Daniel Martín Vega

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Daniel Martín Vega

Daniel Martín Vega

Daniel Martín Vega

Academic Position: Vicedecano/a 6º de la Facultad de Ciencias

Categories: Profesor/a Titular Universidad

Department: Life Sciences



Grado en Biología

Grado en Biología Sanitaria

Grado en Criminalística: Ciencias y Tecnologías Forenses

Research groups

Participates in: Entomología forense y biología y ecología de insectos necrófagos - Forensic entomology.

Research Lines of the Group

Entomología forense y biología y ecología de insectos necrófagos - Forensic entomology.

  • Biología aplicada de insectos
  • Biología de insectos Necrófagos
  • Biología de insectos de interés médico-veterinario
  • Biología de polinizadores

Research Projects

  • Title: Influencia de los factores abióticos en el desarrollo de dípteros de interés forense
    Reference: IUICP-2023/05
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel;
    Start date: 15/01/2024
    End date: 15/01/2025
    Financing entity:
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Parasitological, pathological and diagnostic aspects of cephalopinosis in dromedary camels
    Reference: 12F034
    Principal Researcher: GAJIC , Bojan;
    Other Researchers: HALL , Martin J. R.; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel;
    Start date: 01/05/2022
    End date: 30/04/2024
    Financing entity:
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Solicitud de adquisición de equipamiento científico, Laboratorio de Virtualización Escáner (LIDAR terrestre) y Fotogrametría.
    Principal Researcher: FERNÁNDEZ TAPIA, Enrique José;
    Start date: 30/11/2021
    End date: 31/12/2022
    Financing entity: Universidad de Alcalá
    Economic Amount: 80163.69
  • Title: Colaboration agreement between The Natural History Museum, University of Alcalá, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research,Bangladesh, The University of Greenwich acting throug its Natural Resources Institute and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
    Reference: 71/2019
    Principal Researcher: MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel;
    Other Researchers:
    Start date: 01/05/2019
    End date: 31/10/2019
    Financing entity:
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Micro-CT visualisation of the parasite-host interface in small biting flies
    Reference: BB/R005362/1
    Principal Researcher: HALL , Martin J. R.;
    Other Researchers: MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ROGERS , Matthew; GOSH , Debashis; CHEKE , Robert A.;
    Start date: 01/05/2019
    End date: 31/10/2019
    Financing entity:
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Funciones tróficas y no tróficas de los cadáveres de carnívoros en los ecosistemas: integrando ecología y epidemiología
    Reference: CGL2017-89905-R
    Principal Researcher: MOLEÓN PAIZ, Marcos;
    Other Researchers: MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; MARTÍNEZ-CARRASCO PLEITE, Carlos; MORALES REYES, Zebensui; GONZÁLVEZ JUAN, Moisés; AGUILERA ALCALÁ, Natividad; EGUÍA MARTÍNEZ, Sergio; PRIETO YERRO, Paloma; QUAGGIOTTO , Martina; SELVA , Nuria; GETZ , Wayne Marcus;
    Start date: 12/01/2018
    End date: 11/01/2021
    Financing entity:
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Micro-CT visualisation of insect metamorphosis and parasitism
    Reference: SDF15019
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; HALL , Martin J. R.;
    Start date: 01/08/2016
    End date: 01/10/2016
    Financing entity: Natural History Museum
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Samples from Wearmouth Buffalo Jump for Analysis
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; HALL , Martin J. R.;
    Start date: 01/11/2016
    End date: 01/03/2017
    Financing entity: Stantec Consulting Ltd.
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: The dances of life and death - Micro-CT visualisation of insect metamorphosis and parasitism
    Reference: SUT16009-Sci
    Principal Researcher: MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; HALL , Martin;
    Other Researchers: MARTÍN-VEGA , Daniel; COLWELL , Douglas D.; AHMED , Farah; WICKLEIN , Martina; GARBOUT , Amin;
    Start date: 01/10/2016
    End date: 14/07/2017
    Financing entity: The Mactaggart Third Fund
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Dípteros de interés forense en interior de edificaciones en el medio urbano
    Reference: IUICP/2013/05
    Principal Researcher: DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María;
    Other Researchers: BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel;
    Start date: 01/01/2014
    End date: 31/12/2015
    Financing entity: Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Policiales (IUICP)
    Economic Amount: 8000
  • Title: MORPHIC - Methods of researching pupal history involving CT-scanning: A novel approach to death time estimations
    Reference: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF-624575
    Principal Researcher: MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; HALL , Martin;
    Other Researchers: SIMONSEN , Thomas J.;
    Start date: 01/08/2014
    End date: 31/07/2016
    Financing entity: Comisión Europea
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Estudio del ciclo de vida de las especies del género Piophila y su aplicación como indicadores forenses
    Principal Researcher: DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María;
    Other Researchers: BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; GONZÁLEZ GONZÁLEZ, Luis Mariano; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel;
    Start date: 01/01/2011
    End date: 31/12/2012
    Economic Amount: 8000
  • Title: Efecto de la temperatura en el ciclo de desarrollo de califóridos de interés forense y su aplicación en la estimación del intervalo postmórtem
    Reference: IUICP/PI2007/003
    Principal Researcher: DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María;
    Other Researchers: MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; GÓMEZ GÓMEZ, Aida María;
    Start date: 01/11/2007
    End date: 31/10/2009
    Financing entity:
    Economic Amount:


There are no data in this section

Book chapters

  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; "Datos preliminares sobre las comunidades de insectos necrófagos y su relación con los ecosistemas naturales de la Comunidad de Madrid". Segundas Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Universidad de Alcalá (ISBN: 978-84-8138-849-7 ). . 2009. p. 77 - 86 .


  • REDONDO-GÓMEZ , Daniel; GIL-SÁNCHEZ , José M.; GONZÁLVEZ , Moisés; MARTÍNEZ-CARRASCO , Carlos; SEBASTIÁN-GONZÁLEZ , Esther; ROSELL , Lidia; JIMÉNEZ-NÁJAR , Pablo; SÁNCHEZ-ZAPATA , José A.; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; MOLEÓN , Marcos; ."The extended role of carrion: Insect consumption and hair taking at fox carcasses". (ISSN: 1439-1791). Basic and Applied Ecology. 2025 , vol 83 , p. 12 - 22
  • LÓPEZ-GARCÍA , Jaime; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ."Survival of Calliphora vicina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) embryos under cold temperature conditions: forensic implications". (ISSN: 0269-283X). Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2024 .  .
  • LÓPEZ-GARCÍA , Jaime; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ."Influence of photoperiod on the developmental times of the forensically relevant blow fly species Calliphora vicina (Diptera: Calliphoridae)". (ISSN: 0379-0738). Forensic Science International. 2024 , vol 361 , p. 1 - 6 .  .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; SIMONSEN , Thomas J.; HALL , Martin J. R.; ."An effective method for preparing histological sections of blow fly intra-puparial stages for minimum PMI estimations". (ISSN: 0937-9827). International Journal of Legal Medicine. 2024 , vol 138 , num 5 , p. 1947 - 1954 .  .
  • LÓPEZ-GARCÍA , Jaime; PIÑA , Mario A.; CLARK , Brett; HALL , Martin J.R.; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ."Methods for the optimal preservation of blow fly intra-puparial forms for morphological analysis in forensic casework". (ISSN: 0937-9827). International Journal of Legal Medicine. 2024 , vol 138 , p. 1769 - 1779 .  .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; CLARK , Brett; HALL , Martin J. R.; ."Larval anatomy of the digestive and excretory systems of the pharyngeal bot fly, Pharyngomyia picta (Diptera: Oestridae)". (ISSN: 0269-283X). Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2023 , vol 37 , num 4 , p. 859 - 864 .
  • GIORDANI , Giorgia; TUCCIA , Fabiola; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ANGELL , Christopher; PRADELLI , Jennifer; VANIN , Stefano; ."Morphological and molecular characterization of puparia of Piophilidae species of forensic relevance". (ISSN: 0269-283X). Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2023
  • KOTZE , Zanthé; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; REIMER , Lisa J.; WEEKS , Emma N.I.; ."Novel tools and techniques in forensic entomology: The need for robust research". (ISSN: 0269-283X). Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2023
  • REDONDO-GÓMEZ , Daniel; QUAGGIOTTO , Martina; BAILEY , David M.; EGUÍA , Sergio; MORALES-REYES , Zebensui; LÓPEZ-PASTOR , Beatriz de las N.; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; MARTÍNEZ-CARRASCO , Carlos; SEBASTIÁN-GONZÁLEZ , Esther; SÁNCHEZ-ZAPATA , José A.; MOLEÓN , Marcos; ."Comparing scavenging in marine and terrestrial ecosystems: a case study with fish and gull carcasses in a small Mediterranean island". (ISSN: 1439-1791). Basic and Applied Ecology. 2022 , vol 59 , p. 92 - 104 .  .
  • HALL , Martin J. R.; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; CLARK , Brett; GOSH , Debashis; ROGERS , Matthew; PIGOLI , Davide; VERIEGH , F. B. D.; TETTEH-KUMAH , A.; OSEI-ATWENEBOANA , Mike Yaw; CHEKE , Robert A.; ."Micro-CT imaging of Onchocerca infection of Simulium damnosum s.l. blackflies and comparison of the peritrophic membrane thickness of forest and savannah flies". (ISSN: 0269-283X). Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2021 , vol 35 , num 3 , p. 231 - 238 .
