Georgiana Amariei

Georgiana Amariei
Categories: Investigador Distinguido
Department: Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales
- Basic Operations in the Industry
- Simulation and Optimization of Chemical Processes
- Environmental Technologies
Grado en Química
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Industrial
Research groups
Participates in: Ingeniería Química y Ambiental - Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Research Lines of the Group
Ingeniería Química y Ambiental - Chemical and Environmental Engineering
- Desarrollo de procesos biotecnológicos para la producción de fármacos.
- Desarrollo y optimización del reciclaje de membranas de Osmosis Inversa para su utilización en otros procesos de membrana.
- Economía Circular en el ciclo integral del agua.
- El impacto de contaminantes emergentes y nanomateriales sobre organismos vivos: Ecotoxicidad
- Tecnologías Electoquímicas Microbianas aplicadas al tratamiento de aguas y la síntesis de productos de valor
- Desarrollo de Materiales nanoestructurados bioactivos y sus aplicaciones ambientales y biomédicas
Research Projects
Title: Analisis y clasificación en línea de aditivos con visión automática para reciclaje industrial de residuos plásticos.
Reference: CM/BG/2023-001
Principal Researcher: AMARIEI , Georgiana;
Other Researchers: ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; IZQUIERDO GONZALO, Rubén;
Start date: 01/01/2024
End date: 31/12/2024
Financing entity:
Economic Amount:
Title: Distribución ambiental de pequeños microplásticos y nanoplásticos biodegradables y no biodegradables.
Reference: PID2020-113769RB-C21
Principal Researcher: ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto;
Other Researchers: AMARIEI , Georgiana; PERDIGÓN MELÓN, José Antonio; PETRE BUJAN, Alice Luminita;
Start date: 01/09/2021
End date: 30/08/2025
Financing entity:
Economic Amount:
Title: Desarrollo de metodologías novedosas para el análisis y predicción de la toxicidad de mezclas de fármacos como contaminantes emergentes quirales por electroforesis capilar
Reference: CCG20/CC-023
Principal Researcher:
Other Researchers: AMARIEI , Georgiana;
Start date: 21/12/2020
End date: 20/12/2021
Financing entity:
Economic Amount:
Title: Separación y (foto)degradación combinada de contaminantes en agua utilizando dispositivos basados en redes Metal-Orgánicas Porosas
Reference: PID2019-104228RB-I00
Principal Researcher: HORCAJADA , P.; ROJAS , Sara;
Other Researchers: AMARIEI , Georgiana;
Start date: 01/06/2020
End date: 31/05/2023
Financing entity:
Economic Amount:
Title: Red Madrileña de tratamientos para la reutilización de aguas residuales y valorización de fangos
Principal Researcher: BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina;
Start date: 01/01/2019
End date: 30/04/2023
Financing entity: COMUNIDAD DE MADRID
Economic Amount: 159426.55
Title: Red Madrileña de Tratamientos Avanzados de Aguas Residuales
Reference: 2014/00171/001
Principal Researcher:
Other Researchers: AMARIEI , Georgiana;
Start date: 01/10/2014
End date: 30/09/2018
Financing entity:
Economic Amount:
GHOSH , Srabanti.
AMARIEI , Georgiana.
"Nanofibras de polímeros aromáticos conjugados con capacidad antimicrobiana fotoactivada para aplicación en superficies fotodesinfectables".
Fecha de solicitud: 02/12/2020.
Nº de solicitud: P202031199.
Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas.
Fecha de Concesión: 21/11/2022.
Nº de Registro: ES2913493B2.
AMARIEI , Georgiana.
"Membranas electrohiladas de doble acción para tratamiento de agua (Electrospun membranes with dual action for water treatment)".
Patente de Invención.
Fecha de solicitud: 11/10/2016.
Nº de solicitud: P201600852.
Fecha de Concesión: 17/09/2018.
Nº de Registro: ES2663129B2.
Results of Investigation
There are no data in this section
Book chapters
AMARIEI , Georgiana; " Adsorción y toxicidad de contaminantes emergentes en fangos activos ". Proyectos 2014 Máster Universitario en Hidrología y Gestión de los Recursos Hídricos Instituto IMDEA AGUA (ISBN: 978-84-697-1453-9 ). . 2014. p. 263 - 286 .
