Juan Rafael Sendra Pons

Juan Rafael Sendra Pons
Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales
Research groups
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Research Lines of the Group
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Research Projects
Title: Mathematical Visualization: Foundations, Algorithms and Applications
Reference: PID2020-113192GB-I00
Principal Researcher: PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; GONZÁLEZ-VEGA , Laureano;
Other Researchers: SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; VÉLEZ , Pilar; ALCAZAR ARRIBAS, Juan Gerardo; DIAZ TOCA, Gemma; SEVILLA , David; VILLARINO , Carlos; RECIO , Tomas; TABERA , Luis Felipe; FIORAVANTI , Mario; VIRBICKAITE , Audrone; BOTANA , Francisco; HERMOSO , Carlos; CARAVANTES , Jorge; LÓPEZ LÓPEZ , Maria Victoria;
Start date: 01/09/2021
End date: 01/09/2024
Economic Amount: 100000
Title: Ecuaciones funcionales, polinomios ortogonales y aplicaciones
Reference: CM/JIN/2019-010
Principal Researcher: LASTRA SEDANO, Alberto;
Other Researchers: SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; HUERTAS CEJUDO, Edmundo José; GARCÍA GARRIDO, Víctor José;
Start date: 01/01/2020
End date:
Financing entity:
Economic Amount:
Reference: MTM2017-88796-P
Principal Researcher: GONZÁLEZ , Laureano;
Other Researchers: PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; VÉLEZ , Pilar; VILLARINO , Carlos; ALCÁZAR , Juan Gerardo; CARAVANTES , Jorge; DÍAZ , Gemma M.;
Start date: 01/01/2017
End date: 01/01/2020
Financing entity:
Economic Amount:
Reference: MTM2014-54141-P
Principal Researcher: GONZÁLEZ VEGA, Laureano;
Other Researchers: SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael;
Start date: 01/01/2015
End date: 31/12/2017
Financing entity:
Economic Amount:
Title: Algoritmos y aplicaciones en geometría algebraica (Subproyecto: Algoritmos y aplicaciones en geometria de curvas y superficies)
Reference: MTM2011-25816-C02-01
Principal Researcher: SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael;
Other Researchers: VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; ALCÁZAR ARRIBAS, Juan Gerardo; SENDRA PONS, Juana; PEREZ RUEDA, Sonia Luisa; WINKLER , Franz; PETERNELL , Martin; SEVILLA , David;
Start date: 01/01/2012
End date: 31/12/2014
Financing entity:
Economic Amount:
Title: Variedades Paramétricas: Algoritmos y Aplicaciones (MTM2008-04699-C03-01)
Reference: MTM2008-04699-C03-01
Principal Researcher: SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael;
Start date: 01/01/2009
End date: 30/06/2012
Economic Amount: 73689
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WANG , Dongming; YANG , Jing; (ed.) ."Special Issue of the Mathematics in Computer Science on Geometric Computation. Vol. 10. no. 1 (2016) ". . 2016.
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."Introducción a la Computación Simbólica y Facilidades Maple (Segunda Edición Actualizada) ". Ra-Ma Editorial+" ed.". . 2012. 426. ISBN: 978-84-9964-200-0.
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; (ed.) ."Libro de Resúmenes de los XIII Encuentros de Algebra Computacional y Aplicaciones". . 2012. 271. Colección: UAH OBRAS COLECTIVAS COLECCION DE CIENCIAS . ISBN: 978-84-8138-770-4.
PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."Introducción a la computación simbólica y facilidades Maple ". . 2009. ISBN: 978-84-612-9191-5 .
Book chapters
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; CARAVANTES TORTAJADA, Jorge; "A Maple Package to Deal with the Birationality of Curves and Surfaces Parametrizations". Maple in Mathematics, Education and Research (Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021). 2021. , vol 1414. p. 137 - 151 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; FALKENSTEINER , Sebastian; CANO , José; F. BOULIER , F.; "Puiseux Series and Algebraic Solutions of First Order Autonomous AODEs &- A MAPLE Package". Maple in Mathematics, Education and Research (Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021). 2021. , vol CIS. p. 89 - 103 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; CARAVANTES TORTAJADA, Jorge; SENDRA PONS, Juana; "A Maple package for the symbolic computation of Drazin inverse matrices with multivariate transcendental functions entries.". Maple in Mathematics Education and Research (Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020). (ISBN: 978-3-030-41257-9 ). . 2020. , vol 1125. p. 156 - 170 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; STANIMIROVICH , Predrag; WEI , Y; KOLUNDZIJA , D.; "An Application of Computer Algebra and Dynamical Systems". Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISBN: 978-3-030-21362-6 ). . 2019. , vol 11545. p. 225 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WINKLER , Franz; "The algebro-geometric solution method for algebraic differential equations: An introduction by examples". De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics COMPLEX DIFFERENTIAL AND DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCHOOL AND CONFERENCE (ISBN: 978-3-11-060952-3 ). . 2019. p. 129 - 146 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; RECIO MUÑIZ, Tomas; "The Importance of Being Zero". Proceedings of the ISSAC 2018 (ACM Press) (ISBN: 978-1-4503-5550-6 ). . 2018. p. 327 - 333 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; SEVILLA , David; "Some results on the surjectivity of surface parametrizations". Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2015. , vol 8942. p. 192 - 203 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; SEVILLA , David; "Covering of surfaces parametrized without projective base points.". Proceedings ISSAC 2014 (ACM Press) (ISBN: 978-1-4503-2501-1 ). . 2014. p. 375 - 380 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; LASTRA SEDANO, Alberto; GRASEGGER , Georg; WINKLER , Franz; "On symbolic solutions of algebraic partial differential equations". Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISBN: 978-3-319-10514-7 ). . 2014. , vol 8660 . p. 111 - 120 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WINKLER , Franz; NGO , L.C.X.; "Classification of algebraic ODEs with respect to rational solvability ". AMS series Contemporary Mathematics (ISBN: 978-0-8218-6869-0 ). . 2012. , vol 572. p. 193 - 388 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; "On the singular locus of rational surface parametrizations ". Libro de Resúmenes de XIII Encuentro de Algebra Computacional y Aplicaciones (EACA-2012) (ISBN: 978-84-8138-770-4. ). . 2012. p. 143 - 146 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SAN SEGUNDO BARAHONA, Fernando; "Offsetting Revolution Surfaces". Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISBN: 978-3-642-21045-7 ). . 2011. , vol 6301. p. 179 - 188 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; "Manual de Hipercírculos". Contribuciones Científicas en Honor a Mirian Andrés Gómez. Laureano Lambán, Ana Romero y Julio Rubio, Editors. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de la Rioja, Longroño, Spain. (ISBN: 978-84-96487-50-5 ). . 2010. p. 417 - 437 .
PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; SENDRA PONS, Juana; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; "Distance Properties of epsilon-Points on Algebraic Curves". In Computational Methods for Algebraic Spline Surfaces. SPRINGER VERLAG. (ISBN: 3-540-23274-5, ). "(Alemania)". 2005. p. 45 - 63 .
PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; "Partial Degree Formulae for Rational Algebraic Surfaces". Proceedings ISSAC 2005 (ACM Press) (ISBN: 1-59593-095-7 ). "(Estados Unidos)". 2005. p. 301 - 308 .
PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; SENDRA PONS, Juana; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; "The Challenge of Approximately y Parametrizing Algebraic Curves and Surfaces". Proceedings of Algorithmic Algebra and Logic 2005. (Books on Demand GmbH) (ISBN: 3-8334-2669-1 ). "(Alemania)". 2005. p. 187 - 194 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; RECIO MUÑIZ, Tomas; "From Hypercircles to Units". Proceedings ISSAC 2004 (ACM Press) (ISBN: 1-58113-827-X ). "(Estados Unidos)". 2004. p. 231 - 235 .
ANDRADE OLALLA, Antonia; RECIO , T.; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; "La variedad de Weil para variedades unirracionales". Contribuciones Matemáticas: Homenaje al Prof. E. Outerelo Domínguez (ISBN: 84-7491-767-0 ). . 2004. p. 33 - 51 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; GONZÁLEZ VEGA, Laureano; "Algebraic-Geometric Methods for the Manipulation of Curves and Surfaces.". Actas EACA 2001 (ISBN: 84-95301-52-0 ). . 2001. p. 45 - 60 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WINKLER , Franz; "Computation of the Degree of Rational Maps Between Curves". Proceedings ISSAC 2001 (ACM Press) (ISBN: 1-58113-417-7 ). "(Estados Unidos)". 2001. p. 317 - 322 .
PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; "Parametric G^1 Blending of Several Surfaces". Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing (Spinger Verlag) (ISBN: 3-540-42355-9 ). "(Alemania)". 2001. p. 445 - 460 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ANDRADAS , Carlos; RECIO MUÑIZ, Tomas; "Base Field Restriction Techniques for Parametric Curves". Proceedings ISSAC 1999 (ACM press) (ISBN: 1-58113-073-2 ). "(Estados Unidos)". 1999. p. 17 - 22 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WINKLER , Franz; "Real Parametrization of algebraic curves". Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelillence (ISBN: 3-540-64960-3 ). "(Alemania)". 1998. , vol 1476. p. 284 - 295 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; D'ANDREA , Carlos; RECIO MUÑIZ, Tomas; "A relatively optimal rational space curve reparametrization algorithm through canonical divisors". Proceeding ISSAC 1997 (ACM Press) (ISBN: 0-89791-875-4 ). "(Estados Unidos)". 1997. p. 349 - 356 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; LLOVET VERDUGO, Juan; "Hankel Matrices and Polynomials". Lectures Notes in Computer Science (ISBN: 3-540-51082-6 ). . 1989. , vol 356. p. 321 - 333 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; CARAVANTES TORTAJADA, Jorge; SEVILLA , David; ."A note about rational surfaces as unions of affine planes". (ISSN: 1578-7303). REVISTA DE LA REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS FISICAS Y NATURALES SERIE AMATEMATICAS. 2023 , num 117 nº 69
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WINKLER , Franz; FALEKNSTEINER , Sebastian; MITTERAMSKOGLER , JOHANN; ."The Algebro-Geometric Method: solving algebraic differential equations by parametrizations (publicado online Agosto 30, 2022)". (ISSN: 0273-0979). Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. 2023 , vol 60 , num 1 , p. 85 - 122
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; CANO , José; FALKENSTEINER , Sebastian; ROBERTZ , Daniel; ."Algebraic and Puiseux series solutions of systems of autonomous algebraic ODEs of dimension one in several variables (publicado online 22 de abril de 2022).". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 2023 , vol 114 , p. 1 - 17
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; LASTRA SEDANO, Alberto; ."Symbolic Treatment of Trigonometric Parametrizations: the general unirational case and applications.". (ISSN: 2194-6701). Communications in Mathematics and Statistics. 2023
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; FALKENSTEINER , Sebastian; CANO , Jose; ."Existence and convergence of Puiseux series solutions for autonomous first order differential equations.". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 2022 , vol 108 , p. 137 - 151
STANIMIROVIC , Predrag S.; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; BEHERA , Ratikanta; SAHOO , Jajati Keshari; MOSIC , Dijana; SENDRA PONS, Juana; LASTRA SEDANO, Alberto; ."Computing tensor generalized inverses via specialization and rationalization". (ISSN: 1578-7303). REVISTA DE LA REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS FISICAS Y NATURALES SERIE AMATEMATICAS. 2021 , vol 115 .
