Manuel Domínguez Rodrigo

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Manuel Domínguez Rodrigo

Manuel Domínguez Rodrigo

Manuel Domínguez Rodrigo

Categories: Catedrático/a de Universidad

Department: History and Philosophy


Telephone: 916332161

Office: Instituto de Evolución en África, Covarrubias 36, 28010 Madrid


Research groups

Participates in: Arqueo-Paleontología de la Evolución Humana - Archaeo-Paleontology of the Human Evolution

Research Lines of the Group

Arqueo-Paleontología de la Evolución Humana - Archaeo-Paleontology of the Human Evolution

  • Análisis integral de yacimientos arqueológicos y/o paleontológicos vinculados a la evolución humana

Research Projects

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Book chapters

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  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ." Equids can also make stone artefacts ". JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE REPORTS.
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."A 3D taphonomic model of long bone modification by lions in medium¿sized ungulate carcasses ". Scientific Reports.
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."A case of hominin scavenging 1.84 million years ago from Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) ". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."Deep classification of cut-marks on bones from Arroyo del Vizca¿no (Uruguay) ". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."Determining the diagenetic paths of archaeofaunal assemblages and their palaeoecology through artificial intelligence: an application to Oldowan sites from Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) ". (ISSN: 0267-8179). Journal of Quaternary Science.
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."Do human butchery patterns exist? A study of the interaction of randomness and channelling in the distribution of cut marks on long bones ". (ISSN: 1742-5689). Journal of the Royal Society Interface.
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."Dragged, lagged, or undisturbed: reassessing the autochthony of the hominin-bearing assemblages at Gran Dolina (Atapuerca, Spain) ". (ISSN: 1866-9557). ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES.
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."Early Pleistocene faunivorous hominins were not kleptoparasitic, and this impacted the evolution of human anatomy and socio¿ecology ". (ISSN: 2045-2322). Scientific Reports.
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."Elevated rates of horizontal gene transfer in the industrialized human microbiome ". (ISSN: 0092-8674). Cell.
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."The first comprehensive micro use-wear analysis of an early Acheulean assemblage (Thiongo Korongo, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania) ". (ISSN: .0277-3791). Quaternary Science Review.
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."Tracing the spatial imprint of Oldowan technological behaviors: A view from DS (Bed I, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania) ". (ISSN: 1932-6203). PLoS ONE.
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ARAMENDI , julia; MABULLA , Audax; , BAQUEDANO, E; ."Biomechanical and taxonomic diversity in the Early Pleistocene in East Africa: structural analysis of a recently discovered femur shaft from Olduvai Gorge (Bed I).". (ISSN: 0047-2484). Journal of Human Evolution. 2023 , vol 186: , num 103469 , p. 1 - 17 .
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; , Moclán, A.; ."Are highly accurate models of agency in bone breaking the result of misuse of machine learning methods?". (ISSN: 2352-409X). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2023 , vol 51 , num 104150 , p. 1 - 16 .
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; BROPHY , Juliet; MATHEWS , Gregory; , Pizarro-Monzo, M.; , BAQUEDANO, E; ."African bovid tribe classification using transfer learning and computer vision". Annals of the Academy of Sciences of New York. 2023 , vol 1530 , num 1 , p. 152 - 160 .
  • MOCLÁN , Abel; , COBO-SÁNCHEZ, L.; DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; MÉNDEZ-QUINTAS , Eduardo; RUBIO , Susana; PANERA , Joaquín; SANTONJA , M.; ."Spatial análisis o fan early Middle Paleolithic kill/butchery site: the case of the cuesta d ela Bajada (Teruel, Spain).". (ISSN: 1866-9557). ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2023 , vol 15 , num 7 , p. 1 - 28 .
  • FRAILE , Cristina; MABULLA , Audax; , BAQUEDANO, E; DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; , DIEZ-MARTIN, F; ."Searching for intra-site spatial patterns in the African early Acheulean: the lowermost archaeo-units at FLK West (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania).". (ISSN: 1866-9557). ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2023 , vol 15 , num 64 , p. 1 - 15 .
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; URIBELARREA , David; DIEZ-MARTIN , Fernando; MABULLA , Audax; GIDNA , Agness; , COBO-SÁNCHEZ, L.; , Martín-Perea, D; , ORGANISTA, E.; BARBA , Rebeca; , BAQUEDANO, E; ."Earliest Acheulian paleolandscape reveals a 1.7 million-year-old megasite at Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania)". (ISSN: .0277-3791). Quaternary Science Review. 2023 , vol 316 , num 108262 , p. 1 - 14 .
  • , Vegara-Riquelme, M; , GIDNA, A; , Uribelarrea del Val, D.; , BAQUEDANO, E; DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."Reassessing the role of carnivores in the formation of FLK North 3 (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania): a pilot taphonomic analysis using Artificial Intelligence tools". (ISSN: 2352-409X). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2023 , vol 17 , num 103736 , p. 1 - 14 .
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."A taphonomic analysis of PTK (Bed I, Olduvai Gorge) and its bearing on the interpretation of the dietary and eco-spatial behaviors of early humans.". (ISSN: 1873-457X). Quaternary Science Reviews. 2023 , vol 300 , p. 107913 - 107913 .
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."Back From the Dead: Another Response to the Contextual Bases of the Rising Star "Deliberate Body Disposal" Hypothesis". (ISSN: 1996-7489). South African Journal of Science. 2022 , vol 118 , num 11-12 .
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."Computer vision supports primary access to meat by early Homo 1.84 million years ago.". peerj. 2022 , num 10 , p. 14148 - 14148 .
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."The Dorothy Garrod Site: a new Middle Stone Age locality in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania". archaeological and anthropological sciences. 2022 , num 14 , p. 177 - 177 .
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."High-accuracy in the classification of butchery cut marks and crocodile tooth marks using machine learning methods and computer vision algorithms". (ISSN: 0016-6996). geobios. 2022 , num 72-73 , p. 12 - 21 .
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."Neo-taphonomic analysis of the Misiam leopard lair from Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania): understanding leopard&-hyena interactions in open settings.". Royal Society Open Science. 2022 , num 9 , p. 220252 - 220252 .
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."Sabertooth carcass consumption behavior and the dynamics of Pleistocene large carnivoran guilds". Scientific Reports. 2022 , num 12 , p. 6045 - 6045 .
  • DOMÍNGUEZ RODRIGO, Manuel; ."New site at Olduvai Gorge (AGS, Bed I, 1.84 Mya) widens the range of locations where hominins engaged in butchery.". Scientific Reports. 2022 , num 12 , p. 9794 - 9794 .

Electronic Articles

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