Miguel Ángel Ortega Núñez

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Miguel Ángel Ortega Núñez

Miguel Ángel Ortega Núñez

Miguel Ángel Ortega Núñez

Cargo Académico: Secretario/a del Departamento de Medicina y Especialidades Médicas

Categoría: Profesor/a Titular Universidad

Departamento: Medicina y Especialidades Médicas

Correo electrónico:

Grupos de Investigación

Participa en: Psiquiatría y Salud Mental. Psychiatry and Mental Health.

Participa en: Ingeniería Tisular y Medicina Regenerativa - Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

Líneas de investigación del Grupo

Ingeniería Tisular y Medicina Regenerativa - Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

  • Desarrollo y estudio de modelos experimentales de reparación-regeneración tisular.
  • Desarrollo, estudio y utilización de Biomateriales como sustitutos tisulares.
  • Estudio del proceso de envejecimiento y degeneración tisular y sus implicaciones clínicas

Proyectos de Investigación

  • Título: Medicina individualizada y traslacional en pacientes con COVID-19 y postCOVID: Implicaciones diagnsoticas, terapéuticas y preventivas. Optimización de la práctica asistencial en Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud en el entono de pandemia
    Referencia: 20 MITICAD-CM
    Investigador Principal:
    Otros Investigadores: ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago;
    Fecha Inicio: 31/12/2023
    Fecha Fin: 31/12/2023
    Entidad financiadora:
    Cuantia económica:
    Tipo de proyecto: SUBVENCIÓN I+D
    Investigador Principal: GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio;
    Otros Investigadores: ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto;
    Fecha Inicio: 01/01/2022
    Fecha Fin: 31/12/2024
    Entidad financiadora:
    Cuantia económica:
  • Título: Niveles plasmáticos de oxitocina bajo condiciones de estrés y prosociabilidad en el trastorno bipolar: un estudio longitudinal
    Tipo de proyecto: SUBVENCIÓN I+D
    Investigador Principal:
    Otros Investigadores: ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; LAHERA FORTEZA, Guillermo;
    Fecha Inicio: 01/01/2022
    Fecha Fin: 31/12/2024
    Entidad financiadora:
    Cuantia económica:
  • Título: Niveles plasmáticos de oxitocina bajo condiciones de estrés y prosociabilidad en el trastorno bipolar: un estudio longitudinal
    Tipo de proyecto: SUBVENCIÓN I+D
    Investigador Principal:
    Otros Investigadores: ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; LAHERA FORTEZA, Guillermo;
    Fecha Inicio: 01/01/2022
    Fecha Fin: 31/12/2024
    Entidad financiadora:
    Cuantia económica:
  • Título: Protocolo de estudio para comparar la eficacia de la utilización de las técnicas CAD/CAM, cirugía virtual y modelos esterográficos frente a técnicas clásicas en la reconstrucción de defectos mandibulares mediante colgajo microquirúrgico de peroné
    Investigador Principal:
    Otros Investigadores: ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ACERO , Julio;
    Fecha Inicio: 03/07/2018
    Fecha Fin:
    Entidad financiadora:
    Cuantia económica:


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  • MUÑOZ-CHÁPULI GUTIÉRREZ , Mar; SÁEZ PRAT , Ainoa; DURÁN VILA , Ana; BERNAL CLAVEROL , Mireia; PAYÁ MARTÍNEZ , Pilar; PINTADO RECARTE , Pilar; VIÑUELA BENÉITEZ , Mamen; AUSÍN GARCÍA , Cristina; CERVILLA MUÑOZ , Eva; , Marisa Navarro; GONZÁLEZ NAVARRO , Pablo; ÁLVAAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LEÓN-LUÍS , Juan; ."Post-COVID-19 condition in pregnant and postpartum women: a long-term follow-up, observational prospective study". eClinicalMedicine. 2024 , vol 67 , num 1 , p. 102398 -  .  .
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Recio Alcaide A, Pérez López C, Ortega MÁ, Borrell LN, Bolúmar F. Is there an association between family members' season of birth that could influence birth seasonality? Evidence from Spain and France.". (ISSN: 0032-4728). Population Studies. 2023
  • JIMENEZ GÓMEZ, Natalia; LÓPEZ SUÁREZ, Andrea; HARO , Sergio; FERNÁNDEZ GONZÁLEZ, Pablo; , Jorge Monserrat; ERAÑA TOMÁS, Itziar; CUEVAS SANTOS, Jesús; RODRÍGUEZ LUNA, Azahara; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; GÓMEZ SÁNCHEZ, María José; , David Diaz; JAÉN OLASOLO, Pedro; ÁLVAAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ."Immunomodulation with AM3 and antioxidants creates an adequate framework for skin repair and decreases the monocyte proinflammatory stage in smoker women". (ISSN: 0753-3322). Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy. 2023 , vol 170 .  .
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Carabot F, Donat-Vargas C, Santoma-Vilaclara J, Ortega MA, García-Montero C, Fraile-Martínez O, Zaragoza C, Monserrat J, Alvarez-Mon M, Alvarez-Mon MA. Exploring Perceptions About Paracetamol, Tramadol, and Codeine on Twitter Using Machine Learning: Quantitative and Qualitative Observational Study. ". (ISSN: 1438-8871). Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2023
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Garcia-Puente LM, Fraile-Martinez O, García-Montero C, Bujan J, De León-Luis JA, Bravo C, Rodríguez-Benitez P, Pintado P, Ruiz-Labarta FJ, Álvarez-Mon M, García-Honduvilla N, Cancelo MJ, Saez MA, Ortega MA. Placentas from Women with Late-Onset Preeclampsia Exhibit Increased Expression of the NLRP3 Inflammasome Machinery.". Biomolecules. 2023
  • GARCÍA-PUENTE , Luis María; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GARCÍA MONTERO, Cielo; , Julia Buján; A DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan; BRAVO , Coral; RODRÍGUEZ BENÍTEZ, Patrocinio; PINTADO , Pilar; RUIZ-LABARTA , Francisco Javier; ÁLVAAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; GARCIA HONDUVILLA, Natalio; CANCELO HIDALGO, Maria Jesús; SÁEZ , Miguel Ángel; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Placentas from women with late-onset preeclampsia exhibit increased expression of the NLRP3 inflammasome machinery". (ISSN: 2218-273X). Biomolecules. 2023 , vol 13 , num 11 , p. 1644 -  .  .
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Carabot F, Fraile-Martínez O, Donat-Vargas C, Santoma J, Garcia-Montero C, Pinto da Costa M, Molina-Ruiz RM, Ortega MA, Alvarez-Mon M, Alvarez-Mon MA. Understanding Public Perceptions and Discussions on Opioids Through Twitter: Cross-Sectional Infodemiology Study. ". (ISSN: 1438-8871). Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2023
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."García-Montero C, Fraile-Martinez O, De Leon-Oliva D, Boaru DL, Garcia-Puente LM, De León-Luis JA, Bravo C, Diaz-Pedrero R, Lopez-Gonzalez L, Álvarez-Mon M, García-Honduvilla N, Saez MA, Ortega MA. Exploring the Role of Mediterranean and Westernized Diets and Their Main Nutrients in the Modulation of Oxidative Stress in the Placenta: A Narrative Review. ". (ISSN: 2076-3921). Antioxidants . 2023
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; SÁNCHEZ-GIL , María Asunción; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Oscar; GARCÍA MONTERO, Cielo; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis; DIAZ-PEDRERO , Raúl; LOPEZ-GONZALEZ , Laura; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan; BRAVO , Coral; ÁLVAAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; , Julia Buján; SÁEZ , Miguel A; GACÍA DE HONDUVILLA, Natalio; ."Increased expression of Tetraspanins, ALIX and HSP-70 in the placenta tissue of women with chronic venous disease during pregnancy". (ISSN: 1449-1907). International Journal of Medical Sciences. 2023 , vol 20 , num 13 , p. 1744 - 1754 .  .
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Ortega MA, Sánchez-Gil MA, Fraile-Martínez O, García-Montero C, Guijarro LG, Diaz-Pedrero R, Lopez-Gonzalez L, De Leon-Luis J, Bravo C, Álvarez-Mon M, Bujan J, Saez MA, García-Honduvilla N. Increased Expression of Tetraspanins, ALIX and HSP-70 in the Placenta Tissue of Women with Chronic Venous Disease during Pregnancy. ". International Journal of Medical Sciences. 2023
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Ruiz-Labarta FJ, Aracil Rodríguez R, Sáez Prat A, Pérez Burrel L, Pina Moreno JM, Sánchez Rodríguez M, Pintado Recarte MP, García-Honduvilla N, Ortega MA, Anguita Velasco J, Pérez Corral A, Bravo C, De León-Luis JA. ". Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Diez-Alonso M, Mendoza-Moreno F, Ortega MA, Aguado H, Matías B, Vera C, Soto S, Quiroga A, Blazquez SB, de Mon MA, Gutierrez-Calvo A. Differences in Colorectal Cancer Survival Based on Primary Tumor Location: Retrospective Study from a Single Institution. ". (ISSN: 1816-0735). Journal of Cancer Molecules. 2023
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Ortega MA, De Leon-Oliva D, García-Montero C, Fraile-Martinez O, Boaru DL, de Castro AV, Saez MA, Lopez-Gonzalez L, Bujan J, Alvarez-Mon MA, García-Honduvilla N, Diaz-Pedrero R, Alvarez-Mon M. Reframing the link between metabolism and NLRP3 inflammasome: therapeutic opportunities. ". (ISSN: 1664-3224). Frontiers in Immunology. 2023
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Hematological Alterations after Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy. ". Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023 , vol 12(13):4323
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Morales-Soriano R, Pineño-Flores C, Morón-Canis JM, Molina-Romero FJ, Rodriguez-Pino JC, Loyola-Miró J, Gonzalez-Argente FX, Palma-Zamora E, Guillot-Morales M, Giménez S, Alvarez-Mon M, Ortega MA, Segura-Sampedro JJ. Simultaneous Surgical Approach with Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) in Patients with Concurrent Peritoneal and Liver Metastases of Colon Cancer Origin. ". Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."de Anta L, Alvarez-Mon MA, Donat-Vargas C, Lara-Abelanda FJ, Pereira-Sanchez V, Gonzalez Rodriguez C, Mora F, Ortega MA, Quintero J, Alvarez-Mon M. Assessment of beliefs and attitudes about electroconvulsive therapy posted on Twitter: An observational study. ". (ISSN: 0924-9338). European Psychiatry. 2023 , vol 66(1):e11
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; LAHERA FORTEZA, Guillermo; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; VALLS , Paula; MORA , Fernando; RODRIGUEZ-JIMENEZ , Roberto; QUINTERO , Javier; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ."Gut microbiota metabolites in major depressive disorder-deep insights into their pathophysiological role and potential translational applications". Metabolites. 2022 , vol 12 , num 1 , p. 50 -  .
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; NAVARRO , Fátima; PEKAREK , Leonel; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; SAEZ , Miguel A; ARROYO , Monica; MONSERRAT , Jorge; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ."Exploring histopathological and serum biomarkers in lung adenocarcinoma: Clinical applications and translational opportunities (Review)". International Journal of Oncology. 2022
  • SÁNCHEZ-TRUJILLO , Lara; GARCIA-MONTERO , Cielo; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; BRAVO , Coral; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan A; SAZ PÉREZ, José Vicente; RUBIO DEL SAZ, Andrés; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; SÁEZ GARCÍA, Miguel Ángel; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Considering the Effects and Maternofoetal Implications of Vascular Disorders and the Umbilical Cord". (ISSN: 0025-7729). Medicina. 2022
  • PEKAREK , Leonel; DE LA TORRE-ESCUREDO , Basilio; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; SAEZ , Miguel A; COBO-PRIETO , David; GUIJARRO , Luis G; SAZ , Jose V; DE CASTRO-MARTINEZ , Patricia; TORRES-CARRANZA , Diego; PEKAREK , Tatiana; CLARA CARRERA , Ana; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Towards the Search for Potential Biomarkers in Osteosarcoma: State-of-the-Art and Translational Expectations ". International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE-MARTÍNEZ , Oscar; GARCIA-MONTERO , Cielo; PARADELA , Alberto; SÁNCHEZ-GIL , María Asunción; RODRIGUEZ-MARTIN , Sonia; DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan A; PEREDA-CERQUELLA , Claude; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GUIJARRO , Luis G; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."Unfolding the role of placental-derived Extracellular Vesicles in Pregnancy: From homeostasis to pathophysiology ". Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2022
  • GARCÍA MONTERO, Cielo; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; SONIA , Rodriguez-Martín; ROSA MARIA , Funes Moñux; SAZ PÉREZ, José Vicente; CORAL , Brazo; JUAN ANTONIO , De Leon-Luis; M , Ruiz-Minaya; LEONEL , Pekarek; MIGUEL A , Saz; A , García-Lledo; ALVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Irregular Expression of Cellular Stress Response Markers in the Placenta of Women with Chronic Venous Disease.". (ISSN: 2076-3921). Antioxidants . 2022
