Departamento de Geology, Geography and Environment Science
Management team
Director/a del Departamento de Geología,Geografía y Medio Ambiente
Montserrat Gómez Delgado - T.U. de Geografía Humana
Subdirector/a del Departamento de Geología, Geografía y Medio Ambiente
Javier Gil Gil - T.U. de Estratigrafía
Secretario/a del Departamento de Geología, Geografía y Medio Ambiente
Silvina Magdalena Manrique null - Prof. Ayudante Doctor/a de Geodinámica Externa
Knowledge Areas
- Regional Geographic Analysis
- Didactics of Social Sciences
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Stratigraphy
- External Geodynamics
- Internal Geodynamics
- Physical Geography
- Human Geography
- Palaeontology
Teaching units
- Geography
- Geology
Research groups
- Agua, Clima y Medio Ambiente (Water, Climate and Environment)
- Arqueo-Paleontología de la Evolución Humana - Archaeo-Paleontology of the Human Evolution
- Bioacústica Evolutiva y Paleoantropología Evolutionary Bioacustics and Paleoanthropology
- CIARQ – Ciencias en la Arqueología: recursos innovadores en arquitectura, botánica, geología, medicina y química para recuperar el pasado
- Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales y Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica en el marco educativo - Didactics of Social Sciences and Geographic Information Technologies in the Educational Framework Research Group.
- Ecología y Restauración Forestal Forest Ecology and Restoration
- Grupo de Investigación en Salud Pública y Epidemiología
- Grupo de Investigación sobre Eco-innovación y Economía Circular. Research Group on Eco-innovation and Circular Economy.
- Ingeniería Química y Ambiental Chemical and Environmental Engineering
- Paleoambientes del Cuaternario y sus implicaciones climáticas Palaeoenvironments of the Quaternary and its climatic implications
- Paleontología Ibérica
- Sociedad y geografía del Mágreb/ Society and Geography of the Maghreb.
- Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica y Análisis Territorial Geographic Information Technologies and Territorial Analysis
- Teledetección Ambiental / Environmental Remote Sensing
Teaching and researcher staff
- Water, Environment and Health in Development Cooperation (671037)
- Life Cycle Analysis, Ecolabelling and Ecodesign (671027)
- Environmental Auditing (670019)
- Global Change (670024)
- Cities and Sustainability (671023)
- Rural Development (670027)
- Soil Science (670009)
- Environmental Impact Assessment: Practical Cases (671022)
- Environmental Impact Evaluation (671018)
- Geology (671002)
- Geology of Spain and Its Geodiversity (670048)
- Waste Management (670031)
- Management and Conservation of Abiotic Natural Resources (671020)
- Hydrogeology (671015)
- Hydrology (671009)
- Environmental Management in Organizations: Towards New Models (671024)
- Physical Environment and Land Planning (671016)
- Meteorology and Climatology (671007)
- Land Planning: Human Environment (671017)
- Organisation and Management of Projects (670022)
- Population, Territory and Environment (671005)
- Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards (670041)
- Energy Management System. Energy Audit (671026)
- Environmental Planning and Consulting Workshop (671028)
- Techniques Applied to Fieldwork (671013)
- Geographical Information Technology (671010)
- Solid Waste and Contaminated Soil Treatment Technologies (671038)
- Technologies For Water Treatment and Reuse (671036)
- Environmental Teledetection (671040)
- Teaching and Learning Geography in Upper Secondary Education (200986)
- Teaching and Learning Contemporary World History and Spanish History in Upper Secondary Education (200988)
- The Use of Geographic Information Technologies in the Teaching of Geography and History (202501)
- Innovation in Teaching and Introduction to Educational Research in Geography and History (200989)
- Teaching Practice (201344)
- Master'S Dissertation (201345)
- Learning Science (201412)
- Complementary Training in Biology and Geology (201433)
- Science Teaching I: Biology and Geology (201410)
- Science Teaching II: Biology and Geology (201411)
- The Use of Geographic Information Technologies in the Teaching of Geography and History (202501)
- Teaching Biology and Geology (201413)
- Innovation in Teaching and Introduction to Educational Research in Biology and Geology (201414)
- Teaching Practice (201415)
- Master'S Dissertation (201416)
- Sedimentary Environments and Biosedimentacion (202460)
- Evolution of Vertebrates (202463)
- Applied Micropaleontology (202461)
- Sampling and Analysis of Paleontological Data (202457)
- Origin and Diversification of Invertebrate (202462)
- Paleobotany and Palynology (202464)
- Paleoecology of Continental Environments and Paleoclimatology (202459)
- Paleontology in Civil Engineering (202467)
- Human Paleontology and Quaternary (202465)
- Paleontological Heritage and Management of Paleontological Materials (202466)
- External Practices (202468)
- Taphonomy and Biochronology (202458)
- Master'S Thesis (202469)
- Thematic Mapping (202165)
- Data Input, Modelling and Transformation (202167)
- Basics of Spatial Analysis and Reasoning (202168)
- Geovisualisation and Cartographic Communication (202170)
- Research Methods (202176)
- External Internships (202178)
- Procedures and Methods of Territorial Analysis With Geographical Information Systems (202174)
- Advanced Programming (202175)
- Monitoring and Modeling of Dynamic Processes (202173)
- Remote Sensing Data Acquisition Techniques (202171)
- Classification Techniques in Remote Sensing (202172)
- Remote Sensing (202166)
- Master'S Dissertation (202179)
Facultad de Ciencias - Sección Biología. Campus Científico Tecnológico, ctra. Madrid-Barcelona, 33,600. 28802 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
Telephone:91 885 44 29