Departamento de Modern Philology
Management team
Director/a del Departamento de Filología Moderna
Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez - T.U. de Traducción e Interpretación
Subdirector/a del Departamento de Filología Moderna
Irene Sanz Alonso - T.U. de Filología Inglesa
Secretario/a del Departamento de Filología Moderna
María del Pilar Herrera González - NEGOCIADO DE GESTIÓN - DEPARTAMENTOS
Knowledge Areas
- Didactics of Language and Literature
- Arabic and Islamic Studies
- German
- French
- English
- Translation and Interpretation
Teaching units
- Modern Languages
Research groups
- Análisis Lingüístico / Linguistic Analysis
- Discurso, Identidad y Cognición/Discourse, Identity and Cognition
- Diversidad, Discapacidad e Inclusión Social y Educativa-Diversity, Disability and Social and Educational Inclusion.
- Ecocrítica y Humanidades Ambientales Ecocriticism and Environmental Humanities
- American Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies
- Formación e Investigación en Traducción e Interpretación en los Servicios Públicos / Training and Research in Public Service Translation and Interpreting
- Grupo de Investigación en Edad Media y Siglo de Oro
- Grupo de investigación en Estudios Irlandeses. Research Group in Irish Studies
- Research on English Language Teaching: Skills, content, computers and assessment Investigación en Enseñanza de Lenguas: Destrezas, contenido, ordenadores y evaluación
- Lenguaje y educación - Language and education
- Literaturas y Culturas en Lengua Inglesa
- Narrativas multimodales y multidisciplinares - Multimodal and multidisciplinary narratives
- Sociedad y geografía del Mágreb/ Society and Geography of the Maghreb.
Teaching and researcher staff
- Integrated Learning Content and English (Aicle / Clil) (430040)
- Teaching of English (430041)
- English Language Didactics For Infant Education (420054)
- Foreign Language I (English) (430004)
- Foreign Language II (English) (430010)
- Foreign Language II: Oral and Written Comprehension Skills Development (430032)
- Foreign Language IV: Skills Speaking and Written (430039)
- Foreign Language For Child Education II: Oral and Written Comprehension Skills (420038)
- Foreign Language For Child Education III: Oral and Written Productive Skills (420039)
- Foreign Language For Child Education IV: English Language Extension (420053)
- German For Tourism (680055)
- French For Tourism (680051)
- Foreign Language I: English (680004)
- Foreign Language II: English (680009)
- English For Touristic Business (680038)
- Foreign Language Applied to Tourism: German I (680016)
- Foreign Language Applied to Tourism: German II (680019)
- Foreign Language Applied to Tourism: French I (680015)
- Foreign Language Applied to Tourism: French II (680020)
- German I (251000)
- German II (251006)
- German III (251010)
- Discourse Analysis (251020)
- Literary Analysis of English Texts (251005)
- Argumentation and Persuasion in English (251050)
- Cultures and Civilizations of English-speaking Countries (251015)
- Evil in Narrative Fiction (251060)
- British Writers of Historical Fiction (251071)
- French I (251001)
- French II (251007)
- French III (251011)
- Gender and Literature in Contemporary Ireland (251070)
- Great Works of Literature in the English Language (251016)
- History of the English Language (251018)
- History of English-speaking Countries (251002)
- Academic English (251008)
- English I (251003)
- English II (251009)
- English III (251012)
- English IV (251017)
- Emotional Intelligence and Creativity in the Teaching of English As a Foreign Language (251067)
- Introduction to Translation (English-spanish) (251013)
- Integrating Literary Texts in English Language Teaching (251069)
- Cognitive Linguistics (251047)
- Computational Linguistics (251068)
- English Literary Linguistics (251066)
- Medieval English Literature (251056)
- Postcolonial Literatures (251041)
- Multiculturalism in the United States: Race, Class and Gender (251072)
- British Fiction (251019)
- American Fiction (251021)
- External Practical Training (440026)
- External Practical Training (251038)
- External Practical Training (791009)
- English Pragmatic (251042)
- Shakespeare: From Text to Stage (251062)
- Terminology Applied to Translation (440021)
- Terminology Applied to Translation (791004)
- Degree Final Project (251022)
- German I (251000)
- German II (251006)
- German III (251010)
- German IV (791000)
- Literary Analysis of English Texts (251005)
- Approaching Literary Translation (English/spanish) (440032)
- Argumentation and Persuasion in English (251050)
- Cultures and Civilizations of English-speaking Countries (251015)
- Evil in Narrative Fiction (251060)
