Departamento de Education Sciences
Management team
Director/a del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación
Mirian Checa Romero - T.U. de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación
Subdirector/a del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación
Nuria Martin Romero - Prof. Permanente Laboral de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Edu
Secretario/a del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación
Marina Barba Dávalos - Prof. Ayudante Doctor/a de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical
Knowledge Areas
- Design
- Didactics for Body Language
- Didactics for Musical Expression
- Didactics for Plastic Expression
- Didactics and School Organisation
- Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education
- Music
- Developmental and Educational Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Theory and History of Education
Teaching units
- Didactics
- Educational Psychology
Research groups
- Comunidades de aprendizaje colaborativo y dialógico para transformar la práctica educativa. Collaborative and dialogical learning communities to transform educational practice.
- Diversidad, Discapacidad e Inclusión Social y Educativa-Diversity, Disability and Social and Educational Inclusion.
- Grupo de Investigación para el Desarrollo Humano, la Igualdad y la Inclusión Social. Research Group for Human Development, Equality and Social Inclusion
- Grupo de Investigación y difusión educativa en Universidad y Escuela. Research group and educative diffusion in University and Scool.
- Imagen, métrica y arquitectura
- Imágenes, Palabras e Ideas (Images, Words, ans Ideas)
- inclusión y mejora educativa: convivencia y aprendizaje cooperativo
- Innovación y Tecnología Educativa para el Desarrollo Humano. Innovation and Educational Technology for Human Development.
- Didáctica de la Educación Física
- Seminario Interdisciplinar de Estudios sobre Cultura Escrita
- Valoración del entrenamiento y de la competición en deportes colectivos UAH - Assessment of training and competition in team sports UAH
Teaching and researcher staff
- Didactics (470002)
- Physical Education and Its Teaching (470021)
- Vocal and Instrumental Training: Teaching Resources (470020)
- Psychological Foundations For Working With Diversity (470010)
- Educational Innovation: Contemporary Perspectives (470008)
- Plastic and VIsual Language (470016)
- Organization of Educational Institutions (470004)
- Educational Psychology (470006)
- Developmental Psychology (470003)
- Cooperative Learning As a Strategy For Inclusion (430043)
- Cooperative Learning As An Inclusion Strategy (420066)
- Art, Play and Creativity (420071)
- Attention to Diversity and Differentiation Curriculum (430042)
- Attention to Diversity and Curricular Differentiation (420062)
- Early Care: Fundamentals and Resources (420014)
- How to Listen to Music (430036)
- Physical Condition and Health in the Physical Education Classroom (430060)
- Motor Control and Motor Skills (430052)
- Development of Teaching Materials For the Primary Classroom (420060)
- Visual Culture in Education (430063)
- Pedagogical Diagnosis and Observation Techniques in Nursery Education Classroom (420005)
- Didactics (420001)
- Museum Education (430064)
- Physical Education and Its Teaching (430019)
- Inclusive Education: Principles and Foundations (420061)
- Inclusive Education: Principles and Basics (430030)
- Plastic and VIsual Language: Resources and Applications (430013)
- Sport Iniciation Teaching and Learning. Games and Sport Activities (430059)
- Historical Development and Contemporary Systems of Nursery Education (420002)
- Teaching Vocal and Instrumental Expressions (420065)
- Vocal and Instrumental Training: Teaching Resources (430003)
- Psychological Bases of Human Diversity: Understanding Individual Differences in Education (420010)
- Body Image, Perception, Expression and Communication (430058)
- Technological Resources and Interculturality (420067)
- Interculturality and Technology Resources (430044)
- Musical Creativity in the Primary Classroom (430037)
- Educational Innovation (420016)
- School Organization (420006)
- Psycho - Pedagogical Guidance and Intervention (420007)
- Contemporary Artistic Processes in Early Childhood Education (420070)
- Fostering Health and Healthy Habits (420074)
- Projects For Child Integral Expression (420026)
- Educational Psychology (420008)
- Developmental Psychology (420004)
- Psychology and Educational Contexts (420018)
- Child Psychomotricity (420024)
- Plastic and VIsual Arts in Nursery Education (420019)
- Early Care: Fundamentals and Resources (420014)
- Didactics (420001)
- Historical Development and Contemporary Systems of Nursery Education (420002)
- Educational Innovation (420016)
- School Organization (420006)
- Psycho - Pedagogical Guidance and Intervention (420007)
