Andrés Calabia Aibar

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Andrés Calabia Aibar

Andrés Calabia Aibar

Andrés Calabia Aibar

Categories: Profesor/a Ayudante Doctor/a

Department: Physics and Mathematics

Web personal page



Grado en Fundamentos de Arquitectura y Urbanismo

Grado en Ingeniería Electrónica de Comunicaciones

Grado en Ingeniería Electrónica de Comunicaciones

Grado en Ingeniería en Sistemas de Telecomunicación

Grado en Ingeniería en Sistemas de Telecomunicación

Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías de Telecomunicación

Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías de Telecomunicación

Grado en Ingeniería Telemática

Grado en Ingeniería Telemática

Grado en Química

Research groups

Participates in: Astropartículas, Espacio y Física de Altas Energías - Space and Astroparticle (SPAS) Group.

Research Lines of the Group

Astropartículas, Espacio y Física de Altas Energías - Space and Astroparticle (SPAS) Group.

  • Física Experimental y teórica de Altas Energías.
  • Física de Astropartículas.
  • Física de Fluidos y Física de Plasmas Espaciales.
  • Física del Sol y Heliosfera. Heliofísica.
  • Instalaciones fotovoltaicas y solares térmicas.
  • Investigación Instrumentación Espacial.
  • Procesamiento de Datos en Aplicaciones Espaciales.
  • Radiación Cósmica.
  • Sistema Solar. Interacción Sol-Tierra.

Research Projects

  • Title: High-frequency water level monitoring technology and its application in the Yellow River Mainstream from BDS/GNSS-Reflectometry
    Reference: 241111520700
    Principal Researcher: JIN , Shuanggen;
    Other Researchers: CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés;
    Start date: 2024
    End date: 2026
    Financing entity: Henan Internation al Science and Technology Cooperation Key Project
    Economic Amount: 150000
  • Title: Characterization of Plasma Depletions and Effects on Geodetic Applications
    Project type: PROYECTOS EUROPEOS
    Principal Researcher: CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés;
    Other Researchers:
    Start date: 2022
    End date:
    Financing entity: PITHIANRF Trans-National Access Grant, HORIZON 2020
    Economic Amount: 1000
  • Title: Ionospheric Modelling and applications
    Project type: CONVENIO PROYECTO
    Reference: 1411041901010
    Principal Researcher: CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés;
    Other Researchers:
    Start date: 2019
    End date: 2021
    Financing entity: Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
    Economic Amount: 15000
  • Title: Atmospheric, ocean and land remote sensing using GNSS
    Project type: CONVENIO PROYECTO
    Reference: R2018T20
    Principal Researcher: JIN , Shuanggen;
    Other Researchers: CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés;
    Start date: 2018
    End date: 2021
    Financing entity: Jiangsu Province Distinguished Professor Project
    Economic Amount: 283000
  • Title: Ensemble Kalman filter for OpenGGCM
    Principal Researcher: MATSUO , Tomoko;
    Other Researchers: CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés;
    Start date: 2018
    End date:
    Financing entity: AFOSR Space Science Program, USA
    Economic Amount: 60000
  • Title: GNSS-Reflectometry and its applications in land and ocean remote sensing
    Project type: CONVENIO PROYECTO
    Reference: 2243141801036
    Principal Researcher: JIN , Shuanggen;
    Other Researchers: CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés;
    Start date: 2018
    End date: 2021
    Financing entity:
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Ionospheric-plasmaspheric variations and mechanism from multi-satellite space-based GNSS measurement
    Reference: 4176113409
    Principal Researcher: JIN , Shuanggen;
    Other Researchers: CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés;
    Start date: 2018
    End date: 2023
    Financing entity:
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Atmospheric disturbances and anomalous behaviors detected by ground and space-based GNSS
    Principal Researcher: JIN , Shuanggen;
    Other Researchers: CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés;
    Start date: 2012
    End date: 2014
    Financing entity: Open Research Fund of the Academy of Satellite Application, CASC, China
    Economic Amount:


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Book chapters

  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; "Upper Atmospheric Mass Density Variations and Space Weather Responses from GNSS Precise Orbits". 3S Technology Applications in Meteorology: Observations, Methods and Modellin (ISBN: 9781003363118 ). . 2023. p. 231 - 248 .
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; "Characterization of the Upper Atmosphere from Neutral and Electron Density Observations ". International Association of Geodesy Symposia . 2020. .
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; "GPS-based non gravitational accelerations and accelerometer calibration". Satellite Positioning: Methods, Models and Applications, (ISBN: 978-953-51-1738-4 ). "(Croacia)". 2015. p. 47 - 72 .
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; "Procedimientos de validación de modelos de crecimiento urbano futuro". Análisis de la dinámica urbana y simulación de escenarios de desarrollo futuro con tecnologías de la información geográfica (ISBN: 978-84-9964-125-6 ). . 2012. p. 237 - 274 .