- British Writers of Historical Fiction (251071)
- French I (251001)
- French II (251007)
- French III (251011)
- French IV (791001)
- Introduction to the Theory of Translation (791002)
- Gender and Literature in Contemporary Ireland (251070)
- Translation Project Management (791008)
- Computer Tools Applied to Translation (791006)
- History of English-speaking Countries (251002)
- Academic English (251008)
- English I (251003)
- English II (251009)
- English III (251012)
- English IV (251017)
- Emotional Intelligence and Creativity in the Teaching of English As a Foreign Language (251067)
- Introduction to Interpreting (440031)
- Introduction to Translation (English-spanish) (251013)
- Introduction to German/spanish Translation (440044)
- Introduction to the Translation Of19th Century English Literature (Verse An Prose (791029)
- Integrating Literary Texts in English Language Teaching (251069)
- Translation of Pragmatic and Discursive Aspects (791022)
- Cognitive Linguistics (251047)
- Computational Linguistics (251068)
- English Literary Linguistics (251066)
- Medieval English Literature (251056)
- Postcolonial Literatures (251041)
- Multiculturalism in the United States: Race, Class and Gender (251072)
- External Practical Training (791009)
- English Pragmatic (251042)
- Shakespeare: From Text to Stage (251062)
- Terminology Applied to Translation (791004)
- Degree Final Project (791010)
- Audiovisual Translation (791015)
- Machine Translation and Postediting (791023)
- Institutional Translation and Interpreting (440040)
- Specialised Translation (Scientific-technical) (791005)
- Specialised Translation (Legal-financial) (791007)
- Specialised Translation German/spanish (791021)
- Specialised Translation German/spanish (440034)
- Specialised Translation French/spanish: Fields and Tools (791020)
- Specialised Translation French/spanish (440035)
- General Translation (German- Spanish) (791012)
- General Translation (French- Spanish) (791011)
- General and Literary Translation (French-spanish) (440042)
- Advanced Legal Translation (440041)
- German I (440000)
- German II (440006)
- German III (440010)
- German IV (440017)
- Literary Analysis of English Texts (440005)
- Approaching Literary Translation (English/spanish) (440032)
- Argumentation and Persuasion in English (251050)
- Culture and Civilization of English-speaking Countries (440015)
- Evil in Narrative Fiction (251060)
- British Writers of Historical Fiction (251071)
- French I (440001)
- French II (440007)
- French III (440011)
- French IV (440018)
- Introduction to the Theory of Translation (440019)
- Gender and Literature in Contemporary Ireland (251070)
- Translation Project Management (440025)
- Computer Tools Applied to Translation (440023)
- History of English-speaking Countries (440002)
- Academic English (440008)
- English I (440003)
- English II (440009)
- English III (440012)
- English IV (440016)
- Emotional Intelligence and Creativity in the Teaching of English As a Foreign Language (251067)
- Introduction to Interpreting (440031)
- Introduction to Translation (English-spanish) (440013)
- Introduction to German/spanish Translation (440044)
- Introduction to the Translation Of19th Century English Literature (Verse An Prose (791029)
- Integrating Literary Texts in English Language Teaching (251069)
- Translation of Pragmatic and Discursive Aspects (791022)
- Cognitive Linguistics (251047)
- Computational Linguistics (251068)
- English Literary Linguistics (251066)
- Medieval English Literature (251056)
- Postcolonial Literatures (251041)
- Multiculturalism in the United States: Race, Class and Gender (251072)
- External Practical Training (440026)
- English Pragmatic (251042)
- Shakespeare: From Text to Stage (251062)
- Terminology Applied to Translation (440021)
- Degree Final Project (440027)
- Audiovisual Translation (791015)
- Machine Translation and Postediting (791023)
- Institutional Translation and Interpreting (440040)
- Specialised Translation (Scientific-technical) (440022)
- Specialised Translation (Legal-financial) (440024)
- Specialised Translation German/spanish (791021)
- Specialised Translation German/spanish (440034)
- Specialised Translation French/spanish: Fields and Tools (791020)
- Specialised Translation French/spanish (440035)
- General Translation (German- Spanish) (791012)
- General Translation (French- Spanish) (791011)
- General and Literary Translation (French-spanish) (440042)
- Advanced Legal Translation (440041)
- English Language Didactics For Infant Education (420054)
- Foreign Language For Infant Education (English) (420011)
- Foreign Language For Child Education II: Oral and Written Comprehension Skills (420038)