AMARIEI , Georgiana; HENRIKSEN , Martin Lahn; KLARSKOV , Pernille; HINGE , Mogens; ."Quantification of aluminium trihydrate flame retardant in polyolefins via in-line hyperspectral imaging and machine learning for safe sorting". Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 2024 , vol 311 , p. 123984 -
FABRA , David; AMARIEI , Georgiana; RUIZ-CAMINO , Daniel; MATESANZ , Ana I.; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; QUIROGA , Adoracion G.; HORCAJADA , P.; HIDALGO , Tania; ."Proving the Antimicrobial Therapeutic Activity on a New Copper Thiosemicarbazone Complex". (ISSN: 1543-8384). Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2024 , vol 21 , num 4 , p. 1987 - 1997 .
CIELECKI , Pawe¿ Piotr; HARDENBERG , Michel; AMARIEI , Georgiana; HENRIKSEN , Martin Lahn; HINGE , Mogens; KLARSKOV , Pernille; ."Identification of black plastics with terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and machine learning". Nature Scientific Reports. 2023 , vol 13 , num 1 , p. 22399 -
AMARIEI , Georgiana; LAHN HENRIKSEN , Martin; KLARSKOV , Pernille; HINGE , Mogens; ."In-line quantitative estimation of ammonium polyphosphate flame retardant in polyolefins via industrial hyperspectral imaging system and machine learning". (ISSN: 0956-053X). Waste Management. 2023 , vol 170 , p. 1 - 7
AMARIEI , Georgiana; LAHN HENRIKSEN , Martin; BRØNDUM FRIIS , Jakob; KLARSKOV , Pernille; HINGE , Mogens; ."In-line identification of Pb-based pigments in fishing nets and ropes based on hyperspectral imaging and machine learning". (ISSN: 0025-326X). Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2023 , vol 191 , p. 114910 -
AMARIEI , Georgiana; SCHAARUP-KJÆR , Anne Sofie; PERNILLE , Klarskov; LAHN HENRIKSEN , Martin; HINGE , Mogens; ."Estimation of pigment concentration in LDPE via in-line hyperspectral imaging and machine learning". Journal of Spectral Imaging. 2023 , vol 12 , p. a2 -
AMARIEI , Georgiana; JIMÉNEZ JIMÉNEZ, Sara; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; ."First eco-toxicological evidence of ivabradine effect on the marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri: A chiral view". (ISSN: 00489697). The Science of The Total Environment. 2022 , vol 838 , num 4 (156617) , p. 1 - 7 .
SIERRA-SERRANO , Beatriz; GARCIA , Amalia; HIDALGO CRESPO , Tania; RUIZ-CAMINO , Daniel; RODRÍGUEZ-DIÉGUEZ , Antonio; AMARIEI , Georgiana; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; HORCAJADA , Patricia; ROJAS , Sara; ."Copper glufosinate based Metal-Organic Framework as novel multifunctional agrochemical". ACS Applied materials and interfaces. 2022 , vol 14 , num 30 , p. 34955 - 3496
VERDÚ FILLOLA , Irene; AMARIEI , Georgiana; PLAZA-BOLAÑOS , Patricia; AGÜERA , Ana; LEGANÉS , Francisco; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; FERNANDEZ-PIÑAS , Francisca; ."Polystyrene nanoplastics and wastewater displayed antagonistic toxic effects due to the sorption of wastewater micropollutants". (ISSN: 0048-9697). Science of the Total Environment. 2022 , vol 819 , p. 153063 -
AMARIEI , Georgiana; VALENZUELA ÁVILA, Laura; IGLESIAS-JUEZ , Ana; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; VISA , Maria; ."ZnO-functionalized fly-ash based zeolite for ciprofloxacin antibiotic degradation and pathogen inactivation". (ISSN: 2213-3437). Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2022 , vol 10 , num 3 , p. 107603 -
VALENZUELA ÁVILA, Laura; AMARIEI , Georgiana; EZUGWU , Chizoba I.; FARALDOS , Marisol; BAHAMONDE , Ana; E.G. MOSQUERA, Marta; ROSAL , Roberto; ."Zirconium-based Metal-Organic Frameworks for highly efficient solar light-driven photoelectrocatalytic disinfection". (ISSN: 1383-5866). Separation and Purification Technology. 2022 , vol 285 , p. 120351 -
AMARIEI , Georgiana; FERNÁNDEZ-PIÑAS , Francisca; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; KOELMANS , Albert; ."Negative food dilution and positive biofilm carrier effects of microplastic ingestion by D. magna cause tipping points at the population level". (ISSN: 0269-7491). Environmental Pollution. 2022 , vol 294 , p. 118622 -
GREÑO OCARIZ, Maider; AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; CASTRO PUYANA, María; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Ecotoxicity evaluation of tetramethrin and analysis in agrochemical formulations using chiral electrokinetic chromatography". (ISSN: ISSN: 0048-9697). Science of the Total Environment . 2021 , vol 800 , num 149496 , p. 1 - 10 .
