Jonathan Patrick Sell
Grado en Lenguas Modernas y Traducción
Grado en Lenguas Modernas y Traducción (Guadalajara)
Research groups
Participates in: Literaturas y Culturas en Lengua Inglesa - Literatures and Cultures in English
Research Lines of the Group
Literaturas y Culturas en Lengua Inglesa - Literatures and Cultures in English
- Literatura inglesa renacentista
- Estudios de recepción
- Estudios irlandeses
- Estudios postcoloniales y de la diáspora en lengua inglesa
- Literatura como comunicación
- Narrativa contemporánea en lengua inglesa
- Pedagogía de la literatura
- Perspectivas teóricas e históricas de los estudios culturales
- Retórica y enfoques de la teoría literaria
- Relaciones entre la literatura y otros ámbitos (ciencia, naturaleza, religión, ideología
Research Projects
Title: Voces del pasado: El referente contextual en la narrativa histórica británica e irlandesa contemporánea
Reference: PID2022-140013NB-I00
Principal Researcher: LÁZARO LAFUENTE, Luis Alberto;
Other Researchers: SELL , Jonathan Patrick; GALVÁN REULA, Juan Fernando; MORALES LADRÓN, María Soledad; ELICES AGUDO, Juan Francisco; GARCÍA HERNÁNDEZ, Silvia;
Start date: 01/09/2023
End date: 31/08/2026
Economic Amount: 46250
Title: 'Shakespeare"s Religious Afterlives: Text, Reception and Performance¿ (SHAKREL)
Reference: PID2021-123341NB-I00
Principal Researcher:
Other Researchers: SELL , Jonathan Patrick;
Start date: 01/01/2022
End date: 31/12/2025
Economic Amount: 62315
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Eleonora Tennant, Viaje por España". Sevilla. 2017. 177. Colección: Espuela de Plata.
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Florence Farmborough, La vida y la gente de la España Nacional". Sevilla. 2017. 386. Colección: Espuela de Plata. ISBN: 978-84-17146-11-5.
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; (ed.) ."The Silent Life of Things: Reading and Representing Commodified Objecthood". Newcastle upon Tyne "(Reino Unido)". 2015. 220.
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ." Conocer a Shakespeare ". LAS ROZAS (Carretera del Escorial). 2012. 220. ISBN: 978-84-8483-516-5.
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; (ed.) ."Metaphor and Diaspora in Contemporary Writing ". Basingstoke "(Reino Unido)". 2012. 225. ISBN: 978-0-230-31422-1.
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Universidad de Alcalá. Patrimonio de la Humanidad - World Heritage". Alcalá de Henares. 2012. 300. ISBN: 978-84-15595-75-5.
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Allusion, Identity and Community in Recent British Writing". Alcalá de Henares. 2010. 162. ISBN: 978-84-8138-908-1.
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Rhetoric and Wonder in English Travel Writing, 1560-1613". Burlington, VT "(Estados Unidos)". 2006. 207. ISBN: 075465625X.
Book chapters
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ""Metamorphozing the Human Text: Recognition in Literary Translation"". La circolazione dei saperi: teoria e prassi della traduzzione letteraria (ISBN: 978-88-205-1113-5 ). . 2018. p. 27 - 53 .
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; "Between painting and drama: the historiographical ekphrasis of Troy in Thomas Coryat and William Lithgow". Scénographie du récit de voyage et imaginaire viatique (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) (ISBN: 978-2-7056-9467-9 ). París "(Francia)". 2018. p. 73 - 95 .
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; "Il viaggio donchisciottesco di Shakespeare verso l'eternità spagnola". Shakespeare e Cervantes (1616-2016).Traduzioni, ricezioni e rivisitazioni (ISBN: ISBN 978-88-205-1112 ). Milán "(Italia)". 2017. p. 149 - 167 .