  • GÓMEZ-SANZ , Remedios; OVEJERO-MERINO , Enrique; LASA-UNZÚ , Inmaculada; LÓPEZ-GARCÍA , Adela; MARCOS-HERNÁNDEZ , Ruth; MÍNGUEZ-GARCÍA , Javier; GARCÍA-MORENO NISA , Francisca; MENDOZA-MORENO , Fernando; DÍEZ-ALONSO , Manuel; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; GUTIÉRREZ-CALVO , Alberto; ."Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy and Recirculation with CO2: A Safe Technique ". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022
  • FERNÁNDEZ MUÑOZ , María; REYES ANGULLO , Zurine Raquel; PINTADO RECARTE , Pilar; CONSUELO SOTO , Lucia; RUIZ LABARTA , Javier; CUETO HERNÁNDEZ , Ignacio; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan A; ."Checklist: A Useful and Safe Tool for the Initiation of Care for Eutocical Vaginal Delivery ". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022
  • FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GARCIA-MONTERO , Cielo; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel Ángel; GOMEZ-LAHOZ , Ana M; MONSERRAT , Jorge; LLAVERO-VALERO , Maria; RUIZ-GRANDE , Fernando; COCA , Santiago; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; SAZ , Jose V; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Venous Wall of Patients with Chronic Venous Disease Exhibits a Glycolytic Phenotype". (ISSN: 2075-4426). Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2022
  • FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel A; GARCIA-MONTERO , Cielo; PEKAREK , Leonel; GUIJARRO , Luis G; LAHERA FORTEZA, Guillermo; SAEZ , Miguel A; MONSERRAT , Jorge; MOTOGO , Domitila; QUINTERO , Javier; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Understanding the basis of major depressive disorder in oncological patients: Biological links, clinical management, challenges, and lifestyle medicine". Frontiers in Oncology. 2022 , vol 12 , p. 1 - 16 .
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; BARCA , Juan A; BRAVO , Coral; GARCÍA TIZÓN , Santiago; ARACIL-RODRIGUEZ , Rocío; PINA-MORENO , Juan Manuel; CUETO-HERNÁNDEZ , Ignacio; INTADO-RECARTE , Maria P P; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan A; ."3D Ultrasound in Pelvic Floor: Is It Useful as a Prognostic Tool in Type of Labor Development and Subsequent Pelvic Floor Diseases? ". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022
  • MONSERRAT , Jorge; GÓMEZ-LAHOZ , Ana; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; SANZ , José; MUÑOZ , Benjamin; ARÉVALO-SERRANO , Juan; MIGUEL RODRÍGUEZ , José; MARIA GASALLA , Jose; GASULLA , Óscar; ARRANZ , Alberto; FORTUNY-PROFITÓS , Jordi; MAZAIRA-FONT , Ferran A; TEIXIDÓ ROMÁN , Miguel; MARTÍNEZ-A , Carlos; BALOMENOS , Dimitri; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ."Role of Innate and Adaptive Cytokines in the Survival of COVID-19 Patients ". International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; PEKAREK , Leonel; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; GARCÍA MONTERO, Cielo; CASANOVA , Carlos; SÁEZ GARCÍA, Miguel Ángel; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; DIEZ-NICOLAS , Victor; BURGOS REVILLA, Francisco Javier; GOMEZ DOS SANTOS , Victoria; ."Clinical and Novel Biomarkers in Penile Carcinoma: A Prospective Review ". (ISSN: 2075-4426). Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2022
  • MENDOZA-MORENO , Fernando; DIEZ-ALONSO , Manuel; MATÍAS-GARCÍA , Belén; OVEJERO-MERINO , Enrique; GÓMEZ-SANZ , Remedios; BLÁZQUEZ-MARTÍN , Alma; QUIROGA-VALCÁRCEL , Ana; VERA-MANSILLA , Cristina; MOLINA , Raquel; SAN-JUAN , Alberto; BARRENA-BLÁZQUEZ , Silvestra; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; GUTIÉRREZ-CALVO , Alberto; ."Prognostic Factors of Survival in Patients with Peritoneal Metastasis from Colorectal Cancer". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022
  • SARRÍA-SANTAMERA , Antonio; KHAMITOVA , Zaukiya; GUSMANOV , Arnur; TERZIC , Milan; POLO-SANTOS , Mar; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ."History of Endometriosis Is Independently Associated with an Increased Risk of Ovarian Cancer ". (ISSN: 2075-4426). Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2022
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE-MARTÍNEZ , Óscar; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel Angel; LAHERA , Guillermo; MONSERRAT , Jorge; LLAVERO-VALERO , Maria; GUTIÉRREZ-ROJAS , Luis; MOLINA , Rosa; RODRÍGUEZ-JIMENEZ , Roberto; QUINTERO , Javier; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ."Biological Role of Nutrients, Food and Dietary Patterns in the Prevention and Clinical Management of Major Depressive Disorder ". Nutrients. 2022
  • CONEJO-GALINDO , Javier; SANZ-GIANCOL , Alejandro; ÁLVAREZ-MON , , Miguel Ángel; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; GUTIÉRREZ-ROJAS , Luis; LAHERA FORTEZA, Guillermo; ."Postpartum Relapse in Patients with Bipolar Disorder". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022 , vol 12 , p. 1 - 11 .
  • RUIZ LABARTA , Francisco Javier; PINTADO RECARTE , María Pilar; GONZÁLEZ LEYTE , Manuel; BRAVO ARRIBAS , Coral; ÁLVAREZ LUQUE , Arturo; CUÑARRO LÓPEZ , Yolanda; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan A; ."Uterine Artery Embolization of Uterine Arteriovenous Malformation: A Systematic Review of Success Rate, Complications, and Posterior Pregnancy Outcomes ". (ISSN: 2075-4426). Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2022
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; GARCÍA MONTERO, Cielo; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel Angel; GÓMEZ LAHOZ, Ana María; LAHERA FORTEZA, Guillermo; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; RODRIGUEZ-JIMENEZ , Roberto; QUINTERO , Javier; DONAIRE CÓRDOBA, Monserrat; ."Immune-mediated diseases from the point of view of Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology". Biology-Basel. 2022 , vol 11 , num 7 , p. 973 -  .
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; GARCÍA MONTERO, Cielo; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; COLET , Paolo; BAIZHAXYNOVA , Ardak; MUKHTAROVA , Kymbat; FRAILE LAIZ, Benito; KANATOVA , Kaznagul; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; SARRÍA-SANTAMERA , Antonio; ."RecappingtheFeaturesofSARS-CoV-2 andItsMainVariants: StatusandFuturePaths ". (ISSN: 2075-4426). Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2022
  • BARRENA-BLÁZQUEZ , Silvestra; DÍEZ-ALONSO , Manuel; RIERA DEL MORAL , Luis Felipe; SANCHEZ COLL , Salvador; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; RUIZ-GRANDE , Fernando; ."Quality of Life for Patients Receiving Elective Interventions for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms ". (ISSN: 2075-4426). Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2022
  • BARRENA-BLÁZQUEZ , Silvestra; DÍEZ-ALONSO , Manuel; RIERADEL MORAL , Luis Felipe; SANCHEZCOLL , Salvador; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; RUIZ-GRANDE , Fernando; ."QualityofLifeforPatientsReceivingElectiveInterventionsfor AbdominalAorticAneurysms ". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022
  • BARRENA-BLÁZQUEZ , Silvestra; DÍEZ-ALONSO , Manuel; RIERADEL MORAL , Luis Felipe; SANCHEZ-COLL , Salvador; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; RUIZ-GRANDE , Fernando; ."AssociationofAgeandSurgicalTechniquewiththeQualityof LifeofMalePatientsTreatedforAbdominalAortaAneurysms: ACross-SectionalStudy". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; GARCÍA MONTERO, Cielo; BORJA-VERGEL , Sandra; TORRES-CARRANZA , Diego; PEKAREK , Leonel; BRAVO , Coral; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan A; SÁNCHEZ-ROJO , Cristina; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel Angel; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; MENÉNDEZ COCA, Diego; SAEZ , Miguel A; GUIJARRO , Luis G; ."Patients with Invasive Lobular Carcinoma Show a Signi¿cant Increase in IRS-4 Expression Compared to In¿ltrative Ductal Carcinoma. A Histopathological Study". (ISSN: 0025-7729). Medicina. 2022 , vol 58 , num 6 , p. 722 -
  • JOIGNEAU PRIETO , Laura; RUIZ , Yolanda; PEREZ , Laura; BRAVO , Coral; AGUADO , Alejandra; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; MARTÍN , Carlos; DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan A; ."The Brainstem-Vermis and Brainstem-Tentorium Angles in the Fetus: A Study of Their Reproducibility by Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Their Evolution Along the Gestation ". Frontiers In medicine. 2022
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; GARCÍA MONTERO, Cielo; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel Angel; GÓMEZ LAHOZ, Ana María; ALBILLOS MARTÍNEZ, Agustín; LAHERA FORTEZA, Guillermo; QUINTERO , Javier; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; FERNANDEZ GUIJARRO , Bárbara; ."AnUpdatedViewoftheImportanceofVesicularTraf¿cking andTransportandTheirRoleinImmune-MediatedDiseases: PotentialTherapeuticInterventions ". MEMBRANES. 2022
  • ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel Angel; IGNACIO FERNANDEZ-LAZARO , Cesar; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; VIDAL , Cristina; MOLINA-RUIZ , Rosa M; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; MARTÍNEZ-GONZÁLEZ , Miguel Ángel; ."Analyzing Psychotherapy on Twitter: An 11-Year Analysis of Tweets From Major U.S. Media Outlets ". Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2022
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; GARCÍA MONTERO, Cielo; MONTES DUARTE, Agustín; LAHERA FORTEZA, Guillermo; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; LLAVERO-VALERO , María; MORA , Fernando; RODRÍGUEZ-JIMÉNEZ , Roberto; FERNANDEZ-ROJO , Sonia; QUINTERO , Javier; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; ."Nutrition, epigenetics, and major depressive disorder: understanding the connection". Frontiers in Nutrition. 2022 , vol 9 , p. 867150 -  .
  • ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel Angel; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; GARCÍA MONTERO, Cielo; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; LAHERA FORTEZA, Guillermo; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; GÓMEZ LAHOZ, Ana María; MOLERO , Patricio; GUTIERREZ-ROJAS , Luis; RODRIGUEZ-JIMENEZ , Roberto; QUINTERO , Javier; TENA LAHOZ, Sergio; ."Differential malondialdehyde (MDA) detection in plasma samples of patients with major depressive disorder (MDD): a potential biomarker". (ISSN: 0300-0605). Journal of International Medical Research. 2022 , vol 50 , num 5 .
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; PEKAREK , Leonel; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; SAEZ , Miguel A; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; TOLEDO LOBO, María del Val; ÁLVAREZ TOLEDO, Francisco Javier; ALBILLOS MARTÍNEZ, Agustín; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; ."Prognostic role of ISR-4 in the survival of patients with pancreatic cancer". (ISSN: 0213-3911). Histology and Histopathology. 2022 , vol 37 , num 5 , p. 449 - 459
  • SÁNCHEZ GARCÍA , Daniel; AGUADO DEL HOYO , Alejandra; SÁNCHEZ PÉREZ , María; GARCÍA-TIZÓN LARROCA , Santiago; RUIZ MARTÍN , Yolanda; GORDILLO GUTIÉRREZ , Isabel; BRAVO ARRIBAS , Coral; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan A; ."EffectsofSex,AgeandHeightonSymphysis&-IschialSpine DistanceMeasuredonaPelvicCT ". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022
  • SARRIA-SANTAMERA , Antonio; ALEXEYEVA , Zhanna; YEN CHAN , Mei; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; NAVARRO-GARCÍA , Carlos; ."DirectandIndirectCostsRelatedtoPhysicalActivity LevelsinPatientswithDiabetesMellitusinSpain: ACross-SectionalStudy ". (ISSN: 0226-5788). Health care. 2022
  • BARRENA-BLÁZQUEZ , Silvestra; DIEZ-ALONSO , Manuel; RIERADELMORAL , Luis Felipe; SANCHEZ COLL , Salvador; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; RUIZ-GRANDE , Fernando; ."QualityofLifeofPatientsTreatedforAbdominalAortic Aneurysm: OpenSurgeryandEndoprosthesis". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; BURGOS FRAILE, Enrique; GARCÍA MONTERO, Cielo; GARCIA-MONTERO , Cielo; J.CASTELLANOS , Alejandro; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; SAEZ , Miguel Angel; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ."OxidativeStressMarkersAreAssociatedwithaPoorPrognosis inPatientswithPancreaticCancer ". (ISSN: 2076-3921). Antioxidants . 2022
  • PEKAREK , Leonel; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; GARCÍA MONTERO, Cielo; SAEZ , Miguel Ángel; BARQUERO-POZANCO , Inés; DEL HIERRO-MARLASCA , Laura; DE CASTRO MARTINEZ , Patricia; ROMERO-BAZÁN , Adoración; GARCIA-MONTERO , Cielo; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; PINILLA BARRAU, Monserrat; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."ClinicalApplicationsofClassicalandNovelBiologicalMarkers ofPancreaticCancer". Cancers. 2022
  • MORA , Fernando; ALVAREZ DE MON , Miguel Angel; FERNANDEZ-ROJO , Sonia; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FELIX-ALCANTARA , MiriamP.; MORALES-GIL , Isabel; RODRIGUEZ-QUIROGA , Alberto; MONTES DUARTE, Agustín; QUINTERO , Javier; ."Psychosocial Factors in Adolescence and Risk of Development of Eating Disorders". (ISSN: 2072-6643). Nutrients. 2022
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; PEKAREK , Leonel; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; GARCÍA MONTERO, Cielo; SAEZ , Miguel A; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel Angel; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; RUIZ LLORENTE, Lidia; LLORENTE SÁEZ, Celia; ALBILLOS MARTÍNEZ, Agustín; ALBILLOS , Agustin; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; ."Implication of ERBB2 as a predictive tool for survival in patients with pancreatic cancer in histological studies". (ISSN: 1198-0052). Current Oncology. 2022 , vol 29 , num 4 , p. 2442 - 2453 .
  • BERNAL CLAVEROL , Mireira; RUIZ MINAYA , Maria; ARACIL MORENO , Irene; GARCÍA TIZÓN , Santiago; PINTADO RECARTE , Pilar; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BRAVO , Coral; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan A; ."Maternal,PerinatalandNeonatalOutcomesofTripletPregnancies AccordingtoChorionicity: ASystematicReviewoftheLiterature andMeta-Analysis". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022
  • GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; CANO-MARTÍNEZ , David; TOLEDO LOBO, María del Val; RUIZ LLORENTE, Lidia; CHAPARRO , Maria; GUERRA , Ivan; IBORRA , Marisa; CABRIADA , Jose Luis; BUJANDA , Luis; TAXONERO , Carlos; GARCÍA-SÁNCHEZ , Valle; MARÍN-JIMÉNEZ , Ignacio; BARREIRO-DEACOSTA , Manuel; VERA , Isabel; MARTÍN-ARRANZ , MaríaDolores; MESONERO , Francisco; SEMPERE , Laura; GOMOLLÓN , Fernando; HINOJOSA , Joaquín; ZOULLAS , Sofia; MONSERRAT , Jorge; MENOR-SALVAN , Cesar; GRACIA LLORENTE, Antonio; GISBERT , Javier P; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; HERNÁNDEZ-BREIJ , Borja; ."Evaluation of AIF-1(Allograft Inflammatory Factor-1) as a Biomarker of Crohn's Disease Severity". (ISSN: 2227-9059). Biomedicines. 2022
  • GARCÍA MONTERO, Cielo; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel Angel; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; ROMERO-BAZÁN , Adoración; LAHERA FORTEZA, Guillermo; MONTES-RODRÍGUEZ , JoséManuel; MOLINA-RUIZ , RosaM.; MORA , Fernando; RODRIGUEZ-JIMENEZ , Roberto; QUINTERO , Javier; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ."The problem of malnutrition associated with major depressive disorder from a sex-gender perspective". (ISSN: 2072-6643). Nutrients. 2022 , vol 14 , num 5 , p. 1107 -  .
  • RUIZ MINAYA , María; MENDIZABAL-VICENTE , Elsa; VASQUEZ-JIMENEZ , Wenceslao; PÉREZ BURREL , Laura; ARACIL , Irene; AGRA-PUJOL , Carolina; BERNAL-CLAVEROL , Mireia; MARTÍNEZ-BERNAL , Beatriz L.; MUÑOZ-FERNÁNDEZ , Mercedes; MOROTE-GONZALEZ , Melanie; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; LIZARRAGA-BONELLI , Santiago; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan A.; ."Retrospective Analysis of Patients with Gynaecological Uterine Sarcomas in a Tertiary Hospital". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; CHAOWEN , Chen; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GARCIA-MONTERO , Cielo; SAEZ , Miguel A; CRUZA , Iris; PEREDA-CERQUELLA , Claude; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; FATYCH , Yuliia; MENOR SALVAN, César Ángel; GUIJARRO RUANO, Brenda; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan A; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; BRAVO , Coral; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ."Chronic Venous Disease in Pregnant Women Causes an Increase in ILK in the Placental Villi Associated with a Decrease in E-Cadherin". (ISSN: 2075-4426). Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2022
  • GARCÍA-GARCÍA , Joaquin; AZUARA , Galo; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; GARCÍA MONTERO, Cielo; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel Angel; RUIZ-DIAZ , Sara; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LA TORRE , Basilio; ."Modi¿cation of the Polymer of a Bone Cement with Biodegradable Microspheres of PLGA and Loading with Daptomycin and Vancomycin Improve the Response to Bone Tissue Infection". (ISSN: 2073-4360). Polymers. 2022 , vol 14 , num 5 , p. 888 -
  • RUIZ-LABARTA , Javier; MARTÍNEZ MARTÍN , Ana; MARTÍNEZ MARTÍN , Pilar; GONZÁLEZ GARZÓN , Blanca; PINA MORENO , Juan Manuel; SÁNCHEZ RODRÍGUEZ , Manuel; VALLEJO GEA , África; SORDO , Luis; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; BRAVO , Coral; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan A; ."WorkshoponBloodLossQuanti¿cationinObstetrics: ImprovingMedicalStudentLearningthrough ClinicalSimulation ". Healthcare. 2022
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; RUIZ-GRANDE , Fernando; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; ÁLVAREZ-COCA GONZÁLEZ, Javier Carlos; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; SAEZ , Miguel A; ."Contribution of the Elastic Component and Venous Wall Arterialization in Patients with Venous Reflux". (ISSN: 2075-4426). Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2022
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GRACÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; SAEZ , Miguel A; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; TORRES-CARRANZA , Diego; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan A; ."The Pivotal Role of the Placenta in Normal and Pathological Pregnancies: A Focus on Preeclampsia, Fetal Growth Restriction, and Maternal Chronic Venous Disease ". (ISSN: 2073-4409). Cells. 2022
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; GARCÍA MONTERO, Cielo; SAEZ , Miguel Angel; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel Angel; TORRES-CARRANZA , Diego; GARCIA-MONTERO , Cielo; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; BRAVO , Coral; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan A; ."ThePivotalRoleofthePlacentainNormalandPathological Pregnancies: AFocusonPreeclampsia,FetalGrowth Restriction,andMaternalChronicVenousDisease". (ISSN: 2073-4409). Cells. 2022
  • SARRÍA-SANTAMERA , Antonio; ABDUKADYROV , Nurlan; GLUSHKOVA , ,Natalya; RUSSELL PECK , David; COLET , Paolo; YESKENDIR , ,Alua; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."TowardsanAccurateEstimationofCOVID-19Casesin Kazakhstan: Back-CastingandCapture&-RecaptureApproaches". (ISSN: 0025-7729). Medicina. 2022
