Jorge Pérez Aracil
Jorge Pérez Aracil
Doble Grado: Ing.Electrónica de Comunicaciones e Ing.Elect.Y Aut.Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Electrónica y Automática Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales
- Acoustic and VIbrations
- Big Data in Energy
- Elasticity and Resistance of Materials
- Industrial Structures and Constructions
- Graphic Design
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Industrial
- Constructions and Industrial Urbanism
- Design and Testing of Machines
- Elasticity and Resistance of Materials
- Industrial Structures and Constructions
Programa de Movilidad de Estudiantes Internacionales VIsitantes
Research groups
Participates in: Heurísticos Modernos de Optimización y Diseño de Redes de Comunicaciones - Modern Heuristics and Network Design Research Group
Research Lines of the Group
Heurísticos Modernos de Optimización y Diseño de Redes de Comunicaciones - Modern Heuristics and Network Design Research Group
- Aprendizaje Máquina.
- Computación Evolutiva.
- Energías renovables.
- Inteligencia Computacional.
- Optimización Heurística.
- Redes de comunicación.
Research Projects
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Book chapters
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PÉREZ ARACIL, Jorge; MARINA , Cosmin Madalin; ZORITA , Eduardo; , Barriopedro, David; , Zaninelli, Pablo G; , Giuliani, Matteo; CASTELLETTI , Andrea; GUTIÉRREZ , Pedro A.; SALCEDO SANZ, Sancho; ."Autoencoder¿based flow¿analogue probabilistic reconstruction of heat waves from pressure fields". (ISSN: 0077-8923). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2024
PÉREZ ARACIL, Jorge; CAMPS VALLS, Gustau; FERNÁNDEZ-TORRES , Miguel Ángel; COHRS , Kai-Hendrik; HÖHL , Adrian; CASTELLETTI , Andrea; PACAL , Aytac; ROBIN , Claire; MARTINUZZI , Francesco; PAPOUTSIS , Ioannis; PRAPAS , Ioannis; WEIGEL , Katja; RABEL , Maria; GIULIANI , Matteo; MAHECHA , Miguel; POPESCU , Oana-Iuliana; PELLICER-VALERO , Oscar J.; OUALA , Said; SALCEDO SANZ, Sancho; SIPPEL , Sebastian; KONDYLATOS , Spyros; HAPPÉ , Tamara; WILLIAMS , Tristan; ."AI for Extreme Event Modeling and Understanding: Methodologies and Challenges". Nature Communications. 2024
HERÁNDEZ DÍAZ, Alejandro Mateo; PÉREZ ARACIL, Jorge; LORENTE RAMOS, Eugenio; MARINA , Cosmin Madalin; PELÁEZ RODRÍGUEZ, César; SALCEDO SANZ, Sancho; ."Machine learning as alternative strategy for the numerical prediction of the shear response in reinforced and prestressed concrete beams". Results in Engineering. 2024 .
PÉREZ ARACIL, Jorge; SALCEDO SANZ, Sancho; PELÁEZ RODRÍGUEZ, César; DUSÂN , Fister; PRIETO GODINO, Luis; DEO , Ravinesh; ."A hierarchical classification/regression algorithm for improving extreme wind speed events prediction". (ISSN: 0960-1481). Renewable Energy. 2022 , vol 201 , num Part 2 , p. 157 - 178 .
PÉREZ ARACIL, Jorge; CAMACHO GÓMEZ, Carlos; HERNÁNDEZ DÍAZ, Alejandro Mateo; PEREIRA GONZÁLEZ, Emiliano; CAMACHO FERNÁNDEZ, David; SALCEDO SANZ, Sancho; ."Memetic Coral Reefs Optimization Algorithms for Optimal Geometrical Design of Submerged Arches". (ISSN: 2210-6502). Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. 2021 , vol 67 .
Electronic Articles
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