Derecho y especialidades jurídicas
Departamento de Ciencias Jurídicas
Unidad Docente de Derecho Público
Área de Derecho Internacional Público y Relaciones Internacionales
Facultad de Derecho
2009-2010 (RD 1393/2007)
One academic year full-time
Classroom-based learning
Spanish and English
Level 3 leading to the title of Master's Degree. Level 3 (Master's) of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES) corresponds to level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), in accordance with the provisions of the Royal Decree 22/2015, of 23rd January (BOE 07/02/2015).
This is not a degree title qualifying with ministerial approval for the exercise of regulated professional activities.
Academic Coordination:
Dra. Laura Aragonés Molina
Academic and External Placement coordination:
Dr. Francisco Pascual Vives
Quality coordination :
Dra. Isabel Garrido Gómez
Dr. Carlos Jiménez Piernas
Dra. María Isabel Garrido Gómez
Dr. Francisco Pascual Vives
Dra. Laura Esperanza Aragonés Molina
Dr. José Fernando Lozano Contreras
Dña. M. Adela Saíz Rodriguez (PAS)
Dra. Laura Aragonés Molina
Facultad de Derecho
Tlf.: +34 91 885 68 69
Fax: +34 885 43 14
Administrative issues:
The goals of this Master's degree are in line with the stipulates of the Spanish Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (MECES) and ensure the achievement of the basic competencies required to obtain a master's degree, following article 3.3, Appendix I of R.D. 1393/2007.
Fulfilment of the goals means students have achieved competencies that must be consistent with the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, with the principles of equal opportunities and universal accessibility for the disabled, and with the values proper to a democratic and peace-loving culture.
Perfil de ingreso
Se recomienda que en el Máster en Protección Internacional de los Derechos Humanos se matriculen esencialmente licenciados o graduados en Derecho y en otras ciencias sociales.
Criterios de admisión
La Comisión Académica del Máster valorará las solicitudes presentadas para cursar el estudio atendiendo al siguiente orden de preferencias:
Fees: 1st matriculation: nationals and residents:4.025 €; non-EU non-residents: 6.020 € second year (approximate information).
Beginning of classes: September 2024
Course 2024-25
The period of face-to-face classes will take place from September to February (The exam date will take place from January to February) at the Faculty of Law of the University of Alcalá. Classes will be held intensively in the afternoons. At the beginning of the course, students will receive a detailed schedule of the period of face-to-face classes.
Facultad de Derecho
Aula 21
C/ Libreros 27
28801. Alcalá de Henares
Installations, services and plans
(Computer rooms, bibliographic resources, libraries, study rooms...):
Dr. Carlos Jiménez Piernas
Dra. María Isabel Garrido Gómez
Dr. Francisco Pascual Vives
Dra. Laura Esperanza Aragonés Molina
Dr. Fernando Lozano Contreras
Dña M. Adela Saiz Rodriguez (PAS)
Un representante de estudiantes