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; SAEZ , Miguel A; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; RUIZ GUIJARRO, Álvaro; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan A; BRAVO , Coral; ."Overexpression of glycolysis markers in placental tissue of pregnant women with chronic venous disease: a histological study". International Journal of Medical Sciences. 2022
  • SARRIA-SANTAMARIA , Antonio; ABDUKADYROV , Nurlan; GLUSHKOVA , Natalia; RUSSELL PECK , David; COLET , Paolo; YESKENDIR , Alua; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Towards an Accurate Estimation of COVID-19 Cases in Kazakhstan Back-Casting and Capture&-Recapture Approaches". (ISSN: 0025-7729). Medicina. 2022
  • DE ANTA , Laura; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel Angel; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; SALAZAR , Cristina; DONAT-VARGAS , Carolina; SANTOMA-VILACLARA , Javier; MARTIN-MARTINEZ , Maria; LAHERA , Guillermo; GUTIERREZ-ROJAS , Luis; RODRIGUEZ-JIMENEZ , Roberto; QUINTERO , Javier; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ."Areas of Interest and Social Consideration of Antidepressants on English Tweets: A Natural Language Processing Classification Study ". (ISSN: 2075-4426). Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2022
  • PASCUAL , Jara; PINTADO , Pilar; MORALES-CAMINO , Jorge C.; ROMERO ROMÁN , Carlos; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTIN , Concepción; BRAVO , Coral; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan A; ."Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Cord Blood from Growth Restricted Fetuses with Doppler Alteration Compared to Adequate for Gestational Age Fetuses". (ISSN: 0025-7729). Medicina. 2022
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; SAEZ , Miguel A; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel Angel; GARCIA-MONTERO , Cielo; GUIJARRO , Luis G; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan A; BRAVO , Coral; ."Overexpression of glycolysis markers in placental tissue of pregnant women with chronic venous disease: a histological study". (ISSN: 1449-1907). International Journal of Medical Sciences. 2022
  • GUIJARRO , Luis G; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Relationship between IGF-1 and body weight in inflammatory bowel diseases: Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved ". (ISSN: 0753-3322). Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy. 2021 , vol 144
  • RODRIGUZ-BENITEZ , Patrocio; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan A; ."Maternal-Perinatal Variables in Patients with Severe Preeclampsia Who Develop Acute Kidney Injury ". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 , vol 10 , num 23
  • RODRIGUEZ-BENITEZ , Patrocio; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LEON-LUIZ , Juan A; ."Maternal-Perinatal Variables in Patients with Severe Preeclampsia Who Develop Acute Kidney Injury ". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 , vol 10 , num 23
  • DE LA TORRE , Basilio; BARRIOS , Loreto; DE LA TORRE , Javier; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; GONZALEZ-BRAVO , Carlos; ."Analysis of the Risk of Wear on Cemented and Uncemented Polyethylene Liners According to Different Variables in Hip Arthroplasty ". Materials. 2021 , vol 14 , num 23
  • VIDAL , Laura; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; LAHERA , Guillermo; ."Volumetric Alterations of the Cerebral Cortex in Eating Disorders ". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 , vol 10 , num 23
  • ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; DONAT-VARGAS , Carolina; SANTOMA-VILACLARA , J; DE ANTA , L; GOENA , J; SANCHEZ-BAYONA , R; MORA , F; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; LAHERA , Guillermo; RODRIGUEZ-JIMENEZ , Roberto; QUINTERO , Javier; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ."Assessment of Antipsychotic Medications on Social Media: Machine Learning Study ". Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021 , vol 18 , num 11
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; GOMEZ-LAHOZ , Ana M; GASALLA , JM; GASULLA , O; FORTUNY-PROFITOS , J; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ."Impact of the Innate Inflammatory Response on ICU Admission and Death in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 ". BIOMEDICINES. 2021 , vol 9 , num 11
  • ARACIL-MORENO , I; RODRIGUEZ-BENITEZ , P; RUIZ-MINAYA , M; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan A; ."Maternal Perinatal Characteristics in Patients with Severe Preeclampsia: A Case-Control Nested Cohort Study ". (ISSN: 1661-7827). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 , vol 18 , num 22
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; LAHERA , Guillermo; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; MUÑOZ-MERIDA , Luis; MORA , Fernando; RODRIGUEZ-JIMENEZ , Roberto; FERNANDEZ-ROJO , Sonia; QUINTERO , Javier; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ."MicroRNAs as Critical Biomarkers of Major Depressive Disorder: A Comprehensive Perspective ". BIOMEDICINES. 2021 , vol 09 , num 11
  • PEKAREK , Leonel; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; ACERO , Julio; RUIZ-LLORENTE , Lidia; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ALBILLOS , Agustin; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; GUIJARRO , Luis G; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Towards an updated view on the clinical management of pancreatic adenocarcinoma: Current and future perspectives ". Oncology letters. 2021 , vol 22 , num 05
  • ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; LLAVERO-VALERO , Maria; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ZARAGOZA , Cristina; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; LAHERA , Guillermo; QUINTERO , Javier; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ."Areas of Interest and Attitudes Toward Antiobesity Drugs: Thematic and Quantitative Analysis Using Twitter ". J Med Internet Res. 2021 , vol 23 , num 10
  • FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; COCA , Alejandro; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; GOMEZ-LAHOZ , Ana M; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; ÁLVAREZ-COCA GONZÁLEZ, Javier Carlos; ACERO , Julio; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Applications of Polymeric Composites in Bone Tissue Engineering and Jawbone Regeneration ". (ISSN: 2073-4360). Polymers. 2021 , vol 13 , num 19
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; RUIZ-GRANDE , Fernando; BARREMA , Selma; MONTOYA , Hector; PEKAREK , Leonel; ZOULLAS , Sofia; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; SAINZ , Felipe; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ACERO , Julio; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; GUIJARRO , Luis G; ."Chronic venous disease patients show increased IRS-4 expression in the great saphenous vein wall ". (ISSN: 0300-0605). Journal of International Medical Research. 2021 , vol 49 , num 9
  • ABBASI-PEREZ , Adrian; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; DONAT-VARGAS , Carolina; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; PEREZ-GOMEZ , A; SANZ , I; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ."Analysis of Tweets Containing Information Related to Rheumatological Diseases on Twitter ". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 , vol 18 , num 17
  • GUIJARRO , Luis G; SANMARTIN-SALINAS , Patricia; TOLEDO LOBO, María del Val; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; ZOULLAS , Sofia; SAEZ , Miguel A; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; NOGUERALES FRAGUAS, Fernando; ARILLA FERREIRO, Eduardo; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Actinomycin D Arrests Cell Cycle of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines and Induces p53-Dependent Cell Death: A Study of the Molecular Mechanism Involved in the Protective Effect of IRS-4 ". (ISSN: 1999-4923). Pharmaceutics. 2021 , vol 14 , num 9
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; CALLEJON-PELÁEZ , Enrique; SAEZ , Miguel A; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; DONAIRE CÓRDOBA, Monserrat; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; CANLS , Maria L; ."A General Overview on the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Applications, Mechanisms and Translational Opportunities ". (ISSN: 0025-7729). Medicina. 2021 , vol 57 , num 9
  • ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; MONSERRAT , Jorge; LAHERA , Guillermo; MORA , Fernando; RODRIGUEZ-QUIROGA , A; FERNANDEZ-ROJO , S; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ."Exploring the Role of Nutraceuticals in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Rationale, State of the Art and Future Prospects ". (ISSN: 1424-8247). Pharmaceuticals. 2021 , vol 14 , num 8
  • TREJO-IRIARTE , CG; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; GOMEZ-CLAVEL , JF; MUÑOZ , AG; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ACERO , Julio; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."Mesenchymal adipose stem cells maintain the capacity for differentiation and survival in culture beyond the long term ". Journal Histotechnology. 2021 , vol 44 , num 4
  • CUÑARRO-LOPEZ , Yolanda; LARROCA , SG; PINTADO-RECARTE , P; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍN , C; P , Prats-Rodriguez; CANO-VALDERRAMA , O; CUETO-HERNÁNDEZ , I; RUIZ-LABARTA , J; MUÑOZ-CHÁPULI , MDM; MARTINEZ-PEREZ , O; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan A; ."Influence of the Human Development Index on the Maternal-Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality of Pregnant Women with SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Importance for Personalized Medical Care ". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 , vol 10 , num 16