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; GALVÁN REULA, Juan Fernando; CAMACHO RAMOS, Juan Manuel; LÁZARO LAFUENTE, Luis Alberto; ""Views of the Spanish Civil War from some Forgotten Texts"". On the Move: Glancing Backwards to Build a Future in English Studies (ISBN: 978-84-15759-87-4 ). Bilbao. 2016. p. 335 - 340 .
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; "Transcendent commodities: Magical materialism in the short stories of Bridget O'Connor ". The Silent Life of Things: Reading and Representing Commodified Objecthood (ISBN: 978-1-4438-8368-9 ). Newcastle upon Tyne "(Reino Unido)". 2015. p. 55 - 81 .
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; "John Lyly's Aesthetic of Perfection". Building Interdisciplinary Knowledge. Approaches to English and American Studies in Spain (ISBN: 978-84-8367-475-8 ). Oviedo. 2014. p. 221 - 228 .
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; "Terminal aposiopesis and sublime communication: Shakespeare's Sonnet 126 and Keats's "To Autumn"". The Ethics of Literary Communication. Genuineness, directness, indirectnessAmsterdam "(Países Bajos)". 2013. p. 167 - 188 .
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; "Metaphor and Diaspora". Metaphor and Diaspora in Contemporary Writing (ISBN: 978¿0¿230¿31422¿1 ). Basingstoke "(Reino Unido)". 2012. p. 1 - 19 .
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; "Orpheus in the Alpujarras: Metaphors of Arrival in Chris Stewart's Driving over Lemons". Metaphor and Diaspora in Contemporary Writing (ISBN: : 978¿0¿230¿31422¿1 ). Basingstoke "(Reino Unido)". 2012. p. 186 - 204 .
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ""'Pleased to meet you!' The Paradox of Identity in the Novels of Zadie Smith". A Fluid Sense of Self: The Politics of Transnational Identity (ISBN: 978-3-643-50227-8 ). Berlín / Viena "(Alemania)". 2010. p. 61 - 79 .
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; "Experimental Ethics: Autonomy and Contingency in the Novels of Zadie Smith". Experimental Ethics: Autonomy and Contingency in the Novels of Zadie Smith (ISBN: 1-84718-312-3 ). Newcastle "(Reino Unido)". 2007. p. 170 - 190 .
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; "The Olive, the Arquebus, and the Lion: some thoughts on the representation of landscape in sixteenth-century colonial literature". (Mis)Representations. Intersections of Culture and Power. (ISBN: 3-906770-75-3 ). Berna "(Alemania)". 2003. p. 75 - 88 .
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ""The transcription of Venereal knowledge: subversion of male metaphor and transexual language of the body in Angela Carter's The Passion of New Eve."". Mosaicos y Taraceas: Deconstrucción Feminista de los Discursos del Género. (ISBN: 84-8138-389-9 ). Alcalá de Henares. 2000. p. 244 - 260 .
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."David Amelang. 2023. Playgrounds: Urban theatrical culture in Shakespeare's England and Golden Age Spain. London and NewYork: Routledge [Reseña de libro]". (ISSN: 1135-7789). SEDERI. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR ENGLISH RENAISSANCE STUDIES. 2024 , num 34 , p. 101 - 104 . .
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Gentlemen versus Players 400 Hundred Years on: Bardolatry, Enthusiasm and Class Prejudice in the Front Matter of the Shakespeare First Folio". (ISSN: 1697-4646). Nexus. 2023 , num 2023.1 , p. 43 - 58
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Benjamin Parris. Vital Strife: Sleep, Insomnia, and the Early Modern Ethics of Care.Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2022. Hardback, £53.46.". (ISSN: 0034-6551). The Review of English Studies. 2023
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Kiernan Ryan. 2021. Shakespearean Tragedy. London: Bloomsbury Publishing". (ISSN: 1135-7789). SEDERI. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR ENGLISH RENAISSANCE STUDIES. 2022 , vol 32 , p. 149 - 153
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Travelogue and Autobiography 1647&-1656, Coastal Africa, the Red Sea, Persia, Mesopotamia, Coastal India, Sri Lanka, South-East Asia by Nils Mattsson Kiöping, translated and annotated by Martin Rundkvist, with an afterword by Carina Lidström, Hanlingar Historiska Serien 39, Stockholm, KVHAA, 2021, 185pp + 4 plates, 330 Kr (cloth), ISBN 978-91-88763-26-6". (ISSN: 1364-5145). STUDIES IN TRAVEL WRITING. 2021 , vol 25 , num 4 , p. 522 - 524 .