  • HALL , Martin J. R.; GHOSH , Debashis; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; CLARK , Brett; CLATWORTHY , Innes; CHEKE , Robert A.; ROGERS , Matthew E.; ."Micro-CT visualization of a promastigote secretory gel (PSG) and parasite plug in the digestive tract of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis infected with Leishmania mexicana". (ISSN: 1935-2735). PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES. 2021 , vol 15 , num 8 , p. 1 - 17 .  .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; WICKLEIN , Martina; SIMONSEN , Thomas J.; GARBOUT , Amin; AHMED , Farah; HALL , Martin J. R.; ."Anatomical reconfiguration of the optic lobe during metamorphosis in the blow fly Calliphora vicina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) revealed by X-ray micro-computed tomography". (ISSN: 0044-5231). Zoologischer Anzeiger. 2021 , vol 292 , p. 139 - 149 .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; CLARK , Brett; FERRER , Luis Miguel; LÓPEZ-TAMAYO , Silvia; PANADERO , Rosario; CEPEDA-PALACIOS , Ramón; COLWELL , Douglas D.; HALL , Martin J. R.; ."Major differences in the larval anatomy of the digestive and excretory systems of three Oestridae species revealed by micro-CT". (ISSN: 0269-283X). Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2021 , vol 35 , num 1 , p. 106 - 120 .
  • GATTA , Maurizio; ROLFO , Mario F.; SALARI , Leonardo; JACOB , Eileen; VALENTINI , Federica; SCEVOLA , Germano; DODDI , Marco; NERI , Anna; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ."Dermestid pupal chambers on Late Pleistocene faunal bones from Cava Muracci (Cisterna di Latina, central Italy): Environmental implications for the central Mediterranean basin during MIS 3". (ISSN: 2352-409X). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2021 , vol 35(3) , num 102780 , p. 1 - 11 .
  • KIM , Hajin; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; SHIN , Sang Eon; WANG , Ah Rha; PARK , Seong Hwan; ."First report of the forensically important fly, Stearibia nigriceps (Diptera: Piophilidae) in South Korea: Confirmation of specimens from human corpses based on cytochrome c oxidase subunit I barcodes". (ISSN: 0022-1198). Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2021 , vol 66 , p. 1538 - 1544
  • CHARABIDZE , Damien; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ."Looking Back to Move Forward: How Review Articles Could Boost Forensic Entomology". (ISSN: 2075-4450). Insects. 2021 , vol 12 , num 648
  • MEDEROS , Jorge; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ."When unexpected guests come to eat: two new species of Phyllolabis Osten Sacken(Diptera: Limoniidae) collected with carrion-baited traps in the centre of theIberian Peninsula". (ISSN: 1175-5326). Zootaxa. 2021 , vol 5039 , num 2 , p. 222 - 240
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; CLARK , Brett; FERRER , Luis Miguel; LÓPEZ-TAMAYO , Silvia; COLWELL , Douglas D.; HALL , Martin J. R.; ."Internal morphological changes during metamorphosis in the sheep nasal bot fly, Oestrus ovis". (ISSN: 0269-283X). Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2020 , vol 34 , num 4 , p. 476 - 487 .
  • HOFER , Ines; HART , Andrew; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; HALL , Martin J. R.; ."Estimating crime scene temperatures from nearby meteorological station data". (ISSN: 0379-0738). Forensic Science International. 2020 , vol 306 , p. 1 - 11
  • LÓPEZ GARCÍA, Jaime; ANGELL , Christopher; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ."Wing morphometrics for the identification of Nearctic and Palaearctic Piophilidae (Diptera) of forensic relevance". (ISSN: 0379-0738). Forensic Science International. 2020 , vol 309 , num 110192 , p. 1 - 7
  • MUÑOZ-LOZANO , Carlos; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; MARTÍNEZ-CARRASCO , Carlos; SÁNCHEZ-ZAPATA , José A.; MORALES-REYES , Zebensui; GONZÁLVEZ , Moisés; MOLEÓN , Marcos; ."Avoidance of carnivore carcasses by vertebrate scavengers enables colonization by a diverse community of carrion insects". (ISSN: 1932-6203). PLoS ONE. 2019 , vol 14 , num 8 (e0221890) , p. 1 - 22 .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; ."Long-term insect successional patterns on pig carcasses in central Spain". (ISSN: 0937-9827). International Journal of Legal Medicine. 2019 , vol 133 , num 5 , p. 1581 - 1592 .
  • HALL , Martin J. R.; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ."Visualization of insect metamorphosis". (ISSN: 0962-8436). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences. 2019 , vol 374 , num 20190071 , p. 1 - 11
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; GARBOUT , Amin; AHMED , Farah; WICKLEIN , Martina; GOATER , Cameron P.; COLWELL , Douglas D.; HALL , Martin J. R.; ."3D virtual histology at the host/parasite interface: visualisation of the master manipulator, Dicrocoelium dendriticum, in the brain of its ant host". (ISSN: 2045-2322). Scientific Reports. 2018 , vol 8 , p. 1 - 10 .  .