- Foreign Language For Child Education III: Oral and Written Productive Skills (420039)
- Foreign Language For Child Education IV: English Language Extension (420053)
- Integrated Learning Content and English (Aicle / Clil) (430040)
- Teaching of English (430041)
- Foreign Language I (English) (430004)
- Foreign Language II (English) (430010)
- Foreign Language II: Oral and Written Comprehension Skills Development (430032)
- Foreign Language IV: Skills Speaking and Written (430039)
- Integrated Learning Content and English (Aicle / Clil) (430040)
- Teaching of English (430041)
- Foreign Language I (English) (430004)
- Foreign Language II (English) (430010)
- Foreign Language II: Oral and Written Comprehension Skills Development (430032)
- Foreign Language IV: Skills Speaking and Written (430039)
- German For Tourism (680055)
- French For Tourism (680051)
- Foreign Language I: English (680004)
- Foreign Language II: English (680009)
- English For Touristic Business (680038)
- Foreign Language Applied to Tourism: German I (680016)
- Foreign Language Applied to Tourism: German II (680019)
- Foreign Language Applied to Tourism: French I (680015)
- Foreign Language Applied to Tourism: French II (680020)
- Integrated Learning Content and English (Aicle / Clil) (430040)
- Teaching of English (430041)
- English Language Didactics For Infant Education (420054)
- Foreign Language II: Oral and Written Comprehension Skills Development (430032)
- Foreign Language IV: Skills Speaking and Written (430039)
- Foreign Language For Child Education II: Oral and Written Comprehension Skills (420038)
- Foreign Language For Child Education III: Oral and Written Productive Skills (420039)
- Foreign Language For Child Education IV: English Language Extension (420053)
- Institutional Communication For the Foreign Communities (200232)
- Inter-linguistic Communication (200231)
- Interpreting in Legal-administrative Settings (202958)
- Interpreting in Healthcare Settings (200728)
- Internships in Companies and Institutions (202960)
- Techniques and Resources For Psit (200233)
- Master'S Degree Project (202961)
- Specialised Translation: Legal-administrative Settings (202959)
- Specialised Translation: Healthcare Settings (200744)
- Institutional Communication For the Foreign Communities (200232)
- Inter-linguistic Communication (200231)
- Interpreting in Legal-administrative Settings (202962)
- Interpreting in Healthcare Settings (200818)
- Internships in Companies and Institutions (202964)
- Techniques and Resources For Psit (200233)
- Master'S Degree Project (202965)
- Specialised Translation: Legal-administrative Settings (202963)
- Specialised Translation: Healthcare Settings (200820)
- Institutional Communication For the Foreign Communities (200232)
- Inter-linguistic Communication (200231)
- Interpreting in Legal-administrative Settings (202966)
- Interpreting in Healthcare Settings (200730)
- Internships in Companies and Institutions (202968)
- Techniques and Resources For Psit (200233)
- Master'S Degree Project (202969)
- Specialised Translation: Legal-administrative Settings (202967)
- Specialised Translation: Healthcare Settings (200746)
- Institutional Communication For the Foreign Communities (200232)
- Inter-linguistic Communication (200231)
- Interpreting in Legal-administrative Settings (202970)
- Interpreting in Healthcare Settings (200731)
- Internships in Companies and Institutions (202972)
- Techniques and Resources For Psit (200233)
- Master'S Degree Project (202973)
- Specialised Translation: Legal-administrative Settings (202971)
- Specialised Translation: Healthcare Settings (200747)
- Institutional Communication For the Foreign Communities (200232)
- Inter-linguistic Communication (200231)
- Interpreting in Legal-administrative Settings (202974)
- Interpreting in Healthcare Settings (200734)
- Internships in Companies and Institutions (202976)
- Techniques and Resources For Psit (200233)
- Master'S Degree Project (202977)
- Specialised Translation: Legal-administrative Settings (202975)
- Specialised Translation: Healthcare Settings (200750)
- Assessment (201769)
- Classroom Management and Motivation (200880)
- Computer-assisted Instruction (200406)
- Creative Writing (200408)
- Dealing With Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation (200410)
- Drama in Language Learning (200411)
- English For the Classroom (200413)
- Integrated Planning For Bilingual Education (201770)
- Observation and Research in the Classroom (200417)
- Planning Effective Teaching (200420)
- Poetry in the Language Classroom (200421)
- Reading and Writing (200888)