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Review of Irene Montori. 2020. Milton, the Sublime and Dramas of Choice. Roma: Edizioni Studium. ". (ISSN: 1135-7789). SEDERI. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR ENGLISH RENAISSANCE STUDIES. 2021 , vol 31 , p. 178 - 182
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Review of Rocio G. Sumillera. 2019. Invention: The Language of English Renaissance Poetics. Cambridge: Legenda. ". (ISSN: 1135-7789). SEDERI. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR ENGLISH RENAISSANCE STUDIES. 2021 , vol 31 , p. 188 - 191
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Review of Neil Corcoran, Reading Shakespeare's Soliloquies: Text, Theatre, Film (London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018); and Efertpi Mitsi, ed., Troilus and Cressida. A Critical Reader (London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019). ". (ISSN: 1135-7789). SEDERI. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR ENGLISH RENAISSANCE STUDIES. 2020 , vol 30 , p. 145 - 150
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Review of: Keir Elam, Shakespeare' Pictures: Visual Objects in the Dramas (London: Bloomsbury, 2017), and B. J. Sokol, Shakespeare's Artists: The Painters, Sculptors, Poets and Musicians in his Plays and Poems (London: Bloomsbury, 2018)". (ISSN: 1135-7789). SEDERI. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR ENGLISH RENAISSANCE STUDIES. 2019 , vol 29 , p. 194 - 198
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Review of: Patrick Cheney, English Authorship and the Early Modern Sublime (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018)". (ISSN: 1135-7789). SEDERI. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR ENGLISH RENAISSANCE STUDIES. 2019 , vol 29 , p. 183 - 188
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; .""Sleep and the Shepherd-King in Quevedo and Shakespeare: An Essay in Comparative Semiospherics"". (ISSN: 0013-8304). ELH. 2018 , vol 85 , p. 55 - 84
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Cecil Gerahty's The Road to Madrid: An Anglo-Irish Falstaff in Spain's Theatre of War". (ISSN: 2531-1646). ES Review. Spanish Journal of English Studies. 2018 , vol 39 , p. 11 - 27
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."A tragedy of oversight: visual praxis in Christopher Marlowe's Dido, Queen of Carthage". (ISSN: 0731-3403). MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE DRAMA IN ENGLAND. 2016 , vol 29 , p. 130 - 153
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Timothy M. Costelloe, ed. 2012. The Sublime: From Antiquity to the Present.". (ISSN: 1137-005X). The Grove. Working Papers on English Studies . 2014 , vol 21 , p. 147 - 153
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; .""Warts and all": John Lyly's atheist aesthetics". (ISSN: 1135-7789). SEDERI. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR ENGLISH RENAISSANCE STUDIES. 2014 , num 24 , p. 95 - 118
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Stephen Greenblatt. 2012. The Swerve: How the World Became Modern.". (ISSN: 0210-6124). Atlantis. 2014 , vol 1 , num 34 , p. 155 - 159
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."The Origin of John Lyly's 'Cos Amoris'". (ISSN: 0029-3970). Notes and queries. 2014 , vol 2 , num 259 (New Series 61) , p. 212 - 214
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Embodying truth in early modern English travel writing". (ISSN: 1364-5145). STUDIES IN TRAVEL WRITING. 2012 , p. 227 - 241
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."The place of English Literary Studies in the Dickens of a crisis.". (ISSN: 0960-4545). EUROPEAN ENGLISH MESSENGER. 2012 , num 21.2 , p. 31 - 36
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Learning to Scrawl: the Evolutionary Strain in Titus Andronicus". (ISSN: 1135-7789). SEDERI. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR ENGLISH RENAISSANCE STUDIES. 2011 , vol 21 , p. 91 - 116
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Francisco J. Borge, A New World for a New Nation: The Promotion of America in Early Modern England". (ISSN: 0210-6124). Atlantis. 2009 , p. 177 - 182
