Space Research and Astrobiology (D443)

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This document sets out the context of the proposal for an Official Doctorate Degree in Space Research and Astrobiology, proposed by the Space Research Group (SRG-UAH) of the Departments of Physics & Mathematics and Computer Engineering of the University of Alcalá together with the Centre for Astrobiology (CAB) of the INTA-CSIC, according to the regulatory framework of RD 99/2011.

This Doctoral Program has the following lines of Research that will be described in more detail in the Teaching Staff section:

  • Space Technology
  • Heliosphere Physics
  • Astrobiology

The proposed program has its first origins in the previous Doctoral Programs “Computer Architecture and Signal Processing Techniques Applied to Telecommunications”, jointly taught by the Computer Engineering and Signal Theory and Communications Departments of the University of Alcalá and the “Mathematics and Physics” program jointly taught by the Departments of Mathematics and Physics, both since 1999. These doctoral programs were widely accepted, which is reflected in the number of students enrolled and the number of doctoral theses read, with a very high percentage of students from other universities. Of these theses read, ten were specifically on topics of Space Science and Technology. Subsequently, and in accordance with decree 56/05, the Official Postgraduate Program in Space Research was launched, associated with the Official Master's Degree in Science and Technology from Space. The most innovative aspect of this modification is the inclusion of the INTA-CSIC Astrobiology Center as a proponent, together with the SRG-UAH group and the Space Meteorology group (SWE). With this new proposal for an Official Doctorate Degree, the aim is to “Training high-level researchers, capable of providing new ideas and solutions in the Space field, the exploration of other celestial objects, and the investigation of the origin, evolution and distribution of life in the Universe ”. The general objectives pursued are the following:

  • Establish an ideal framework for the innovation and production of relevant scientific advances, which lead to the completion of doctoral theses of high scientific quality.
  • Offer rigorous third cycle training for new researchers and organize research teams that can successfully face the challenge of expanding knowledge in the field of Space and Astrobiological science and technology.
  • Collaborate in the training of university teaching staff, with special emphasis on teaching staff research training.
  • Improve the professional, scientific and technical development of university graduates, with a special interest in the improvement of Research, Development and Innovation activities related to the field of Space and Astrobiology.

The main aspects that justify the need for the program are the following:

  • Social demand: The Autonomous Community of Madrid concentrates a large number of companies whose activity is focused on the Space field. The training of research personnel who can contribute to the development of these companies is important. In this sense, the participating research groups maintain contacts with companies in the sector, which have led to many collaborations in research projects. Collaboration with these companies has allowed some doctoral students to enjoy research grants linked to signed contracts.
  • At the international level, the active Spanish participation in the European Space Agency (ESA) should be highlighted, which includes many topics that are closely related to the research lines of this doctoral program.
  • Experience of the group of researchers making the proposal: The departments of Computer Engineering and Physics & Mathematics of the University of Alcalá and the Center for Astrobiology have extensive experience in Space research.

At the university level, and within the SRG-UAH and SWE groups, the Department of Physics and Mathematics has a greater scientific character, while the Department of Computer Engineering has it technological, this allows combining the long tradition in research in Sun-Earth interactions of the first, with the technological capacity of the second. The collaboration between the Physics and Computer Engineering group, which ultimately gave rise to the creation of the SRG-UAH group, began with the participation in the SOHO satellite. In this project SRG-UAH was responsible for the Central Data Processing Unit (CDPU) of the CEPAC instrument. From that moment on, SRG-UAH has actively participated in projects such as FuegoSat (flight control and software platform), the PESCA instrument for particle detection or Exomars, where the group ported the navigation software developed by the CNES to a LEON2 platform. SRG-UAH also maintains a continuous collaboration with the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA), in the development of flight hardware and software in the NANOSAT and MICROSAT programs. The group has lead the development of the instrument that is measuring solar energetic particles (EPD) aboard the Solar Orbiter mission of ESA and NASA. One of the members of SRG-UAH is the Principal Investigator of this instrument. Also noteworthy is the start-up of a Neutron Monitor by the SRG-UAH group. The Castilla-La Mancha Neutron Monitor (CaLMa) is the first to be installed in Spain and its mission is to permanently measure the extraterrestrial radiation that reaches the ground. It is integrated into the NMDB (Neutron Monitor Database). Finally, the group is carrying out the pertinent tests for the installation of a solar radio telescope in Peralejos de las Truchas (Guadalajara) within the international Callisto network (e-callisto) whose main objective will be to observe the traces in radio waves left behind by the most energetic disturbances in the solar atmosphere.

The SWE research group is an expert in studying the influence of solar activity on the earth's environment through the joint analysis of the three parts of the chain in the Sun-Earth interaction: solar, interplanetary and magnetospheric. This gives the group a strong interdisciplinary character of basic science but capable of transferring it through the design and development of warning and forecast Space meteorology products aimed at different types of end user, among which are critical structures such as electrical networks or communications. Since its set up in December 2014, the SWE group has been responsible for the National Space Meteorology Service (SeNMEs,, providing the country with capacities to respond to the problems that Spanish critical infrastructures may face during geomagnetic storms. Furthermore, several of its Space weather products are currently also being supplied through ESA's portal ( On the other hand, the Center for Astrobiology (CAB) is an international reference center in the field of Astrobiology. Located on the INTA campus in Torrejón de Ardoz, the CAB's transdisciplinary environment allows theoretical, experimental and observational engineers and scientists from various fields to collaborate with each other to systematize the sequence of events that took place since the Big Bang and the origin and the evolution of life. CAB biologists, geologists, physicists, engineers and chemists from different specialties work together to try to give answers to some of the most basic questions of the natural world: how do habitable worlds form and how do they evolve? How do living systems emerge? Can life exist in other worlds apart from Earth? Is life a consequence of the evolution of the universe? To this end, scientists and engineers at the Center for Astrobiology direct and / or are involved in important Space research and planetary exploration projects, such as the REMS (Rover Environmental Monitoring Station) Space instrument, an instrument on board NASA's Curiosity vehicle, which is currently characterizing the habitable environment of the Martian crater Gale, the RLS instrument (Raman Laser Spectrometer, Raman spectrometer that is part of the next ESA mission for the exploration of Mars raman-laser-spectrometer-instrument), the OMC camera (Optical Monitoring Camera, aboard ESA's INTEGRAL satellite), the MIRI instrument (Mid Infra-red Instrument, instrument of the James Webb Space Telescope), the PLATO mission (Planetary Transits and Oscillations of stars, from ESA / Plato), the SAFARI instrument (Spica Far Infra-red Instrument, from the Space Infra-red Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics of the Japanese Space Agency, JAXA), to mention some of the most important that are in the operation or development phase.