  • THOMPSON , Jess E.; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BUCK , Laura T.; POWER , Ronika K.; STODDART , Simon; MALONE , Caroline; ."Identification of dermestid beetle modification on Neolithic Maltese human bone: Implications for funerary practices at the Xemxija tombs". (ISSN: 2352-409X). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2018 , vol 22 , p. 123 - 131
  • DÍAZ-ARANDA , Luisa M.; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; , Arturo Baz; CIFRIÁN , Blanca; ."Larval identification key to necrophagous Coleoptera of medico-legal importance in the western Palaearctic". (ISSN: 0937-9827). International Journal of Legal Medicine. 2018 , vol 132 , p. 1795 - 1804
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; GARBOUT , Amin; AHMED , Farah; FERRER , Luis Miguel; LUCIENTES , Javier; COLWELL , Douglas D.; HALL , Martin J. R.; ."Micro-computed tomography visualization of the vestigial alimentary canal in adult oestrid flies". (ISSN: 0269-283X). Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2018 , vol 32 , p. 378 - 382 .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; ."Effect of temperature on the survival and development of three forensically relevant Dermestes species (Coleoptera: Dermestidae)". Journal of Medical Entomology. 2017 , vol 54 , num 5 , p. 1140 - 1150 .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; SIMONSEN , Thomas J.; WICKLEIN , Martina; HALL , Martin J. R.; ."Age estimation during the blow fly intra-puparial period: a qualitative and quantitative approach using micro-computed tomography". (ISSN: 0937-9827). International Journal of Legal Medicine. 2017 , vol 131 , p. 1429 - 1448 .  .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; SIMONSEN , Thomas J.; HALL , Martin J. R.; ."Looking into the puparium: Micro-CT visualisation of the internal morphological changes during metamorphosis of the blow fly, Calliphora vicina, with the first quantitative analysis of organ development in cyclorrhaphous dipterans". (ISSN: 0362-2525). Journal of Morphology. 2017 , vol 278 , num 5 , p. 629 - 651 .  .
  • HALL , Martin J. R.; SIMONSEN , Thomas J.; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ."The 'dance' of life: visualizing metamorphosis during pupation in the blow fly Calliphora vicina by X-ray video imaging and micro-computed tomography". Royal Society Open Science. 2017 , vol 4 , num 1 (160699) , p. 1 - 8 .
  • MARTÍN-VEGA , Daniel; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ."Description of the puparium of Parapiophila flavipes (Zetterstedt, 1847) (Diptera, Piophilidae) from specimens in the collection of the Natural History Museum, London". Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología. 2017 , vol 41 , p. 239 - 245
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; MARTIN-NIETO , Carla; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; ."Early colonisation of urban indoor carcasses by blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae): An experimental study from central Spain". (ISSN: 0379-0738). Forensic Science International. 2017 , vol 278 , p. 87 - 94 .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; HOFER , Ines; MARTÍN-VEGA , Daniel; HART , Andrew; HALL , Martin J. R.; ."Optimising crime scene temperature collection for forensic entomology casework". (ISSN: 0379-0738). Forensic Science International. 2017 , vol 270 , p. 129 - 138
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; MARTÍN-VEGA , Daniel; EBEJER , Martin J.; WHITMORE , Daniel; ."Out of the South? The first Afrotropical record of Prochyliza Walker (Diptera: Piophilidae), with description of a new species". (ISSN: 1175-5326). Zootaxa. 2017 , vol 4232 , num 1 , p. 144 - 150
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; HALL , Martin J. R.; SIMONSEN , Thomas J.; ."Resolving Confusion in the Use of Concepts and Terminology in Intrapuparial Development Studies of Cyclorrhaphous Diptera". (ISSN: 0022-2585). Journal of Medical Entomology. 2016 , vol 53 , num 6 , p. 1249 - 1251 .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; HALL , Martin JR; ."Estimating the age of Calliphora vicina eggs (Diptera: Calliphoridae): Determination of embryonic morphological landmarks and preservation of egg samples". (ISSN: 0937-9827). International Journal of Legal Medicine. 2016 , vol 130 , p. 845 - 854 .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ZAJAC , Barbara Karolina; MARTÍN-VEGA , Daniel; FEDDERN , Nina; FREMDT , Heike; PRADO E CASTRO , Catarina; SZPILA , Krzysztof; RECKEL , Frank; SCHÜTT , Svenja; VERHOFF , Marcel A; AMENDT , Jens; ZEHNER , Richard; ."Molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis of the forensically important family Piophilidae (Diptera) from different European locations". (ISSN: 0379-0738). Forensic Science International. 2016 , vol 259 , p. 77 - 84
