Computational Law and Artificial Intelligence

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Find out more about our Official Courses

The University of Alcalá offers courses leading to official university degrees valid all over Spain and where applicable, throughout the territory of the European Union.

In its official studies, the University of Alcalá promotes training that is balanced in theoretical and practical aspects, promoting freedom of opinion, based on a command of content to grasp the scientific, technical or artistic methods needed to achieve the social return on the public resources invested in the training process in productive activity of future graduates.

These studies include Undergraduate Degrees, Master's Degrees and Doctorates courses.


Official Studies


Máster de Formación Permanente en Computational Law and Artificial Intelligence

Ficha técnica

Código del plan de estudios


Ámbitos del conocimiento

Ingeniería informática y de sistemas

Universidades participantes

Universidad de Alcalá



José Ignacio Olmeda Martos                    


   José Ignacio Olmeda Martos

   Escuela Politécnica

   Teléfono: 918856674



   José Ignacio Olmeda Martos                                918856674

Objetivos formativos

  • Understand the foundational concepts of Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Blockchain and other technological tools which may help in the legal tasks.
  • Understand the regulation that surrounds the application of such techniques.
  • Understand the biases and other problems that may hinder a successful application of these techniques.

Competencias a adquirir

  1. Understanding of the foundations of tools such as machine learning, blockchain and other related technologies
  2. Understanding of the potential applications of these techniques to the legal area
  3. Understanding of the regulation that surrounds the application of these techniques.
  4. Understanding ethical aspects such as unbiasedness, fairness, accountability, etc. when implementing these systems
  5. Understand the prospects of the legal industry due to technological evolution.
  6. Understand why systems must be developed from a human-centered perspective.

Público al que va dirigido

Lawyers and other professionals interested on understanding the foundations and practical uses of artificial Intelligence and related tools in the legal area.

Plan de estudios



Modalidad de enseñanza


Periodo de impartición

Fechas Previstas Inicio-Fin: Noviembre 2024-Octubre 2025

Lugar de impartición


Horario de impartición

Recursos disponibles en cualquier momento del día (en línea)

Plazo de preinscripción

Consultar con el contacto

Lugar de preinscripción

Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá

Departamento de formación

C/ Mayor, 50 28801 Alcalá de Henares

Teléfono: 91.879.74.30 Fax: 91.879.74.55


Requisitos generales de acceso

Documentación a presentar

Número de plazas


Plazo de matrícula

Consultar con el contacto


Importe del estudio

Precio por crédito: 98,33€

Este importe no incluye precios por servicios administrativos y seguro de accidentes.

Forma de pago



La convocatoria y adjudicación de las becas correrá a cargo de la dirección académica del estudio. El 10% de los ingresos de este estudio serán destinados a becas.