Likewise, the CAB actively participates in the development of the new generation of instruments that will be eligible to form part of future Space missions, whether they are orbiters or surface systems. Examples of this are the SOLID instrument (Signs of Life Detector), for the detection of biomolecules using the LDChip450 biosensor, or systems developed under the protection of European projects (FP7) or National Plans.

In addition to the participation of scientists and engineers in projects of this nature, other projects are also developed in the CAB that, without having a technological development with associated spatial orientation, contribute to a greater understanding and deepening of the knowledge derived from the aforementioned questions.

It is also important to mention the great experience of CAB scientists in the development of scientific campaigns in environments of astrobiological interest, such as Antarctica (in collaboration with the UAH), Arctic permafrost, salt flats of the Atacama and Tunisia desert, deep mines of South Africa, hydrothermal systems of New Zealand and Iceland, Rio Tinto, among others.

In addition to what is indicated in point 2, the following sections must be completed, if applicable:


- Novel titles

Except for the previous doctoral programs proposed by the SRG-UAH group of the University of Alcalá, at the time of writing this document, there is no doctorate with the profile proposed here in the rest of the Spanish universities. You can find studies and doctorates in astrophysics and some studies, although without a doctorate, in technological topics related to Space research. For example, in Madrid we can find the Master in Space Technology of the UPM (without a doctorate) and the Postgraduate Program in Satellite Communications (which addresses specific aspects and does not offer a doctorate either). At present, only two universities in the world grant the degree of doctor in Astrobiology: The University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) and the Pennsylvania State University. For these reasons, the research groups Space Research Group (SRG-UAH), Space Meteorology (SWE) and the INTA-CSIC Astrobiology research group propose and endorse the research lines included in this proposal. Strategically, both for SRG-UAH and SWE and for INTA-CSIC, a collaboration in a doctoral program such as the one proposed will allow us to reinforce our collaboration and improve the training of future doctors that will culminate in the reading of their doctoral theses.

For the University of Alcalá, given the proximity of INTA and the Astrobiology Center, as well as the presence of several companies from the Space sector in the Community of Madrid and more specifically in the Corredor del Henares and Guadalajara, this doctoral program has an interest special since it will allow the training of researchers in Space and Astrobiology to continue. Over the last few years there has been a growing interest from companies in the sector to collaborate on research issues, as well as the incorporation of new doctors in their staff.


- Full-time and part-time students

For new admission places, up to 50% will be allocated to part-time students. Based on experience with the profiles of students interested in carrying out their doctoral studies in our program, we find that many of them work, so part-time dedication is justified. In order that part-time students can acquire the appropriate skills, a schedule of activities compatible with the work they develop will be proposed. Along these lines, we have already been working on the Master of Science and Technology from Space, with adequate results.

This program is integrated into the Doctoral School of the University of Alcalá, created by Order 11375/2012, of October 29, (BOCM 11-10-2012) for the organization and management of doctoral studies at the University, of the activities inherent to the training and development of doctoral students, and other activities consistent with the University's research and innovation strategy.



  1. Systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of research skills and methods related to that field.
  2. Ability to conceive, design or create, put into practice and adopt a substantial process of research or creation.
  3. Ability to contribute to the expansion of the frontiers of knowledge through original research.
  4. Ability to carry out a critical analysis and evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas.
  5. Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society in general about their fields of knowledge in the ways and languages commonly used in their international scientific community.
  6. Ability to promote, in academic and professional contexts, scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural advancement within a knowledge-based society.



  1. Developing in contexts in which there is little specific information.
  2. Finding the key questions to answer to solve a complex problem.
  3. Design, create, develop and undertake novel and innovative projects in their field of knowledge.
  4. Work both as a team and independently in an international or multidisciplinary context.
  5. Integrate knowledge, face complexity



CB11. Systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of research skills and methods related to that field.

The evaluation of this competence will be carried out by the Director at the moment in which the doctoral student finishes the part of his thesis report in which he describes the current situation of his line of research (State of the Art) and has its approval.

CB12. Ability to conceive, design or create, put into practice and adopt a substantial process of research or creation.

This competence may be evaluated as acquired by the Director or by the Tutor, when the doctoral student has participated in the preparation or development of a research project that leads to obtaining a doctorate degree.

CB13. Ability to contribute to the expansion of the frontiers of knowledge through original research.

This competence will be considered acquired when the Director of the Thesis considers that the research carried out by the doctoral student can be considered concluded and that he is in a position to translate it into his doctoral thesis report in order to defend it.

CB14. Ability to carry out a critical analysis and evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas.

This competence will be considered achieved by the Director of the thesis at the time the description of the working hypotheses of the Doctoral thesis is terminated, as well as the objectives pursued with it.

CB15. Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society in general about their fields of knowledge in the ways and languages ¿¿commonly used in their international scientific community.

This competence will be achieved when the doctoral student has defended a research work in a congress not organized by the University of Alcalá and when he has carried out an activity to disseminate his field of research. The dissemination activity can be specific (a conference open to the public or the development of an activity presented in the framework of the Science Week or similar) or sustained over time (creation of an informative blog on aspects related to your area of investigation). There may be similar activities, such as participation in popular magazines, etc., that may be considered by the Director or the tutor to consider this competence reached.

CB16. Ability to promote, in academic and professional contexts, scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural advancement within a knowledge-based society.

This competence will be considered achieved under one of the following circumstances: A publication of the doctoral student, related to his doctoral thesis, is cited by external researchers; the doctoral student participates in obtaining a patent; the doctoral student actively participates in an R + D + i contract under Art. 83 of the LOU; any other event that shows that the work carried out by the doctoral student is useful for another group, both researchers and businesses.



CA01. Developing in contexts in which there is little specific information.

Together with the CB11, the evaluation of this capacity will be carried out by the Director at the moment in which the doctoral student completes the part of his thesis report in which he describes the current situation of his line of research (State of the Art ), and have your approval.

CA02. Finding the key questions to answer to solve a complex problem.

Together with CB14, this capacity will be considered achieved by the Director of the thesis at the time the description of the working hypotheses of the Doctoral thesis is terminated, as well as the objectives that are pursued with it.

CA03. Design, create, develop and undertake novel and innovative projects in their field of knowledge.

Together with the CB12, this capacity may be evaluated as acquired by the Director or the Tutor, when the doctoral student has actively participated in the preparation of a research project proposal with competitive funding. Likewise, it may be understood that this competence has been acquired if the doctoral student participates actively and substantially in the preparation of a proposal for an external entity that has concluded in the form of an R + D + i contract under Art 83 of the LOU. Likewise, it may be achieved if the doctoral student actively participates in the creation of a technology-based company related to their field of research.