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; SAIFI , Mounir; DOUMANDJI , Salaheddine; MARTÍN-VEGA , Daniel; ."Piophila megastigmata McAlpine 1978 (Diptera: Piophilidae): the first record from northern Africa of this forensically relevant fly". (ISSN: 0037-9271). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France. 2016 , vol 52 , num 4 , p. 243 - 246
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."Necrophilous Histerid Beetle Communities (Coleoptera: Histeridae) in Central Spain: Species Composition and Habitat Preferences". (ISSN: 0046-225X). Environmental Entomology. 2015 , vol 44 , num 4 , p. 966 - 974 .
  • BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; BOTÍAS TALAMANTES, Cristina; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; ."Preliminary data on carrion insects in urban (indoor and outdoor) and periurban environments in central Spain". (ISSN: 0379-0738). Forensic Science International. 2015 , vol 248 , num 3 , p. 41 - 47 .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; NIEDEREGGER , Senta; ."Larval muscle attachment site (MAS) patterns are a conserved character among Piophilini flies (Diptera, Piophilidae)". (ISSN: 0012-0073). Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift. 2015 , vol 62 , num 2 , p. 239 - 245 .  .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."Environmental correlates of species diversity for sarcosaprophagous Diptera across a pronounced elevational gradient in central Spain". (ISSN: 1125-0003). Italian Journal of Zoology. 2014 , vol 3 , num 81 , p. 415 - 424
  • BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ."Patterns of diversity and abundance of carrion insect assemblages in the Natural Park 'Hoces del Río Riaza' (central Spain)". (ISSN: 1536-2442). Journal of Insect Science. 2014 , vol 162 , num 14 (1)
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."Comparative larval morphology of the European bone-skippers, Thyreophora cynophila (Panzer, 1798) and Centrophlebomyia furcata (Fabricius, 1794) (Diptera: Piophilidae), with notes on their coexistence and natural history". (ISSN: 0022-2933). Journal of Natural History. 2014 , vol 48 , num 5-6 , p. 285 - 299
  • MARTÍN-VEGA , Daniel; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ."On the identity of Prochyliza nigrimana (Meigen) and Prochyliza nigricornis (Meigen) (Diptera: Piophilidae), with a synopsis of Prochyliza Walker and description of a new species". (ISSN: 1175-5326). Zootaxa. 2014 , vol 3893 , num 2 , p. 277 - 292
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."Puparial morphology of Thyreophora cynophila (Panzer, 1798) (Diptera: Piophilidae)". Boletin de la asociación española de entomología. 2014 , vol 1-2 , num 38 , p. 187 - 190
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."The immature stages of the necrophagous fly Liopiophila varipes and considerations on genus Liopiophila (Diptera: Piophilidae)". Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift. 2014 , vol 61 , num 1 , p. 37 - 42 .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."Sarcosaprophagous Diptera assemblages in natural habitats from central Spain: spatial and seasonal changes in composition". (ISSN: 0269-283X). Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2013 , vol 27 , num 1 , p. 64 - 76 .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."Sex-biased captures of sarcosaprophagous Diptera in carrion-baited traps". (ISSN: 1536-2442). Journal of Insect Science. 2013 , vol 13 , num 14 , p. 1 - 12 .  .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; AGUIRRE SEGURA, Antonio; BARRANCO , Pablo; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; ."Necrophagy in crickets, katydids and grasshoppers? Orthoptera collected in carrion-baited traps in central Spain". (ISSN: 0037-9271). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France. 2013 , vol 49 , num 1 , p. 91 - 99
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."Observation of Death in copula in a laboratory colony of the necrophagous fly, Prochyliza nigrimana (Diptera: Piophilidae)". (ISSN: 0013-872X). Entomological News. 2013 , vol 122 , num 5 , p. 489 - 490