JIMÉNEZ , Sara; AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Stereoselective separation of sulfoxaflor by electrokinetic chromatography and applications to stability and ecotoxicological studies". (ISSN: 00219673). Journal of Chromatography A. 2021 , vol 1654 , num 462450 , p. 1 - 9 .
PALENZUELA CEBRIÁN, Miguel; VALENZUELA ÁVILA, Laura; AMARIEI , Georgiana; VEGA , Juan F.; GONZÁLEZ MOSQUERA, Marta Elena; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; ."Poly(glycidyl methacrylate) macromolecular assemblies as biocompatible nanocarrier for the antimicrobial lysozyme". (ISSN: 0378-5173). International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2021 , vol 603 , p. 120695 -
GHOSH , Srabanti; AMARIEI , Georgiana; GONZÁLEZ MOSQUERA, Marta Elena; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; ."Conjugated polymer nanostructures displaying high photo-activated antimicrobial and antibiofilm functionalities". (ISSN: 2050-750X). Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2021 , vol 9 , num 21 , p. 4390 - 4399
JIMÉNEZ JIMÉNEZ, Sara; AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantiomeric separation of panthenol by Capillary Electrophoresis. Analysis of commercial formulations and toxicity evaluation on non-target organisms". (ISSN: 0021-967). Journal of Chromatography A.. 2021 , vol 1639 , num 461919 , p. 1 - 9 .
GHOSH , Srabanti; AMARIEI , Georgiana; GONZÁLEZ MOSQUERA, Marta Elena; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; ."Polymeric ruthenium precursor as a photoactivated antimicrobial agent". (ISSN: 0304-3894). Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021 , vol 402 , p. 123782 -
QUARESMA , Silvia; ANDRE , Vania; ANTUNES , Alexandra M.M.; VILELA , Sérgio M.F.; AMARIEI , Georgiana; ARENAS VIVO, Ana; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; HORCAJADA , Patricia; DUARTE , M. Teresa; ."Novel antibacterial azelaic acid BioMOFs". (ISSN: 1528-7483). Crystal Growth and Design. 2019 , vol 20 , num 1 , p. 370 - 382 .
VALIMAÑA TRAVERSO, Jesus; AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Stability and toxicity studies for duloxetine and econazole on Spirodela polyrhiza using chiral capillary electrophoresis". (ISSN: 0304-3894). Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2019 , vol 374 , p. 203 - 210
GONZÁLEZ PLEITER, Miguel; TAMAYO BELDA, Miguel; PULIDO REYES, Gerardo; AMARIEI , Georgiana; LEGANÉS NIETO, Francisco; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; FERNÁNDEZ PIÑAS, Francisca; ."Secondary nanoplastics released from a biodegradable microplastic severely impact freshwater environments". (ISSN: 2051-8153). Environmental Science: Nano. 2019 , vol 6 , p. 1382 - 1392
VALIMAÑA TRAVERSO, Jesus; AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Enantiomer stability and combined toxicity of duloxetine and econazole on Daphnia magna using real concentrations determined by capillary electrophoresis". (ISSN: 0048-9697). Science of the Total Environment. 2019 , vol 670 , p. 770 - 778
ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; AMARIEI , Georgiana; KOKOL , Vanja; VIVOD , Vera; , Karina Boltes Espínola; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; ."Biocompatible antimicrobial electrospun nanofibers functionalized with epsilon-poly-L-lysine ". (ISSN: 0378-5173). International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2018 , vol 553 , num 1-2 , p. 141 - 148 .