CA04. Work both as a team and independently in an international or multidisciplinary context.

This capacity will be considered achieved if the doctoral student carries out a stay of at least 3 months in a public or private research center, outside the University of Alcalá. Likewise, participation in projects with public funding, provided that in the activities in which he has collaborated he has done so with several people, can be considered to estimate this capacity as achieved.

CA05. Integrate knowledge, face complexity and formulate judgments with limited information.

Together with the CB13, this capacity is demonstrated when the Director of the Thesis considers that the research carried out by the doctoral student can be considered concluded and that he is in a position to translate it into his Doctoral thesis report to proceed with its defense.

CA06. The criticism and intellectual defense of solutions.

This capacity will be considered obtained when the doctoral student has been able to face successfully, in the opinion of the tutor or the director, in public debates about their research work. These debates can take place among others, in the question phase after an oral presentation in a congress, defending a Poster in a specific session, or after participating in a round table related to your research topic.

Student profile

Recommended admission profile

The students of the proposed program must have extensive knowledge in the scientific and technical fields related to Space and Astrobiology, especially in at least one of the topics close to the research lines of this doctoral program. A solid training in at least one of the following areas is essential: astronomy and astrophysics, space weather, astrobiology, aerospace technology or space instrumentation, if possible complemented with knowledge of hardware and software together with a good level of English, especially in reading, but also oral and written. Likewise, they must have the ability to synthesize knowledge of a certain discipline, be able to critically evaluate data drawing conclusions, and apply analytical and critical sense creatively in a way that allows them to generate new ideas in the research field of the program.

Additional training courses

Aquellas personas que posean un título oficial español de Graduado o Graduada, cuya duración, conforme a normas de derecho comunitario, sea de al menos 300 créditos ECTS, deben obligatoriamente cursar una serie de complementos de formación, dependiendo del título de graduado que posean. Para aquellas personas con títulos de graduado en alguna ingeniería o carrera científica (Física, Química o Matemáticas), los complementos de formación consistirán en, al menos, 12 créditos ECTS de asignaturas de Máster en el ámbito de las líneas de investigación de los departamentos de Física y Matemáticas y Automática de la Universidad de Alcalá y del Centro de Astrobiología INTA-CSIC. En el caso de graduados en otras disciplinas, los complementos de formación consistirán en, al menos, 18 créditos ECTS de asignaturas de Máster en el ámbito de las líneas de investigación de los departamentos de Física y Matemáticas y Automática de la Universidad de Alcalá y del Centro de Astrobiología INTA-CSIC

Access requirements

1. Con carácter general, para el acceso a un programa de doctorado será necesario estar en posesión de los títulos oficiales españoles de Grado, o equivalente, y de Máster Universitario, o equivalente, siempre que se hayan superado, al menos, 300 créditos ECTS en el conjunto de estas dos enseñanzas.

2. Asimismo podrán acceder quienes se encuentren en alguno de los siguientes supuestos.


Admission criteria

Para ser admitido, se tendrán en cuenta dos componentes: los criterios de admisión y el requisito del aval de una investigadora o un investigador de la Universidad de Alcalá.

El procedimiento y los criterios y requisitos de admisión serán los mismos para estudiantes a tiempo completo y a tiempo parcial.

Criterios de admisión

Los estudiantes serán priorizados de acuerdo con los criterios que se especifican a continuación. Para ser admitido, será necesario obtener, al menos, 50 puntos como resultado de sumar las puntuaciones del conjunto de los criterios.

Criterio 1. Expediente académico (hasta 70 puntos). La puntuación resultará de multiplicar la media en base 10 por 7.

  • La nota media del expediente académico se calculará teniendo en cuenta la totalidad de los estudios realizados para completar los requisitos para el acceso a las enseñanzas de doctorado, incluidos todos los créditos o asignaturas superados, no solo los requeridos.

    Se calcularán separadamente la nota media de grado o titulación equivalente (que denotaremos por X_1) y la nota media de máster (que denotaremos por X_2), ambas con dos decimales. En cada caso se multiplicará el número de créditos de cada asignatura por la calificación obtenida, y posteriormente la suma de los productos de todas las asignaturas se dividirá por la suma total de los créditos.

    La nota media final se obtendrá (también con dos decimales) como la media ponderada por el número de créditos entre la nota media obtenida en el grado y la nota media obtenida en el máster. Es decir, será el resultado de (X_1*G + X_2*M)/(G+M) donde G denota el número de créditos realizados en el Grado, y M denota el número de créditos realizados en el Master.
  • Para el caso de estudiantes que no hayan realizado estudios de máster, pero sí cursos de doctorado en programas en extinción regulados por el Real Decreto 778/98 de 30 de abril, y que hayan obtenido el título de DEA (Diploma de Estudios Avanzados), se obtendrá una nota equivalente a la media del máster a partir de las notas de dichos cursos de doctorado.
  • Las notas medias de los títulos obtenidos en enseñanzas cursadas en dos o más universidades deberán contener la totalidad de asignaturas y créditos superados, con la correspondiente puntuación. Las asignaturas convalidadas tendrán la equivalencia en puntos correspondiente a la calificación obtenida en el centro de procedencia; para las asignaturas adaptadas se computará la calificación obtenida en el centro de procedencia y el reconocimiento de créditos en que no exista calificación o que correspondan a actividades formativas no integradas en el plan de estudios no se tendrán en cuenta a efectos del cálculo de la nota media, de conformidad con lo establecido en el Real Decreto 1044/2003, de 1 de agosto, y Real Decreto 1125/2003, de 5 de septiembre.
  • En el caso de estudios realizados parcial o totalmente en sistemas universitarios extranjeros adaptados al EEES, la nota media se realizará sobre la totalidad de los estudios de Grado o titulación equivalente. En el caso de que el número de créditos del Grado sea inferior a 240 créditos ECTS, la nota media se realizará sobre dichos estudios más la totalidad de los créditos superados en el máster, que deberán ser un mínimo de 300 créditos en el conjunto de ambos estudios.
  • En el caso de estudios realizados parcial o totalmente en sistemas universitarios extranjeros no adaptados al EEES, la nota media se realizará sobre la totalidad de los estudios completados para la obtención del título, aplicando las equivalencias correspondientes a la ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias españolas.
  • En el caso de las notas medias de estudios realizados en el extranjero, tanto si estuvieran homologados o no, se estará a lo dispuesto en la Resolución de 16 de julio de 2008, de la Dirección General de Universidades, por la que se establece el criterio a aplicar para el cálculo de la nota media de los expedientes académicos de los estudiantes con título extranjero homologado.