MORIANO MARTÍN, Javier; RIZO MORENTE, Mario; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; MATEOS GIL, Raúl; ."Distortion-Free Instantaneous Multifrequency Saturator for THD Current Reduction". (ISSN: 0278-0046). IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2019 , vol 66 , num 7 , p. 5310 - 5320
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."El reto de desarrollar algoritmos de parametrización, para curvas y superficies algebraicas, útiles en las aplicaciones.". Gaceta RSME. 2018 , vol 21 , num 1 , p. 125 - 146
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; CARAVANTE , Jorge; SEVILLA , David; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; ."On the existence of birational surjective parametrizations of affine surfaces". (ISSN: 0021-8693). Journal of Algebra. 2018 , vol 501 , p. 206 - 214
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; LASTRA SEDANO, Alberto; WINKLER , Franz; GRASEGGER , Georg; ."Rational General Solutions of Systems of First-Order Algebraic Partial Differential Equations.". (ISSN: 0377-0427). Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2018 , vol 331 , p. 88 - 103
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; SEVILLA , David; ."Covering Rational Ruled Surfaces". (ISSN: 0025-5718). Mathematics of Computation. 2017 , vol 86 , num 308 , p. 2861 - 2875
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; SEVILLA , David; ."Algebraic and algorithmic aspects of radical parametrizations.". (ISSN: 0167-8396). Computer Aided Geometric Design. 2017 , vol 55 , p. 1 - 14
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WINKLER , Stephan; ."Corrigendum to: A heuristic and evolutionary algorithm to optimize the coefficients of curve parametrizations [J. Comput. Appl. Math. 305 (2016) 18-35]". (ISSN: 0377-0427). Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2016 , vol 308 , p. 499 - 500 .
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; FIORAVANTI , Mario; ."Algebro-geometric analysis of bisectors of two algebraic plane curves". (ISSN: 0167-8396). Computer Aided Geometric Design. 2016 , vol 47 , p. 189 - 203
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WANG , Donming; YANG , Jing; ."Foreword of the Special Issue on Geometric Comptutation". (ISSN: 1661-8270). Mathematics in Computer Science. 2016
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; RECIO MUÑIZ, Tomas; TABERA , Luis Felipe; ."On Tubular vs. Swung surfaces". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 2016 , vol 72 , p. 55 - 64
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."Symbolic Computation of Drazin inverses by specializations.". (ISSN: 0377-0427). Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2016 , vol 301 , p. 201 - 212
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WINKLER , Franz; NGO , L.X.C; ."Birational Transformations Preserving Rational Solutions of Algebraic Ordinary Differential Equations.". (ISSN: 0377-0427). Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2015 , p. 114 - 127
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."Gröbner Basis Computation of Drazin Inverses with Multivariate Rational Function Entries". (ISSN: 0096-3003). Applied Mathematics and Computation (New York). 2015 , vol 259 , p. 450 - 459
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; SEVILLA , David; ."Missing sets in rational parametrizations of surfaces of revolution.". (ISSN: 0010-4485). CAD Computer Aided Design. 2015 , vol 66 , p. 55 - 61
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; PETERNELL , Martín; ."Offsets, Conchoids and Pedal Surfaces". (ISSN: 0047-2468). Journal of Geometry. 2015 , vol 2 , num 106 , p. 321 - 339
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; RECIO MUÑIZ, Tomas; TABERA , Luis Felipe; ."On Tubular vs. Swung surfaces". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 2015 , vol 72 , p. 55 - 64
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; PEREZ RUEDA, Sonia Luisa; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."Bounding and Estimating the Hausdorff distance between real space algebraic curves". (ISSN: 0167-8396). Computer Aided Geometric Design. 2014 , vol 31 , p. 182 - 198
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Factoring analytic multivariate polynomials and non-standard Cauchy-Riemann conditions.". (ISSN: 0378-4754). Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 2014
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; PEREZ RUEDA, Sonia Luisa; ."Rational Hausdorff Divisors: a New approach to the Approximate Parametrization of Curves". (ISSN: 0377-0427). Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2014 , vol 263 , p. 445 - 465
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; ANDRADAS , Carlos; RECIO MUÑIZ, Tomas; TABERA , Luis Felipe; ."Reparametrizing Swung Surfaces over the Reals". (ISSN: 0938-1279). Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing. 2014 , vol 25 , p. 39 - 65
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; RECIO MUÑIZ, Tomas; TABERA , Luis Felipe; ."Ultraquadrics associated to affine and projective automorphisms". (ISSN: 0938-1279). Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing. 2014 , vol 25 , p. 431 - 445
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; RUEDA , Sonia Luisa; ."An Algorithm to Parametrize Approximately Space Curves". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 2013 , vol 56 , p. 80 - 106
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SEVILLA , David; ."First Steps Towards Radical Parametrization of Algebraic Surfaces. ". (ISSN: 0167-8396). Computer Aided Geometric Design. 2013 , vol 4 , num 30 , p. 374 - 388
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SAN SEGUNDO BARAHONA, Fernando; ."Total Degree Formula for the Generic Offset to a Parametric Surface". (ISSN: 0218-1967). International Journal of Algebra and Computation. 2012 , vol 22 , num 2
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ALVAREZ LEON, Luis; GOMEZ , Luis; ."Accurate Depth Dependent Lens Distortion Models: An Application to Planar View Scenarios". (ISSN: 0924-9907). Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. 2011 , vol 39 , p. 75 - 85