- Fostering Health and Healthy Habits (420074)
- Educational Psychology (420008)
- Developmental Psychology (420004)
- Psychology and Educational Contexts (420018)
- Child Psychomotricity (420024)
- Physical Activity For the Elderly (770035)
- Basic Physical Education and Motor Game (770021)
- Physical Activities and Sports Teaching II (770025)
- Body Expression and Dance (770016)
- Bodily Expression and Emotional Education (770052)
- Psychology of Physical Activity and Sports (770008)
- Theory and History of Sports (770004)
- Cooperative Learning As An Inclusion Strategy (420066)
- Art, Play and Creativity (420071)
- Plastic and VIsual Arts in Nursery Education (420019)
- Attention to Diversity and Curricular Differentiation (420062)
- Early Care: Fundamentals and Resources (420014)
- Communication and Sociocultural Media: Learning and Teaching (420000)
- Development of Teaching Materials For the Primary Classroom (420060)
- Pedagogical Diagnosis and Observation Techniques in Nursery Education Classroom (420005)
- Didactics (420001)
- Inclusive Education: Principles and Foundations (420061)
- Musical Play: Expression and Perception (420015)
- Historical Development and Contemporary Systems of Nursery Education (420002)
- Teaching Vocal and Instrumental Expressions (420065)
- Psychological Bases of Human Diversity: Understanding Individual Differences in Education (420010)
- Technological Resources and Interculturality (420067)
- Educational Innovation (420016)
- School Organization (420006)
- Psycho - Pedagogical Guidance and Intervention (420007)
- Contemporary Artistic Processes in Early Childhood Education (420070)
- Projects For Child Integral Expression (420026)
- Educational Psychology (420008)
- Developmental Psychology (420004)
- Psychology and Educational Contexts (420018)
- Child Psychomotricity (420024)
- Cooperative Learning As a Strategy For Inclusion (430043)
- Attention to Diversity and Differentiation Curriculum (430042)
- How to Listen to Music (430036)
- Physical Condition and Health in the Physical Education Classroom (430060)
- Motor Control and Motor Skills (430052)
- Visual Culture in Education (430063)
- Didactics (420001)
- Museum Education (430064)
- Physical Education and Its Teaching (430019)
- Inclusive Education: Principles and Basics (430030)
- Plastic and VIsual Language: Resources and Applications (430013)
- Sport Iniciation Teaching and Learning. Games and Sport Activities (430059)
- Vocal and Instrumental Training: Teaching Resources (430003)
- Psychological Bases of Human Diversity: Understanding Individual Differences in Education (420010)
- Body Image, Perception, Expression and Communication (430058)
- Interculturality and Technology Resources (430044)
- Musical Creativity in the Primary Classroom (430037)
- Educational Innovation: Contemporary Perspectives (430007)
- School Organization (420006)
- Educational Psychology (420008)
- Developmental Psychology (420004)
- Cooperative Learning As a Strategy For Inclusion (430043)
- Attention to Diversity and Differentiation Curriculum (430042)
- How to Listen to Music (430036)
- Physical Condition and Health in the Physical Education Classroom (430060)
- Motor Control and Motor Skills (430052)
- Visual Culture in Education (430063)
- Didactics (420001)
- Museum Education (430064)
- Physical Education and Its Teaching (430019)
- Inclusive Education: Principles and Basics (430030)
- Plastic and VIsual Language: Resources and Applications (430013)
- Sport Iniciation Teaching and Learning. Games and Sport Activities (430059)
- Vocal and Instrumental Training: Teaching Resources (430003)
- Psychological Bases of Human Diversity: Understanding Individual Differences in Education (420010)
- Body Image, Perception, Expression and Communication (430058)
- Interculturality and Technology Resources (430044)
- Musical Creativity in the Primary Classroom (430037)
- Educational Innovation: Contemporary Perspectives (430007)
- School Organization (420006)
- Educational Psychology (420008)
- Developmental Psychology (420004)
- Cooperative Learning As An Inclusion Strategy (420066)
- Cooperative Learning As a Strategy For Inclusion (430043)
- Attention to Diversity and Differentiation Curriculum (430042)
- Attention to Diversity and Curricular Differentiation (420062)
- How to Listen to Music (430036)
- Visual Culture in Education (430063)
- Museum Education (430064)
- Inclusive Education: Principles and Basics (430030)
- Inclusive Education: Principles and Foundations (420061)
- Technological Resources and Interculturality (420067)
- Interculturality and Technology Resources (430044)
- Musical Creativity in the Primary Classroom (430037)
- Learning and Development of the Self (200968)
- Addressing Diversity: Ordinary and Extraordinary Measures (200973)
- Innovation, Research and Educational Practice (200971)
- Introduction to Educational Research (201933)