Criterio 2. Conocimientos de idioma inglés (hasta 15 puntos). La máxima puntuación podrá ser obtenida acreditando poseer el nivel C1, superior, o también, si la legua materna del estudiante es el inglés, o si ha cursado sus estudios universitarios en dicha lengua. Se podrán obtener hasta 10 puntos al acreditar un nivel B2 y hasta 5 puntos al acreditar un nivel B1 de la lengua extranjera arriba indicada. En todos los casos, la acreditación del nivel de lengua extranjera se hará mediante presentación de un certificado oficial, de acuerdo con la tabla que figura en el siguiente enlace

Criterio 3. Podrán obtenerse hasta 15 puntos adicionales por los siguientes méritos: Producción científica del candidato (autoría de publicaciones o documentos científico-técnicos, participación en congresos), estancias Erasmus, SICUE-Séneca o similares, cursos de especialización recibidos fuera de las enseñanzas oficiales universitarias, y experiencia profesional previa relacionada con la temática del programa de doctorado.

También podrán tenerse en cuenta hasta dos cartas de recomendación redactadas por profesores universitarios, investigadores y, excepcionalmente, profesionales que hayan tenido relación con el candidato y hayan participado en su formación académica o profesional. 

La Comisión Académica podrá entrevistar al candidato o la candidata para esclarecer cualquiera de las actividades reflejadas en la documentación aportada, así como solicitar la información académica, investigadora o profesional complementaria que considerase oportuna para su posible ingreso en el programa de doctorado. De igual modo, podrá entrar en comunicación directa con las y los autores de las cartas de recomendación al objeto de recabar más información sobre el candidato o la candidata.

Aval de un investigador de la UAH

Para completar el proceso de admisión, la Comisión Académica requerirá el aval de una investigadora o un investigador de la Universidad de Alcalá con acreditada experiencia investigadora, que dirija la tesis doctoral o, que, en colaboración con una investigadora o un investigador externo que ejerza la dirección, tutorice la formación doctoral de la o del estudiante. 

Procedimientos de admisión para estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales derivadas de la discapacidad.

Los estudiantes con discapacidad reciben atención específica a través de la Unidad de Integración y Coordinación de Políticas de Discapacidad de la Universidad de Alcalá (UICPD). Esta unidad es un servicio especializado de apoyo y asesoramiento que tiene por objeto el impulso, desarrollo, coordinación y evaluación de todas aquellas actuaciones adoptadas en y desde la UAH que favorezcan la plena inclusión de las personas con diversidad funcional en el ámbito universitario. Esta Unidad atiende de manera personal e individualizada a los alumnos con discapacidad que se ponen en contacto con ella y les apoya, asesora e informar de cualquier necesidad o duda que tengan. Todos los servicios que se prestan se pueden consultar en la siguiente dirección web

Entre los procedimientos recogidos cabe destacar los siguientes documentos:

  • Protocolo de Actuación en la Atención a Personas con Discapacidad que tiene por objeto precisar y acelerar los pasos a seguir en la atención a estudiantes con discapacidad de la Universidad de Alcalá siendo su finalidad servir como herramienta de orientación, tanto a los estudiantes con discapacidad, como al resto del personal universitario.
  • Plan de Acogida a los estudiantes con discapacidad de la Universidad de Alcalá que pretende la consecución de una integración plena en el seno de la vida universitaria.
  • Guía de recursos para estudiantes con discapacidad.



Academic Committee

Línea de Tecnología Espacial

  • Manuel Prieto Mateo. T.U. Dpto. de Automática, UAH.
  • Sebastián Sánchez Prieto. C. U. Dpto. de Automática, UAH. 
  • Óscar Rodríguez Polo, T. U. Dpto. de Automática, UAH (Coordinador del Programa)

Línea de Física de la Heliosfera

  • Juan José Blanco Ávalos. C.U. Dpto. de Física y Matemáticas, UAH
  • Javier Rodríguez-Pacheco Martín. C.U. Dpto. de Física y Matemáticas, UAH 
  • Raúl Gómez Herrero, T.U. Dpto. de Física y Matemáticas, UAH

Línea de Astrobiología

  • Felipe Gómez Gómez. Investigador CAB/INTA-CSIC
  • José Antonio Rodríguez Manfredi. Investigador CAB/INTA-CSIC (Secretario del Programa)
  • Eva Mateo Martí. Centro de Astrobiología

Research teams and research lines



Cargas útiles científicas en vehículos espaciales, instrumentación espacial, misiones espaciales, microsatélites, planificación y seguimiento automático, robots autónomos, software embarcado en vehículos espaciales.


  • Rodríguez Moreno,María Dolores.Universidad de Alcalá.
  • Rull Pérez,Fernando. Universidad de Valladolid-CSIC. Centro de Astrobiología.
  • Sánchez Prieto,Sebastián. Universidad de Alcalá.

Investigadores participantes:

  • Fernández Barrero, David. Universidad de Alcalá.
  • Gómez Plaza, Mariano. Soticol Robotics Systems.
  • Martínez Hellín, Agustín. Universidad de Alcalá.
  • Prieto Mateo, Manuel. Universidad de Alcalá.
  • Rodríguez Polo, Óscar. Universidad de Alcalá.



Partículas Energéticas Solares, Astrofísica desde el espacio, análisis e interpretación de datos espaciales, Heliosfera, interacción Sol-Tierra, medio interplanetario, meteorología espacial, rayos cósmicos, simulación de fenómenos físicos en el espacio.


  • Martínez Pillet,Valentín, Instituto Astrofísico de Canarias. 
  • Saiz Villanueva,Elena. Universidad de Alcalá. 
  • Sanahuja Parera,Blai. Universidad de Barcelona. 

Investigadores participantes:

  • Blanco Ávalos, Juan José. Universidad de Alcalá.
  • Cerrato Montalbán, Yolanda. Universidad de Alcalá.
  • Cid Tortuero, Consuelo. Universidad de Alcalá.
  • Gómez Herrero, Raúl. Universidad de Alcalá.
  • Rodríguez-Pacheco Martín, Javier. Universidad de Alcalá.




  • Amils Pibernat,Ricardo. Centro de Astrobiología. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
  • Martínez Frías,Jesús. Centro de Astrobiología. CSIC. 
  • Más Hesse,José Miguel.  Centro de Astrobiología. CSIC.  