  • SHARMA , L N; SHAKYA , PJ; ADHIKARI , B.; CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; PANTHI , A; ."Ionospheric Variations in South Korea during the March and April 2023 Geomagnetic Storms". (ISSN: 2392-473X). Journal of Nepal Physical Society. 2024 , vol 10 , num 1 , p. 49 - 57 .
  • WANG , Penghui; LIAN , Zengzeng; NÚÑEZ-ANDRÉS , M. Amparo; CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; TIAN , Yalin; WANG , Mengqi; YUE , Zhe; MU , Hongtao; ."Application of the Least Squares Adaptive Vector Projection Iteration Algorithm to Ultra Wideband Positioning". IEEE Sensors Journal. 2024 .
  • IMTIAZ , Nadia; , T Dugassa; CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; ANORUO , Chukwuma; , A Kashcheyev; ."Westward PPEF plays important role in the suppression of postmidnight plasma irregularities: A case study of the November 2021 geomagnetic storm". Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics. 2024
  • KOMI , Edokossi; JIN , shuanggen; CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; MOLINA , iñigo; MAZHAR , U; ."Evaluation of SMAP and CYGNSS Soil Moistures in Drought Prediction Using Multiple Linear Regression and GLDAS Product". (ISSN: 0099-1112). Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 2024
  • , B Adhikari; , V Klausner; , CMN Candido; , P Poudel; , HM Gimenes; , A Siwal; , SP Gautam; CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; SHAH , M; ."Lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling during the September 2015 Coquimbo earthquake". Journal of Earth System Science. 2024
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; , N Imtiaz; , D. Altadill; , Y Yasyukevich; SEGARRA , A; , F Prol; , B Adhikari; DEL PERAL GOCHICOA, Luis; RODRÍGUEZ FRÍAS, María Dolores; MOLINA , Iñigo; ."Uncovering the Drivers of Responsive Ionospheric Dynamics to Severe Space Weather Conditions: A Coordinated Multi-Instrumental Approach". Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics). 2024
  • GIRI , A; , B Adhikari; BARAL , R; , C Idosa; CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; ."Wavelet Coherence Analysis of Plasma Beta, Alfven Mach Number, and Magnetosonic Mach Number during Different Geomagnetic Storms". (ISSN: 2356-6140). The Scientific World Journal. 2024
  • SHAHZAD , Rasim; SHAH , Munawar; TARIQ , M. Arslan; CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; MELGAREJO-MORALES , Angela; , Punyawi Jamjareegulgarn; , Libo Liu; ."Ionospheric-Thermospheric responses to June 2015 and August 2018 Geomagnetic Storms from Multi-Instrument Geodetic Space Weather Data". (ISSN: ISSN 2072-4292). Remote Sensing. 2023 , vol 15 , num 2687
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; LU , Gang; , OS Bolaji; ."Editorial: Advances on upper-atmosphere characterization for geodetic space weather research and applications". (ISSN: 2296-987X). Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. 2023 , vol 10 , num 1211582 .
  • BARAL , Rabin; , Binod Adhikari; CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; SHAH , Munawar; KUMAR , Roshan; SILWAL , Ashok; BOHARA , Sudarshan; MANANDHAR , Roshna; PERAL GOCHICOA, Luis del; RODRÍGUEZ FRÍAS, María Dolores; ."Spectral features of Forbush Decrease during Geomagnetic Storms". Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terretrial Phisics. 2023 , vol 242 , num 105981 .
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; JIN , Shuanggen; ."Upper-atmosphere mass density variations from CASSIOPE precise orbit.". Space Weather. 2021 .
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; ANORUO , Chukwuma; AMORY-MAZAUDIER , Christine; YASYUKEVICH , Yury; JIN , Shuanggen; SHAH , munawar; OWOLABI , Charles; ."Low-Latitude Ionospheric Responses and Coupling to the February 2014 Multiphase Geomagnetic Storm from GNSS, Magnetometers, and Space Weather Data". Atmosphere. 2021 , vol 13 , num 518 .
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; JIN , Shuanggen; ."Thermospheric mass density disturbances due to magnetospheric forcing from 2014-2020 CASSIOPE precise orbits". Journal of Geophysical Research. 2021 , num 126 .
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; JIN , Shuanggen; ."New modes and mechanisms of long-term ionospheric TEC variations from Global Ionosphere Maps". Journal of Geophysical Research. 2020 .
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; TANG , Geshi; JIN , Shuanggen; ."Assessment of new thermospheric mass density model using NRLMSISE-00 model, GRACE, Swarm-C, and APOD observations". Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terretrial Phisics. 2020 .
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; JIN , Shuanggen; MOLINA , Iñigo; ."Soil Moisture Content from GNSS Reflectometry using Dielectric Permittivity from Fresnel Reflection Coefficients". Remote Sensing. 2020 .
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; JIN , Shuanggen; ."Solar cycle, seasonal, and asymmetric dependencies of thermospheric mass density disturbances due to magnetospheric forcing". Annales Geophysicae. 2019 .
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; JIN , Shuanggen; ."Thermospheric density estimation and responses to the March 2013 geomagnetic storm from GRACE GPS-determined precise orbits". Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terretrial Phisics. 2017 .
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; JIN , Shuanggen; ."New modes and mechanisms of thermospheric mass density variations from GRACE accelerometers". Journal of Geophysical Research. 2016 .
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; JIN , Shuanggen; ."Assessment of conservative force models from GRACE accelerometers and precise orbit determination". Aerospace Science and Technology. 2016 .
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; JIN , Shuanggen; TENZER , Robert; ."A new GPS-based calibration of GRACE accelerometers using the arc-to-chord threshold uncovered sinusoidal disturbing signal". Aerospace Science and Technology. 2015 .

