Departamento de Philology, Communication and Documentation
Management team
Director/a del Departamento de Filología, Comunicación y Documentación
María Belén Almeida Cabrejas - T.U. de Lengua Española
Subdirector/a del Departamento de Filología, Comunicación y Documentación
Xosé Afonso Álvarez Pérez - T.U. de Filología Románica
Secretario/a del Departamento de Filología, Comunicación y Documentación
María Ruth García Pernía - Prof. Contratado/a Doctor/a de Comunic. Audiovisual y Public
Knowledge Areas
- Librarianship and Documentation
- Audiovisual Communication and Advertising
- Greek Philology
- Latin Philology
- Romance Philology
- Spanish Language
- Spanish Literature
- General Linguistics
- Theory of Literature and Comparative literature Teaching units
Teaching units
- Librarianship and Documentation
- Audiovisual Communication and Advertising
- Philology
Research groups
- Arquitectura, Historia, Ciudad y Paisaje
- Creación de materiales y análisis de mercado en la enseñanza de una lengua materna y de una lengua extranjera
- Diversidad, Discapacidad e Inclusión Social y Educativa-Diversity, Disability and Social and Educational Inclusion.
- Ecocrítica y Humanidades Ambientales Ecocriticism and Environmental Humanities
- Enseñanza de la Lengua Española a Niños y Adolescentes The teaching of the Spanish language to children and adolescents
- American Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies
- Grupo de Investigación de textos para la Historia del Español Research Group of texts for the History of Spanish
- Grupo de Investigación en Edad Media y Siglo de Oro
- Grupo de Investigación en Literatura Contemporánea
- Grupo de investigación Lingüística teórica / Theoretical linguistics research group
- Imagen, métrica y arquitectura
- Imágenes, Palabras e Ideas (Images, Words, ans Ideas)
- InScribo-CIL II
- inclusión y mejora educativa: convivencia y aprendizaje cooperativo
- Lingüística de la variación espacial y social Linguistics of spacial and social variation
- IV Jornadas doctorales GILCO
- Conferencia "Tesoro lexicográfico de Cuba. Siglo XIX" de Aurora Camacho
- Conferencia de Araceli Cañadas sobre la importancia de incorporar la Historia y Cultura del Pueblo Gitano en el sistema educativo
- Conversación con la escritora Cristina Fernández Cubas
- I Congreso Internacional "Representaciones de la ruralidad en las literaturas hispánicas contemporáneas"
- Conversación con Sara Torres sobre la obra de Maria-Mercè Marçal
- Jornadas de Lengua y Lingüística (2024-25)
- Fundación Pastor de Estudios Clásicos: una suscripción online sobre temas del mundo clásico y un "espacio de civilización" entre los papiros más antiguos de la capital
- Conferencia de Daniel Gordo (presidente de OSCEC)
- Conversación con el escritor Carlos Barragán
- Conferencia "Un paisaje de nombres: la onomástica (toponimia y antroponimia) como patrimonio cultural" de Emilio Nieto
- "Un reino maravilloso" de José Manuel Navia
- Conversación con la escritora Giovanna Rivero
- I Jornadas Doctorales Enfoques para el Estudio de la Antigüedad, el Humanismo y la Tradición Clásica
- I Seminario de investigación EMOSPACE Explorando la emocionalidad en español como lengua adicional: perspectivas y enfoques de investigación
- IX Premios de Promoción y Divulgación Científica 2024 de la Universidad de Alcalá
Teaching and researcher staff
- Audiovisual Culture and Cinema (252023)
- Classical Culture (252012)
- Spanish Language and Literature Teaching (470019)
- Latin Language in Spanish Language (470005)
- Spanish Language I (252003)
- Spanish II (252011)
- Contemporary Spanish Literature (252021)
- Medieval and Modern Spanish Literature (252005)
- Learning Processes: Development of Communication Skills (470000)
- Communication Competences and Reflection Over the Language (420040)
- Communicative Competence and Reflection On Language (430056)
- Communication and Socio-cultural Medial: Teaching and Learning (430048)