Investigadores participantes:

  • Briones Llorente, Carlos. Centro de Astrobiología. CSIC. 
  • Cid Sánchez, Cristina.Centro de Astrobiología. CSIC.  
  • Gómez Gómez, Felipe. Centro de Astrobiología. 
  • González Pastor, José Eduardo. Centro de Astrobiología. 
  • Mateo Martí, Eva. Centro de Astrobiología. INTA.
  • Parro García, Víctor. Centro de Astrobiología. 
  • Rodríguez Manfredi, José Antonio. Centro de Astrobiología. INTA.
  • Ruiz Bermejo, Marta. Centro de Astrobiología. INTA.
  • Sebastián Martínez, Eduardo. Centro de Astrobiología. INTA.

Thesis tutor and supervisor assignment by the Academic Committee

    • Una vez admitido en el Programa de Doctorado, la correspondiente Comisión Académica asignará a cada doctorando un Tutor doctor con acreditada experiencia investigadora, vinculado a la Escuela de Doctorado que organiza el Programa.


    • La Comisión Académica, oído el doctorando, podrá modificar el nombramiento del Tutor del mismo en cualquier momento del periodo de realización del doctorado, siempre que concurran razones justificadas.


    • Una vez admitido, la Comisión Académica responsable del Programa asignará a cada doctorando un Director de Tesis que podrá ser coincidente o no con el Tutor al que se refiere el apartado anterior. Dicha asignación podrá recaer sobre cualquier doctor español o extranjero, con experiencia acreditada investigadora, con independencia de la universidad, centro o institución en que preste sus servicios.

      La Tesis podrá ser codirigida por otros doctores cuando concurran razones de índole académico, como puede ser el caso de la interdisciplinariedad temática o los programas desarrollados en colaboración nacional o internacional, previa autorización de la Comisión Académica del Programa de Doctorado. Dicha autorización podrá ser revocada con posterioridad si, a juicio de la Comisión Académica, la codirección no beneficia el desarrollo de la Tesis. En caso de que se considere la participación de tres o más codirectores, se deberá pedir autorización a la Comisión de Estudios Oficiales de Posgrado.


    • El Director de una Tesis Doctoral será el máximo responsable de la coherencia e idoneidad de las actividades de formación, del impacto y novedad en su campo de la temática de la Tesis Doctoral y de la guía en la planificación y su adecuación, en su caso, a los de otros proyectos y actividades donde se inscriba el doctorando.

      El Director de una Tesis Doctoral deberá contar con una acreditada experiencia investigadora; en caso de que haya codirectores, esta cualificación solo será requerida a uno de ellos.


    • A efectos de la acreditación de la experiencia investigadora mencionada en este Reglamento, se valorarán, entre otros, los siguientes criterios alternativos: dirección de proyectos de investigación, participación en proyectos de investigación, dirección de tesis doctorales y publicaciones, considerando en todo caso que la condición se satisface cuando se acredite, como mínimo, un sexenio obtenido en los últimos diez años.


  • La Comisión Académica, oído el doctorando, podrá modificar el nombramiento de Director de Tesis del mismo en cualquier momento del periodo de realización del doctorado, siempre que concurran razones justificadas.


Research lines

Lines of investigation

  1. Space technology, scientific payloads in space vehicles, space instrumentation, space missions, microsatellites, automatic planning and tracking, autonomous robots, software embedded in space vehicles.
  2. Solar Energy Particles, Astrophysics from space, analysis and interpretation of spatial data, Heliosphere, Sun-Earth interaction, interplanetary medium, space weather, cosmic rays, simulation of physical phenomena in space.
  3. Astrobiology


Cross-curricular activities

A la vista de las competencias básicas y generales, la Universidad de Alcalá desarrollará una serie de actividades formativas coordinadas por la Escuela de Doctorado, en colaboración con los coordinadores de los programas.

Serán válidas para todos los programas. Normalmente serán organizadas por la Escuela de Doctorado, aunque podrán aprovecharse las iniciativas que haya activas en distintos departamentos. La Comisión Permanente de la Escuela de Doctorado será la responsable de su coordinación.

La Escuela de Doctorado de la Universidad de Alcalá garantizará que cada curso académico se impartan un mínimo de 6 actividades formativas transversales, todas ellas de carácter optativo, durante los 3 años que dura el periodo de investigación, a tiempo completo, o los 5 años que dura a tiempo parcial.

Estas actividades persiguen desarrollar algunas de las competencias y capacidades personales que se describen en el RD 99/2011. En todo caso, estas actividades no serán la única vía para alcanzar esas competencias: el trabajo personal del doctorando, bajo la dirección de su Director y su Tutor, también servirán para ello.


a) Datos básicos.

La Escuela de Doctorado ofertará anualmente un conjunto de seminarios que persiguen que los investigadores en formación puedan ir adquiriendo determinadas competencias a lo largo de su periodo doctoral. Estos seminarios se podrán impartir en castellano o en inglés.
Tendrá carácter optativo.

-Nº de horas: Entre 30 y 150 horas aproximadamente. Se ofertarán un mínimo de 5 al año, y durarán entre 1 y 5 días a tiempo completo o parcial. Con preferencia se deberán cursar durante el primer o segundo año de los estudios de doctorado.

-Detalle y planificación de las actividades.

  • El marco de la investigación científica: Bases filosóficas, generación y contraste de hipótesis, lógica de la investigación, paradigmas del método científico, etc. Contribuye a alcanzar la competencia CB14.
  • Presentación oral de trabajos de investigación: tesis doctoral, seminarios, congresos. Contribuye a alcanzar la competencia CB15.
  • Presentación escrita: artículos, informes, tesis doctorales. Contribuye a alcanzar la competencia CB15.
  • Búsqueda y gestión de recursos bibliográficos, catálogos, programas de gestión bibliográfica. Contribuye a alcanzar la competencia CA01.
  • Aspectos éticos en la investigación: tutoría y plagio, trabajo en equipo, investigación con material biológico-humano. Contribuye a alcanzar la competencia CA06.
  • Preparación de proyectos y contratos: búsqueda de recursos para la investigación. Contribuye a alcanzar la competencia CB12.
  • La comunicación científica en los medios de opinión: blogs, radio, televisión, redes sociales. Contribuye a alcanzar la competencia CB15.
  • Dinámica de grupos: técnicas de trabajo en equipo. Contribuye a alcanzar la competencia CA04.
  • Fotografía científica: presentación de resultados. Contribuye a alcanzar la competencia CB15.
  • Creación de empresas de base tecnológica, autoempleo, patentes. Contribuye a alcanzar la competencia CA03.
  • Recursos cooperativos en internet. Contribuye a alcanzar la competencia CB15.

b) Detalle de procedimientos de control.