DÍEZ ODRIOZOLA, Berta; AMARIEI , Georgiana; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; ."Electrospun Composite Membranes for Fouling and Biofouling Control". (ISSN: 0888-5885). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 2018 , vol 57 , num 43 , p. 14561 - 14570
AMARIEI , Georgiana; KOKOL , Vanja; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; ."Incorporation of antimicrobial peptides on electrospun nanofibres for biomedical applications". (ISSN: 2046-2069). RSC Advances. 2018 , vol 8 , num 49 , p. 28013 - 28023
AMARIEI , Georgiana; SANTIAGO MORALES, Javier; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; IRIEPA CANALDA, Isabel; MORALEDA FERNÁNDEZ, Ignacio; FERNANDEZ ALBA, Amadeo; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; ."Dendrimer-functionalized electrospun nanofibres as dual-action water treatment membranes". (ISSN: 0048-9697). Science of the Total Environment. 2017 , vol 601-602 , p. 732 - 740 .
AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; IRIEPA CANALDA, Isabel; MORALEDA FERNÁNDEZ, Ignacio; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; ."Poly(amidoamine) dendrimers grafted on electrospun poly(acrylic acid)/poly(vinyl alcohol) membranes for host-guest encapsulation of the antioxidant thymol". (ISSN: 2050-750X). Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2017 , vol 5 , p. 6776 - 7785
Electronic Articles
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AMARIEI , Georgiana; SPROTTE REESE , Frederik; HENRIKSEN , Martin Lahn; KLARSKOV , Pernille; HINGE , Mogens; ."In-line analysis of flame retardants in polyolefins via industrial hyperspectral imaging and machine learning". Congreso. Internacional. "IASIM-2024". "(España)". (06/07/2024 - 10/07/2024).
VERDU , Irene; AMARIEI , Georgiana; RUEDA-VARELA , Cristina; , M. GONZÁLEZ-PLEITER; , F. Leganés; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; , Fernandez-Pinas, Francisca; ."The Biofilm Attached Onto Microplastics Is a Critical Factor Modulating Their Role as Vectors for Co-occurring Pollutants". Congreso. Europeo. "33rd SETAC Europe". Dublin "(Irlanda)". (30/04/2023 - 04/05/2023).
VERDU , Irene; AMARIEI , Georgiana; , M. GONZÁLEZ-PLEITER; RUEDA-VARELA , Cristina; , F. Leganés; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; , F. Fernández-Piñas; ."Microplastics as vectors of triclosan: relevance of the biofilm on Daphnia magna survival.". Congreso. Internacional. "Micro 2022". "(España)". (14/11/2022 - 18/11/2022).
AMARIEI , Georgiana; LAHN HENRIKSEN , Martin; BRØNDUM FRIIS , Jakob ; KLARSKOV , Pernille ; HINGE , Mogens; ."In-line identification of Pb-based additives in fishing ropes and nets for recycling with hyperspectral imaging and machine learning ". Congreso. Internacional. "IASIM 2022 - Conference on spectral imaging". Esbjerg "(Dinamarca)". (03/07/2022 - 05/07/2022).
VERDÚ , Irene; AMARIEI , Georgiana; RUEDA-VARELA , Cristina; GONZÁLEZ-PLEITER , Miguel; LEGANÉS , Francisco; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; FERNÁNDEZ-PIÑAS , Francisca; ."Biofilm influences the role of microplastics as vectors of triclosan: effects on D. magna survival". Internacional. "2nd Meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society (SIBECOL). XXI conference of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL). 21st National Congress of the Portuguese Ecological Society (SPECO)". Aveiro "(Portugal)". (03/07/2022 - 08/07/2022).
AMARIEI , Georgiana; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; FERNÁNDEZ-PIÑAS , Francisca; KOELMANS , Albert; ."Biofouling causes tolerance of D. Magna to microplastic stress". Europeo. "32nd SETAC Europe". Copenhagen "(Dinamarca)". (15/05/2022 - 19/05/2022).