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Intertextuality as Mimesis and Metaphor: The Deviant Phraseology of Caryl Phillips's Othello". (ISSN: 1578-3820). ODISEA. REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES. 2008 , p. 201 - 212
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Thomas Betteridge, ed.: Borders and Travellers in Early Modern Europe". (ISSN: 1364-5145). STUDIES IN TRAVEL WRITING. 2008 , p. 101 - 103
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Towards a Rhetoric of Cross-Cultural Identity". (ISSN: 0214-4808). Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses. 2008 , num 21 , p. 129 - 146
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Vulgar poesy and the music of disorder in The Tempest". (ISSN: 1135-7789). SEDERI. JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR ENGLISH RENAISSANCE STUDIES. 2008 , num 18 , p. 122 - 146
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."A Metaphorical Basis for Transcultural Narrative". (ISSN: 1470-8477). Language and Intercultural Communication. 2007 , vol 1 , num 7 , p. 2 - 15
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Chance and Gesture in Zadie Smith's White Teeth and The Autograph Man: A Model for Multicultural Identity?". (ISSN: 0021-9894). JOURNAL OF COMMONWEALTH LITERATURE. 2006 , p. 27 - 44
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Intercultural Allusion in Transcultural Identity Narratives". (ISSN: 1470-8477). Language and Intercultural Communication. 2005 , num 4 , p. 29 - 38
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Laurie E. Maguire 2004: Studying Shakespeare: A Guide to the Plays.". (ISSN: 0210-6124). Atlantis. 2005 , vol 1 , num 27 , p. 163 - 168
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Why teach literature in the foreign language classroom?". (ISSN: 1130-7021). Encuentro. Revista de Investigación e Innovación en la Clase de Idiomas. 2005 , num 15 , p. 86 - 93
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Allusion and Ambiguity in Seamus Heaney's Blackberry-Picking". (ISSN: 0214-4808). Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses. 2004 , num 17 , p. 261 - 282
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Cousin to Fortune: on reading Chaucer's Criseyde". (ISSN: 0211-5913). Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses. 2004 , num 48 , p. 193 - 203
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Venetian Masks: Intercultural Allusion, Transcultural Identity, and Two Othellos". (ISSN: 0210-6124). Atlantis. 2004 , vol 1 , num 26 , p. 73 - 86
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Inside the goldfish bowl: Bridget O'Connor's material world". (ISSN: 1133-0392). Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense. 2003 , num 11 , p. 123 - 135
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."The effect of code-switching in interactional language on task performance in the English class". (ISSN: 1130-7021). Encuentro. Revista de Investigación e Innovación en la Clase de Idiomas. 2003 , num 14 , p. 185 - 198
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."The Nabob of Bhanipur comes of age: a study of a fictional icon and its post-colonial after-life". (ISSN: 1133-0392). Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense. 2000 , num 8 , p. 175 - 199
Electronic Articles
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Bridget O'Connor: Here Comes John, The Literary Encylopedia". 2023
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; .""Bridget O'Connor", The Literary Encylopedia". 2023
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; EDWARDS , Shantel; .""Zadie Smith," The Literary Encylopedia". 2023
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Still caught in the cross-fire: Translating British Women's Pro-Franco memoirs of the Spanish Civil War". 2018
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Early Modern Voyages of Discovery and Travel Writing ". 2008
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."White Teeth ". 2008
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."'Charles Gildon's The Life of Mr. Thomas Betterton and Shakespeare as pulpit divine.'". Congreso. Internacional. "British Shakespeare Association Conference 2024.". Leicester "(Reino Unido)". (26/06/2024 - 28/06/2024).
