Samad Barri Khojasteh

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Samad Barri Khojasteh

Samad Barri Khojasteh

Samad Barri Khojasteh

Categoría: FPI-Ministerio

Departamento: Electrónica

Página Web personal

Correo electrónico:

Despacho: Alcalá de Henares 28805 - Madrid





Grupos de Investigación

Participa en: Ingeniería Electrónica aplicada a Espacios Inteligentes y Transporte - Electronic Engineering Applied to Intelligent Spaces and Transport

Líneas de investigación del Grupo

Ingeniería Electrónica aplicada a Espacios Inteligentes y Transporte - Electronic Engineering Applied to Intelligent Spaces and Transport

  • - Sistemas de sensores y fusión sensorial
  • Control, automatización y robótica
  • Diseño de sistemas electrónicos
  • Sistemas de detección, posicionamiento y análisis de comportamiento.
  • Sistemas de transporte e infraestructura inteligentes
  • Vida independiente y productos de apoyo
  • Visión computacional e imagen médica

Proyectos de Investigación

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  • BARRI KHOJASTEH, Samad; "18th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2023)". Neuron Characterization in Complex Cultures Using a Combined YOLO and U-Net Segmentation Approach . 2023. - 92 .
  • BARRI KHOJASTEH, Samad; " Fall Detection Analysis Using a Real Fall Dataset ". Fall detection analysis using a real fall dataset. 2018. - 334 .
  • BARRI KHOJASTEH, Samad; "2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis (ICCCBDA)". A Discussion on Fall Detection Issues and Its Deployment When cloud meets battery. 2018. .
  • BARRI KHOJASTEH, Samad; "Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems". Evaluation of a wrist-based wearable fall detection method. 2018. - 377 .
  • BARRI KHOJASTEH, Samad; "ICMA-International Conference On Mathematical Applications 2018". Comparing model performances applied to fall detection. 2018. - 1 .


  • BARRI KHOJASTEH, Samad; ."The Robust EEG Based Emotion Recognition using Deep Neural Network". International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering (IJISAE). 2021
  • BARRI KHOJASTEH, Samad; ."Autonomous on-wrist acceleration-based fall detection systems: unsolved challenges". (ISSN: 0925-2312). Neurocomputing. 2021 , vol 452
  • BARRI KHOJASTEH, Samad; ."Mixing user-centered and generalized models for fall detection". (ISSN: 0925-2312). Neurocomputing. 2021
  • BARRI KHOJASTEH, Samad; ."Improving fall detection using an on-wrist wearable accelerometer". (ISSN: 1424-8220). Sensors. 2018
  • BARRI KHOJASTEH, Samad; ."A stochastic programming model for decision-making concerning medical supply location and allocation in disaster management". (ISSN: 1935-7893). Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 2017

Artículos Electrónicos

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