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; TABERA , Luis Felipe; RECIO MUÑIZ, Tomas; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; ."Algorithmic Detection of Hypercircles". (ISSN: 0378-4754). Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 2011 , vol 82 , p. 54 - 67
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SEVILLA , David; ."Radical Parametrizations of Algebraic Curves by Adjoint Curves". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 2011 , vol 46 , p. 1030 - 1038
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ÁLVAREZ LEÓN, Luis; GÓMEZ , Luis; ."Algebraic Lens Distortion Model Estimation". (ISSN: 2105-1232). Image Processing On Line. 2010 , vol 1 , p. 1 - 10
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; RECIO MUÑIZ, Tomas; TABERA , Luis Felipe; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; ."Generalizing circles over algebraic extensions". (ISSN: 0025-5718). Mathematics of Computation. 2010 , vol 79/270 , p. 1067 - 1089
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; RUEDA PÉREZ, Sonia Luisa; ."Linear complete differential resultants and the implicitization of linear DPPEs". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 2010 , vol 45 , p. 212 - 231
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."Rational Parametrization of Conchoids to Algebraic Curves". (ISSN: 0938-1279). Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing. 2010 , vol 21 , p. 285 - 308
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ALVAREZ LEON, Luis; GOMEZ , Luis; ."An Algebraic Approach to lens Distortion by Line Rectification". (ISSN: 0924-9907). Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. 2009 , vol 35 , p. 36 - 50
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ANDRADAS , Carlos; TABERA , Luis Felipe; RECIO MUÑIZ, Tomas; ."On the simplification of the coefficients of a parametrization". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 2009 , vol 44 , p. 192 - 210
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SAN SEGUNDO BARAHONA, Fernando; ."Partial Degree Formulae for Plane Offset Curves". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 2009 , vol 44 , p. 635 - 654
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."An Algebraic Analysis of Conchoids to Algebraic Curves". (ISSN: 0938-1279). Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing. 2008 , vol 19 , p. 413 - 428
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ALCÁZAR ARRIBAS, Juan Gerardo; SCHICHO , Josef; ."A Delineability-based Method for Computing Critical Sets of Algebraic Surfaces". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 2007 , vol 42 , p. 678 - 691
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ALCÁZAR ARRIBAS, Juan Gerardo; ."Local Shape of Offsets to Algebraic Curves". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 2007 , vol 42 , p. 338 - 351
ALCÁZAR ARRIBAS, Juan Gerardo; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Computation of the Topology of Real Algebraic Space Curves". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 2005 , vol 39 , p. 719 - 744
SAN SEGUNDO BARAHONA, Fernando; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Degree Formulae for Offset Curves". (ISSN: 0022-4049). Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 2005 , vol 195 , p. 301 - 335
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; ."Algebraically optimal parametrizations of quasi-polynomial algebraic curves.". (ISSN: 0219-4988). JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2002 , vol 1 , num 1 , p. 51 - 74
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Normal parametrizations of algebraic plane curves.". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 2002 , vol 33 , num 6 , p. 863 - 885
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; ."Optimal Reparametrization of Polynomial Algebraic Curves.". (ISSN: 0218-1959). International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications. 2001 , vol 11/4 , p. 439 - 453
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WINKLER , Franz; ."Tracing Index of Rational Curve Parametrizations.". (ISSN: 0167-8396). Computer Aided Geometric Design. 2001 , vol 18/8 , p. 771 - 794
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."Algebraic Analysis of offsets to hypersurfaces". (ISSN: 0025-5874). Mathematische Zeitschrift. 2000 , vol 234 , p. 697 - 719
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."Rationality Analysis and Direct Parametrization of Generalized Offsets to Quadrics.". (ISSN: 0938-1279). Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing. 2000 , vol 11 , p. 111 - 140
ARRONDO , E.; SENDRA PONS, Juana; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Genus Formula for Generalized Offset Curves". (ISSN: 0022-4049). Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 1999 , vol 136/3 , p. 199 - 209
RECIO , T.; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."A Really Elementary Proof of Real Lüroth's Theorem". (ISSN: 1139-1138). REVISTA MATEMATICA COMPLUTENSE. 1997 , vol 10 , p. 283 - 291
ARRONDO , E.; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."Parametric Generalized Offsets To Hypersurfaces". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 1997 , vol 32 , p. 267 - 285
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WINKLER , Franz; ."Parametrization of Algebraic Curves Over Optimal Field Extensions". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 1997 , vol 32 , p. 191 - 207
RECIO , T.; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Real Reparametrizations of Real Curves". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 1997 , vol 32 , p. 241 - 254
MNUK , M.; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WINKLER , Franz; ."On the Complexity of Parametrizing Curves". Contribution to Algebra and Geometry. 1996 , num 37(96) , p. 309 - 328
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; LLOVET VERDUGO, Juan; MARTÍNEZ FERNÁNDEZ, Raquel; ."An algorithm for computing the number of real roots". (ISSN: 0024-3795). Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 1992 , vol 170 , p. 228 - 234
