Departamento de Legal Sciences
Management team
Director/a del Departamento de Ciencias Jurídicas
Mónica Arenas Ramiro - Prof. Contratado/a Doctor/a de Derecho Constitucional
Subdirector/a del Departamento de Ciencias Jurídicas
José Fernando Lozano Contreras - Prof. Contratado/a Doctor/a de Dº Internac Público y RR.II.
Secretario/a del Departamento de Ciencias Jurídicas
María Victoria Jiménez Martínez - Prof. Contratado/a Doctor/a de Derecho Civil
Knowledge Areas
- Political and Administration Sciences
- Administrative Law
- Civil Law
- Constitutional Law
- Ecclesiastical State Law
- Finance and Tax Law
- International Private Law
- International Public Law and International Relations
- Trade Law
- Criminal Law
- Procedural Law
- Roman Law
- Labour and Social Security Law
- Philosophy of Law
- History of Law
Teaching units
- Private Law
- Public Law
- Foundations of Law and Criminal Law
Research groups
- Ciencias de la Antigüedad en Alcalá THE ANCIENT WORLD AT ALCALÁ
- Derecho Internacional Público, Derecho de la Unión Europea y Derecho Internacional Económico
- Derecho de los Negocios y de los Mercados Financieros
- Derecho, digitalización e innovación tecnológica: transformaciones jurídicas y cambio social
- Discapacidad, enfermedad crónica y accesibilidad a los derechos - Disability, chronic condition and access to rights
- Diversidad, Discapacidad e Inclusión Social y Educativa-Diversity, Disability and Social and Educational Inclusion.
- Estudios por la Libertad. Studies for the Libertarian.
- Estándares laborales y comercio global
- Globalización, relaciones transfronterizas y derecho comparado / Globalization, cross border relations and comparative law
- Grupo de Investigación sobre Derecho público, fundamentos, económico y procesal. Research Group on public law, fundamentals of law, economic and procedural law.
- Grupo de investigación sobre igualdad de género
- Investigación avanzada en derecho de sociedades y mercado de valores
- Los derechos fundamentales en España y en Europa
- Sociedad, Derecho y Religión. Society, Law and Religion.
Teaching and researcher staff
- Administrative Law (400016)
- Civil Law I (Obligations and Contracts) (400004)
- Civil Law II (Right in Rem) (400008)
- Civil Law III (Family Law and Inheritance Law) (400024)
- Constitutional Law (400000)
- European Union Law (400012)
- Labour and Social Security Law (400017)
- State Ecclesiastical Law (400005)
- Public Finance and Tax Law I (General Part) (400018)
- Financial and Tax Law II (Special Part) (400020)
- Private International Law (400021)
- Public International Law (400010)
- Business Law I (400013)
- Business Law II (400022)
- Criminal Law I (General Part) (400014)
- Criminal Law II (Special Part) (400019)
- Procedural Law I (400011)
- Procedural Law II (400023)
- Fundamental Rights and Constitutional Justice (400009)
- Philosophy of Law (400007)
- Introduction to Administrative Law (400015)
- Introduction to Civil Law (400003)
- Degree Final Project (400026)
- Arbitration and Mediation (100196)
- Clínica Legal (400081)
- Right to Education and Freedom of Teaching (100195)
- Administrative Law (400016)
- Civil Law I (Obligations and Contracts) (400004)
- Civil Law II (Right in Rem) (400008)
- Civil Law III (Family Law and Inheritance Law) (400024)
- Insolvency Law and Corporate Restructuring (400079)
- Constitutional Law (400000)
- International Family Law (100164)
- Industrial Property Law (400066)
- Social Security Law (400036)
- European Union Law (400012)
- International Business Law (400080)
- Land, Urban Planning and Environmental Regulation (400047)
- Labour and Social Security Law (400017)
- State Ecclesiastical Law (400005)
- Public Finance and Tax Law I (General Part) (400018)
- Financial and Tax Law II (Special Part) (400020)
- Property Law (400032)
- International Labour Law (400077)
- Private International Law (400021)
- Public International Law (400010)
- International and European Human Rights Law (400041)
- Business Law I (400013)
- Business Law II (400022)
- Criminal Law I (General Part) (400014)
- Criminal Law II (Special Part) (400019)
- Prison Law (400068)
- Procedural Law I (400011)
- Procedural Law II (400023)
- Roman Law (400001)
- Trade Union Law (400037)
- Fundamental Rights and Constitutional Justice (400009)
- Social Rights and Antidiscrimination Protection (100292)
- Civil Law in Rome (400062)
- Philosophy of Law (400007)
- Classical Foundations of the European and Ibero-american Legal Systems (100291)
- History of Spanish Law (400002)
- Legal History of the European Movement (400042)
- Introduction to Administrative Law (400015)
- Introduction to Civil Law (400003)
- Religious Freedom in Europe (400044)
- Nationality and Immigration (400039)
- Tax Procedures (400064)
- Seminar of Criminal Law in the Firm (400051)
- Degree Final Project (400026)
- Access to Employment and Professional Promotion (100049)
- Arbitration and Mediation (100196)
- Bioethics (100074)
- Right to Education and Freedom of Teaching (100195)
- International Family Law (100164)
- International Business Law (400080)
- International Labour Law (400077)
- Roman Law (400001)
- European Social Law (100153)
- The Christian Message (420042)
- Classical Foundations of the European and Ibero-american Legal Systems (100291)
- Effective Equality of Women and Men (100285)
- Legal Computer Science (400030)
- Introduction to the International Relationships and the European Union (100015)
- The Church, the Sacraments and Moral (420058)
- Nationality and Immigration (400039)
- Pedagogy of Teaching Religion to Children (420043)
- Religion, Culture and Values (420057)
- Social Responsabilities of the Companies and Corporations (100007)
- Free Legal Aid and In-court Representation (202273)
- The Professional Practice. Law Regime (202271)
- Strategies, Tools and Action Techniques (202274)
- Ethics and Professional Deontology (202272)
- Civil Jurisdiction (202283)
- Contentious-administrative Jurisdiction (202285)
- Criminal Jurisdiction (202284)
- Social Jurisdiction (202286)
- Administrative and Contentious-administrative Law Practice (202281)
- Civil Practice (201699)
- Constitutional Law Practice (202276)
- Fiscal Law Practice (202277)
- International and European Union Law Practice (202278)
- Labour Law Practice (202282)
- Commercial Law Practice (202279)
- Criminal Law Practice (202280)
- Procedural Law Practice (202275)
- External Internships I (201707)
- External Internships II (201708)
- Master'S Dissertation (201709)
- Advanced Administrative Law I (202689)
- Advanced Administrative Law II (202690)
- Disciplinary and Military Criminal Law (202692)
- Advanced Public International Law (202693)
- Operational Military Law (202694)
- Military Procedural Law (202691)
- General Military Training (202686)
- Gender and Armed Forces (202688)
- Oratory and Legal Litigation (202687)
- Internships (202695)
- Master'S Dissertation (202696)
- The Implementation of Human Rights in Domestic Law (201056)
- An Introduction to the Practice in Human Rights (201053)
- The Protection of Specific Human Rights (201057)
- Mechanisms For the Protection of Human Rights (201054)
- Legal Practice in Human Rights (201055)
- Internships in External Institutions (201058)
- Dissertation (201059)
Facultad de Derecho. C/ Libreros, 27 28801 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
Telephone:91 8854352/53/54