Electronic Articles

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  • KOMI , Edokossi; JIN , Shuanggen; CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; MOLINA , Iñigo; , N Mohamed; ."GNSS meteorology methods and applications: Current status and future challenges". Congreso. Internacional. "1st International Symposium on Satellite Navigation (ISSN2023) - Advances, Opportunities and Challenges". Jiaozuo "(China)". (20/11/2023 - 22/11/2023).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; JIN , Shuanggen; ."Thermospheric variations and responses to space weather from LEO GNSS precise orbits". Congreso. Internacional. "1st International Symposium on Satellite Navigation (ISSN2023) - Advances, Opportunities and Challenges". Jiaozuo "(China)". (20/11/2023 - 22/11/2023).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; ."Recent Advances and Prospects of the JSG1: Coupling Processes between Magnetosphere, Thermosphere and Ionosphere". Congreso. Europeo. "GGOS Days 2023". "(España)". (20/09/2023 - 22/09/2023).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; ."Ionospheric Plasma Depletions and coupled Space Weather Processes during the Geomagnetic Storm of 27 February 2014". Congreso. Internacional. "XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) (Berlin 2023)". Berlin "(Alemania)". (11/07/2023 - 20/07/2023).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; MOLINA , I; , C Jones; ."GNSS-R of Soil Moisture Content in Khuzestan for Optimal Crop Distribution.". Congreso. Internacional. "4th Intercontinental Geoinformation Days (IGD 2022)". Tabriz "(Irán)". (2022 - 2022).
  • , CM Anoruo; , FN Okeke; , KC Okpala; CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; ."Low latitude ionosphere responses to solar wind forcing from GNSS data in March 2001". Congreso. Internacional. "4th Intercontinental Geoinformation Days (IGD 2022)". Tabriz "(Irán)". (2022 - 2022).
  • , I Molina; CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; SOSA , L; JUSTEL , A; ."Monitoring agriculture, a remote sensing perspective". Conferencia. Europeo. "TAE 2022 - 8th international conference on trends in agricultural engineering". Praga "(República Checa)". (20/09/2022 - 23/09/2022).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; , A Olabode; , C Amory-Mazaudie; , A Maute; , Y Yasyukevich; , OS Bolaji; , G Lu; , EA Ariyibi; , A Chukwuma; , M Shah; , OE Jimoh; , B Adhikari; , L Yuan; , PM Mehta; , TT Ayorinde; , N Maruyama; , C Owolabi; ."The Joint Study Group 1 (JSG T.27): Coupling processes between Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, and Thermosphere". Conferencia. Internacional. "2nd Symposium of IAG Commission 4 , Positioning and Applications". Postdam "(Alemania)". (05/09/2022 - 08/09/2022).
  • , Binod Adhikari; GIRI , A; BARAL , R; CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; ."Investigating solar wind plasma variability during major geomagnetic storms of solar cycle 23-24". Conferencia. Internacional. "XXXI General Assembly International Astronomical Union (IAUGA2022)". Busan "(República de Corea)". (02/08/2022 - 11/08/2022).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; ."Member of Scientific Committee". Congreso. Internacional. "X Hotine-Marussi Symposium 2022". Milan "(Italia)". (13/06/2022 - 17/06/2022).