Hugo Álvarez Chaves

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Hugo Álvarez Chaves

Hugo Álvarez Chaves

Hugo Álvarez Chaves

Categories: FPI-CAM

Department: Automatic



Research groups

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Research Lines of the Group

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Research Projects

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Book chapters

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  • ÁLVAREZ CHAVES, Hugo; MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."Machine learning methods for predicting the admissions and hospitalisations in the emergency department of a civil and military hospital". (ISSN: 0925-9902). Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. 2023 , p. 1 - 20

Electronic Articles

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  • ÁLVAREZ CHAVES, Hugo; FERNÁNDEZ BARRERO, David; COBOS MAESTRE, Mario; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."Patients Forecasting in Emergency Services by Using Machine Learning and Exogenous Variables". Congreso. Internacional. "Forty-first SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence". Cambridge "(Reino Unido)". (15/12/2021 - 17/12/2921).
  • ÁLVAREZ CHAVES, Hugo; FERNÁNDEZ BARRERO, David; HERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ, Helena; PASCUAL BENITO, María Isabel; ."An Analysis of the Time Aggregation Influence on Patients Forecasting in Emergency Services". Congreso. Internacional. "2021 XLVII Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI)". Cartago "(Costa Rica)". (25/10/2021 - 29/10/2021).


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