- Literary Education and Critical Thinking (420075)
- Spanish Language and Didactics (430002)
- Spanish Language and Literature Teaching (430014)
- Children'S Literature (420052)
- Works and Texts of Literature (430069)
- Learning Processes: Development of Communication Skills (420017)
- Workshop of Written and Oral Language (420041)
- Oral and Written Language Workshop (430057)
- Theather Worshop (430075)
- Audiovisual Communication in the Web (641027)
- Linguistic Communication (641001)
- Communication and Creative Processes (641009)
- Constructing Knowledge in the Information Society (641007)
- Visual Culture (641014)
- Digital Graphic Design (641028)
- Audiovsual Company (641006)
- Scenography and Photography in Film and Television (641046)
- Aesthetics of Audiovisual Expression (641017)
- Professional Ethics and Deontology (641022)
- Audiovisual Ethnography (641037)
- Oral and Written Expression (641013)
- Documentation and Information Sources (641005)
- Film and Television Genres and Formats (641031)
- Content Management and Audiovisual Programming (641021)
- Audiovisual Script (641018)
- Audience Research (641011)
- Audiovisual Language (641003)
- Audiovisual Narrative (641012)
- New Digital Formats (641038)
- Audiovisual Post-production (641024)
- Practice and Photo Editing (641047)
- External Practical Training (641025)
- Audiovisual Production (641020)
- Production and Broadcast of Documentaries (641034)
- Production and Broadcast of Fictional Films (641041)
- Production and Broadcast of Audiovisual Publicity (641042)
- Life Shows and Multicamera Broadcast (641043)
- Audiovisual Achievement (641019)
- Learning to Give the News in Radio and Television (641033)
- Techniques For the Writing of Fiction Scripts (641040)
- Presentation and Locution Techniques (641032)
- Theories of Communication (641002)
- Degree Final Project (641026)
- A Comparative and Historical Approach to Media Studies (641015)
- Videogames: Contents, Industry and Policies (641035)
- Discourse and Conversation Analysis (790049)
- Literary Texts: Analysis and Commentaries (790035)
- Linguistic Commentary and Analysis of Texts (790034)
- Cervantes (790062)
- Literary Criticism (790068)
- Humor: Teory and History (790079)
- Literary Language: Poetry (790025)
- Literary Language Prose (790029)
- Phonetics and Phonology of Spanish (790011)
- Advanced Grammar (790072)
- Greek I (790002)
- Greek II (790013)
- History of the Spanish Lexicon (790056)
- History of Spanish Morphology and Syntax (790032)
- History of Spanish Phonetics and Phonology (790024)
- Introduction to Spanish Grammar (790004)
- Introduction to Linguistics (790000)
- Spanish Language Teaching (790073)
- The Linguistic Disciplines (790014)
- The Languages of Spain (790065)
- Latin I (790001)
- Latin II (790012)
- European Languages (790055)
- Applied Linguistics (790050)
- Current Literature (252072)
- Comparative Literature (790052)
- 18 Th and 19 Th Century Spanish Literature (790027)
- Latin American Literature (790033)
- Catalan Literature and Culture (790078)
- Literature and Representations of Sexuality (790075)
- Medieval Hispanic Literature (790003)
- Greek and Latin Mythology and Spanish Literature (790045)
- Morphology of Spanish (790022)
- The Narrative in Golden Age Literature (790015)
- 20 Th Century Spanish Narrative (790031)
- Contemporary Latin American Narrative (790076)
- Great Works of Greek and Latin Classical Literature (790043)
- Paleography and Textual Criticism (790060)
- Golden Age Poetry and Theatre (790023)
- 20 Th Century Spanish Poetry and Theatre (790036)
- External Practical Training (790037)
- Presentación Escrita y Oral de Trabajos Académicos (Curso 0) (790101)
- Semantics and Lexicology (790030)
- Syntax of Spanish (790026)
- Sociolinguistics (790046)
- Professional Editorial Techniques (790077)
- Degree Final Project (790038)
- Varieties of Spanish (790028)
- Audiovisual Culture and Cinema (252023)
- Classical Culture (252012)
