Departamento de Systems Biology
Management team
Director/a del Departamento de Biología de Sistemas
José Antonio López García - C.U. de Fisiología
Subdirector/a del Departamento de Biología de Sistemas
Ana María Bajo Chueca - C.U. de Bioquímia y Biología Molecular
Secretario/a del Departamento de Biología de Sistemas
Laura Muñoz Moreno - T.U. de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular
Knowledge Areas
- Physiology
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Teaching units
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Physiology
Research groups
- Cancer Drug Resistance Bases moleculares de la resistencia en cáncer
- Bioespectrometría y metabolómica
- Tumor Biomarkers Researh Group
- Daño celular asociado a senescencia Cell damage associated with senescence
- Farmacogenómica del Cáncer/Cancer Pharmacogenomic
- Fisiopatología de los sistemas cardiovascular, renal y nervioso
- Investigación traslacional de las enfermedades crónicas asociadas al envejecimiento y la enfermedad renal
- Mecanismo de acción de moléculas con actividad biológica
- Quinasas y fosfatasas en cáncer
- Neurofisiología del sistema visual y del sistema motor
- Química Biológica Biological Chemistry
Teaching and researcher staff
- Pharmacogenomics (200621)
- Basic Tools and Concepts in Research (200866)
- Methods in the Design and Selection of Biologically Active Molecules (200620)
- Experimental Methods in Cell Signalling (201766)
- Molecules and Pathways Involved in Cell Signalling (201764)
- Professional Internships in Companies Or Research Groups (201767)
- Cellular Processes Mediated By Signalling Pathways and Main Alterations (201765)
- Master'S Dissertation (201768)
- Transfer and Management of Biomedical Research (200871)
- Update On the Diagnosis and Treatment of Ocular Surface Disease (202114)
- Update in Choroidal Pathology (202113)
- Advances in the Treatment of Amd (202116)
- Advances in Anti-glaucomatous Therapy (202115)
- Neurophysiological Basis of VIsual Perception (202139)
- Biomaterials in Ocular Therapeutics (202117)
- Anterior Segment Surgery and Quality of VIsion (202118)
- Basics of Research (202105)
- Foundations of VIsion (202104)
- Physical Foundations of Ophthalmic Instrumentation (202131)
- Ocular Immunology (202119)
- Applied Research of Retinal Pathologies (202120)
- Basic and Clinical Research in Advanced Orthokeratology (202121)
- Uveal Melanoma: Clinical and Basic Research (202122)
- Neurobiological Research Methodology in the VIsual System (202106)
- Modeling of VIsual Processing (202132)
- Experimental Models of the VIsual System Research (202107)
- Visual Basic Neurophysiology (202140)
- Visual Clinical Neurophysiology (202141)
- New Techniques For Diagnosing Glaucoma (202108)
- Applied Optics (202133)
- Advanced VIsual Optics (202134)
- Visual Optics and Biophotonics: Practical Aspects of Laboratory to Clinical Applications Interesting (202109)
- Role of Glia in VIsual Function: Clinical Implications (202142)
- Principles of Ocular Aberrometry (202135)
- Ophthalmic Images Processing (202136)
- Basic Laboratory Techniques Applied to Eye Research I (202110)
- Basic Laboratory Techniques Applied to Eye Research II (202111)
- Master'S Dissertation (202147)
- Master'S Dissertation (202287)
- Master'S Dissertation (202290)
- Master'S Dissertation (202289)
- Master'S Dissertation (202288)
- Tissue Transplantation in Ocular Surface (202124)
Facultad de Medicina y CC. de la Salud Nacional II, Km. 33,600 28805 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
Telephone:918854513 Fax:918854585