, David; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."Run-Time Analysis of Classical Path-Planning Algorithms". Conferencia. Internacional. "Thirty-second SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence". Cambridge "(Reino Unido)". (11/12/2012 - 13/12/2012).
MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."S-Theta*: low steering path-planning algorithm". Conferencia. Internacional. "Thirty-second SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence". Cambridge "(Reino Unido)". (11/12/2012 - 13/12/2012).
MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."Improving efficiency in any-angle path-planning algorithms". Conferencia. Internacional. "IEEE Intelligent Systems (IS'12)". Sofia "(Bulgaria)". (06/09/2012 - 08/09/2012).
MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; CASTAÑO MARTÍN, Bonifacio Esteban; GALLEGO , Pablo; ."A Cognitive Architecture and Simulation Environment for the Ptinto Robot". Conferencia. Internacional. "4th IEEE International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology (SMC-IT)". Palo Alto "(Estados Unidos)". (02/08/2011 - 04/08/2011).
DOCTOR YUSTE, Miguel; MORENO BLÁZQUEZ, Ángel; MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; DÍAZ PALACIOS, Daniel; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."Intelligent Social Networks". Workshop. Internacional. "Social Data Mining for Human Behaviour Analysis (SoDaMin)". Craiova "(Rumanía)". (25/05/2011 - 27/05/2011).
MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; MARTÍNEZ HELLÍN, Agustín; ."A First Approach for the Aautonomy of the ExoMars Rover Using a 3-Tier Architecture". Simposio. Internacional. "11th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation (ASTRA 2011)". Noordwijk "(Países Bajos)". (12/04/2011 - 14/04/2011).
MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; CASTAÑO MARTÍN, Bonifacio Esteban; ."Integrating a PDDL-based planner and a PLEXIL-executor into the Ptinto Robot ". Conferencia. Internacional. "The Twenty Third International Conference on industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA-AIE 2010)". Cordoba (01/06/2010 - 04/06/2010).
MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ." An Autonomous system for the locomotion of a Hexapod Exploration Robot". Conferencia. Internacional. "Third IEEE International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology (SMC-IT 2009)". Pasadena "(Estados Unidos)". (19/07/2009 - 23/07/2009).
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