PALENZUELA CEBRIÁN, Miguel; VALENZUELA ÁVILA, Laura; AMARIEI , Georgiana; VEGA , J. F.; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; GONZÁLEZ MOSQUERA, Marta Elena; ."cPGMA-lysozyme nanocarrier assemblies with antimicrobial activity". Congreso. Internacional. "XVI Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Polímeros GEP de la Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ) y de la Real Sociedad Española de Física (RSEF) - XVII Simposio Latinoamericano de Polímeros". Donostia-San Sebastian (08/05/2022 - 12/05/2022).
VERDU , Irene; AMARIEI , Georgiana; PLAZA-BOLAÑOS , Patricia; AGÜERA , Ana; LEGANES , Francisco; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; FERNÁNDEZ-PIÑAS , Francisco; ."Combined toxicity of micropollutants from a wastewater effluent and polystyrene nanoplastics towards three freshwater organisms". Congreso. Internacional. "SETAC Latin America 14th Biennial Meeting". Valdivia "(Chile)". (26/11/2021 - 29/11/2021).
AMARIEI , Georgiana; ."Clasificación automática de residuos plásticos mediante Imágenes Hiperespectrales Vis-NIR-SWIR". Otros. UNIVERSIDAD ALCALÁ. "Actividades formacion Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, UAH". Alcalá de Henares (25/10/2021 - 25/10/2021).
PALENZUELA CEBRIÁN, Miguel; VALENZUELA ÁVILA, Laura; AMARIEI , Georgiana; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; GONZÁLEZ MOSQUERA, Marta Elena; VEGA , Juan; ."cPGMA-lysozyme nanocarrier assembly with antimicrobial effects". Congreso. Internacional. "XXIV Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (EuCOMC XXIV Conference)". Alcalá de Henares (01/09/2021 - 03/09/2021).
AMARIEI , Georgiana; ."Technological solutions for wastewater reuse and sludge valorization ". Regional. Alcalá de Henares (21/11/2019 - 21/11/2019).
VALIMAÑA TRAVERSO, Jesús; AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ."Simultaneous enantiomeric separation of duloxetine and econazole by Cyclodextrin Electrokinetic Chromatography. Evaluation of the enantiomer stability and toxicity for non-target organisms". Congreso. Internacional. "6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins 2019". Santiago de Compostela (02/10/2019 - 04/10/2019).
VALIMAÑA TRAVERSO, Jesús; AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Ángeles; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ." Study of combined toxicity of duloxetine and econazole on non-target organisms using chiral capillary electrophoresis ". Congreso. Internacional. "25th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical, and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology". Alcalá de Henares (29/09/2019 - 02/10/2019).
TAMAYO -BELDA, Miguel; MARTIN BETANCOR, Keila; PLEITER , Miguel; PULIDO REYES, Gerardo; AMARIEI , Georgiana; VERDU FILLOLA, Irene; EDO , Carlos; LEGANES , Francisco; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; FERNANDEZ PIÑAS, Francisca; ."Beyond microplastics occurrence: secondary nanoplastics released during biodegradable microplastics degradation severely affect aquatic microorganisms". Congreso. Internacional. "SETAC Latin America 13th Biennial Meeting". Cartagena "(Colombia)". (15/09/2019 - 19/09/2019).
MABEL , Diáz; AMARIEI , Georgiana; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; ."Combined effect of drugs on biomass of anaerobic reactors". Congreso. Internacional. "ANQUE-ICCE.CIBICQ 2019 International Congress". Santander (19/06/2019 - 21/06/2019).
LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; ."Performance and bacterial response to a continuous exposure of mixed contaminants in activated sludge bioreactors". Congreso. Internacional. "ANQUE-ICCE.CIBICQ 2019 International Congress". Santander (19/06/2019 - 21/06/2019).
GONZALES PLEITER, Miguel; TAMAYO -BELDA, Miguel; PULIDO REYES, Gerardo; AMARIEI , Georgiana; LEGANES , Francisco; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; FERNANDEZ PIÑAS, Francisca; ."Secondary nanoplastics released from biodegradable microplastics severely affect freshwater organisms". Congreso. Internacional. "SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting, 2019". Helsinki "(Finlandia)". (26/05/2019 - 30/05/2019).
