Guillermo Cabanillas Jiménez

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Guillermo Cabanillas Jiménez

Guillermo Cabanillas Jiménez

Guillermo Cabanillas Jiménez

Categories: Profesor/a Ayudante Doctor/a

Department: Economy


Telephone: null

Office: 1.25


Martes de 15h a 17h - Primer trim.

Incluyen las horas tanto para Microeconomía I como para Introduction to Economics.


Research groups

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Research Lines of the Group

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Research Projects

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Book chapters

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  • CABANILLAS JIMÉNEZ, Guillermo; ."The Effect of Religious Constraints on Individual Labor Supply.". (ISSN: 0957-8811). European Journal of Development Research. 2024 , num 41287 , p. 1 - 50
  • CABANILLAS JIMÉNEZ, Guillermo; ."Testing the permanent income hypothesis using the Spanish Christmas Lottery". (ISSN: 2632-7627). Applied Economic Analysis. 2024

Electronic Articles

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