Para el control de las actividades se solicitará al doctorando la realización de un informe descriptivo y valorativo de la actividad en la que ha participado.
El objetivo de los seminarios no es que el estudiante adquiera las competencias en el momento de su realización, sino que esté en disposición de adquirirlas, probablemente con cierta práctica, a lo largo de su periodo de investigación. Por este motivo, la consecución de las competencias será evaluada por el director y el tutor a lo largo de este periodo.Debe tenerse en cuenta que estás competencias se pueden obtener por otros medios a lo largo del desarrollo de la tesis doctoral.

c) Actuaciones de movilidad.

La Escuela de Doctorado, teniendo en cuenta el presupuesto asignado, convocará, de manera anual, bolsas de viaje, con objeto que los doctorandos puedan, por un lado, asistir a Congresos, Seminarios, Jornadas, etc, y por otro, que puedan realizar estancias de investigación en instituciones y/o empresas o Prácticas en Empresas relacionadas con su ámbito de investigación.

De la misma manera, la UAH, dentro de su Plan de Incentivación a la Investigación, del Programa Propio del Vicerrectorado de Investigación, realizará las siguientes actuaciones:

  • Ayudas de Bolsas de Viaje para la presentación de ponencias, comunicaciones o posters en Congresos Internacionales.

Por último, aquellos doctorandos que disfruten de Becas de FPU o FPI del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, tendrán la obligación de solicitar tanto las Bolsas de Viaje como las Ayudas de Movilidad asociadas a los respectivos programas.


Jornadas de jóvenes investigadores.

a) Datos básicos.

-Nº de horas: 15 horas cada Jornada. La Universidad de Alcalá organiza estas jornadas cada dos años. Asistirán tanto los alumnos a tiempo completo como a tiempo parcial.
Se deberán cursar durante el segundo o tercer año de los estudios de doctorado. En estas Jornadas podrá haber presentaciones en castellano o en inglés.
Tendrá carácter optativo.

-Detalle y planificación de las actividades.
La Universidad de Alcalá viene celebrando desde hace varios años unas jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores en las que los doctorandos presentan el avance de sus trabajos ante sus propios compañeros y profesores de la Universidad. En 2012 se han celebrado las IV jornadas, que, hasta la fecha, se desarrollan con carácter bienal. Contribuye a alcanzar las competencias CB15 y CA06.

b) Detalle de procedimientos de control.

El control de esta actividad se realizará mediante la valoración de los trabajos de los doctorandos presentados durante estas Jornadas. En relación con las Jornadas señaladas, las competencias a las que se hace referencia serán evaluadas por el director y tutor a lo largo de la duración del periodo de investigación. Debe tenerse en cuenta que estás competencias se pueden obtener por otros medios a lo largo del desarrollo de la tesis doctoral.

c) Actuaciones de movilidad.

En alguna ocasión, estas jornadas pueden ser organizadas de manera conjunta con otras universidades, tanto de nuestro entorno más cercano (la Comunidad de Madrid) como del resto del Estado o de cualquier país. En ese caso se facilitará la participación y se convocarán becas de viaje que permitan la asistencia de los doctorandos a las jornadas que se celebren fuera de la Comunidad de Madrid.

La Escuela de Doctorado, teniendo en cuenta el presupuesto asignado, convocará, de manera anual, bolsas de viaje, con objeto que los doctorandos puedan, por un lado, asistir a Congresos, Seminarios, Jornadas, etc, y por otro, que puedan realizar estancias de investigación en instituciones y/o empresas o Prácticas en Empresas relacionadas con su ámbito de investigación.


Estancias de investigación en empresas o instituciones.

a) Datos básicos

-Nº de horas: Entre 140 y 420 horas, por lo tanto, se indicará una media de 210 horas. Entre 4 y 12 semanas, a tiempo completo y a tiempo parcial.

Los estudiantes a tiempo completo deberán realizar esta actividad, preferentemente, durante el segundo o tercer año de los estudios de doctorado. Los estudiantes a tiempo parcial deberán de realizar esta actividad, preferentemente, durante el cuarto o quinto año de los estudios de doctorado. Esta actividad se podrá realizar en castellano o en inglés, dependiendo de la empresa en la que se desarrollen.

Tendrá carácter optativo.

-Detalle y planificación de las actividades.

Con el objetivo de que los doctorandos puedan comprender mejor el funcionamiento del mundo empresarial, se ofrecerán estancias de investigación en empresas o instituciones que tengan departamentos de investigación, de entre 4 y 12 semanas, con aquellas entidades con las que se firmen convenios.

En este momento la UAH tiene más de 400 convenios firmados con empresas en el ámbito de posgrado y unas 2500 en el ámbito del grado. El objetivo de estas estancias, a diferencia de las prácticas en empresa que se realizan en Grado o Master, es que el investigador en formación comprenda el funcionamiento de un departamento de investigación de una empresa del sector en el que está desarrollando su Tesis Doctoral, y que pueda incorporar métodos de investigación provenientes del mundo empresarial al desarrollo de su investigación. Contribuye a alcanzar las competencias CA03, CA4 y CB12.

b) Detalle de procedimientos de control.

Al término del periodo de estancia, el doctorando deberá presentar una Memoria de Estancia de Investigación que recogerá de modo significativo y estructurado, los resultados de sus experiencias y de su proceso de aprendizaje, así como reflexiones y aportaciones personales a partir de la experiencia. Por otro lado, para la valoración de esta actividad, se tendrá también en cuenta el informe que emita el tutor de la empresa o institución que se haya hecho cargo de la supervisión de la estancia.

Las competencias serán evaluadas por el tutor del doctorando y por el Director de la Tesis, quienes tendrán en cuenta la Memoria de Estancia de Investigación y el informe del tutor de la empresa.

Debe tenerse en cuenta que estás competencias se pueden obtener por otros medios a lo largo del desarrollo de la tesis doctoral.

c) Actuaciones de movilidad.

En caso de que las estancias se realicen fuera de la Comunidad de Madrid, se procurará que la cuantía de la beca que pague la empresa sea suficiente para la manutención del estudiante. Consideramos muy relevante destacar la actividad de Estancias de Investigación en empresas o instituciones, siguiendo el modelo que existe en otros países de nuestro entorno.

La Escuela de Doctorado, teniendo en cuenta el presupuesto asignado, convocará, de manera anual, bolsas de viaje, con objeto que los doctorandos puedan, por un lado, asistir a Congresos, Seminarios, Jornadas, etc, y por otro, que puedan realizar estancias de investigación en instituciones y/o empresas relacionadas con su ámbito de investigación.


Specific activities

Regular seminars

a) Basic data:

Number of hours: between 20 and 40h.

Language: the teaching language will be English or Spanish depending on the origin of the researcher or researchers who develop the seminar.