  • GONZALEZ-BRAVO , Carlos; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; DE LA TORRE , Basilio; BARRIOS , Loreto; ."Wear Risk Prevention and Reduction in Total Hip Arthroplasty. A Personalized Study Comparing Cement and Cementless Fixation Techniques Employing Finite Element Analysis ". (ISSN: 2075-4426). Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2021 , vol 11 , num 08
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; CHAOWEN , Chen; RUIZ-GRANDE , Fernando; PEKAREK , Leonel; MONSERRAT , Jorge; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ."Understanding Chronic Venous Disease: A Critical Overview of Its Pathophysiology and Medical Management.". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 , vol 10 , num 15
  • BARCA , Juan; BRAVO , Coral; PINTADO-RECARTE , MP; CUETO-HERNANDEZ , I; RUIZ-LABARTA , J; CUÑARRO , Y; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan; ."Risk Factors in Third and Fourth Degree Perineal Tears in Women in a Tertiary Centre: An Observational Ambispective Cohort Study.". Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2021 , vol 11 , num 8
  • ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; CHEN , Chaowen; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; BORRELL , LN; DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan A; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ."Association between lower extremity venous insufficiency and intrapartum fetal compromise: A nationwide cross-sectional study.". Frontiers In medicine. 2021
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; SAEZ , Miguel A; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; GÓMEZ-LAHOZ , Ana Maria; DE LEON-LUIS , J; SAINZ , Felipe; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."Abnormal proinflammatory and stressor environmental with increased the regulatory cellular IGF-1/PAPP-A/STC and Wnt-1/beta-Catenin canonical pathway in placenta of women with Chronic venous Disease during Pregnancy.". Int J Med Sci . 2021 , vol 18 , num 13
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; FRAILE MARTÍNEZ, Óscar; SAINZ , Felipe; SAEZ , Miguel A; BRAVO , Coral; DE LEÓN-LUIS , J; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."An increase in elastogenic components in the placental villi of women with chronic venous disease during pregnancy is associated with decreased EGFL7 expression level.". (ISSN: 1791-2997). MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS. 2021 , vol 24 , num 2
  • PASCUAL-MANCHO , Jara; PINTADO-RECARTE , Pilar; ROMERO-ROMÁN , C; MORALES-CAMINO , JC; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTIN , C; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LEÓN-LUIS , J; ."Influence of Cerebral Vasodilation on Blood Reelin Levels in Growth Restricted Fetuses.". Diagnostics. 2021 , vol 11 , num 6
  • CUÑARRO-LÓPEZ , Yolanda; PINTADO-RECARTE , Pilar; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍN , C; PAYA-MARTÍNEZ , Pilar; LÓPEZ-PÉREZ , R; CUETO-HERNÁNDEZ , I; RUIZ-LABARTA , J; CANO-VALDERRAMA , O; MARTÍNEZ-PÉREZ , O; BRAVO , Coral; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan A; ."Comparing Infection Profiles of Expectant Mothers with COVID-19 and Impacts on Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes between the First Two Waves of the Pandemic. ". Journal of Personalizated Medicine. 2021 , vol 11 , num 7
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; SÁNCHEZ-TRUJILLO , Lara; BRAVO , Coral; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; SAEZ , Miguel A; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; SAINZ , Felipez; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; DE LEON-LUIS , Juan A; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."Newborns of Mothers with Venous Disease during Pregnancy Show Increased Levels of Lipid Peroxidation and Markers of Oxidative Stress and Hypoxia in the Umbilical Cord". (ISSN: 2076-3921). Antioxidants . 2021 , vol 10 , num 6
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; SÁNCHEZ-TRUJILLO , Lara; BRAVO , Coral; FRAILE-MARTÍNEZ , Oscar; SÁEZ , Miguel Ángel; ÁLVAREZ-MON , Miguel Ángel; SAINZ , Felipe; , Alvarez De Mon, Melchor; , Julia Buján; A DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan; GACÍA DE HONDUVILLA, Natalio; ."Newborns of mothers with venous disease during pregnancy show increased levels of lipid peroxidation and markers of oxidative stress and hypoxia in the umbilical cord". (ISSN: 2076-3921). Antioxidants . 2021 , vol 10 , num 6 , p. 980 -  .  .
  • ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE ANTA , L; LLAVERO-VALERO , M; LAHERA FORTEZA, Guillermo; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; SOUTULLO , C; QUINTERO , Javier; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ."Areas of Interest and Attitudes towards the Pharmacological Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Thematic and Quantitative Analysis Using Twitter.". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 , vol 10 , num 12
  • PEÑA , Pilar; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; TORRE ESCUREDO, Basilio José de la; ."Influence of Psychological Distress in Patients with Hypoallergenic Total Knee Arthroplasty. Treatment Algorithm for Patients with Metal Allergy and Knee Osteoarthritis". (ISSN: 1661-7827). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 , vol 18 , num 11
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; PEKAREK , Leonel; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; BOYANO ADÁNEZ, María del Carmen; SAINZ , Felipez; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ."Tissue remodeling and Increased DNA damage in Patients with Incompetent Valves in Chronic Venous Insufficiency.". (ISSN: 1582-4934). Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2021
  • GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; SANMARTIN-SALINAS , Patricia; PÉREZ-CUEVAS , Eva; TOLEDO LOBO, María del Val; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; ZOULLAS , Sofia; SÁEZ , Miguel A; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; NOGUERALES FRAGUAS, Fernando; ARILLA FERREIRO, Eduardo; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Possible Role of IRS-4 in the Origin of Multifocal Hepatocellular Carcinoma.". (ISSN: 2072-6694). Cancers. 2021 , vol 13 , num 11 , p. 2560 -
  • GUTIÉRREZ , MM; DURÁN-VILA , A; RUIZ-LABARTA , J; PAYÁ-MARTÍNEZ , P; PINTADO RECARTE , P; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LEÓN-LUIS , J; ."A New Multiplatform Model for Outpatient Prenatal and Postpartum Care in a Cohort of COVID-19-Affected Obstetric Patients.". Int J Environ Res Public Health.. 2021 , vol 18 , num 10
  • CRISTÓBAL , Lara; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; SÁNCHEZ , Jorge; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; MALDONADO , Andres A; ."Mouse Models for Human Skin Transplantation: a Systematic Review.". (ISSN: 1422-6405). Cells Tissues Organs. 2021
  • GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; FRAILE-MARTÍNEZ , Oscar; BRAVO , Coral; TORRES-CARRANZA , Diego; SANCHEZ-TRUJILLO , Lara; GÓMEZ-LAHOZ , Ana M; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; DIEGO GUIJARRO, Cristina; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; SERRANO , Encarnación; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan A; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel A; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."An Updated Review of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines and the Importance of Effective Vaccination Programs in Pandemic Times". Vaccines. 2021
  • BARCA , Juan A; BRAVO , Coral; PINTADO-RECARTE , María P; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; CUETO-HERNANDEZ , Ignacio; RUIZ-LABARTA , Javier; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan A; ."Pelvic Floor Morbidity Following Vaginal Delivery versus Cesarean Delivery: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021
  • RUIZ LABARTA , Francisco Javier; PINTADO RECARTE , María Pilar; JOIGNEAU PRIETO , Laura; BRAVO , Coral; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan A; ."Factors Associated with Failure of Bakri Balloon Tamponade for the Management of Postpartum Haemorrhage. Case Series Study and Systematic Review". Healthcare. 2021
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ORTEGA HERNÁNDEZ, Adriana; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel A; DELFORGE , Arnaud; SAEZ , Miguel A; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; SAINZ , Felipe; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ALVAREZ-MON , Melchor; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."Histopathological study of JNK in venous wall of patients with chronic venous insufficiency related to osteogenesis process". (ISSN: 1449-1907). International Journal of Medical Sciences. 2021
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; PEKAREK , Leonel; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel A; ASUNSOLO , Angel; SANCHEZ-TRUJILLO , Lara; COCA , Santiago; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ALVAREZ-MON , Melchor; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; SAINZ , Felipe; ."Defective expression of the peroxisome regulators PPARalfa receptors and lysogenesis with increased cellular senescence in the venous wall of chronic venous disorder". (ISSN: 02133911). HISTOL HISTOPATHOL. 2021
  • ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; GÓMEZ-LAHOZ , Ana Maria; OROZCO , A; LAHERA FORTEZA, Guillermo; DIAZ , David; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ALBILLOS MARTÍNEZ, Agustín; QUINTERO , Javier; AUBÁ , E; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ."Expansion of CD4 T Lymphocytes Expressing Interleukin 17 and Tumor Necrosis Factor in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder.". (ISSN: 2075-4426). Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2021 , vol 11 , num 3
  • GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Osacr; GOMEZ-LAHOZ , Ana M; PEKAREK , Leonel; CASTELLANOS , Alejandro J; NOGUERALES FRAGUAS, Fernando; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; SANCHEZ-TRUJILLO , Lara; LAHERA FORTEZA, Guillermo; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ÁLVAREZ DE MON GONZÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Nutritional Components in Western Diet Versus Mediterranean Diet at the Gut Microbiota&-Immune System Interplay. Implications for Health and Disease". (ISSN: 2072-6643). Nutrients. 2021 , vol 13 , num 2
  • GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GOMEZ-LAHOZ , Ana M; PEKAREK , Leonel; JIMENEZ-CASTELLANOS , Alejandro; NOGUERALES , Fernando; COCA , Santiago; GUIJARRO , Luis G; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; SANCHEZ-TRUJILLO , Lara; LAHERA , Guillermo; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; MONSERRAT , Jorge; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel Angel; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Nutritional Components in Western Diet Versus Mediterranean Diet at the Gut Microbiota-Immune System Interplay. Implications for Health and Disease ". (ISSN: 2072-6643). Nutrients. 2021 , vol 13 , num 2
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GARCÍA-MONTERO , Cielo; GRACÍA-GALLEGO , Sandra; SANCHEZ-TRUJILLO , Lara; TORRES-CARRANZA , Diego; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel A; PEKAREK , Leonel; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ALVAREZ-MON , Melchor; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; DE LA TORRE , Basilio; ."An integrative look at SARS¿CoV¿2 (Review)". (ISSN: 1107-3756). International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2021
  • CUÑARRO-LÓPEZ , Yolanda; PINTADO-RECARTE , Pilar; CUETO-HERNÁNDEZ , Ignacio; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍN , Concepción; PAYÁ-MARÍNEZ , María Pilar; MUÑÓZ-CHÁPULI , María Del Mar; CANO-VALDERRAMA , Oscar; BRAVO , Coral; ALVAREZ-MON , Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan Antonio; ."The Profile of the Obstetric Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection According to Country of Origin of the Publication: A Systematic Review of the Literature". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021
  • ÁLVAREZ-MON , Melchor; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; GASULLA , Oscar; FORTUNY-PROFITÓS , J; MAZAIRA-FONT , FA; SAURINA , P; MONSERRAT SANZ, Jorge; PLANA , MN; TRONCOSO , D; MORENO , JS; MUÑOZ , B; ARRANZ , A; VARONA , JF; LOPEZ-ESCOBAR , A; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ."Predictive Model and Risk Factors for Case Fatality of COVID-19". Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2021 , vol 11 , num 1
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GARCIA-MONTERO , Cielo; PEKAREK , Leonel; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; JIMENEZ , Alejandro J; SANCHEZ-TRUJILLO , Lara; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ZAPICO , Alvaro; LAHERA FORTEZA, Guillermo; ALVAREZ-MON , Miguel Ángel; ."Physical Activity as an Imperative Support in Breast Cancer Management". (ISSN: 2072-6694). Cancers. 2020
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; MARTINZ-VIVERO , Clara; PEKAREK , Leonel; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; SAINZ , Felipe; ."Chronic Venous Disease Patients Showed Altered Expression of IGF-1/PAPP-A/STC-2 Axis in the Vein Wall". (ISSN: 2314-6133). Biomed Research International. 2020
  • MANSO-CÓRDOBA , Silvia; PICKERING , Sarah; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ROMERO , Diana; ."Factors Related to Seeking Help for Postpartum Depression: A Secondary Analysis of New York City PRAMS Data.". (ISSN: 1661-7827). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020
  • RODRIGUEZ-PRIETO , Tamara; HERNÁNDEZ-BREIJO , Borja; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; GÓMEZ , Rafael; SÁNCHEZ-NIEVES , Javier; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; ."Dendritic Nanotheranostic for the Delivery of Infliximab: A Potential Carrier in Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapy". (ISSN: 1422-0067). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020
  • CUÑARRO-LÓPEZ , Yolanda; CANO-VALDERRAMA , Óscar; PINTADO-RECARTE , Pilar; CUETO-HERNÁNDEZ , Ignacio; GONZÁLEZ-GARZÓN , Blanca; GARCÍA-TIZÓN , Santiago; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan Antonio; ."Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes in Patients with Suspected COVID-19 and Their Relationship with a Negative RT-PCR Result". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2020 , vol 9 , num 3552
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Óscar; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; SAIZ-PARDO SANZ, Melchor; TEUS GUEZALA, Miguel Ángel; ."Update on uveal melanoma: Translational research from biology to clinical practice (Review)". (ISSN: 1019-6439). International Journal of Oncology. 2020 , vol 57 , num 6
  • PEÑA , Pilar; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; TORRE ESCUREDO, Basilio José de la; ."Decrease of Quality of Life, Functional Assessment and Associated Psychological Distress in Patients with Hypoallergenic Total Knee Arthroplasty". (ISSN: 2077-0383). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2020 , vol 9 , num 10
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; SAEZ , Miguel A; SAINZ , Felipe; FRAILE-MARTINEZ , Oscar; GARCIA-GALLEGO , Sandra; PEKAREK , Leonel; BRAVO , Coral; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; ALVAREZ-MON , Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ."Lipidomic profiling of chorionic villi in the placentas of women with chronic venous disease". (ISSN: 1449-1907). International Journal of Medical Sciences. 2020
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; SAEZ , Miguel A; SAINZ , Felipe; FRAILE MARTINEZ, Oscar; GARCÍA GALLEGO, Sandra; PEKAREK , Leonel; BRAVO , Coral; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ."Lipidomic profiling of chorionic villi in the placentas of women with chronic venous disease ". (ISSN: 1449-1907). International Journal of Medical Sciences. 2020 , vol 17 , num 17 , p. 2790 - 2798 .
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; GUZMAN MERINO, Alberto; FRAILE MARTINEZ, Oscar; RECIO-RUIZ , Judith; PEKAREK , Leonel; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA GALLEGO, Sandra; ."Dendrimers and dendritic materials: From laboratory to medical practice in infectious diseases". (ISSN: 1999-4923). Pharmaceutics. 2020 , vol 12 , num 9 - 874 .
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; GUZMAN MERINO, Alberto; FRAILE MARTINEZ, Oscar; RECIO-RUIZ , Judith; PEKAREK , Leonel; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA GALLEGO, Sandra; ."Dendrimers and dendritic materials: From laboratory to medical practice in infectious diseases". (ISSN: 1999-4923). Pharmaceutics. 2020 , vol 12 , num 9 - 874
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE MARTINEZ, Oscar; NAYA , Irene; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; TORRE ESCUREDO, Basilio José de la; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ."Type 2 diabetes mellitus associated with obesity (Diabesity). The central role of gut microbiota and its translational applications". (ISSN: 2072-6643). Nutrients. 2020 , vol 12 , num 9
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE MARTINEZ, Oscar; GONZÁLEZ GUIJARRO, Luis Alberto; CASANOVA , Carlos; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ."The Regulatory Role of Mitochondrial MicroRNAs (MitomiRs) in Breast Cancer: Translational Implications Present and Future". (ISSN: 2072-6694). Cancers. 2020 , vol 12 , num 9
  • TORRE ESCUREDO, Basilio José de la; GÓMEZ-GARCÍA , Eva; ÁLVAREZ-VILLAR , Salvador; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Bone impaction grafting with trabecular metal augments in large defects in young patients: Unravelling a new perspective in surgical technique". (ISSN: 1471-2474). BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2020 , vol 1 , num 21
  • , Alberto Cifuentes-Negrete; , Verónica Gómez Gil; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; , del Barco, Angel Asunsolo; COCA , Santiago; , Julio San Román; , Melchor Álvarez de Mon; , Julia Buján; GARCIA HONDUVILLA, Natalio; ."Chitosan hydrogels functionalized with either unfractionated heparin or bemiparin improve diabetic wound healing". (ISSN: 0753-3322). Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy. 2020 , vol 129 , num 9 , p. 110498 -  .  .
  • TORRES-ROMAN , JS; GOMEZ-RUBIO , Virgilio; SANCHEZ-TRUJILLO , Lara; DELGADO-ROSAS , Eva; PUCHE-VERGARA , Francisco; SANZ-ANQUELA , José Miguel; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ."Geographic study of mortality due to mesothelioma in Peru and its evolution". (ISSN: 1877-7821). CA NCER EPIDEMIOLOG Y . 2020 , vol 68 , num 101791
  • CIFUENTES , Alberto; GÓMEZ-GIL , Veronica; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; SAN ROMÁN , Julio; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."Chitosan hydrogels functionalized with either unfractionated heparin or bemiparin improve diabetic wound healing". (ISSN: 0753-3322). Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy. 2020 , vol 129