- Principles of Social Psichology in Educationl (201934)
- Educational Processes and Contexts (200969)
- Society, Family and Education (200970)
- Workshop On Educational Robotics (202347)
- Relaxation Techniques Applied to Physical Education (201409)
- Mentoring and Counselling (200972)
- Learning and Development of the Self (200968)
- Addressing Diversity: Ordinary and Extraordinary Measures (200973)
- Complementary Training in Art and Design (201598)
- Innovation in Teaching and Introduction to Educational Research in Art and Design (201601)
- Innovation, Research and Educational Practice (200971)
- Introduction to Educational Research (201933)
- Materials and Methods For Teaching Drawing (201599)
- Planning and Assessment in Art and Design (201602)
- Organising Workshops in the Arts Classroom (201600)
- Teaching Practice (201604)
- Principles of Social Psichology in Educationl (201934)
- Educational Processes and Contexts (200969)
- Interdisciplinary Projects in Art and Design (201603)
- Society, Family and Education (200970)
- Workshop On Educational Robotics (202347)
- Relaxation Techniques Applied to Physical Education (201409)
- Master'S Dissertation (201605)
- Mentoring and Counselling (200972)
- Learning and Development of the Self (200968)
- Addressing Diversity: Ordinary and Extraordinary Measures (200973)
- Innovation, Research and Educational Practice (200971)
- Introduction to Educational Research (201933)
- Principles of Social Psichology in Educationl (201934)
- Educational Processes and Contexts (200969)
- Society, Family and Education (200970)
- Workshop On Educational Robotics (202347)
- Relaxation Techniques Applied to Physical Education (201409)
- Mentoring and Counselling (200972)
- Learning and Development of the Self (200968)
- Addressing Diversity: Ordinary and Extraordinary Measures (200973)
- Innovation, Research and Educational Practice (200971)
- Introduction to Educational Research (201933)
- Principles of Social Psichology in Educationl (201934)
- Educational Processes and Contexts (200969)
- Society, Family and Education (200970)
- Workshop On Educational Robotics (202347)
- Relaxation Techniques Applied to Physical Education (201409)
- Mentoring and Counselling (200972)
- Learning and Development of the Self (200968)
- Addressing Diversity: Ordinary and Extraordinary Measures (200973)
- Innovation, Research and Educational Practice (200971)
- Introduction to Educational Research (201933)
- Principles of Social Psichology in Educationl (201934)
- Educational Processes and Contexts (200969)
- Society, Family and Education (200970)
- Workshop On Educational Robotics (202347)
- Relaxation Techniques Applied to Physical Education (201409)
- Mentoring and Counselling (200972)
- Learning and Development of the Self (200968)
- Addressing Diversity: Ordinary and Extraordinary Measures (200973)
- Complementary Training in Physical Education (201425)
- Innovation, Research and Educational Practice (200971)
- Introduction to Educational Research (201933)
- Evaluation of Programmes and Diagnosis of Training Needs in Physical Education (201429)
- Intervention in the Emotional-cognitive and Motor-tonic Sphere (201428)
- Effective Planning of Teaching Physical Education (201426)
- Teaching Practice (201431)
- Principles of Social Psichology in Educationl (201934)
- Educational Processes and Contexts (200969)
- Society, Family and Education (200970)
- Workshop On Educational Robotics (202347)
- Relaxation Techniques Applied to Physical Education (201409)
- Master'S Dissertation (201432)
- Mentoring and Counselling (200972)
- Learning and Development of the Self (200968)
- Addressing Diversity: Ordinary and Extraordinary Measures (200973)
- Innovation, Research and Educational Practice (200971)
- Introduction to Educational Research (201933)
- Principles of Social Psichology in Educationl (201934)
- Educational Processes and Contexts (200969)
- Society, Family and Education (200970)
- Workshop On Educational Robotics (202347)
- Relaxation Techniques Applied to Physical Education (201409)
- Mentoring and Counselling (200972)
- Learning and Development of the Self (200968)
- Addressing Diversity: Ordinary and Extraordinary Measures (200973)
- Innovation, Research and Educational Practice (200971)
- Introduction to Educational Research (201933)
- Principles of Social Psichology in Educationl (201934)
- Educational Processes and Contexts (200969)
- Society, Family and Education (200970)
- Workshop On Educational Robotics (202347)
- Relaxation Techniques Applied to Physical Education (201409)
- Mentoring and Counselling (200972)
- Learning and Development of the Self (200968)
- Addressing Diversity: Ordinary and Extraordinary Measures (200973)
- Innovation, Research and Educational Practice (200971)
- Introduction to Educational Research (201933)
- Principles of Social Psichology in Educationl (201934)