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; ."The immature stages of the necrophagous fly, Prochyliza nigrimana: comparison with Piophila casei and medicolegal considerations (Diptera: Piophilidae)". (ISSN: 0932-0113). Parasitology Research. 2012 , vol 111 , num 3 , p. 1127 - 1135 .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."Spatiotemporal distribution of necrophagous beetles (Coleoptera: Dermestidae, Silphidae) assemblages in natural habitats of central Spain". (ISSN: 0013-8746). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 2012 , vol 105 , num 1 , p. 44 - 53 .  .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; GÓMEZ GÓMEZ, Aida María; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."The "Coffin Fly" Conicera tibialis (Diptera: Phoridae) Breeding on Buried Human Remains After a Postmortem Interval of 18 Years". (ISSN: 0022-1198). Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2011 , vol 56 , num 6 , p. 1654 - 1656 .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ."Skipping clues: Forensic importance of the family Piophilidae (Diptera)". (ISSN: 0379-0738). Forensic Science International. 2011 , vol 212 , num 1-3 , p. 1 - 5 .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."Could the 'vulture restaurants' be a lifeboat for the recently rediscovered bone-skippers (Diptera: Piophilidae)?". (ISSN: 1366-638X). Journal of Insect Conservation. 2011 , vol 15 , num 5 , p. 747 - 753 .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."Variation in the colour of the necrophagous fly, Prochyliza nigrimana (Diptera: Piophilidae): a case of seasonal polymorphism". (ISSN: 1210-5759). European Journal of Entomology. 2011 , vol 108 , num 2 , p. 231 - 234 .  .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; GÓMEZ GÓMEZ, Aida María; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; ."New piophilid in town: the first Palaearctic record of Piophila megastigmata and its coexistence with Piophila casei in central Spain". (ISSN: 0269-283X). Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2011 , vol 25 , num 1 , p. 64 - 69 .  .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; MICHELSEN , Verner; ."Back from the dead: Thyreophora cynophila (Panzer, 1798) (Diptera: Piophilidae) 'globally extinct' fugitive in Spain ". (ISSN: 0307-6970). Systematic Entomology. 2010 , vol 35 , num 4 , p. 607 - 613 .
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."Datos sobre Dermaptera capturados en trampas cebadas con carroña en el centro de la Península Ibérica ". (ISSN: 11346094). Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa. 2010 , vol 46 , p. 571 - 573
  • BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ."Distribution of the German Wasp (Vespula germanica) and the Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris) in Natural Habitats in Central Spain as Shown by Carrion-baited Traps ". (ISSN: 0361-6525). Sociobiology. 2010 , vol 55 , num 3 , p. 871 - 881
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."Prochyliza nigricornis (Meigen, 1826) (Diptera: Piophilidae): nueva especie para la fauna de la Península Ibérica ". Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología. 2010 , vol 34 , num 1-2 , p. 249 - 251
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; GÓMEZ GÓMEZ, Aida María; TSCHORSNIG , Hans Peter; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; ."Tachinids associated with carrion in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula (Diptera: Tachinidae) ". (ISSN: 0171-8177). Entomologia Generalis. 2010 , vol 32 , num 3 , p. 217 - 226
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; GÓMEZ GÓMEZ, Aida María; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."The Austrian Piophilidae (Diptera) in the collections of the National Museum of Natural Sciences of Madrid, Spain ". Beiträge zur Entomofaunistik. 2010 , vol 11 , p. 9 - 12
  • GÓMEZ GÓMEZ, Aida María; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BOTÍAS TALAMANTES, Cristina; DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."La Entomología Forense en España: Pasado, presente y perspectivas de futuro ". (ISSN: 1135-7606). Cuadernos de Medicina Forense. 2007 , vol 13 , num 47 , p. 21 - 32
  • BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; ."The distribution of adult blow-flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) along an altitudinal gradient in Central Spain ". (ISSN: 0037-9271). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France. 2007 , vol 43 , num 3 , p. 289 - 296
  • PENIN , Pilar; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; MARTÍNEZ-DÍAZ , Rafael; ."Preliminary data to determine malaria transmission risk in Banda Aceh, an area affected by the tsunami on December 2004". (ISSN: 0034-9623). Revista Iberica de Parasitologia. 2006 , vol (1-4) , num 66 , p. 9 - 11