ARENAS VIVO, Ana; AMARIEI , Georgiana; AGUADO SIERRA, Sonia; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; HORCAJADA , Patricia; ."A novel Ag loaded photoactive NanoMOF as promising biofilm treatment". Workshop. Nacional. "IV Jornada de Promoción a la Investigación Básica para Estudiantes de Ciencias e Ingenierías". (04/04/2019 - 05/04/2019).
TAMAYO -BELDA, Miguel; GONZALEZ -PLEITER, Miguel; AMARIEI , Georgiana; PULIDO REYES, Gerardo; MARTIN BETANCOR, Keila; LEGANES , Francisco; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; FERNANDEZ PIÑAS, Francisca; ."Nanoparticles produced from the degradation of biodegradable microplastic severely affect aquatic microorganisms". Congreso. Internacional. "Micro2018, International Conference". LANZAROTE (19/11/2018 - 23/11/2018).
ARENAS VIVO, Ana; AMARIEI , Georgiana; AGUADO SIERRA, Sonia; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; HORCAJADA , Patricia; ."Antifouling photo-bactericidal combined effect of a Ag@nanoMOF". Workshop. Nacional. "Brain wars, the future is in your hands 2018". Madrid (19/10/2018 - 19/10/2018).
ARENAS VIVO, Ana; AMARIEI , Georgiana; AGUADO SIERRA, Sonia; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; HORCAJADA , Patricia; ."Antifouling photo-bactericidal combined effect of a Ag@nanoMOF". Congreso. Internacional. "XXVII International Materials Research Congress (IMRC 2018)". Cancun "(México)". (19/08/2018 - 24/08/2018).
DIAZ , Mabel; AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; ."Efecto tóxico de mezclas de contaminantes emergentes sobre la biomasa de reactores anaerobios". Congreso. Internacional. "8th Ibero-American Congress on Contamination and Environmental Toxicology". Madrid (11/07/2018 - 13/07/2018).
TAMAYO -BELDA, Miguel; GONZÁLEZ-PLEITER , Miguel; AMARIEI , Georgiana; LEGANES , Francisco; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; FERNANDEZ PIÑAS, Francisca; ."Nanoparticles produced from the degradation of polyhydroxybutyrate microplastics severely affect aquatic organisms". Internacional. "11º Congreso Ibérico y 8º Iberoamericano de Contaminación y Toxicología Ambiental". Madrid (11/07/2018 - 13/07/2018).
AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; IRIEPA CANALDA, Isabel; MORALEDA FERNÁNDEZ, Ignacio; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; ."PAA-PVA-PAMAM bio-nanocomposite films incorporating thymol for food packaging". Congreso. Internacional. "The 4th edition of Nanotech France 2018 International Conference and Exhibition.". Paris "(Francia)". (27/06/2018 - 29/06/2018).
GONZALEZ PLEITER, Miguel; AMARIEI , Georgiana; TAMAYO -BELDA, Miguel; LEGANES , Francisco; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; FERNADEZ PIÑAS, Francisca; ."Effects of microplastic particles of polyhydroxybutyrate towards photosynthetic aquatic organisms". Congreso. Internacional. "SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, 2018". Roma "(Italia)". (13/05/2018 - 17/05/2018).
AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; ."Behavior of cerium oxide nanoparticles in presence of pharmaceuticals compounds on aquatic specimens". Internacional. "SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, 2018". Roma "(Italia)". (13/05/2018 - 17/05/2018).
AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; VALIMAÑA TRAVERSO, Jesús Manuel; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, María Angeles; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; MARINA ALEGRE, María Luisa; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; ."Effects of duloxetine and econazole on freshwater species towards individual and combined conditions". Internacional. "SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, 2018". Roma "(Italia)". (13/05/2018 - 17/05/2018).
ARENAS VIVO, Ana; AMARIEI , Georgiana; AGUADO SIERRA, Sonia; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; HORCAJADA , Patricia; ."Antifouling Photo-bactericidal Combined effect of a Ag@nanoMOF". Simposio. Internacional. " Symposium on Porous Coordination Polymers and Metal-Organic Frameworks (docMOF SYMPOSIUM)". Munich "(Alemania)". (29/04/2018 - 02/05/2018).
AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; ."Self-assembled peptide nanofibers for bio-film prevention". Congreso. Internacional. "9th International Congress Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine". Graz "(Austria)". (25/04/2018 - 27/04/2018).