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; LLOVET VERDUGO, Juan; ."An extended polynomial GCD algorithm using Hankel matrices". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 1992 , vol 13/1 , p. 25 - 39
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; LLOVET VERDUGO, Juan; ."Rank of a Hankel matrix over Z[x1,..,xr]". (ISSN: 0938-1279). Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing. 1992 , vol 3 , p. 245 - 256
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WINKLER , Franz; ."Symbolic parametrization of curves". (ISSN: 0747-7171). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 1991 , vol 12/6 , p. 607 - 631
Electronic Articles
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; ."Computing the Singularities of Rational Surfaces (arXiv:1107.5262v1 [math.AG])". arXiv:1107.5262v1. 2011
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; PEREZ RUEDA, Sonia Luisa; ." Approximate Parametrization of Space Algebraic Curves (arXiv:1107.1584v1 [math.AG]) ". arXiv:1107.1584v1. 2011
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; SEVILLA , David; CARAVANTES TORTAJADA, Jorge; ."How to cover rational surfaces with few rationalparametrization images (ACA 2021) [Charla presentada por co-author]". Internacional. "26th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (Special Session: Algebraic Geometry from an Algorithmic Point of View)". (23/07/2021 - 27/07/2021).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; GONZÁLEZ-VEGA , Laureano; ."Bohemian Matrices: the Symbolic Computation Approach (Annual SIAM 2021) [Charla presentada por co-autor]". Congreso. Internacional. "Annual SIAM meeting (2021)". Washington (online) "(Estados Unidos)". (19/07/2021 - 23/07/2021).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; GONZÁLEZ-VEGA , Laureano; ."Bohemian inner inverses: first steps toward generalized inverses (Annual SIAM 2021)". Congreso. Internacional. "Annual SIAM meeting (2021)". Washington (online) "(Estados Unidos)". (19/07/2021 - 23/07/2021).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."My differential equation has coefficients with nested radicals (Congreso: Algebraic and Differential Equation Solving)". Congreso. Internacional. "Algebraic and Differential Equation Solving". Linz (online) "(Austria)". (01/07/2021 - 01/07/2021).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; FALKENSTEINER , Sebastian; CANO , José; ."Algebraic and Puiseux series solutions of systems of autonomous algebraic ODEs of dimension one in several variables (MEGA-2021) [charla presentada por co-autor]". Internacional. "Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry (MEGA-2021)". Tromso (online) "(Noruega)". (07/06/2021 - 11/06/2021).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; FALKENSTEINER , Sebastian; CANO , José; ."Formal Puiseux Series Solutions of First Order Autonomous AODEs. CASC2019. [Charla presentada por co-author] ". Internacional. "CASC-2019". Moscu "(Rusia)". (27/08/2019 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Symbolic computation treatment of Bohemian matrices. ICIAM 2019". Internacional. "ICIAM 2019, 9th international congress on industrial and applied mathematics". Valencia (15/07/2019 - 19/07/2019).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Are rational parametrizations of curves and surfaces really applicable?[Conferencia Plenaria] ". Internacional. " Classical Algebraic Geometry and related topics". (02/07/2019 - 06/07/2019).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; FALKENSTEINER , Sebastian; ."Formal Power Series Solutions of First Order AODEs. Congreso Bienal RSME 2019". Nacional. "Bienal RSME 2019. Conferencia invitada en la sesión especial;Computación simbólica: nuevos restos en Álgebra y Geometría y sus Aplicaciones ". Santander (04/02/2019 - 08/02/2019).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; FALKENSTEINER , Sebastian; ."Autonomous Algebraic Ordinary Differential Equations, ACA2018 [Charla presentada por co-autor]". Internacional. "ACA2018". SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (21/06/2018 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."The Challenge of Developing Applicable Parametrization Algorithms for Algebraic Curves and Surfaces[Conferenica Plenaria]". Conferencia Magistral (x). Europeo. "6th Iberian Mathematical Meeting (Encuentro conjunto entre la Sociedad Matemática Española y la Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática.)". SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (06/10/2016 - 08/10/2016).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; SEVILLA , David; ."Algebraic aspects of radical parametrizations [Charla impartida por co-autor]". Nacional. "XV Encuentro de Algebra Computacional y Aplicaciones (EACA2016) ". Logroño (22/06/2016 - 24/06/2016).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; LASTRA SEDANO, Alberto; WINKLER , Franz; GRASEGGER , Georg; ."On symbolic solutions of algebraic partial differential equations.CASC2014 [Charla Impartida por co-autor]". Internacional. "16th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing". (08/11/2014 - 12/11/2014).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Optimal parametrization of curves and surfaces[Conferenica Plenaria] ". Internacional. "Doctoral Colleague in Computational Mathematics (Statusseminar)". (24/09/2014 - 26/09/2014).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SEVILLA , David; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; ."Covering of surfaces without projective base points. ISSAC-2014. [Charla impartida por co-autor]". Internacional. "International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC2014)". (21/06/2014 - 25/06/2014).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; SEVILLA , David; ."A critical set of revolution surface parametrization. EACA-2014". Nacional. "XIV Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones (EACA2014)". Barcelona (18/06/2014 - 20/06/2014).