Erasmus+ Project Unit

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 Erasmus+ Projects Unit

The Erasmus+ Projects Unit was established in 2017 and it primarily aims to support UAH staff members in preparing, implementing and following-up Erasmus+ projects.

Currently, the main focus of the Erasmus+ Projects Unit is on Key Action 2 and Key Action 3 projects for higher education, namely,  Strategic PartnershipsKnowledge AlliancesCapacity Building ProjectsForward-Looking Cooperation Projects.

The main functions of the Erasmus+ Projects Unit are as follows:

  • to inform about opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 and Key Action 3
  • to provide assistance and advice both at the project preparation and implementation stages
  • to act as an internal UAH contact point for the Erasmus+ projects

You can turn to us:

  • if you have a project idea and would like to apply for Erasmus+ funding
  • if you have questions about  application forms, budget preparation, application deadlines and procedures etc.
  • if you have any other questions related to the Erasmus+ programme and project opportunities
Erasmus+ Projects Unit

Erasmus+ Projects Unit

Vicerectorate of International Relations Office

Plaza San Diego, s/n, Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)

Telephone:+34 918855388

Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá

Calle la Imagen, 1-3, Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)

Telephone: +34 918797448