- Educational Processes and Contexts (200969)
- Society, Family and Education (200970)
- Workshop On Educational Robotics (202347)
- Relaxation Techniques Applied to Physical Education (201409)
- Mentoring and Counselling (200972)
- Advise On Coexistence and School Conflict (201016)
- Addressing Diversity: Ordinary and Extraordinary Measures (200973)
- Development, Learning and Education (201750)
- Inclusive Education and Attention to Diversity (203094)
- Tutorship Support in Schools (201013)
- Innovation, Research and Educational Practice (200971)
- Introduction to Educational Research (201933)
- Educational Research and Innovation and Change Management (203095)
- The Processes of Educational Guidance and Educational Psychology Counselling (203093)
- Academic and Vocational Guidance (201014)
- Teaching Practice (201352)
- Principles of Social Psichology in Educationl (201934)
- Educational Processes and Contexts (200969)
- Society, Family and Education (200970)
- Workshop On Educational Robotics (202347)
- Relaxation Techniques Applied to Physical Education (201409)
- Master'S Dissertation (201353)
- Mentoring and Counselling (200972)
- Advise On Coexistence and School Conflict (201016)
- Addressing Diversity: Ordinary and Extraordinary Measures (200973)
- Development, Learning and Education (201750)
- Inclusive Education and Attention to Diversity (203094)
- Tutorship Support in Schools (201013)
- Innovation, Research and Educational Practice (200971)
- Introduction to Educational Research (201933)
- Educational Research and Innovation and Change Management (203095)
- The Processes of Educational Guidance and Educational Psychology Counselling (203093)
- Academic and Vocational Guidance (201014)
- Teaching Practice (201352)
- Principles of Social Psichology in Educationl (201934)
- Educational Processes and Contexts (200969)
- Society, Family and Education (200970)
- Workshop On Educational Robotics (202347)
- Relaxation Techniques Applied to Physical Education (201409)
- Master'S Dissertation (201353)
- Mentoring and Counselling (200972)
- Learning and Development of the Self (200968)
- Addressing Diversity: Ordinary and Extraordinary Measures (200973)
- Innovation, Research and Educational Practice (200971)
- Introduction to Educational Research (201933)
- Principles of Social Psichology in Educationl (201934)
- Educational Processes and Contexts (200969)
- Society, Family and Education (200970)
- Workshop On Educational Robotics (202347)
- Relaxation Techniques Applied to Physical Education (201409)
- Mentoring and Counselling (200972)
- Learning and Development of the Self (200968)
- Addressing Diversity: Ordinary and Extraordinary Measures (200973)
- Innovation, Research and Educational Practice (200971)
- Introduction to Educational Research (201933)
- Principles of Social Psichology in Educationl (201934)
- Educational Processes and Contexts (200969)
- Society, Family and Education (200970)
- Workshop On Educational Robotics (202347)
- Relaxation Techniques Applied to Physical Education (201409)
- Mentoring and Counselling (200972)
- Value Creation and Educational Innovation (203075)
- Development of the Sdgs in Education (203083)
- Design and Evaluation of Research Projects For Educational Innovation (203079)
- The Teaching Role in Educational Innovation For the Creation of Value (203076)
- Integra.Of Theoret. and Practic. Fundamentals of Educational Innovation For Value Creation (203077)
- Educational Research For Value Creation (203080)
- Playing and Learning (203088)
- Research Methods in Education (203078)
- Trends in Teaching Methodology (203086)
- Master'S Dissertation (203092)
- Data Analysis in Education (201643)
- Lifelong Learning (201649)
- Counselling and Change Management in Organisations (201640)
- Attention to Diversity From An Inclusive Education (201650)
- Coexistence, Conflict Resolution and Tutorial Action (201654)
- Development and Personality: Intervening On Difference (201651)
- Education in Contexts of Social Exclusion (201647)
- Curriculum As a Project (201635)
- Psychopedagogical Evaluation (201652)
- Family and Education (201646)
- Introduction to Research in Education (201639)
- Innovation and Educational Practice (201642)
- Research in the Classroom (201644)
- Evaluative Research: Centres and Programmes (201641)
- The Construction of School Failure and Success (201653)
- Models of Psychopedagogical Guidance (201634)
- Labour Pedagogy (201645)
- Planning and Organisation of Psychopedagogical Resources (201636)
- Contemporary Education Policy (201637)
- External Internship (201656)
- Theories and Strategies of Learning (201638)
- Master'S Dissertation (201655)
Facultad de Educación. C/Madrid, 1; 19001 Guadalajara
Aulario María de Guzmán (Antigua Facultad de Documentación); C/ San Cirilo, s/n; 28804 Alcalá de Henares.
Telephone:949 20 97 51; 91 885 50 17