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; AMORY-MAZAUDIER , Christine; MATUTE , A; YASYUKEVICH , Yury; , G Lu; , OS Bolaji; , EA Ariyibi; CHUKWUMA , Anoruo; , OE Jimoh; SHAH , munawar; , Binod Adhikari; , PM Mehta; , L Yuan; , N Maruyama; , TT Ayorinde; OWOLABI , Charles; , A Olabode; ."Coupling processes between Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, and Thermosphere". Ponencia (x). Internacional. "Magnetic Interactions 2022". (06/01/2022 - 07/01/2022).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; ."Build Geodetic Space Weather Research: Coupling Processes Between Magnetosphere, Thermosphere and Ionosphere". Conferencia. Internacional. "Seventh International Conference on Aerospace Science Engineering 2021". "(Pakistán)". (14/12/2021 - 16/12/2021).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; MOLINA , Iñigo; ."Monitoring land surface properties with Galileo Reflectometry". Conferencia. Internacional. "United Nations / Austria World Space Forum 2021 'Space4Climate Action'". "(Austria)". (07/12/2021 - 09/12/2021).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; , M Blossfeld; , M Schmidt; , K Borger; , E Forootan; , F Prol; , B Soja; ."GGOS Focus Area on Geodetic Space Weather Research - Observation Techniques and Modeling Approaches". Congreso. Internacional. "AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts". (09/12/2019 - 13/12/2019).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; JIN , Shuanggen; ."Upper Atmospheric Characterization through Neutral and Electron Density Observables". Internacional. "IUGG 2019 General Assembly". "(Canadá)". (08/07/2019 - 18/07/2019).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; JIN , Shuanggen; ."Thermospheric mass density perturbations due to Space Weather from LEO GPS POD and accelerometer". Congreso. Internacional. "Workshop on Smart Navigation and Applications and Annual Meeting of Jiangsu Engineering Center for Navigation". "(China)". (11/01/2019 - 13/01/2019).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; JIN , Shuanggen; MATSUO , Tomoko; ."Modeling of Thermospheric Neutral Density Variations in Response to Geomagnetic Forcing using GRACE Accelerometer Data". Congreso. Internacional. "2017 Fall Meeting". (11/12/2017 - 15/12/2017).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; JIN , Shuanggen; ."Long-term variations of thermospheric air mass density derived from GRACE accelerometers". Congreso. Internacional. "Proceeding of Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium". "(China)". (08/08/2016 - 11/08/2016).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; JIN , Shuanggen; ."Thermospheric mass density variations during the March 2015 geomagnetic storm from GRACE accelerometers". Internacional. "(China)". (08/08/2016 - 11/08/2016).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; LI , Du; JIN , Shuanggen; ZHENG , Guoxin; ."Evaluation of 3-D ionospheric tomography from denser GNSS array observations in Japan". Internacional. "Proceeding of Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS2016)". "(China)". (08/08/2016 - 11/08/2016).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; JIN , Shuanggen; ."Variations of thermospheric air mass density derived from GRACE accelerations and GPS POD". Conferencia. Internacional. "The 1st International Conference on GNSS+ (ICG+2016)". Shanghai "(China)". (27/07/2016 - 30/07/2016).
  • CALABIA AIBAR, Andrés; GOMEZ , M; BENAVIDES , G; ."Validación de un modelo basado en Técnicas de Evaluación Multicriterio y SIG a partir de análisis de incertidumbre". Congreso. Internacional. "Proceeding of XV National Congress of Geographical Information Technologies". (20/09/2012 - 21/09/2012).


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