Categoría: Empleo
Descripción: Contrato de duración determinada.
The Fully-Funded PhD Programme offered by The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) is aimed at exceptional graduate students from all over the world, to support their enrolment in a training and research programme in the field of chemistry, ultimately leading to the completion of a Doctoral Thesis in partnership with the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV). The programme will also contribute to their professional career development, in the fields of academia and industry.
The programme is addressed to highly qualified and talented graduate students with a keen interest in chemical research. Candidates should have an excellent academic record, strong commitment to scientific research and a solid working knowledge of English.
Admission to the programme is on a competitive basis.
Grant Conditions (ver oferta)
Fecha Inicio: 28-01-2025
Fecha Fin: 23-02-2025
Lugar del evento: Tarragona (Spain)
Convocante: Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes, Emprendimiento y Empleabilidad
Pza. San Diego, s/n
28801 - Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
Información: +34 91 885 50 00
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