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; RECIO MUÑIZ, Tomas; TABERA , Luis Felipe; ."Ultraquadrics associated to affine and projective automorphims. EACA2014.[Charla impartida por co-autor]". Nacional. "XIV Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones (EACA2014)". Barcelona (18/06/2014 - 20/06/2014).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; RUEDA , Sonia; ."Approximate algorithms to parametrize algebraic curves. ACA 2014. [Charla impartida por coautor]". Internacional. "ACA (Applications of Computer Algebra) 2014". (09/06/2014 - 12/06/2014).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Parametrizing Algebraic Curves and Surfaces under Different Criteria. GTM Conference on topics in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry[Conferencia Plenaria] ". Congreso. Internacional. "GTM Conference on topics in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry". Milan "(Italia)". (01/2014 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WINKLER , Stephan; ."Optimization of Coefficients of Lists of Polynomials by Evolutionary Algorithms (ICAI-2014) [Charla presentada por co-autor]". Internacional. "9th International Conference on Applied Informatics (ICAI 2014)". (01/01/2014 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WINKLER , Franz; GRASSEGER , Georg; ."Symbolic solutions of algebraic ordinary differential equations. AICA 2013". Jornada. Nacional. "Jornadas AICA 2013, UCM, Madrid". Madrid (11/2013 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Global and Approximate Parametrization of Algebraic Curves. Workshop on Computer algebra and polynomials (Special Semester on Applications of Algebra and Number Theory), RICAM, Linz, Austria". Workshop. Internacional. "Workshop on Computer algebra and polynomials (Special Semester on Applications of Algebra and Number Theory), RICAM, Linz, Austria". linz "(Austria)". (11/2013 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; ALCÁZAR ARRIBAS, Juan Gerardo; SENDRA PONS, Juana; RUEDA , Sonia Luisa; SEVILLA , David; ."Algorithms and Applications in Geometry of Curves and Surfaces. AICA 2013, UCM, Madrid.". Jornada. Nacional. "AICA 2013, UCM, Madrid. ". Madrid (07/11/2013 - 09/11/2013).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; RUEDA PEREZ, Sonia Luisa; ."On the approximate parametrization problem of algebraic curves. Special session: Arithmetic of Algebraic Curves. Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) [Charla impartida por co-author]". Congreso. Internacional. " Special session: Arithmetic of Algebraic Curves. Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA)". Malaga (07/2013 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SEVILLA , David; ."Radical parametrization of algebraic curves and surfaces. Special session: Arithmetic of Algebraic Curves. Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) [Charla impartida por co-author]". Congreso. Internacional. "Special session: Arithmetic of Algebraic Curves. Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA)". Malaga (07/2013 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; RECIO MUÑIZ, Tomas; TABERA , Luis Felipe; ANDRADAS , Carlos; ."Reparametrizing Rational Swung Surfaces over the Reals (MEGA2013) [Poster presentado por co-author]". Congreso. Internacional. "MEGA2013". Frankfurt "(Alemania)". (06/2013 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Optimal Parametrizations of Algebraic Curves and Surfaces". Congreso. Europeo. "4th Iberian Mathematical Meeting". Valladolid (05/10/2012 - 07/10/2012).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SEVILLA , David; ."First Steps Towards Radical Parametrization of Algebraic Surfaces [Charla impartida por co-author]". Congreso. Internacional. "VIII International Conference on Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces". Oslo "(Noruega)". (28/06/2012 - 03/07/2012).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; ."On the Rational Locus of Rational Surface Parametrizations". Nacional. Alcalá de Henares (14/06/2012 - 14/06/2012).
VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; ALCÁZAR ARRIBAS, Juan Gerardo; RUEDA PÉREZ, Sonia Luisa; ."XIII Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones EACA2012". Nacional. Alcalá de Henares (13/06/2012 - 15/06/2012).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."ALGORITHMS FOR RATIONAL SURFACE PARAMETRIZATIONS I ". Encuentro. Internacional. "Seminario sobre "Algoritmos y Aplicaciones en Geometría Algebraica"". Castro Urdiales (25/02/2012 - 27/02/2012).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."ALGORITHMS FOR RATIONAL SURFACE PARAMETRIZATIONS II". Encuentro. Internacional. "Seminario sobre "Algoritmos y Aplicaciones en Geometría Algebraica" ". Castro Urdiales (25/02/2012 - 27/02/2012).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; ANDRADAS , Carlos; TABERA , Luis Felipe; RECIO MUÑIZ, Tomas; ."Superficies Regladas Racionales Reales [Charla impartida por co-author]". Nacional. "EACA 2010 (Encuentros de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones)". SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (2010 - 2010).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SAN SEGUNDO BARAHONA, Fernando; ."The degree problem for generalizad offsets to planar curves [Charla impartida por co-author]". Nacional. "EACA 2010 (Encuentros de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones)". SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (2010 - 2010).
PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; RUEDA PÉREZ, Sonia Luisa; ."Parametrization of epsilon-rational curves [Charla impartida por co-author]". Internacional. "SNC-2009. (The 3rd International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computation) ". Tokio "(Japón)". (03/08/2009 - 05/08/2009).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; ."Cálculo de fibras de aplicaciones racionales y aplicaciones [Charla impartida por co-author]". Nacional. "Congreso de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española 2009 ". Oviedo (04/02/2009 - 06/02/2009).
PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; RUEDA PÉREZ, Sonia Luisa; ."Algoritmos para la parametrización aproximada [Charla impartida por co-author]". Nacional. "Congreso de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española 2009". Oviedo (04/02/2009 - 07/02/2009).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; PEREZ RUEDA, Sonia Luisa; ."Implicitization of DPPES and differential resultants [Charla impartida por co-author]". Internacional. "Differential Algebra and related computer algebra". Catania "(Italia)". (2008 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SAN SEGUNDO BARAHONA, Fernando; ."Offsetting Revolution Surfaces [Charla impartida por co-author]". Internacional. "ADG 2008 (Automatic Deduction in Geometry)". Shanghai "(China)". (22/09/2008 - 24/09/2008).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SAN SEGUNDO BARAHONA, Fernando; ."The Offset Degree Problem for Surfaces of Revolution [Charla impartida por co-author]". Nacional. "EACA 2008 (Encuentros de Algebra Computacional y Aplicaciones)". Granada (10/09/2008 - 10/09/2008).
PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; RUEDA PÉREZ, Sonia Luisa; ."Aproximate Parametrization of Algebraic Affine Plane Curves [Charla impartida por co-author]". Nacional. "EACA 2008. (Encuentros de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones) ". Granada (10/09/2008 - 12/09/2008).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SAN SEGUNDO BARAHONA, Fernando; D'ANDREA , Carlos; SOMBRA , Martin; ."Tropical Implicitization of Algebraic Plane Curves [Charla impartida por co-author]". Nacional. "EACA 2008 (Encuentros de Algebra Computacional y Aplicaciones)". Granada (10/09/2008 - 12/09/2008).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SAN SEGUNDO BARAHONA, Fernando; ."On the degree of offsets to algebraic curves and surfaces". Internacional. "ISSAC 2007 (International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation)". Waterloo "(Canadá)". (29/07/2007 - 01/08/2007).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ALCÁZAR ARRIBAS, Juan Gerardo; SCHICHO , Josef; ."Shape of Level Curves: Determination and Some Applications [Charla impartida por co-author]". Nacional. "EACA 2006 (Encuentros de Algebra Computacional y Aplicaciones)". Sevilla (07/09/2006 - 09/09/2006).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; TABERA , Luis Felipe; RECIO MUÑIZ, Tomas; ."Fast Computation of the Implicit Ideal of a Hypercircle. AGGM 2006 (Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Modeling) [Charla impartida por co-author]". Internacional. "AGGM 2006 (Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Modeling)". Barcelona (04/09/2006 - 07/09/2006).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Parametrizing Algebraic Curves under Different Optimality Criteria. AGGM 2006 (Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Modeling)[Conferencia plenaria] ". Internacional. "AGGM2006 (Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Modeling)". Barcelona (04/09/2006 - 07/09/2006).
PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."The Degree of Rational Surface Parametrizations [Charla impartida por co-author]". Internacional. "ICM 2006 (International Congress of Mathematicians)". Madrid (03/08/2006 - 05/08/2006).
SAN SEGUNDO BARAHONA, Fernando; SENDRA PONS, Juana; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Offsets from the perspective of computacional algebraic geometry". Internacional. "International Symposium on Symbolic and And Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2005)". Beijing "(China)". (23/07/2005 - 27/07/2005).
PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Partial Degree Formulae for Rational Algebraic Surfaces". Internacional. "Internacional Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC-2005)". Beijing "(China)". (23/07/2005 - 27/07/2005).
PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."The Challenge of Approximately Parametrizing Algebraic Curves and Surfaces [Charla impartida por co-author]". Internacional. "Algorithmic Algebra and Logic (A3L-2005)". Passau "(Alemania)". (01/04/2005 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; RECIO MUÑIZ, Tomas; ."From hypercircles to units [Charla impartida por co-author]". Internacional. "ISSAC 2004 (International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation)". Santander (04/07/2004 - 07/07/2004).
PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."E-points On Algebraic Surfaces [Charla impartida por co-author]". Nacional. "EACA-2004 (Encuentros de Algebra Computacional y Aplicaciones)". Santander (01/07/2004 - ).
SAN SEGUNDO BARAHONA, Fernando; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."On the Degree of Offsets Curves [Charla impartida por co-author]". Nacional. "EACA-2004 (Encuentros de Algebra Computacional y Aplicaciones)". Santander (01/07/2004 - ).
PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."Distance Properties of Epsilon Points on Algebraic Curves [Charla impartida por co-author]". Internacional. "Compass 2003 (Computational Methods for Algebraic Spline Surfaces)". Kefermark "(Austria)". (29/09/2003 - 01/10/2003).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Computational Methods for rational Curves and Surfaces.". Internacional. "First Joint Meeting RSME-AMS (Real Sociedad Matemática Española-American Mathematical Society)". Sevilla (18/06/2003 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Métodos algebraico-geométricos para la manipulación de curvas y superficies [Charla conjunta con L. González-Vega]". Nacional. "EACA-2001 (Encuentros de álgebra computacional y aplicaciones)". Logroño (2001 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."On parametric offsets to hypersurfaces.". Internacional. "COSTIC Meeting on algorithms for curves and surfaces.". Paris "(Francia)". (10/12/2001 - ).
PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Parametric G^1 Blending of Several Surfaces [Charla impartida por co-author]". Internacional. "CASC2001 (Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing)". Konstanz "(Alemania)". (01/09/2001 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; GONZÁLEZ VEGA, Laureano; ."Algebraic-Geometric Methods for the Manipulation of Curves and Surfaces. ". Nacional. "EACA 2001 (Encuentros de Algebra Computacional y Aplicaciones)". Ezcaray (01/09/2001 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WINKLER , Franz; ."Computation of the Degree of Rational Maps Between Curves [Charla impartida por co-autor]". Internacional. "ISSAC 2001 (International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation)". London (Ontario) "(Canadá)". (01/07/2001 - ).
PÉREZ DÍAZ, Sonia; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."An algorithm Criterion for Deciding the Properness os Rational Parametrizations". Nacional. "Sexto encuentro de álgebra computacional y aplicaciones. EACA 2000". Barcelona (06/09/2000 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Curvas algebraicas paramétricas: algoritmos y aplicaciones". Nacional. "RSME2000". Madrid (27/01/2000 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; VILLARINO CABELLOS, Carlos; ."Optimal reparametrization of polynominal algebraic curves [Charla impartida por co-author]". Internacional. "Fifth Spanish Meeting on Computer Algebra and Applications EACA-99". Santa Cruz de Tenerife (01/01/2000 - ).
ANDRADAS , C.; RECIO , T.; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Base field restriction techniques for parametric curves [Charla impatida por co-author]". Internacional. "ISSAC-99". Vancouver "(Canadá)". (01/07/1999 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; WINKLER , F.; ."Real Parametrization of algebraic Curves [Charla impartida por co-author] ". Internacional. "AISC'98". Nieva York "(Estados Unidos)". (16/09/1998 - ).
ANDRADAS , C.; RECIO , T.; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."A Relatively Optimal Space Curve Reparametrization Algorithm Through Canonical Divisors". Nacional. "EACA97". Granada (25/09/1997 - ).
ANDRADAS , C.; RECIO , T.; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."A Relatively Optimal Space Curve Reparametrization Algorithm Throogh Canonical Divisors". Internacional. "ISSAC 97". Hawai "(Estados Unidos)". (21/07/1997 - ).
ARRONDO , E.; SENDRA PONS, Juana; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Hipersuperficies offset unirracionales". Nacional. "EACA'96". Sevilla (27/09/1996 - ).
RECIO , T.; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Factores reales de polinomios y funciones racionales analíticas". Nacional. "EACA'96". Sevilla (27/07/1996 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Tutorial on Algorithmic Metthods for Rational Algebraic Curves". Internacional. "ISSAC-96". Zurich "(Suiza)". (26/07/1996 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; STIFTER , S.; ."Geometric Modelling and CAD". Internacional. "The 2nd IMACS Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra". Linz "(Austria)". (20/07/1996 - ).
ARRONDO , E.; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."Unirational Generalized offset to Hypersurfaces". Internacional. "The 2nd IMACS Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra". Linz "(Austria)". (20/07/1996 - ).
RECIO , T.; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Real factors of analytic polynomials and an application to reparametrization algorithms of real curves. Abst. 911-14-190 [Charla impartida por co-author]". Internacional. "911TH American Mathematical Society Meeting". Baton Rouge "(Estados Unidos)". (21/04/1996 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Rational plane curves and data structures: parametrization algorithms and applications". Internacional. "Tera'96 Workshop". Santander (19/04/1996 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."Curvas Offset racionales". Nacional. "EACA 95". Santander (01/09/1995 - ).
GONZALEZ , L.; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; TRUJILLO , G.; ."Efficient Manipulation of the trace matrix via Hankel Matrices". Nacional. "EACA 95". Santander (01/09/1995 - ).
RECIO , T.; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Parametrizaciones reales de Curvas reales". Nacional. "EACA 95". Santander (01/09/1995 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juana; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Parametrization of Rational offset Curves [Charla impartida por co-author]". Internacional. "Workshop on Applic. of Posso and Real Solving". Creta "(Grecia)". (01/06/1995 - ).
RECIO , T.; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."A Really Elementary proof of Real Lüroth Theorem". Internacional. "Real Algebraic and Analitic Geometry Meeting". Segovia (01/06/1995 - ).
RECIO , T.; SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."Parametric Curves and Applications in Cagd: Introduction and some special issues". Internacional. "IMACS Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra". Alburquerque "(Estados Unidos)". (01/05/1995 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; SENDRA PONS, Juana; ."Manipulación Simbólica de Curvas en casa". Nacional. "TEMU 95". Barcelona (01/02/1995 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; LLOVET VERDUGO, Juan; ."EFFICIENT ALGORITHMS FOR HANKEL MATRICES OVER Z[X1,..,Xr].ISSAC-93 (International symposium on symbolic and algebraic computation)". Internacional. "ISSAC-93 (International symposium on symbolic and algebraic computation) ". (1993 - ).
SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael; ."Hankel matrices and computer algebra (990 Risc-Linz Summer School on Computer Algebra RICA'90) ". Internacional. "Risc-Linz Summer School on Computer Algebra RICA’90". (02/07/1990 - 14/07/1990).
FALKENSTEINER , Sebastian; "Power Series Solutions of AODEs: Existence, Uniqueness, Convergence and Computation". Director: SENDRA PONS, Juan Rafael, WINKLER , Franz, . Johannes Kepler Universität de Linz, Austria. Reading date: 07/07/2020. Sobresaliente (10).