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."'A Quaker in Bridewell; or, Shakespeare's Ferdinand and the Bawdy House Riots of 1668.'". Congreso. Internacional. "34th International Sederi Conference.". "(España)". (24/04/2024 - 26/04/2024).
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Voltaire, the Quakers and eighteenth-century Shakespearean criticism". Congreso. Internacional. "33rd International Sederi Conference". "(España)". (03/05/2023 - 05/05/2023).
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."On the Spectrum? Social and Psychological Autism in Richard II". Congreso. Internacional. "31st SEDERI International Conference". Laguna (La) (10/05/2021 - 12/05/2021).
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Shakespeare's Spanish Comedy: Much Ado About Nothing and the Medieval History of Aragon". Congreso. Internacional. "3rd International Conference on Anglo_Iberian Relations: From the Medieval to the Modern". Oviedo (14/11/2019 - 16/11/2019).
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Sidney's Cyropaedia; or, the Praxis of Authenticity in Astrophil and Stella ". Simposio. Internacional. "International Research Symposium: Unwritten Arts: Keywords in English Sixteenth-Century Poetry and Poetics (Speaking Pictures II)". Huelva (28/10/2019 - 29/10/2019).
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Shakespeare and the imaginative chameleon: towards a natural history of a critical commonplace". Congreso. Internacional. "XXX International SEDERI Conference". Lisboa "(Portugal)". (08/05/2019 - 10/05/2019).
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Knowledge Dissemination in the Western Hemisphere. Second International Workshop". Jornada. Europeo. ""Knowledge Dissemination in the Western Hemisphere: Translation, Teaching and Cultural Processes". Second International Workshop ". Alcalá de Henares (21/10/2016 - 21/10/2016).
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; GALVÁN REULA, Juan Fernando; .""Cervantes in England and Shakespeare in Spain: A Comparative Study of Reception and Translation".". Workshop. Europeo. ""Knowledge Dissemination in the Western Hemisphere: Translation, Teaching and Cultural Processes". Second International Workshop ". Alcalá de Henares (21/10/2016 - 21/10/2016).
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Through Quevedo's Spectacles: Shakespeare's Second Tetraology from the Perspective of Política de Dios"". Congreso. Internacional. "27th International SEDERI Conference". Valladolid (03/05/2016 - 07/05/2016).
CRUZ CABANILLAS, Isabel de la; DÍEZ PRADOS, Mercedes; FLYS JUNQUERA, Carmen Lidia; GALVÁN REULA, Juan Fernando; LÁZARO LAFUENTE, Luis Alberto; MORALES LADRÓN, María Soledad; PENA DÍAZ, María Carmen; PORTO REQUEJO, María Dolores; SELL , Jonathan Patrick; TEJEDOR MARTÍNEZ, Cristina; ."38º Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos (AEDEAN)". Congreso. UNIVERSIDAD ALCALÁ. Alcalá de Henares (12/11/2014 - 14/11/2014).
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."When style has a sell-by date: commodity and connotation in the short stories of Bridget O'Connor". Congreso. Europeo. "11h International Conference of the European Society for the Study of English". Istanbul "(Turquía)". (04/09/2012 - 08/09/2012).
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Russell's Paradox and a Motif of Identity in Zadie Smith's The Autograph Man". Congreso. Europeo. "9th International Conference of the European Society for the Study of English". Aarhus "(Dinamarca)". (22/08/2008 - 26/08/2008).
SELL , Jonathan Patrick; ."Intercultural allusion and narratives of transcultural identity: the case of Othello in Shakespeare and Caryl Phillips". Congreso. Internacional. "4th Annual Conference of the International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication". Lancaster "(Reino Unido)". (13/12/2003 - 15/12/2003).
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