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ROMERO RUIZ DE LA HERMOSA, Beatriz; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; MARTÍNEZ-VIVERO , Clara; SAINZ , Felipe; BRAVO , Coral; DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan; ÁLVAREZ-MON , Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."Pregnancy-associated venous insufficiency course with placental and systemic oxidative stress.". (ISSN: 1582-4934). Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2020
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; SAEZ , Miguel Ángel; FRAILE-MARTÍNEZ , Oscar; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; PEKAREK , Leonel; BRAVO , Coral; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; SAINZ , Felipe; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."Increased Angiogenesis and Lymphangiogenesis in the Placental Villi of Women with Chronic Venous Disease during Pregnancy". (ISSN: 1422-0067). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020 , vol 21 , num 7
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; FRAILE-MARTÍNEZ , Oscar; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; ."Signal Transduction Pathways in Breast Cancer: The Important Role of PI3K/Akt/mTOR. ". (ISSN: 1687-8450). Journal of Oncology. 2020
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ROMERO , Beatriz; , del Barco, Angel Asunsolo; MARTÍNEZ-VIVERO , Clara; SAINZ , Felipe; BRAVO , Coral; DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan; ÁLVAAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; , Julia Buján; GACÍA DE HONDUVILLA, Natalio; ."Pregnancy-associated venous insufficiency course with placental and systemic oxidative stress". (ISSN: 1582-1838). Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2020 , vol 24 , num 7 , p. 4157 - 4170 .  .
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ÁLVAREZ ROCHA, María José; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ROMERO RUIZ DE LA HERMOSA, Beatriz; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; ÁLVAREZ DE MON SOTO, Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."Decreased expression of cytokeratin 15 and tropoelastin in men with androgenetic alopecia and its relationship with increased expression of p15/p16". (ISSN: 1734-1922). Archives of Medical Science. 2020
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; SAEZ , Miguel A; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ROMERO RUIZ DE LA HERMOSA, Beatriz; BRAVO , Coral; COCA MENCHERO, Santiago; SAINZ , Felipe; ÁLVAREZ-MON , Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."Upregulation of VEGF and PEDF in Placentas of Women with Lower Extremity Venous Insufficiency during Pregnancy and Its Implication in Villous Calcification.". (ISSN: 2314-6133). Biomed Research International. 2019
  • CRISTOBAL , Lara; DE LOS REYES , Nerea; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ÁLVAREZ-MON , Melchor; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; MALDONADO , Andrés; ."Local Growth Hormone Therapy for Pressure Ulcer Healing on a Human Skin Mouse Model. ". (ISSN: 1422-0067). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2019 , vol 20 , num 17
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ROMERO RUIZ DE LA HERMOSA, Beatriz; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ÁLVAREZ-ROCHA , MJ; SAINZ , Felipe; LEAL , Javier; ÁLVAREZ-MON , Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."Unravelling the role of MAPKs (ERK1/2) in venous reflux in patients with chronic venous disorder.". (ISSN: 1422-6405). Cells Tissues Organs. 2019
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ROMERO RUIZ DE LA HERMOSA, Beatriz; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; SOLA , Mayte; ÁLVAREZ-ROCHA , MJ; SAINZ , Felipe; ÁLVAREZ-MON , Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."Patients with Incompetent Valves in Chronic Venous Insufficiency Show Increased Systematic Lipid Peroxidation and Cellular Oxidative Stress Markers. ". (ISSN: 1942-0900). OXIDA TIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LO NGEVITY . 2019
  • IBARRA , Blanca; GARCÍA-GARCÍA , Joaquin; AZUARA , Galo; VÁZQUEZ-LASA , Blanca; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; SAN ROMÁN , Julio; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; TORRE ESCUREDO, Basilio José de la; ."Polylactic-co-glycolic acid microspheres added to fixative cements and its role on bone infected architecture. ". (ISSN: 1552-4973). Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials. 2019
  • AZUARA , Galo; GARCÍA-GARCÍA , Joaquin; IBARRA , Blanca; PARRA-RUIZ , FJ; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; VÁZQUEZ-LASA , Blanca; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; SAN ROMÁN , Julio; TORRE ESCUREDO, Basilio José de la; ."Experimental study of the application of a new bone cement loaded with broad spectrum antibiotics for the treatment of bone infection. ". Rev Esp Cir Ortop Traumatol. . 2019
  • GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; COCA , Alejandro; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; TREJO IRIARTE, Cynthia Georgina; ROMÁN , J; PEÑA , J; CABAÑAS , MV; VALLET REGI, María; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ."Improved connective integration of a degradable 3D-nano-apatite/agarose scaffold subcutaneously implanted in a rat model. ". (ISSN: 0885-3282). Journal of Biomaterials Applications. 2018
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ROMERO RUIZ DE LA HERMOSA, Beatriz; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; SAINZ , Felipe; MARÍNEZ-VIVERO , Clara; ÁLVAREZ-MON , Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."Behavior of Smooth Muscle Cells under Hypoxic Conditions: Possible Implications on the Varicose Vein Endothelium. ". (ISSN: 2314-6133). Biomed Research International. 2018
  • CRISTOBAL , Lara; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ROMERO RUIZ DE LA HERMOSA, Beatriz; ÁLVAREZ-MON , Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; MALDONADO , Andrés; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."Human skin model for mimic dermal studies in pathology with a clinical implication in pressure ulcers. ". (ISSN: 0213-3911). Histology and Histopathology. 2018
  • GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Angel; PASCUAL-TERESA FERNÁNDEZ, Beatriz de; LEAL , Javier; LÓPEZ-HERVAS , Pedro; PASCUAL GONZÁLEZ, María Gemma; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ."Increase and Redistribution of Sex Hormone Receptors in Premenopausal Women Are Associated with Varicose Vein Remodelling.". (ISSN: 1942-0900). OXIDA TIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LO NGEVITY . 2018
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; LEAL , Javier; ROMERO RUIZ DE LA HERMOSA, Beatriz; ÁLVAREZ-ROCHA , MJ; SAINZ , Felipe; ÁLVAREZ-MON , Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."Implication of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR Pathway in the Process of Incompetent Valves in Patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency and the Relationship with Aging. ". (ISSN: 1942-0900). OXIDA TIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LO NGEVITY . 2018
  • GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ÁLVAREZ-ROCHA , MJ; ROMERO RUIZ DE LA HERMOSA, Beatriz; JUAB , De León-Luis; ÁLVAREZ-MON , Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ."Placentas from women with pregnancy-associated venous insufficiency show villi damage with evidence of hypoxic cellular stress. ". (ISSN: 0046-8177). Human Pathology. 2018
  • ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; ASÚNSOLO DEL BARCO, Ángel; ÁLVAREZ-ROCHA , MJ; ROMERO RUIZ DE LA HERMOSA, Beatriz; DE LEÓN-LUIS , Juan; ÁLVAREZ-MON , Melchor; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; ."Remodelling of collagen fibres in the placentas of women with venous insufficiency during pregnancy. ". (ISSN: 0213-3911). Histology and Histopathology. 2018
  • GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; CIFUENTES NEGRETE, Alberto; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; PASTOR , M; GAINZA , G; GAINZA , E; MORENO CIFUENTES, Carlos; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; ÁLVAREZ-MON , Melchor; ."Immuno-modulatory effect of local rhEGF treatment during tissue repair in diabetic ulcers.". Endocrine Connections. 2018
  • GARCÍA HONDUVILLA, Natalio Antonio; CIFUENTES NEGRETE, Alberto; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; DELGADO , A; GÓNZALEZ , S; BUJÁN VARELA, María Julia Araceli; MORENO CIFUENTES, Carlos; ÁLVAREZ-MON , Melchor; ."High Sensitivity of Human Adipose Stem Cells to Differentiate into Myofibroblasts in the Presence of C. aspersa Egg Extract.". Stem cells Internacionational. 2017
  • RODRÍGUEZ BERRIGUETE, Gonzalo; TORREALBA , Norelia; ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel; MARTÍNEZ-ONSURBE , Pilar; OLMEDILLA , Gabriel; PANIAGUA GÓMEZ-ÁLVAREZ, Ricardo; GUILD-CID , Manuel; FRAILE LAIZ, Benito; ROYUELA GARCÍA, María del Mar; ."Prognostic value of inhibitors of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) and caspases in prostate cancer: caspase-3 forms and XIAP predict biochemical progression after radical prostatectomy.". (ISSN: 1471-2407). BMC Cancer. 2015 , vol Oct 27;15:809 , p. 1 - 9

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  • SAEZ GARCÍA , Miguel Angel; "La enfermedad venosa gestacional y su implicación en la génesis de las alteraciones en el tejido placentario.". Director: ORTEGA NÚÑEZ, Miguel Ángel, . . Fecha de lectura: 14/02/2022. .