The student must participate a minimum of 20 hours in these activities and they will be compatible with part-time students. These activities will be developed preferably in the first two years of the research phase for full-time students and during the first three years for part-time students.

- Detail and planning of activities

Each doctoral program may include presentations by external researchers, or the research progress of the different doctoral students in the program, so that you can benefit from the suggestions of the different researchers-doctoral students in the program.

The Astrobiology Center has been implementing since its inception a program of weekly seminars and conferences not only with a training objective, but also with a spirit of gathering and sharing of ideas and results. This program is an ideal breeding ground for new ideas and / or projects. The nature of these seminars and conferences is very varied, according to all the disciplines that are part of the field of Astrobiology, resulting in an ideal training complement for doctoral students. In the case of the SRG-UAH group, every year we have been giving a minimum of 10 conferences related to the Space field.

b) Detail of control procedures

The evaluation of the training activities will be carried out by the teacher or teachers responsible for your organization. In the case of courses-seminars, the group in charge of organizing the teaching would establish a clear evaluation procedure, which will be published at the same time as the announcement of each activity, preferably through practical work or written exercises.

c) Mobility actions

Some activities may coincide with other training activities proposed by other universities, both in our closest environment (the Community of Madrid) and in the rest of the State or any country. In that case, specific agreements will be developed that allow the activities to be carried out, each university maintaining control over its doctoral students.


Attendance at specific congresses on Space and Astrobiology.

a) Basic data:

Number of hours: a minimum of 12 hours, depending on the celebration of the congress.

Language: it will depend on whether it is a national or international congress.

It is considered that at least one student must attend two conferences during their training. For full-time students, participation is recommended during the second and especially third year of their training. For part-time students it is recommended to do it during the fourth and fifth years.

- Detail and planning of activities

Attendance at conferences and public presentation of the research work carried out.

b) Detail of control procedures

The evaluation of the training activities will be carried out indirectly by the professor or professors responsible for their organization from the review of the work presented and evaluated by the conference reviewers.

c) Mobility actions

Seminars, Conferences, etc., and on the other, that they can carry out research stays in institutions and / or companies or Internships in Companies related to their field of research.

In the same way, the UAH, within its Research Incentive Plan, of the Vice-Rectorate for Research's Own Program, will carry out the following actions:

  • Mobility grants for Research Personnel in Training to encourage the completion of stays, from 1 to 3 months, in foreign centers of recognized prestige, preferably within the European Research Area, in order to improve their training and the development of their thesis doctoral.
  • Mobility grants for teaching staff and research staff. For short stays, of up to two months, in foreign research centers, preferably within the EEI.
  • Travel Bag Aid. For the presentation of papers, communications or posters in International Congresses.

Those doctoral students who enjoy FPU or FPI Scholarships from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, will have the obligation to request both the Travel Bags and the Mobility Aids associated with the respective programs.

Finally, the program itself may finance aid that will depend on the budget assigned to it.


Mobility: Research stays at prestigious international universities, organizations or institutions

One of the UAH's priority commitments is the internationalization of its studies, with special emphasis on doctoral studies. This work is supported by more than 600 agreements signed with international institutions. One of the parameters that can show greater internationalization visibility is the reading of Doctoral Theses with International mention derived from collaborations with Universities, Organizations or International Institutions of recognized prestige.

a) Basic data:

  • Number of hours: between 420 to 1050 hours. From 3 to 6 months (to be carried out once during the investigation period).
  • Language: the language in which it will be taught: Spanish or English.
  • Contributes to achieving the competencies: CB11, CB12, CB13, CB 14, CB 15 and CB16 CA02, CA03, CA04, CA05 and CA06.

Full-time students should carry out this activity, preferably, during the second or third year of doctoral studies. Part-time students should carry out this activity, preferably, during the fourth or fifth year of doctoral studies.

- Detail and planning of activities

Carrying out research tasks that are part of the development of the PhD candidate's Doctoral Thesis in other research centers, preferably abroad. Through this training activity, it is intended that the doctoral student learns to work within another research team under the direction of an external Researcher, allowing him in turn to come into contact with other technologies and scientific equipment different or not available in his laboratory of origin. This training activity will also allow to carry out a transfer of knowledge to the origin research team. Likewise, this activity will allow the doctoral student to obtain the mention "International Doctor" as provided in article 15 of Royal Decree 99/2011 of January 28.

b) Detail of control procedures

The evaluation of this training activity will be carried out by the Academic Committee of the Doctorate Program taking into account the documentation presented (summary of the activity carried out with the approval of the Director and thesis Tutor, and certificate of attendance signed by the host center) sent by the doctoral student for the annual evaluation of the Research Plan and the Document of Activities carried out.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the evaluation of this activity will include a brief public presentation in English on the results obtained during the stay in a forum made up of all the students of the Doctorate program.

c) Mobility actions

The doctoral students will be advised by the Thesis Director in choosing a Research Center of recognized national prestige or, preferably abroad, in order to promote the Doctorate with International Mention. The incorporation of the Doctoral student to the corresponding Research Center will be facilitated by requesting the Mobility Grants to which the Doctoral Program has access. The Doctoral School, taking into account the allocated budget, will convene, annually, travel packages, in order that doctoral students can carry out research stays in institutions and / or companies or Internships in Companies related to their field of research. In the same way, the UAH, within its Research Incentive Plan, of the Vice-Rector's Office for Research Program, will carry out the following actions: Mobility grants for Research Staff in Training to encourage stays, from 1 to 3 months, in prestigious foreign centers, preferably within the European Research Area, in order to improve their training and the development of their doctoral thesis.

Mobility grants for teaching staff and research staff. For short stays, of up to two months, in foreign research centers, preferably within the EEI. Finally, those doctoral students who enjoy FPU or FPI Scholarships from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, will have the obligation to request both the Travel Bags and the Mobility Aids associated with the respective programs. In those programs that may have a Mention towards Excellence, doctoral candidates may be offered the additional possibility of participating in the calls for grants to carry out research stays that are convened annually for this type of program.

The academic and research institutions with which the doctoral program in Space Research and Astrobiology has relations are those indicated below. All of them can act as recipient entities of our students in their training process. In fact, we have already had stays in all the indicated places, by students or researchers.

  • NASA
  • ESA
  • JPL
  • Kiel University
  • Turku University
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Berkeley University
  • York University
  • Arizona State University

Requisitos para la presentación de la Tesis Doctoral

Thesis Defense

Requirements for the presentation of the Doctoral Thesis

The processing and defense of the Doctoral Thesis can not be carried out until the following academic year from the formalization of the enrollment of the doctoral student as a student of the Doctoral Program in which he will defend his Thesis, having to mediate between the enrollment date and the deposit date at least twelve months. Within this period, the student must have obtained a positive evaluation in the terms described in article 4 of the Regulations for the Preparation, authorization and defense of the Doctoral Thesis.

