Miguel Martín-Retortillo Naya
Miguel Martín-Retortillo Naya
Grado en Economía
Optatividad Transversal
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SERRANO , Ana; CAZCARRO , Ignacio; MARTÍN-RETORTILLO NAYA, Miguel; RODRÍGUEZ-LÓPEZ , Guillermo; ."Europe's orchard: The role of irrigation on the Spanish agricultural production". (ISSN: 0743-0167). Journal of Rural Studies. 2024 , vol 110 , p. 103376 -
MARTÍN-RETORTILLO NAYA, Miguel; , Pinilla, V.; ."The fundamental causes of economic growth: An analysis of the total factor productivity of European agriculture, 1950-2005". (ISSN: 1139-1472). Historia Agraria. 2022 , vol 88 , num Dic , p. 191 - 217
Artículos Electrónicos
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MARTÍN-RETORTILLO NAYA, Miguel; PINILLA , Vicente; VELAZCO , Jackeline; WILLEBALD , Henry; ."Explaining the agricultural TFP in Latin America: the role of the fundamental causes of economic growth during the second globalisation". Internacional. "(España)". (29/05/2024 - ).
SERRANO , Ana; CAZCARRO , Ignacio; MARTÍN-RETORTILLO NAYA, Miguel; RODRÍGUEZ-LÓPEZ , Guillermo; ."The orchard of Europe: a story of irrigation expansion and intensification of Spanish agriculture (1962-2020)". Internacional. "(España)". (29/04/2024 - ).
CAZCARRO , Ignacio; MARTÍN-RETORTILLO NAYA, Miguel; RODRÍGUEZ-LÓPEZ , Guillermo; SERRANO , Ana; SILVESTRE , Javier; ."Retaining population with water? Irrigation policies and depopulation in Spain, 1910-2011". Internacional. "(España)". (23/04/2024 - ).
CAZCARRO , Ignacio; MARTÍN-RETORTILLO NAYA, Miguel; RODRÍGUEZ-LÓPEZ , Guillermo; SERRANO , Ana; SILVESTRE , Javier; ."Retaining population with water? Irrigation policies and depopulation in Spain, 1910-2011". Nacional. "(España)". (12/03/2024 - 13/03/2024).
SERRANO , Ana; CAZCARRO , Ignacio; MARTÍN-RETORTILLO NAYA, Miguel; RODRÍGUEZ-LÓPEZ , Guillermo; ."The orchard of Europe: a story of irrigation expansion and intensification of Spanish agriculture (1962-2020)". Internacional. "(España)". (07/12/2023 - 08/12/2023).
CAZCARRO , Ignacio; MARTÍN-RETORTILLO NAYA, Miguel; RODRÍGUEZ-LÓPEZ , Guillermo; SERRANO , Ana; SILVESTRE , Javier; ."Retaining population with water? Irrigation policies and depopulation in ¿ rural Spain, 1900-2011". Internacional. "(España)". (06/09/2023 - 08/09/2023).
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