- Spanish Language Teaching (790073)
- Latin I (790001)
- Latin II (790012)
- Spanish Language I (252003)
- Spanish II (252011)
- Current Literature (252072)
- Contemporary Spanish Literature (252021)
- Medieval and Modern Spanish Literature (252005)
- Romanic Literature (790044)
- Classical Literature and Thought (252038)
- Literature and Representations of Sexuality (790075)
- Origin and Secrets of Names. Toponymy and Onomastics (252071)
- Presentación Escrita y Oral de Trabajos Académicos (Curso 0) (790101)
- Communication Competences and Reflection Over the Language (420040)
- Teaching of Spanish Language and Literature (420025)
- Literary Education and Critical Thinking (420075)
- Children'S Literature (420052)
- Learning Processes: Development of Communication Skills (420017)
- Workshop of Written and Oral Language (420041)
- Communicative Competence and Reflection On Language (430056)
- Communication and Socio-cultural Medial: Teaching and Learning (430048)
- Spanish Language and Didactics (430002)
- Spanish Language and Literature Teaching (430014)
- Works and Texts of Literature (430069)
- Learning Processes: Development of Communication Skills (430000)
- Oral and Written Language Workshop (430057)
- Theather Worshop (430075)
- Communicative Competence and Reflection On Language (430056)
- Communication and Socio-cultural Medial: Teaching and Learning (430048)
- Spanish Language and Didactics (430002)
- Spanish Language and Literature Teaching (430014)
- Works and Texts of Literature (430069)
- Learning Processes: Development of Communication Skills (430000)
- Oral and Written Language Workshop (430057)
- Theather Worshop (430075)
- Search and Management of Information (100006)
- Catalan I (100295)
- Catalán I (100309)
- Catalan II (100296)
- Comic. Medio Gráfico (100293)
- Non Verbal Communication (100073)
- Oral Communication in Spanish: Linguistic Preparation (100234)
- Communication, Marketing and Advertising in the Spanish-speaking World: Linguistic Preparation (100240)
- Digital Creators and Productors (100027)
- Diversidad Lingüística en España (100310)
- Monster in Literature and Cinema (100306)
- Production and Presentation of Academic Works (100111)
- Academic and Creative Writing (100155)
- Spain and Its Proper Nouns (100307)
- Stages of Spanish Grammar in Its Context (100302)
- Spanish Phonetics (100282)
- Photography and Documentary Poetics (100248)
- To Create Audiovisual Productions: Formats and Digital Contents (100174)
- Gypsies in Spain. History and Culture (100045)
- Spanish Pedagogical Grammar (200188)
- Introduction to the Grammar of Spanish Language: Linguistic Preparation (100233)
- Introduction to Spanish Pragmatics (100260)
- Introduction to Greek and Roman Cultures (100229)
- Introduction to Ancient Greek (100257)
- The Picaresca Novel (100154)
- The Words of Science: Etymologies of the Medical and Biological Lexicon (100190)
- Languages of Spain: Educational Policies (100244)
- Fantastic and Science Fiction Literature and Cinema (100255)
- Literature and Comic (100230)
- Literature and Culture of 1939 Spanish Exile (100294)
- Literature and Audiovisual Culture (100305)
- Roman/gree Mythology in the Litrature: Linguistic Preparation (100239)
- Words, Letters and Icons: Transmission of Ideas (100114)
- International Presence of the Hispanic Language and Cultures: Linguistic Preparation (100237)
- A History of Spanish Cinema and Tv Series (100173)
- Dialectal Variants of Spanish (100261)
- Travels and Travelers in the Middle Ages (100258)
- Videogames and Digital Entertainment (100057)
- Complementary Training in Spanish Language and Literature (200998)
- Teaching Spanish Language and Literature (201002)
- Education and the New Literacies (200976)
- Teaching Text Analysis (201000)
- Normative Spanish (201005)
- Innovation in Teaching and Introduction to Educational Research in Spanish Language and Literature (201003)
- Linguistics Applied to Teaching Languages (201001)