- Resources and Materials: Analysis, Production and Adaptation (200887)
- Short Stories For Creative Language Teaching (200427)
- Teaching and Learning in a Bilingual Classroom (200428)
- Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills (200716)
- Observed Teaching Practice. Esp. Developing English Teaching Skills (201318)
- The Place of Literature in the Teaching of English (200431)
- Action Research Project. Esp. Developing English Teaching Skills (201321)
- Writing Research Projects (200432)
- Action Research Project. Esp. Teaching Through English in Bilingual Schools (201323)
- Assessment (201769)
- Classroom Management and Motivation (200880)
- Computer-assisted Instruction (200406)
- Creative Writing (200408)
- Dealing With Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation (200410)
- Drama in Language Learning (200411)
- English For the Classroom (200413)
- Integrated Planning For Bilingual Education (201770)
- Observation and Research in the Classroom (200417)
- Observed Teaching Practice. Esp. Teaching Through English in Bilingual Schools (201320)
- Oral Communication in Bilingual Teaching (200419)
- Poetry in the Language Classroom (200421)
- Reading and Writing in a Bilingual Classroom (200886)
- Resources and Materials: Analysis, Production and Adaptation (200887)
- Short Stories For Creative Language Teaching (200427)
- Teaching and Learning in a Bilingual Classroom (200428)
- The Place of Literature in the Teaching of English (200431)
- Writing Research Projects (200432)
- Complementary Training in English Studies (200990)
- Teaching Reading and Writing (200992)
- Content and Language Integrated Learning in Bilingual Education (202913)
- Communication Strategies: Classroom Interaction in English Language Teaching (202164)
- Assessment (200994)
- Innovation and Educational Research in Teaching English As a Foreign Language (200995)
- Teaching Listening and Speaking (200991)
- Effective Planning of Teaching and Learning (200993)
- Teaching Practice (201346)
- Master'S Dissertation (201347)
- Ethics and Literature (202595)
- Contemporary British Women'S Fiction (202596)
- America Through the Looking-glass of Dirty Realism (202599)
- Narration, Digital and Across Media: Literature, Graphic Novels, Movies and VIdeogames (202594)
- Principles of Comparative Literature (202593)
- Literary Revisions of the Historical Discourse: Uchronias in Fiction (202597)
- Research Methods in Literary Studies (202592)
- Literary and Cultural Theory (202591)
- Master'S Dissertation (202606)
- Institutional Communication in International Organizations and Professional World (202526)
- Linguistic Communication in the Business Sector (202525)
- Concepts and Areas of Professional Interpretation (202527)
- Consecutive and Bilateral Interpreting (Chinese-spanish) (202532)
- Consecutive and Bilateral Interpreting (Spanish-chinese) (202531)
- Consecutive and Bilateral Interpreting (Spanish-french) (202541)
- Consecutive and Bilateral Interpreting (Spanish-english) (202536)
- Consecutive and Bilateral Interpreting (Spanish-english) -Op- (202543)
- Consecutive and Bilateral Interpreting (English-spanish) (202537)
- Consecutive and Bilateral Interpreting (English-spanish) -Op- (202542)
- Simultaneous Interpreting (Spanish-french) (202545)
- Simultaneous Interpreting (English-spanish) (202539)
- Simultaneous Interpreting (Chinese -Spanish) (202534)
- Simultaneous Interpreting (Spanish-chinese) (202533)
- Simultaneous Interpreting (Spanish-english) (202538)
- Internships (Spanish-chinese) (202546)
- Internships (Spanish-english) (202547)
- Note-taking and Interpreting Resources (Spanish and Chinese) (202530)
- Note-taking and Interpreting Resources (Spanish-english) (202535)
- Master'S Dissertation (Spanish-chinese) (202548)
- Master'S Dissertation (Spanish-english) (202549)
- American Natural Heritage and Environmentalism: History, Policy, Science, Thought, and Culture (202339)
- American Studies and Research Methods (202331)
- American Thought and Political Tradition (202332)
- American VIsual Cultures (202333)
- History of the American People: Memory and Identity (202329)
- Institutions and Organizations: Meaning and Function (202334)
- Key Authors and Texts of American Literature (202336)
- Master'S Dissertation (202342)
- Multiculturalism: Ethnic American Cultural Expressions (202337)
- The Exported America: the Social History of Americanization in the World. (202335)
- The Hispanic Heritage in the Us (202330)
- Us Domestic and Foreign Economic Policy (202341)
- Us Foreign Policy (202338)
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Colegio de Caracciolos, Trinidad, 3, 28801 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)