ARENAS VIVO, Ana; AMARIEI , Georgiana; AGUADO SIERRA, Sonia; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; HORCAJADA , Patricia; ." Antifouling photo-bactericidal combined effect of a Ag@nanoMOF". Congreso. Internacional. "The 34th GFZ (French Group of Zeolites) Congress 2018". Cabourg "(Francia)". (26/03/2018 - 29/03/2018).
DÍEZ ODRIOZOLA, Berta; AMARIEI , Georgiana; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; ."Anti-(bio) fouling composite membranes by polyacrylic acid/poly(vinyl alcohol) layer". Congreso. Internacional. "NanoSpain Conference 2018". (13/03/2018 - 15/03/2018).
AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; ."Electrospun nanofibers containing antimicrobial peptides for biofilm prevention". Congreso. Internacional. "NanoSpain 2018". (13/03/2018 - 15/03/2018).
ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; SANTIAGO-MORALES , Javier; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; ."Active membranes for retaining non-polar water pollutants with intrinsic resistance to microbial colonization". Regional. "Workshop on Technologies for Monitoring and Treatment of Contaminants of Emerging Concern ". (23/11/2017 - 24/11/2017).
PULIDO REYES, Gerardo; SCALBI , Sonia; MANZO , Sonia; AMARIEI , Georgiana; ."Toxicology and ecotoxicology, human and ecological risk assessment of engineered nanomaterials: needs, goals and tools/methods for safer-by-design strategies". Congreso. Internacional. "SETAC 27th Annual Meeting". Bruselas "(Bélgica)". (07/05/2017 - 11/05/2017).
AMARIEI , Georgiana; SANTIAGO MORALES, Javier; , Karina Boltes Espínola; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; RODRÍGUEZ FERNÁNDEZ-ALBA, Amadeo; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; ."Multi-functional membranes for the removal of non-polar water pollutants and (bio)fouling prevention". Internacional. "SETAC 27th Europe Annual Meeting, 2017". Bruselas "(Bélgica)". (07/05/2017 - 11/05/2017).
AMARIEI , Georgiana; DÍEZ ODRIOZOLA, Berta; MARTÍN DE LUCÍA RAMOS, Idoia; JALVO SÁNCHEZ, Blanca; QUIRÓS JIMÉNEZ, Jennifer; AGUADO SIERRA, Sonia; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; ."Materiales nano-estructurados con actividad biocida para la filtración del agua". Workshop. Nacional. "META 2016: XII Reunión de la Mesa Española de Tratamiento de Aguas". Madrid (20/06/2016 - 22/06/2016).
AMARIEI , Georgiana; ."META2016 Madrid. XII Reunión de la Mesa Española de Tratamiento de Aguas". Nacional. Madrid (20/06/2016 - 22/06/2016).
ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; ."Toxicity of PPCPs on an adapted sludge community". Internacional. "ICEPTT 2016 : 18th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Treatment Technology". Estambul "(Turquía)". (25/01/2016 - 26/01/2016).
AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; ."New catalase activity assay for bacteria samples using an oxygen sensor-based Clark.". Congreso. Internacional. "9th IWA Specialised Conference on Assessment and Control of Micropollutant and Hazardous Substances ". Singapur "(Singapur)". (22/11/2015 - 25/11/2015).
AMARIEI , Georgiana; , Karina Boltes Espínola; ROSAL GARCÍA, Roberto; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; ."Innovative fate and behaviour assessment of ibuprofen and triclosan on activated sludge.". Congreso. Internacional. "9th IWA Specialised Conference on Assessment and Control of Micropollutant and Hazardous Substances in Water". Singapur "(Singapur)". (22/11/2015 - 26/11/2015).
AMARIEI , Georgiana; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; ."Assessment of toxic effects of ibuprofen and triclosan on the activated sludge by biomarkers approach.". Europeo. "SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting". Barcelona (03/05/2015 - 07/05/2015).
AMARIEI , Georgiana; BOLTES ESPÍNOLA, Ana Karina; LETÓN GARCÍA, Pedro; ."Combined Toxicity of Ibuprofen and Triclosan on Activated Sludge.". Internacional. "ANQUE-ICCE.BIOTEC 2014 International Congress". Madrid (01/07/2014 - 04/07/2014).
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