- Planning and Assessing Language and Literature Courses (200999)
- Teaching Practice (201348)
- Reading and Writing Workshop For Secondary School Teachers (201004)
- Master'S Dissertation (201349)
- Metadata Application to Documentary Description (202077)
- Digital Libraries and Bibliographic Heritage (202044)
- From Documentary Analysis to the Semantic Web (202037)
- Digital Editing: Concept and Techniques (202038)
- Metadata Schema (202034)
- Content Management For Web Development (202039)
- Document Management in Digital Environments. (202042)
- Introduction to Md (202047)
- The Social Web As a Tool in Information Services (202076)
- Social Sciences Research Methodology (202046)
- Planning and Strategic Management (202041)
- External Internships in Archives, Libraries and Documentation Centers (202045)
- Quality Management Systems. (202043)
- Information Retrieval Systems (202035)
- Archival Techniques (202040)
- Technologies and Resources For the Development of Services and Collections. (202036)
- Master'S Dissertation (202048)
- Advanced Reading of Classical Greek Texts (203003)
- Avanced Reading of Classical Latin Texts (203004)
- From Classical Rhetoric to Discourse Analysis (203010)
- Greek and Latin Linguistics Studies (203009)
- Forms of Reception of Clasiccal World (203006)
- A History of the Words (203007)
- History and Transmission of Greek and Latin Texts (202999)
- Language, Culture and Society in the Classical World (203001)
- Ancient Indo-european Languages (203008)
- Myth and Ideology in Greece and Rome (203005)
- Practicum (203011)
- Philological Techniques: From the Ancient Text to the Modern Edition (203002)
- Texts, Motifs and Forms of Greek and Latin Literatures (203000)
- Master'S Dissertation (203012)
- The Place of Contemporary and Current Hispanic Literature (202472)
- Literature, Culture and VIsual Arts in the Hispanic World (202473)
- Literature, Society and Power (202477)
- Research Methodology in Literary and Cultural Criticism and History (202470)
- Latin American Contemporary Narratives and Esthetics (203016)
- Transatlantic Literary Networks (203044)
- Topics and Motifs in Hispanic Literary and Cultural History (202471)
- Master'S Dissertation (202478)
- Spanish Courses Curriculum Design (200199)
- Reading and Writing Workshop (200194)
- Spanish Pedagogical Grammar (200188)
- Pragmatic Competence (200202)
- Teaching Written and Oral Comprehension and Production (200200)
- Teaching Spanish Language For Inmigrants (200204)
- Teaching Spanish Language: Phonetics, Grammar and Lexicon (200198)
- Teaching Languages For Special Purposes (200205)
- Linguistics Applied to Teaching Languages (200187)
- Teaching Practice (202993)
- Teaching Material Production and Practical Classroom Activities (200201)
- Master'S Dissertation (202994)
- Narrative Discourse and Power (202602)
- Spanish Courses Curriculum Design (200199)
- The Place of Contemporary and Current Hispanic Literature (202472)
- Gender Studies in Contemporary Hispanic Literature (202604)
- Spanish Pedagogical Grammar (200188)
- History of Dramaturgy and Representation Concepts (201899)
- History and Criticism of Literature in Relation to the Arts (202476)
- Teaching Written and Oral Comprehension and Production (200200)
- Teaching Spanish Language: Phonetics, Grammar and Lexicon (200198)
- Research in Literature and Theatre (201888)
- Contemporary Literature and Theatre and the Arts (201889)
- Linguistics Applied to Teaching Languages (200187)
- Literature, Society and Power (202477)
- Literary and VIsual Narratives (202603)
- Teaching Material Production and Practical Classroom Activities (200201)
- Spanish Language and Its Literatures Technology Resources (200193)
- Research Methods in Literary Studies (202592)
- Topics and Motifs in Hispanic Literary and Cultural History (202471)
- Avant-garde Theatre (202600)
C/ Trinidad nº 5. 28801 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
Telephone:91 885 44 23