The doctoral student, once the preparation of the Doctoral Thesis has been completed, will present it for approval, together with the favorable report of the Director or Directors of Thesis, to the Academic Committee of each Program.


Tesis por compendio de artículos

Thesis by compendium of articles

Article 5.4 of the Regulations for the preparation, authorization and defense of the doctoral thesis of the University of Alcalá establishes that, if the Academic Committee of the Program authorizes it, the Doctoral Thesis may be carried out by means of the compendium of articles by the doctoral student in prestigious publications. The minimum number of articles will be three. The Thesis must include, in addition to the articles, a comprehensive summary that is consistent with the research as a whole, in which the argument line of the same is shown, as well as a chapter with conclusions. Publications of recognized prestige are understood to be those used to obtain research supplements (six-year terms) in the field in which the research is carried out.

The Doctoral Program in Space Research and Astrobiology accepts the presentation of doctoral theses by compendium of articles with the considerations collected in the following points:

  1. The Doctoral Theses per compendium will be based on a number of three articles published or accepted for publication.
  2. At least one of the articles must be signed first by the doctoral student.
    1. The other co-authors of each article must give their explicit consent for the article to form part of a Doctoral Thesis by compendium of articles.
    2. ii) The other non-doctoral co-authors must expressly declare that said article will not be used to be presented in their respective Doctoral Theses.
  3. Of the three articles, at least two of them must appear among the first two quartiles of the scientific area of the publication.
  4. Regarding the quality of the publications, it will be as specified in the criteria of the CNEAI of the field, only publications with a rigorous and effective evaluation process will be considered acceptable, understanding as such those that are They are indexed in the Journal of Citation Reports or SCOPUS.
  5. The Academic Committee will assess and may apply any possible exception to this regulation.

Guide for the preparation and defense of the Doctoral Thesis


Material resources and services

PDIEA Web English Material resources and services

Material resources and services

The Physics and Mathematics Department and the Automatic Department are located on the external Campus of the University of Alcalá, specifically in the Science Building and in the Polytechnic School, while the Astrobiology Center (CAB) is located on the Institute's campus. National Aerospace Technique (INTA), in Torrejón de Ardoz. The proximity between both venues allows a balanced and fluid communication.

The infrastructures available both in the Science Building and in the Polytechnic School of the UAH are modern and with an excellent endowment in terms of research resources. The following infrastructure is available for the development of the doctoral program:

  • Classrooms and seminars with modern audiovisual media.
  • Seven (7) research laboratories and twelve (12) teaching laboratories.
  • Virtual classroom: telematics infrastructure for e-learning and remote monitoring / work.
  • UAH Library with access to a large number of documents in various formats. In addition, access is offered to a large virtual collection of electronic books, electronic journals, 98 databases and numerous documents resulting from the research activity in the open access institutional repository e-BUAH. The UAH library also has modern equipment, more than 500 PCs for public use (including 150 laptops for loan) and numerous technological equipment, Wi-Fi, remote access (VPN), self-checkout machines, graphing calculators and various equipment for the reproduction of documents. The UAH Library is part of “MADROÑO” (Consortium of Universities of the Community of Madrid and of the UNED for Library Cooperation) and “REBIUN” (Network of Spanish University Libraries).

Regarding the Astrobiology Center (CAB), among its recently created facilities it has:

  • Ten (10) laboratories and specialized units or services, equipped with the latest technologies, from Advanced Computing to Extremophilia, through Molecular Ecology, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Robotics and Planetary Exploration, Planetary Geology, Molecular Evolution, Molecular Astrophysics, the Sequencing and Genomics Unit, and the Robotic Telescope Network.
  • A library for consultation and with connection to the entire bibliographic network of the CSIC and INTA.
  • Two seminar rooms and a classroom for theoretical classes and / or scientific dissertations.
  • Three large areas equipped for work group meetings.
  • Telematics infrastructure for e-learning and remote monitoring / work.
  • Access to the infrastructures and resources of INTA, as well as to the resources placed at the service of the training program of this institution.
  • Likewise, the CAB is connected via the latest generation Internet with other research centers in the world and with the NAI, participating simultaneously in new scientific and technological advances. This offers the possibility to hold regular teleconferences and videoconferences with different global research institutes and networks.

All this infrastructure is essential for the proper development of the Doctoral Program.

Ways of financing / aid for doctoral students

To attend congresses, seminars, conferences and scientific meetings, as well as stays abroad, the proposed Doctorate Program has several financing channels: travel bags granted by the UAH; own funds of research groups through research projects and contracts; mobility aids associated with scholarships (FPI, FPU); mobility programs of the Ministry, the Autonomous Communities, the European Union, or the UAH and international mobility programs such as Erasmus. Finally, the program itself may finance aid that will depend on the budget assigned to it.

More information in:


Collaboration with public institutions

Las instituciones académicas y de investigación con los que el programa de doctorado en Investigación Espacial y Astrobiología mantiene relaciones son las que se indican a seguidamente. Todas ellas pueden actuar como entidades destinatarias de nuestros estudiantes en su proceso de formación. De hecho, ya se han producido estancias en todos los lugares indicados, por parte de estudiantes o de investigadores.

Antecedentes del programa

Doctor en Programa Oficial de Posgrado en Investigación espacial. Plan del RD 56/2005

Doctorado en Investigación Espacial. Plan del RD 1393/2007

Doctoral theses defended in previous programs

Research projects and contracts

Documentos de los procesos de calidad

Quality guarantee system

Quality committee

El Sistema de Garantía de Calidad incluye el conjunto de estructuras responsables de tomar decisiones para evaluar y mejorar la calidad, los procedimientos para fijar objetivos (criterios/directrices de calidad), la manera en que se mide (indicadores) y los planes de trabajo en los que se apoya.

Una subcomisión, de la Comisión Académica del Programa de Doctorado será la responsable del SGC del Programa, y estará compuesta por:

  • Oscar Rodríguez Polo (Coordinador del Programa)
  • José Antonio Rodríguez Manfredi (Representante de las líneas de investigación)
  • Ignacio García Tejedor (Estudiante del Programa)


Código de buenas prácticas

Encuestas de satisfacción de Estudiantes

Encuestas de satisfacción de Personal Docente e Investigador

Encuestas de satisfacción de PTGAS

Encuestas de satisfacción de doctores egresados

Seguimiento de los doctores egresados


Oscar Rodríguez Polo

Correo Electrónico


Doctor/a por la Universidad de Alcalá

Nº de plazas




Folleto informativo