Electronic Articles

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  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; COLWELL , Douglas D.; HALL , Martin J.R.; ."3D virtual histology for developmental studies of Diptera - a pilot study of myiasis-causing flies". Congreso. Internacional. "9th International Congress of Dipterology". Windhoek "(Namibia)". (25/11/2018 - 30/11/2018).
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; ."Insect succession and decomposition of urban indoor carcasses in central Spain". Congreso. Internacional. "15th Meeting of the European Association for Forensic Entomology". Múnich "(Alemania)". (25/04/2018 - 28/04/2018).
  • DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; MARTÍN NIETO, Carla; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."Indoor arthropod succession in an urban environment in central Spain". Congreso. Europeo. "11th Meeting of the European Association for Forensic Entomology". Lille "(Francia)". (09/04/2014 - 11/04/2014).
  • DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."A preliminary larval identification key to European coleoptera of Forensic importance". Congreso. Europeo. "10th Meeting of the European Association for Forensic Entomology". Coimbra "(Portugal)". (10/04/2013 - 13/04/2013).
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; CIFRIÁN YAGÜE, Blanca; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; ."Larval morphology of European Piophilidae of potential Forensic utility: Towards an identification key ". Congreso. Europeo. "10th Meeting of the European Association for Forensic Entomology. 10-13 de Abril de 2013. Coimbra, Portugal.". Coimbra "(Portugal)". (10/04/2013 - 13/04/2013).
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; BAZ RAMOS, Arturo; MICHELSEN , Verner; ."The comeback of an unusual and "extinct" forensic indicator &- Thyreophora cynophila (Panzer) (Diptera: Piophilidae): The history of an unexpected rediscovery". Congreso. Europeo. "8th Meeting of the European Association for Forensic Entomology". Murcia (08/09/2010 - 11/09/2010).
  • GÓMEZ GÓMEZ, Aida María; BOTÍAS TALAMANTES, Cristina; MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; DÍAZ ARANDA, Luisa María; ."Forensic Entomology in Spain". Congreso. Internacional. "4th Meeting of the European Association for Forensic Entomology". Bari "(Italia)". (26/04/2006 - 29/04/2006).


  • MARTÍN VEGA, Daniel; "Estudio de los agregados de Dípteros sarcosaprófagos y su relación con los ecosistemas naturales de la comunidad de Madrid.". Director: BAZ RAMOS, Arturo, . Universidad de Alcala. Reading date: 14/07/2011. Sobresaliente "Cum Laude".